Elda Lima Tavares
Rio de Janeiro State University
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 1999
Elda Lima Tavares; Luiz Antonio dos Anjos
This paper presents the nutritional status of the elderly Brazilian population (60 years and older) based on a probabilistic sample survey in 1989. Nutritional assessment used the BMI (kg/m2), with cut-off points recommended by the WHO (1995). Socio-demographic variables included age, gender, region and place of residence in the country (urban/rural area), income, education, and housing conditions. Prevalence rates for thinness (BMI < 18.5) and overweight (BMI ( 25) were 7.8% and 30.4% in men and 8.4% and 50.2% in women, higher than in the young adult population. Thinness was more frequent in older women, in rural areas from the Midwest/Northeast regions (women) and Southeast/Midwest (men), in groups with lower income, less schooling, and worse housing conditions. Overweight was more frequent in women from urban areas in the South and Southeast and groups with higher income, more schooling, and better housing conditions. The results indicate problematic nutritional status in the Brazilian elderly, particularly women.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia | 2010
Maria Fátima Garcia de Menezes; Elda Lima Tavares; Débora Martins dos Santos; Carina Loureiro Targueta; Shirley Donizete Prado
We seek, in this paper, to identify which means healthy alimentation for the elderly and the difficulties found daily to incorporate this set of precepts. We interviewed 202 elderly over 60 years, most females (93.1%), current or previous participants of activities at the Open University for Studies on the Elderly of Rio de Janeiro State University (70.8%). The responses indicate an ideology which has close ties to the concern for health, to prevent or treat chronic and degenerative diseases, with biologicist and medicalizing character of eating distanced from the world of desire and subjectivity. Difficulties concerning purchasing power, family life or solitude, biological issues imposed by the aging process appear as limiting to the regular practice of healthy eating. We believe that, from reflections on these questions, you can enrich the concept of healthy eating, including effectively both inside the health, as disease, considering the importance of a dialogue in which the subjects are experts, health professionals and elderly subjects, included therein, technical and subjective aspects in the construction of life projects, of projects of happiness.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia | 2014
Aline Alves Ferreira; Maria Fátima Garcia de Menezes; Elda Lima Tavares; Nathália Cézar Nunes; Fernanda Pereira de Souza; Natália Adélia Ferreira Albuquerque; Margarida Adelaide Mendes Pinheiro
The study aimed to estimate the association between nutritional status and body self-image dissatisfaction in elderly women attending the Food, Nutrition and Elderly Course at UnATI/UERJ. A cross-sectional study was conducted, with semi-structured interviews with all elderly (≥60 years), obtaining information regarding body image perception (scale of nine Stunkard silhouettes), socioeconomic, health and demographic indicators, and BMI. The data were analyzed using the Chi-square test and linear regression (significance level=5%). It was found that 50.0% had normal weight; 6.0% were in the category of underweight; and 44.0% were overweight (p=0.425). Regarding the perception of body image, 74.0% (n=37;p=0.0049) were dissatisfied with the body, mainly by excess (89.2%). Of those who expressed dissatisfaction with low weight, most were eutrophic. On the other hand, between the ones dissatisfied by excess, 30.2% are not overweight. Silhouettes 2 and 3 were identified as ideal for half of the respondents, although the self-perception of 62.0% of the elderly had been the silhouettes 4 and 5. The belly and limbs, especially lower body parts are the least liked by the older (78.0%). The silhouettes rating scale of the actual image increases as BMI (p<0.001). The opposite occurs regarding the ideal image (p<0.001). Individuals with high BMI tend to be more dissatisfied with their body image and this may be related to weight excess. This fact deserves deeper understanding of the determinants and meanings of this complex relationship dissatisfaction between body, beauty, health and aging.
Revista Brasileira de Geriatria e Gerontologia | 2015
Elda Lima Tavares; Débora Martins dos Santos; Aline Alves Ferreira; Maria Fátima Garcia de Menezes
The majority of the public health problems in Brazil are related to nutritional status. Population aging is a reality and presents great challenges, especially for the health sector. Since nutrition plays a role in modulating the aging process, in the etiology of diseases and in the functional declines associated with aging, evaluation and nutritional monitoring of the elderly are necessary for proper care and planning of health promotion strategies. In this context, the present study aimed to reflect on the monitoring methods and proposed indicators of nutritional assessment of the elderly. It presents a summary of Ministry of Health recommendations which guide the care and nutritional assessment provided to the elderly by the National Health Service (SUS). The recommended procedures for the diagnosis and monitoring of the nutritional status of the elderly, though suggesting an increasing importance of monitoring food consumption indicators, end up emphasizing the use of anthropometric measures, especially the body mass index. The incorporation of other indicators in monitoring the elderly demonstrates progress in the recognition of the fundamental issues that need to be incorporated into professional practice and routine primary care. However, these indicators must be used by the professional as part of a critical, team-based approach, it being understood that no single indicator will meet the needs of all the elements of nutritional assessment, especially when it comes to the elderly.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 1994
Marilia Sá Carvalho; Eleonora d'Orsi; Enirtes C. Prates; Wálria D. M. Toschi; Tizuko Shiraiwa; Tatiana Pacheco Campos; Érica Ell; Norma L. Garcia; Ana Paula Junqueira; Simone A. Serrão; Elda Lima Tavares
Textos sobre Envelhecimento | 2005
Shirley Donizete Prado; Maria Fátima Garcia de Menezes; Luciana Maria Cerqueira Castro; Débora Martins dos Santos; Elda Lima Tavares; Silvia Ângela Gugelmin
Mundo saúde (Impr.) | 2007
Mônica de Assis; Liliane Carvalho Pacheco; Maria Fátima Garcia de Menezes; Maria Helena de Jesus Bernardo; Claudia Helena Vigné Alvarez de Steenhagen; Elda Lima Tavares; Débora Martins dos Santos
Archive | 1998
Shirley Donizete Prado; Elda Lima Tavares
Archive | 1994
Marilia Sá Carvalho; Enirtes C. Prates; Wálria D. M. Toschi; Tizuko Shiraiwa; Tatiana Pacheco Campos; Érica Ell; Norma L. Garcia; Ana Paula Junqueira; Simone A. Serrão; Elda Lima Tavares
11º Congresso Internacional da Rede Unida | 2014
Joana D'Arc Dantas de Oliveira; Sheila Rotenberg; Luciana Azevedo Maldonado; Ana Maria Ferreira Azevedo; Suzete Marcolan; Elda Lima Tavares