Efrat Morin
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Featured researches published by Efrat Morin.
Journal of Hydrometeorology | 2003
Efrat Morin; Witold F. K Rajewski; David C. Goodrich; Xiaogang Gao; Soroosh Sorooshian
Meteorological radar is a remote sensing system that provides rainfall estimations at high spatial and temporal resolutions. The radar-based rainfall intensities ( R) are calculated from the observed radar reflectivities ( Z). Often, rain gauge rainfall observations are used in combination with the radar data to find the optimal parameters in the Z‐R transformation equation. The scale dependency of the power-law Z‐R parameters when estimated from radar reflectivity and rain gauge intensity data is explored herein. The multiplicative ( a) and exponent (b) parameters are said to be ‘‘scale dependent’’ if applying the observed and calculated rainfall intensities to objective function at different scale results in different ‘‘optimal’’ parameters. Radar and gauge data were analyzed from convective storms over a midsize, semiarid, and well-equipped watershed. Using the root-mean-square difference (rmsd) objective function, a significant scale dependency was observed. Increased time- and space scales resulted in a considerable increase of the a parameter and decrease of the b parameter. Two sources of uncertainties related to scale dependency were examined: 1) observational uncertainties, which were studied both experimentally and with simplified models that allow representation of observation errors; and 2) model uncertainties. It was found that observational errors are mainly (but not only) associated with positive bias of the b parameter that is reduced with integration, at least for small scales. Model errors also result in scale dependency, but the trend is less systematic, as in the case of observational errors. It is concluded that identification of optimal scale for Z‐R relationship determination requires further knowledge of reflectivity and rainintensity error structure.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2007
Efrat Morin; Marco Gabella
and radar distance conditions. The WR and WMR methods were found preferable with a slight better performance of the latter. Furthermore, a novel approach has been adopted in this study, whereby radar estimates are considered useable if they provide information that is better than gauge-only estimates. The latter was derived by spatial interpolation of the gauges belonging to the training data set. Note that these gauges are outside the validation areas. As for the radar-adjusted estimates, gauge-derived estimates were assessed against gauge data in the validation areas. It was found that radar-based estimates are better for the validation areas at the dry climate regime. At distances larger than 100 km, the radar underestimation becomes too large in the two northern validation areas, while in the southern one radar data are still better than gauge interpolation. It is concluded that in ungauged areas of Israel it is preferable to use WMR-adjusted (or alternatively, simply WR-adjusted) radar echoes rather than the standard bulk adjustment method and for dry ungauged areas it is preferable over the conventional gauge-interpolated values derived from point measurements, which are outside the areas themselves. The WR and WMR adjustment methods provide useful rain depth estimates for rainfall periods for the examined areas but within the limitation stated above.
Weather and Forecasting | 2005
Efrat Morin; Robert A. Maddox; David C. Goodrich; Soroosh Sorooshian
Abstract Radar-based estimates of rainfall rates and accumulations are one of the principal tools used by the National Weather Service (NWS) to identify areas of extreme precipitation that could lead to flooding. Radar-based rainfall estimates have been compared to gauge observations for 13 convective storm events over a densely instrumented, experimental watershed to derive an accurate reflectivity–rainfall rate (i.e., Z–R) relationship for these events. The resultant Z–R relationship, which is much different than the NWS operational Z–R, has been examined for a separate, independent event that occurred over a different location. For all events studied, the NWS operational Z–R significantly overestimates rainfall compared to gauge measurements. The gauge data from the experimental network, the NWS operational rain estimates, and the improved estimates resulting from this study have been input into a hydrologic model to “predict” watershed runoff for an intense event. Rainfall data from the gauges and fro...
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2004
Hagit Ben David-Novak; Efrat Morin; Yehouda Enzel
Intense rainstorms cause debris flows on escarpments in hyperarid environments. In contrast with more temperate environments, there have been no direct observations on rainfall intensities and durations required for initiating debris flows in hyperarid environments. Here, we report rainfall volume and intensities, acquired by gauge and radar measurements, for two successive storms along the hyperarid ( The first of the two analyzed storms occurred on 2 November 1995. During this storm, two convective cells rained sequentially within a 5 h period at the lower reaches of the Nahal David and the Nahal ‘Arugot that dissects the western escarpment of the Dead Sea, Israel. This storm triggered debris flows in 38 small ( 2 ) and high-gradient drainage basins along the escarpment. Total rainfall volume and spatial distribution were determined by 10 cumulative rain gauges that were also used to calibrate rainfall-intensity distributions from radar data. For this storm, region, and landscape, rainfall intensities exceeding 30 mm/h for a duration of 1 h were required to initiate debris flows. A second storm in the same area on 17– 18 October 1997 allowed the evaluation of the results determined from the 1995 storm. In this second, more regional storm, maximum rainfall intensities were 19–27 mm/h for a duration of 45 min. These values, lower than the 30 mm/h minimal threshold defined in the previous storm, are consistent with the occurrence of only three debris flows. The small number of debris flows resulted from the concentration of the highest intensities of rainfall on the desert plateau and not directly on top of the canyon walls. Most first- to third-order basins draining the Dead Sea escarpment contain evidence of zero to three late Holocene ( 30 mm/h and durations of at least 1 h. The small number of debris flows that has occurred during the late Holocene indicates that such events are rare at the scale of individual drainage basins.
Water Resources Research | 2010
N. A. Sheffer; E. Dafny; Haim Gvirtzman; S. Navon; Amos Frumkin; Efrat Morin
[1] Recharge is a critical issue for water management. Recharge assessment and the factors affecting recharge are of scientific and practical importance. The purpose of this study was to develop a daily recharge assessment model (DREAM) on the basis of a water balance principle with input from conventional and generally available precipitation and evaporation data and demonstrate the application of this model to recharge estimation in the Western Mountain Aquifer (WMA) in Israel. The WMA (area 13,000 km 2 )i s a karst aquifer that supplies 360–400 Mm 3 yr −1 of freshwater, which constitutes 20% of Israel’s freshwater and is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. DREAM was linked to a groundwater flow model (FEFLOW) to simulate monthly hydraulic heads and spring flows. The models were calibrated for 1987–2002 and validated for 2003– 2007, yielding high agreement between calculated and measured values (R 2 = 0.95; relative root‐mean‐square error = 4.8%; relative bias = 1.04). DREAM allows insights into the effect of intra‐annual precipitation distribution factors on recharge. Although annual precipitation amount explains ∼70% of the variability in simulated recharge, analyses with DREAM indicate that the rainy season length is an important factor controlling recharge. Years with similar annual precipitation produce different recharge values as a result of temporal distribution throughout the rainy season. An experiment with a synthetic data set exhibits similar results, explaining ∼90% of the recharge variability. DREAM represents significant improvement over previous recharge estimation techniques in this region by providing near‐real‐time recharge estimates that can be used to predict the impact of climate variability on groundwater resources at high temporal and spatial resolution. Citation: Sheffer, N. A., E. Dafny, H. Gvirtzman, S. Navon, A. Frumkin, and E. Morin (2010), Hydrometeorological daily recharge assessment model (DREAM) for the Western Mountain Aquifer, Israel: Model application and effects of temporal patterns, Water Resour. Res., 46, W05510, doi:10.1029/2008WR007607.
Environmental Research Letters | 2012
Emmanouil Flaounas; Philippe Drobinski; Marco Borga; Jean-Christophe Calvet; Guy Delrieu; Efrat Morin; Gianni Tartari; Roberta Toffolon
This letter assesses the quality of temperature and rainfall daily retrievals of the European Climate Assessment and Dataset (ECA&D) with respect to measurements collected locally in various parts of the Euro-Mediterranean region in the framework of the Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX), endorsed by the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP). The ECA&D, among other gridded datasets, is very often used as a reference for model calibration and evaluation. This is for instance the case in the context of the WCRP Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) and its Mediterranean declination MED-CORDEX. This letter quantifies ECA&D dataset uncertainties associated with temperature and precipitation intra-seasonal variability, seasonal distribution and extremes. Our motivation is to help the interpretation of the results when validating or calibrating downscaling models by the ECA&D dataset in the context of regional climate research in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Meteorologische Zeitschrift | 2006
Matan Karklinsky; Efrat Morin
Weather radar data contain detailed information about the spatial structures of rain fields previously unavailable from conventional rain gauge networks. This information is of major importance for enhancing our understanding of precipitation and hydrometeorological systems. This study focuses on spatial features of convective rain cells in southern Israel where the climate r anges from Mediterranean to hyper-arid. Extensive data bases from two study areas covered by radar systems were analyzed. Rain cell features were extracted such as center location, area, maximal rain intensity, spat ial integral of rain intensity, major radius length, minor radius length, ellipticity, and orientation. Rain ce lls in the two study areas were compared in terms of feature distributions and the functional relationships be tween cell area and cell magnitude, represented by maximal rain intensity and spatial integral of rain intensi ty. Analytical distribution functions were fitted to the empirical distributions and the log-normal function was found to fit well the distributions of cell area, maximal rain intensity and major and minor radius lengths. The normal distribution fits well ellipticity empirical distribution, and orientation distribution was we ll-represented by the normal or uniform distribution functions. The effect of distance from the Mediterranean coastline on cell features was assessed. A maximum of cell rain intensity at the coastline and maximum cell density 15 km inland from the coastline were found. In addition, a gradual change of cell orientation was observed with a northwest-southeast orientation 30 km from the coastline at the Mediterranean Sea and to almost a west-east orientation 30 km from the coastline inland. Zusammenfassung Wetterradardaten enthalten detailierte Informationen uber die raumlichen Strukturen von Regengebieten, die bisher von konventionellen Messnetzen nicht zur Verfugung standen. Diese Informationen sind von groser Bedeutung fur die Verbesserung unseres Verstandnisses vom Niederschlag und hydrometeorologischer Systeme allgemein. Diese Studie konzentriert sich auf die raumlichen Eigenschaften konvektiver Regenzellen in Sudisrael, wo das Klima von mediterran bis hyper-arid reicht. Umfangreiche Datenbanken aus zwei von Radarsystemen uberwachten Untersuchungsgebieten wurden ausgewertet. Dabei wurden Eigenschaften von Regenzellen wie Zentrumslage, Flache, maximale Regenintensitat, raumliches Integral der Regenintensitat, Hauptradiuslange, kleine Radiuslange, Elliptizitat und Lage aus den Daten extrahiert und bestimmt. In beiden Untersuchungsbereichen wurden Regenzellen bezuglich ihrer Haupteigenschaften und den funktionalen Beziehungen zwischen Zellengrose (Machtigkeit) und Flache, dargestellt durch maximale Regenintensitat und raumliches Integral der Regenintensitat, miteinander verglichen. Analytische Verteilungsfunktionen wurden auf die empirischen Verteilungen hin angepasst und die Lognormalfunktion, welche die Verteilungen des Zellenbereichs, der maximalen Regenintensitat und der Haupt- und kleinen Radiuslangen wiedergibt, wurde ermittelt. Die Normalverteilung gibt die Elliptizitat gut wieder, empirische Verteilung und Lagebestimmung wurden durch die Normalverteilungs- oder die Einheitsverteilungsfunktion ebenfalls gut dargestellt. Der Einfluss des Abstandes von der Mittelmeerkuste auf die Zelleige nschaften wurde bestimmt. Die Untersuchungen ergaben ein Maximum der Regenintensitat innerhalb der Zellen auf Hohe der Kustenlinie und eine maximale Zellendichte 15 Kilometer landeinwarts. Daruberhinaus wurde eine stufenweise Anderung der Zellenausrichtung von einer ursprunglich Nordwest/Sudostlage uber dem Meer bei 30 Kilometer Abstand zur Kustenlinie zu einer fast West/Ostlage 30 Kilometer landeinwarts beobachtet.
Science of The Total Environment | 2016
C. Kottmeier; Amotz Agnon; Djamil Al-Halbouni; Pinhas Alpert; U. Corsmeier; Torsten Dahm; Adam Eshel; Stefan Geyer; Michael Haas; Eoghan P. Holohan; N. Kalthoff; Pavel Kishcha; Charlotte M. Krawczyk; Joseph Lati; Jonathan B. Laronne; Friederike Lott; Ulf Mallast; Ralf Merz; Jutta Metzger; Ayman Mohsen; Efrat Morin; Manuela Nied; Tino Rödiger; Elias Salameh; Ali Sawarieh; Benbella A. Shannak; Christian Siebert; Michael Weber
The Dead Sea region has faced substantial environmental challenges in recent decades, including water resource scarcity, ~1m annual decreases in the water level, sinkhole development, ascending-brine freshwater pollution, and seismic disturbance risks. Natural processes are significantly affected by human interference as well as by climate change and tectonic developments over the long term. To get a deep understanding of processes and their interactions, innovative scientific approaches that integrate disciplinary research and education are required. The research project DESERVE (Helmholtz Virtual Institute Dead Sea Research Venue) addresses these challenges in an interdisciplinary approach that includes geophysics, hydrology, and meteorology. The project is implemented by a consortium of scientific institutions in neighboring countries of the Dead Sea (Israel, Jordan, Palestine Territories) and participating German Helmholtz Centres (KIT, GFZ, UFZ). A new monitoring network of meteorological, hydrological, and seismic/geodynamic stations has been established, and extensive field research and numerical simulations have been undertaken. For the first time, innovative measurement and modeling techniques have been applied to the extreme conditions of the Dead Sea and its surroundings. The preliminary results show the potential of these methods. First time ever performed eddy covariance measurements give insight into the governing factors of Dead Sea evaporation. High-resolution bathymetric investigations reveal a strong correlation between submarine springs and neo-tectonic patterns. Based on detailed studies of stratigraphy and borehole information, the extension of the subsurface drainage basin of the Dead Sea is now reliably estimated. Originality has been achieved in monitoring flash floods in an arid basin at its outlet and simultaneously in tributaries, supplemented by spatio-temporal rainfall data. Low-altitude, high resolution photogrammetry, allied to satellite image analysis and to geophysical surveys (e.g. shear-wave reflections) has enabled a more detailed characterization of sinkhole morphology and temporal development and the possible subsurface controls thereon. All the above listed efforts and scientific results take place with the interdisciplinary education of young scientists. They are invited to attend joint thematic workshops and winter schools as well as to participate in field experiments.
Hydrological Sciences Journal-journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques | 2014
Efrat Morin; H. Yakir
Abstract t Spatio-temporal storm properties have a large impact on catchment hydrological response. The sensitivity of simulated flash floods to convective rain-cell characteristics is examined for an extreme storm event over a 94 km2 semi-arid catchment in southern Israel. High space–time resolution weather radar data were used to derive and model convective rain cells that then served as input into a hydrological model. Based on alterations of location, direction and speed of a major rain cell, identified as the flooding cell for this case, the impacts on catchment rainfall and generated flood were examined. Global sensitivity analysis was applied to identify the most important factors affecting the flash flood peak discharge at the catchment outlet. We found that the flood peak discharge could be increased three-fold by relatively small changes in rain-cell characteristics. We assessed that the maximum flash flood magnitude that this single rain cell can produce is 175 m3/s, and, taking into account the rest of the rain cells, the flash flood peak discharge can reach 260 m3/s. Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor R.J. Moore Citation Morin, E. and Yakir, H., 2013. Hydrological impact and potential flooding of convective rain cells in a semi-arid environment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (7), 1275–1284. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2013.841315
Ecological Applications | 2015
Royi Zidon; Hirotsugu Tsueda; Efrat Morin; Shai Morin
The typical short generation length of insects makes their population dynamics highly sensitive not only to mean annual temperatures but also to their intra-annual variations. To consider the combined effect of both thermal factors under global warming, we propose a modeling framework that links general circulation models (GCMs) with a stochastic weather generator and population dynamics models to predict species population responses to inter- and intra-annual temperature changes. This framework was utilized to explore future changes in populations of Bemisia tabaci, an invasive insect pest-species that affects multiple agricultural systems in the Mediterranean region. We considered three locations representing different pest status and climatic conditions: Montpellier (France), Seville (Spain), and Beit-Jamal (Israel). We produced ensembles of local daily temperature realizations representing current and future (mid-21st century) climatic conditions under two emission scenarios for the three locations. Our simulations predicted a significant increase in the average number of annual generations and in population size, and a significant lengthening of the growing season in all three locations. A negative effect was found only in Seville for the summer season, where future temperatures lead to a reduction in population size. High variability in population size was observed between years with similar annual mean temperatures, suggesting a strong effect of intra-annual temperature variation. Critical periods were from late spring to late summer in Montpellier and from late winter to early summer in Seville and Beit-Jamal. Although our analysis suggested that earlier seasonal activity does not necessarily lead to increased populations load unless an additional generation is produced, it is highly likely that the insect will become a significant pest of open-fields at Mediterranean latitudes above 40° during the next 50 years. Our simulations also implied that current predictions based on mean temperature anomalies are relatively conservative and it is better to apply stochastic tools to resolve complex responses to climate change while taking natural variability into account. In summary, we propose a modeling framework capable of determining distinct intra-annual temperature patterns leading to large or small population sizes, for pest risk assessment and management planning of both natural and agricultural ecosystems.