Egon Horak
ETH Zurich
Mycologia | 2002
Ursula Peintner; Egon Horak; Meinhard Moser; Rytas Vilgalys
Phylogenetic relationships of Rozites, Cuphocybe, and Rapacea were assessed using molecular phylogenetic approaches. These three genera are placed in Cortinariaceae and have been regarded as closely related to Cortinarius. Rozites includes more than 20 species, which are characterized by having both a membranaceous partial veil in the form of a persistent annulus and a membranaceous universal veil. Cuphocye (4 species) lacks an annulus or cortina, but has pigmented veil fibrils or scales. The monotypic genus Rapacea accommodates a distinct taxon with pale, nearly smooth and thick-walled basidiospores. We analyzed 56 sequences of the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS1, ITS2, and the intervening 5.8S rRNA gene) for nine species of Rozites, three species of Cuphocybe, 28 species of Cortinarius, Rapacea mariae and Protoglossum luteum. Two species of Hebeloma were used as outgroup. Large subunit (LSU) rDNA sequences from selected taxa were also analyzed. The results clearly demonstrate that Rozites species are nested within the clade/Cortinarius, and that Rozites is polyphyletic, suggesting that membranaceous veils have evolved several times in the genus Cortinarius. Also Rapacea and Cuphocybe are nested within Cortinarius, making the latter genus paraphyletic. Based on phylogenetic studies, Rozites, Cuphocybe and Rapacea are artificial genera and do not reflect natural relationships.
New Zealand Journal of Botany | 1990
Egon Horak
Abstract Fifty one species of Hygrophoraceae are reported from New Zealand which belong to the following genera: Aeruginospora (1), Bertrandia (1), Camarophyllus (8), Gliophorus (13), Humidicutis (5), Hygrocybe (16), Hygrophorus (5), and Neohygrocybe (2). Six new species of Hygrophoraceae are described viz. Camarophyllus griseorufescens, C. impurus, Gliophorus fumosogriseus, G. ostrinus, Hygrocybe blanda, Hygrophorus segregatus, and the following new combinations are proposed: Camarophyllus apricosus (Horak) Horak, Gliophorus sulfureus (Stev.) Horak, Humidicutis conspicua (Horak) Horak, Humidicutis luteovirens (Horak) Horak, Humidicutis pura (Peck) Horak, Humidicutis multicolor (Berk. & Br.) Horak, Humidicutis rosella (Horak) Horak, and Hygrocybe miniceps (Stev.) Horak. Hygrocybe cantharellus (Schwein.) Murr. and Hygrocybe firma (Berk. & Br.) Singer represent first records for New Zealand. A key and illustrations to all recorded taxa are presented. Comprehensive ecological data and critical taxonomical re...
New Zealand Journal of Botany | 1981
Egon Horak; M. Taylor
Abstract Five new species of Rozites (Fungi, Agaricales, Cortinariaceae) are described from New Zealand (R. castanella. R. fusipes, R. meleagris. R. pallida, R. rugosiceps). Illustrations and a key to the New Zealand species are presented.
New Zealand Journal of Botany | 1980
Egon Horak
Abstract Four new species of Phaeomarasmius Scherffel (P. hispidulus, P. aureosimilis, P. verrucipes, P. lanatulus) and two new species of Flammulaster Earle (F. pulveraceus, F. foliicola) are reported from New Zealand. P. ciliatus Singer and F. disseminatus (Horak) Horak comb.nov., both originaUy described from South American Nothofagus forests, are new New Zealand records. The species are described and illustrated; a key is presented.
New Zealand Journal of Botany | 1979
Egon Horak
Abstract Five new species of Rhodocybe Maire (R. conchata, R. iti, R. maleolens, R. dingleyi, R. ,fuliginea) are reported from New Zealand. Rhodocybe antipoda (Stevenson) Horak comb. nov. (= Lepista antipoda Stevenson) is proposed. Rhodocybe albovelutina (Stevenson) Horak. R. muritai (Stevenson) Horak, and R. piperita (Stevenson) Horak are redescribed. A key to Rhodocybe in New Zealand is presented.
Fungal Biology | 1998
M. Villarreal; F. Esteve-Raventos; M. Heykoop; Egon Horak
Inocybe inexpectata sp. nov., from Spain, is described and illustrated. It is characterized by its small size, brown-argillaceous tinges, strongly decurrent gills, absence of metuloid cystidia, cylindrical to suballantoid spores and a well-developed trichoderm.
Mycologia | 1993
Egon Horak; Dennis E. Desjardin
Four new species of Entoloma are described from material collected from the island of Hawaii: E. nanosordidum, E. fragilissimum, E. purum, and E. kipukae. Entoloma stylophorum is reported for the first time from the Central Pacific. All new species are illustrated and compared with allied taxa.
New Zealand Journal of Botany | 1980
Egon Horak
Abstract Six new species of Simocybe (Agaricales, Fungi) are described from New Zealand (S. austrorubi, S. luteomellea, S. phlebophora, S. pruinosa, S. tabacina, S. unica). Illustrations and a key to the New Zealand species are presented.
Mycologia | 1996
Egon Horak; Dennis E. Desjardin; Don E. Hemmes
Three species of brown-spored agarics are described as new: Descolea alienata, Galerina ohiarum, and Pholiota peleae. In addition, six species of Galer? ina are first reports for the Hawaiian Islands. All spe? cies are described and compared with allied taxa, and most are illustrated with line drawings. An artificial dichotomous key to Hawaiian Galerina is presented.
Mycological Progress | 2015
Pierre-Arthur Moreau; Jordi Vila; M. Catherine Aime; Vladimír Antonín; Egon Horak; José Luis Pérez-Butrόn; Franck Richard; Alexander Urban; Stéphane Welti; Alfredo Vizzini
A new species, Cyptotrama fagiphila, sp. nov., and a noteworthy species recently described from China, Cibaomyces glutinis, are reported from Europe. Their systematic position was confirmed by DNA sequence analyses of the ITS and partial 28S regions of the nuclear rDNA cistron. Based on these data, an emendation of Rhizomarasmius is also proposed to encompass the alpine species Oudemansiella oreina and the marasmioid species Marasmius setosus, and the appropriate combinations Rhizomarasmius oreinus comb. nov. and R. setosus comb. nov. are introduced. The position of Laccariopsis (Oudemansiella) mediterranea is also discussed. Unpublished data on the holotypes of the extra-European species Cyptotrama hygrocyboides, C. platensis, and C. songolarum are provided along with sequence data that indicate C. songolarum belongs in the genus Termitomyces (Lyophyllaceae).