Elisa Huéscar Hernández
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Clinical and Experimental Medicine | 2002
M. del Ara Rangel; R. A. González-Polo; A. Caro; E. del Amo; L. Palomo; Elisa Huéscar Hernández; Germán Soler; José M. Fuentes
Abstract Arginase activity was measured in serum and biopsy from healthy individuals and colorectal cancer patients. Arginase activity in tumor samples (87±7.7 U/g tissue) was significantly higher than in controls (40.7±3.3 U/g tissue). However, serum arginase activity did not show any significant change in both groups. Finally, the micromethod used to quantify arginase activity in this study is superior to other methods because it has increased sensitivity, requires less sample, and is less time-consuming. Arginase differences are significant, according to the t-test (P<0.05).
Infancia Y Aprendizaje | 2012
Elisa Huéscar Hernández; Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia
Resumen El objetivo del trabajo fue comprobar el poder de predicción de las diferentes estrategias de feed-back que el docente utilizaba sobre el apoyo a la autonomía percibido en el alumnado de educación física. Para ello, se empleó una muestra de 423 estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria a los que se les pasaron las escalas de Apoyo a la Autonomía Percibido en Contextos de Ejercicio y el Cuestionario de las Percepciones del Feed-back del Docente-Revisado. Puesto que la escala de feedback de Koka y Hein (2005) no había sido validada al contexto español, se analizaron sus propiedades psicométricas, mostrando una adecuada validez y fiabilidad, siendo invariante por sexo. Los resultados mostraron que ofrecer al alumnado un feed-back positivo general, del conocimiento del rendimiento y no verbal positivo se relacionaba con la autonomía percibida por el alumnado de educación física. El análisis de regresión confirmó que el feed-back del docente predecía la autonomía percibida en el discente. Se discutieron los resultados en relación al fomento de una mayor autonomía del alumnado en clases de educación física.ResumenEl objetivo del trabajo fue comprobar el poder de prediccion de las diferentes estrategias de feed-back que el docente utilizaba sobre el apoyo a la autonomia percibido en el alumnado de educacion fisica. Para ello, se empleo una muestra de 423 estudiantes de Educacion Secundaria Obligatoria a los que se les pasaron las escalas de Apoyo a la Autonomia Percibido en Contextos de Ejercicio y el Cuestionario de las Percepciones del Feed-back del Docente-Revisado. Puesto que la escala de feedback de Koka y Hein (2005) no habia sido validada al contexto espanol, se analizaron sus propiedades psicometricas, mostrando una adecuada validez y fiabilidad, siendo invariante por sexo. Los resultados mostraron que ofrecer al alumnado un feed-back positivo general, del conocimiento del rendimiento y no verbal positivo se relacionaba con la autonomia percibida por el alumnado de educacion fisica. El analisis de regresion confirmo que el feed-back del docente predecia la autonomia percibida en el discente. Se discu...
The Open Education Journal | 2012
Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia; Elisa Huéscar Hernández; Raul Reina Vaillo; Alvaro Sicilia Camacho
This paper examines the relationship between dispositional goal orientations, the perception of different motivational climates and physical self-concept in physical education classes. An additional purpose was to examine the nature of these relationships among boys and girls. Eight hundred and eighty-four students from a large Spanish metropolitan school district were participants in this study and completed questionnaires assessing the above mentioned variables. Results revealed that sport competence and physical condition were the domains of physical self-concept that had a greater connection with goal orientations and motivational climates. Gender differences were also identified for all variables except for task orientation. In addition, the task-involving motivational climate was the main predictor in the sport competence and physical condition subscales in the case of the girls, while ego and task orientation were, respectively, the strongest predictors for the same physical self-concept subscales in the case of the boys. In order to provide more inclusive teaching, especially for students with low self-concept, this study suggests the need to create classroom participation that favours task-involving motivational environments.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | 2018
Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia; Elisa Huéscar Hernández; Lorena Ruiz
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of controlling teacher behavior on high school physical education students’ global intrinsic motivation, perceptions of the importance of the subject matter, intentions to be physically active, level of physical activity, and life satisfaction. The sample in this study was comprised of 416 Spanish high school students. Support for the study’s expectations was provided through structural regression analysis. The analysis revealed that a controlling teaching style was negatively associated with the global intrinsic motivation of the students. In turn, global intrinsic motivation predicted the perceived importance of the subject matter, which explained physical activity intentions. Physical activity intentions were positively associated with level of physical activity, which, in turn, explained life satisfaction. The knowledge obtained in this study can be of benefit to teachers and can be beneficial to the design of more adaptive learning environments for students.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2014
Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia; Eduardo Manuel Cervelló Gimeno; Celestina Martínez Galindo; Elisa Huéscar Hernández; Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel
This investigation examined the relationship between implicit ability beliefs and self-determined motivation. The sample was comprised of 775 young athletes between the ages of 12 and 17 competing at national level in Spain. The participants completed the Spanish version of the Conceptions of the Nature of Athletic Ability Questionnaire (CNAAQ-2) and the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS). The results revealed a positive and significant correlation between stable ability beliefs and learning ability, and between self-determined motivation and perceived sports ability. To the contrary, stable entity beliefs were negatively correlated with self-determined motivation. Competitiveness in sports was significantly predicted by self-determined motivation, and the latter, in its turn, was positively predicted by learning belief and negatively by stable entity beliefs.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine | 2013
Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia; Eduardo Manuel Cervelló Gimeno; Elisa Huéscar Hernández; Noelia Belando Pedreño; Jesús Jesus Rodríguez Marín
Apuntes de Psicología | 2011
Pablo Jorge Marcos Pardo; Fernanda Borges Silva; Ana Rodríguez Sierra; Elisa Huéscar Hernández; Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia
Spanish Journal of Psychology | 2013
Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia; Elisa Huéscar Hernández
Psicología conductual = behavioral psychology: Revista internacional de psicología clínica y de la salud | 2011
Elisa Huéscar Hernández; Eduardo Manuel Cervelló Gimeno; Lucía Soledad Llamas; Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia
European Journal of Human Movement | 2013
Ginés González Serrano; Elisa Huéscar Hernández; Juan Antonio Moreno Murcia