Elisabete Takiuchi
Universidade Estadual de Londrina
Tropical Animal Health and Production | 2006
Amauri Alcindo Alfieri; M. E. Parazzi; Elisabete Takiuchi; Kerlei Cristina Médici; Alice Fernandes Alfieri
The frequency of group A bovine rotavirus (gpA BRV) in calves from 1998 to 2002 was determined by the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique in 2177 faecal samples, of which 1898 samples were diarrhoeic and 279 were of normal consistency (control group) that were collected from asymptomatic calves for comparative purposes. The animals were from beef and dairy cattle herds (n = 321) from 158 counties in seven States (Paraná, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Goiás and Rondônia) and four Brazilian geographical regions (south, south-east, centre-west, and north). GpA BRV was detected in 19.4% (369/1898; p = 0.0001) of the samples collected in calves with diarrhoea and in only 2.2% (6/279; p = 0.0001) of the faeces with normal consistency. The proportion of positive samples collected from beef and dairy cattle herds was 22.8% (205/899; p = 0.0001) and 16.4% (169/999; p = 0.0005), respectively. In relation to age, a higher prevalence of infections was found in calves up to 30 days old, where 33.0% (189/573; p = 0.0001) and 20.2% (138/683; p = 0.0001) of the diarrhoeic faecal samples from beef and dairy cattle herds, respectively, were positive for gpA BRV. These results show the possible importance of inclusion of gpA BRV in the management of neonatal calf diarrhoea in Brazilian cattle herds.
Journal of Virological Methods | 2006
Elisabete Takiuchi; Danilo Tancler Stipp; Alice Fernandes Alfieri; Amauri Alcindo Alfieri
Abstract Bovine coronavirus (BCoV), a positive sense single-stranded RNA virus, is an important causative agent of neonatal diarrhoea in calves from beef and dairy cattle worldwide. The routine detection and diagnosis of BCoV have been mainly dependent on assays with low sensitivity. The aim of the present study was to develop and evaluate a semi-nested PCR (SN-PCR) to amplify a 251bp fragment of BCoV N gene from fresh (n =25) and frozen (n =25) diarrhoeic faecal samples of naturally infected calves. To improve detection of BCoV in faecal samples by the SN-PCR an internal control was developed, and the results were compared with a conventional RT-PCR assay. The rates of positive samples by SN-PCR and RT-PCR were 24% (12/50) and 8% (4/50), respectively (K =0.43). Only fresh samples were positive in RT-PCR while the SN-PCR detected BCoV in both fresh and frozen faecal samples. The sensitivity of SN-PCR was determined by 10-fold serial dilutions of the BCoV Kakegawa strain (HA titre: 256) that was detected until 10−7 dilution. The specificity of the amplicons was assessed by restriction fragment length polymorphism and sequence analysis. The inclusion of an internal control provides a way to detect assay inhibition in faecal samples and failure of nucleic acid extraction that allow reduction of the number of false-negative results.
Tropical Animal Health and Production | 2009
Danilo Tancler Stipp; Aline Fernandes Barry; Alice Fernandes Alfieri; Elisabete Takiuchi; Alexandre Mendes Amude; Amauri Alcindo Alfieri
Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is one of the main causes of neonatal calf diarrhoea. Several diagnostic assays have been employed to detect the presence of the virus in stool samples from calves. Despite this, the frequency of BCoV infection among Brazilian and even South American cattle herds has yet to be well characterised. This study describes the occurrence of BCoV infection among calves from dairy and beef herds in four Brazilian states. A total of 282 stool samples from 1 to 60-day-old calves were evaluated for the presence of BCoV by a semi-nested (SN) PCR assay. The animals were from herds (n = 23) located in three geographical regions in Brazil (south, southeast, and center-west). The specific BCoV amplicon was detected in 15.6% (44/282) of the faecal specimens examined, of which 95.4% (42/44) were from diarrhoeic and 4.6% (2/44) from asymptomatic calves. The specificity of the SN-PCR amplicons was evaluated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. The results show that the BCoV is widespread, mainly among calves from 16 to 30-days-old (p = 0.0023), and verify the association between BCoV infection and clinical signs of diarrhoea (p = 0.005). These findings emphasise the importance of this virus in enteric infections of Brazilian cattle herds.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2009
Elisabete Takiuchi; Aline Fernandes Barry; Alice Fernandes Alfieri; Patrícia Filippsen; Amauri Alcindo Alfieri
Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is a known cause of winter dysentery (WD) in adult cattle. The morbidity of the disease is high, that results in a significant decrease in milk production and consequently, economic losses. In the present study, we report on a classical outbreak of WD that affected a high-production Holstein dairy herd raised in a tropical country. The lactating batch included 154 cows, and 138 (90%) presented diarrhea in a short (nine days) period of time. Three (2%) cows died. The other batches of animals did not become ill. The evolution of the disease in the herd, including the clinical signs and epidemiological features, strongly suggested a WD case. Semi-nested PCR and RFLP confirmed that BCoV was the cause of the infection. Samples tested negative for all other enteric pathogens. This case report highlights the importance of BCoV in WD even in tropical countries such as Brazil.
Virus Research | 2016
Elisabete Takiuchi; Rubia Macedo; Andressa Fernanda Kunz; Jessica Cristhine Gallego; Janaina Lustosa de Mello; Rodrigo Alejandro Arellano Otonel; Amauri Alcindo Alfieri
Abstract Picobirnavirus (PBV) belongs to the family Picobirnaviridae. PBV are a group of emerging non-enveloped viruses, with a bisegmented double-stranded RNA genome that can infect a wide range of hosts. This study reports the occurrence of PBV in fecal samples from five Brazilian dairy cattle herds. From the 289 stool samples of individual calves analyzed by silver-stained polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (ss-PAGE) the PBV was detected in 8.3 % (24/289), of which 10.2% (18/176) had diarrheic consistency. Of the 24 positive samples in ss-PAGE, 5 (20.8%) of them showed a small electrophoretic profile and 19 (79.2%) samples had large profile. From the 24 positives samples by ss-PAGE, 15 (62.5%) were successfully amplified (201bp) using GI specific primers targeting the RdRp gene of PBV. The analysis of nucleotide identity matrix revealed that the bovine PBV strain identified in this study, showed the highest nucleotide identity (81%) with PBV strain detected in turkey (MD-2010/HM803965). This is the first nucleotide sequence of a bovine PBV strain in the American continent and the first detection of small genome profile of PBV-like strains in bovine hosts.
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research | 2008
Elisabete Takiuchi; Alice Fernandes Alfieri; Amauri Alcindo Alfieri
Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) causes severe diarrhea in newborn calves, is associated with winter dysentery in adult cattle and respiratory infections in calves and feedlot cattle. The BCoV S protein plays a fundamental role in viral attachment and entry into the host cell, and is cleaved into two subunits termed S1 (amino terminal) and S2 (carboxy terminal). The present study describes a strategy for the sequencing of the BCoV S1 gene directly from fecal diarrheic specimens that were previously identified as BCoV positive by RT-PCR assay for N gene detection. A consensus sequence of 2681 nucleotides was obtained through direct sequencing of seven overlapping PCR fragments of the S gene. The samples did not undergo cell culture passage prior to PCR amplification and sequencing. The structural analysis was based on the genomic differences between Brazilian strains and other known BCoV from different geographical regions. The phylogenetic analysis of the entire S1 gene showed that the BCoV Brazilian strains were more distant from the Mebus strain (97.8% identity for nucleotides and 96.8% identity for amino acids) and more similar to the BCoV-ENT strain (98.7% for nucleotides and 98.7% for amino acids). Based on the phylogenetic analysis of the hypervariable region of the S1 subunit, these strains clustered with the American (BCoV-ENT, 182NS) and Canadian (BCQ20, BCQ2070, BCQ9, BCQ571, BCQ1523) calf diarrhea and the Canadian winter dysentery (BCQ7373, BCQ2590) strains, but clustered on a separate branch of the Korean and respiratory BCoV strains. The BCoV strains of the present study were not clustered in the same branch of previously published Brazilian strains (AY606193, AY606194). These data agree with the genealogical construction and suggest that at least two different BCoV strains are circulating in Brazil.
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science | 2004
Luis César da Silva; Elisabete Takiuchi; Kerlei Cristina Médici; Alice Fernandes Alfieri; Amauri Alcindo Alfieri
A resposta imunologica humoral de bovinos vacinados com o virus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) inativado, tendo como adjuvante o cloreto de dimetildioctadecilamonio (DDA cloreto) associado ao hidroxido de aluminio (vacina B), foi comparada com uma vacina contendo o mesmo antigeno adsorvido apenas com hidroxido de aluminio (vacina A). Duas semanas apos a segunda dose foi avaliado o titulo de anticorpos neutralizantes dos animais que receberam as duas preparacoes de antigenos. Os animais que receberam a vacina B apresentaram melhor resposta imune humoral quando comparados com os animais vacinados com a vacina A. O titulo medio de anticorpos neutralizantes, expresso em Log2, dos animais que receberam a vacina B foi superior (P<0,05) ao observado no grupo vacinado com a vacina A. Esse resultado demonstra que, em bovinos vacinados com o BVDV inativado, a inclusao do DDA cloreto em formulacoes de vacinas adsorvidas com hidroxido de aluminio potencializa a resposta imune humoral.
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology | 2007
Elisabete Takiuchi; Marco Antônio Bacellar Barreiros; Alice Fernandes Alfieri; Amauri Alcindo Alfieri
A proteina da espicula (S), uma glicoproteina de membrana do tipo I, e primariamente responsavel pela entrada do virus em celulas susceptiveis por meio da interacao inicial com receptores celulares especificos e subsequente mediacao da fusao virus-celula. A proteina S do coronavirus bovino (BCoV) e clivada em duas subunidades: a S1, na regiao N-terminal e a S2, na regiao C-terminal. O sitio de clivagem proteolitica da proteina S e altamente conservado entre as estirpes de BCoV e esta situado entre os aminoacidos 763-768 (KRRSRR). Este estudo descreve uma mutacao no sitio de clivagem da proteina S de tres estirpes do BCoV detectadas em amostras fecais diarreicas de bezerros naturalmente infectados no Brasil. O sequenciamento dos produtos de PCR identificou a sequencia de aminoacidos KRRSSR no sitio de clivagem de nossas amostras, indicando uma mutacao na posicao 767 (R®S). Esta mutacao ocorreu devido a uma unica substituicao de nucleotideo no sitio de clivagem proteolitica, alterando o codon CGT para AGT. Esta e a primeira descricao desta mutacao de nucleotideo (C para A), que resultou na substituicao do aminoacido arginina por serina no sitio de clivagem da proteina S. Neste estudo tambem sao sugeridos os provaveis efeitos desta mutacao no sitio de clivagem proteolitica utilizando o coronavirus da hepatite dos camundongos (MHV) como um modelo comparativo.
Virus Research | 2018
Andressa Fernanda Kunz; Flávia Possatti; José Antônio de Freitas; Amauri Alcindo Alfieri; Elisabete Takiuchi
This study reports the detection by RT-PCR and molecular characterization of partial RdRp gene of picobirnavirus (PBV) dsRNA in fecal samples (n = 100) from a meat sheep flock in southern Brazil. The analysis of the results allowed the identification of two important characteristics of PBV infection. The first was the high frequency of infection in the sheep flock evaluated where 62% of the analyzed fecal samples were PBV-positive. The second was the high genetic variability found in field strains of ovine PBV genogroup I circulating in animals of the same sheep flock.
Archive | 2016
Amauri Alcindo Alfieri; Alice Fernandes Alfieri; Elisabete Takiuchi
Bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is an economically significant cause of enteric and respiratory diseases in cattle throughout the world. BCoV is a known cause of neonatal calf diarrhea, winter dysentery in adult cattle, and respiratory disorders in cattle of all ages. In this chapter, we describe a simple and efficient protocol for total nucleic acids extraction to be used in conventional RT-PCR assay. This is a technique used routinely in our virology laboratory to detect BCoV from stool and nasopharyngeal samples of cattle.