Eizi Kadota
Kindai University
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Featured researches published by Eizi Kadota.
Biological Trace Element Research | 1994
Takeshi Minami; Kouji Hashii; Ichiro Tateyama; Eizi Kadota; Yoshiyuki Tohno; Setsuko Tohno; Masako Utsumi; Masa-oki Yamada; Masayo Ichii; Kiyohiro Namikawa; Yuko Okazaki
Platinum was determined by the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae of ovarian tumor bearing patients treated withcis-diamminedichloro-platinum (II) (cisplatin). Platinum was 0.05 ng/mL at the absolute detection limit, and platinum was undetectable in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae of human specimens without cisplatin treatments. On the other hand, platinum was detected in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae of patients administered cisplatin, and platinum concentration was at levels of 1.06–10.31 μg/g dry tissue in the intervertebral discs and 0.60–1.28 μg/g dry tissue in the vertebrae, respectively. The platinum level of intervertebral discs was 4.3-fold higher than that of the vertebrae.Thus, platinum accumulates greatly in the intervertebral discs and somewhat in the vertebrae after administering cisplatin to patients for therapy.
Biological Trace Element Research | 2000
Kiyohiro Namikawa; Mitsuhito Asakura; Takeshi Minami; Yuko Okazaki; Eizi Kadota; Shigeo Hashimoto
The cytotoxic effects of platinum (Pt) were studied by intraparenchymal injection of 1 mg of cisplatin (CDDP) in male rabbits. Time-serial plasma Pt levels were used as CDDP clearance indices in brain and kidney tissues. The tissue samples were also examined histologically. Changes in the blood-brain barrier (BBB) were evaluated by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) extravasation. In the brain infusion group, Pt was detected in the plasma 30 min after the start of infusion. In the kidney, Pt was detected after 10 min of CDDP injection. The maximum plasma concentration of Pt in the brain group showed diffuse edema, neuronal necrosis, karyolysis, and HRP extravasation around the injection site. In contrast, the histological damage to kidneys was minimal.The results presented here show that direct infusion of CDDP caused the most extensive cytotoxicity in the brain. The low clearance rate of CDDP from the brain and BBB disruption may explain this behavior.
Biological Trace Element Research | 1997
Takeshi Minami; Yoshiyuki Tohno; Setsuko Tohno; Masako Utsumi; Masa-oki Yamada; Kouji Hashii; Ichiro Tateyama; Eizi Kadota; Yuko Okazaki
Tissue platinum (Pt) levels were measured in tumor-bearing patients treated with either cisplatin or carboplatin. Cisplatin was given by intra-arterial, intraperitoneal, and intravenous (iv) administrations. After death, vertebrae and intervertebral disks were removed from eight human subjects, and livers and kidneys were removed from the half of them. When cisplatin was administered intraperitoneally, Pt of the liver was higher than that of the kidney, and a high content of Pt was detected in the vertebra by comparing with the other administration methods. At the intra-arterial administration of cisplatin, Pt was mainly accumulated in the kidney. At the iv administration of cisplatin, a high level of Pt was found in the vertebra and intervertebral disk, especially at the highest value at 10.31 μg/g in the intervertebral disk of one case, whereas a low level of Pt was detected in the liver. On the contrary, it was found that the iv administration of carboplatin did not result in high accumulations of Pt in the liver, kidney, intervertebral disk, and vertebra. Therefore, Pt is accumulated in different organs, depending on the way cisplatin is administered, but Pt is accumulated least in them by the administration of carboplatin.
Renal Failure | 1995
Takeshi Minami; Masayo Ichii; Yuko Okazaki; Michinori Kubo; Eizi Kadota; Toru Inoue; Yuya Yamada; Hisako Fushimi
The changes in kidneys of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats fed a low-zinc (LZ) diet were observed. Calcium deposits were detected in the LZ-diabetic groups from the 2nd to the 8th week. The deposits were mainly detected in the corticomedullary junction, and found in the tubular lumina and epithelial cytoplasm and interstitium. Tubular morphological changes, including luminary distension, epithelial flattening, and paleness of cytoplasm and nuclei, were observed near the calcium deposits in the LZ-diabetic group over the 2nd week. Moreover, at the 8th week, wedge-shaped vasogenic lesions were found on the surface of the renal cortex in the LZ-diabetic group. No changes were detected in the control for the LZ or in the diabetic group fed a standard (SC) diet. When STZ was administered, plasma glucose level in groups fed LZ or SC diet increased in the 1st week, and over the 2nd week, glucose level was maintained at more than 400 mg/dL. Glucose level of the LZ-diabetic group did not differ from that of the SC-diabetic group. However, urinary N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity of the LZ-diabetic group at the 8th week was significantly higher than that of the SC-diabetic group. These findings suggested that low-zinc diet hastens renal damages in diabetic rats.
The Journal of the Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology | 1989
Masatomo Kimura; Shunji Maekura; Eizi Kadota; Yasuro Obana; Kuniyasu Sakatani
酵母様真菌の一つであるカンジダは口腔や膣などの常在菌であるが, 日和見感染として内臓諸臓器に膿瘍を形成することがある.この膿瘍内でのカンジダ形態の観察には, 組織標本よりも塗抹標本の方が優れていることを播種性深在性カンジダ症の2剖検例を用いて報告した.症例1は急性骨髄性白血病の再燃例で剖検では肺, 肝, 腎, 脾にカンジダ膿瘍が, 左心内膜にはカンジダ疵贅が認められた.症例2は急性心筋梗塞後の昏睡例で, 剖検で両側の腎と左心室前壁にカンジダ膿瘍が認められた.2例ともに膿瘍の組織標本ではカンジダが密に増殖していたり, 炎症細胞に囲まれていて, 真菌形態を観察しづらかったが, 塗抹標本ではカンジダに特徴的な仮性菌糸と出芽分生子が明瞭に観察できた.塗抹標本は新鮮材料からとホルマリン固定後の膿瘍組織から作製したものを比較したが, いずれでもカンジダ形態の観察は組織標本よりも容易だった.ホルマリン固定にかかわらず, 膿瘍の塗抹標本をつくることは有用であると考えられた.
The Journal of the Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology | 1989
Masatomo Kimura; Takao Satou; Eizi Kadota; Kurenai Tanji; Shingo Hiruma; Mitsuyo Maeda; Shigeo Hashimoto; Manabu Takahashi; Kuniyasu Sakatani
脾カンジダ症を伴った気管支肺アスペルギルス症の1剖検例を報告し, それを用いて, 内臓真菌症の中でも原因菌属としてカンジダに次いで最も多いアスペルギルスの同定を, 菌糸のみの形態的特徴から試みた.症例は43歳, 女性. 急性前骨髄球性白血病の再燃例で右肺中・下葉および左上葉にアスペルギルスによる肺炎をきたし, 右中・下葉の一部は横隔膜に癒着し, 右出血性胸膜炎を呈していた.左上葉では空洞を形成していた. 脾には結節状のカンジダ感染が認められた. 剖検時に右肺・横隔膜癒着部および左上葉空洞内の壊死物の塗抹標本を作製したところ, アスペルギルスの菌糸の特徴すなわち, Y字状に2分岐しながら一方向へ向かって増殖するようすがきわめて明瞭に見い出され, 組織標本で観察できた菌糸形態よりも真菌の同定に役立つと考えられた.
Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin | 1995
Kiyohiro Namikawa; Atsushi Kinsoku; Takeshi Minami; Yuko Okazaki; Eizi Kadota; Kazuhiro Teramura; Shigeo Hashimoto
Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin | 1994
Takeshi Minami; Hirofumi Nakagawa; Masayo Ichii; Eizi Kadota; Yuko Okazaki
Neurological Research | 1988
Eizi Kadota
Histology and Histopathology | 1986
Fumiharu Akai; Shingo Hiruma; Kurenai Tanji; Manabu Takahashi; Shigeo Hashimoto; Eizi Kadota; Mitsuyo Maeda; Shozo Nishida; Yoshiki Enomoto