Elizabeth A. Yetley
National Institutes of Health
Featured researches published by Elizabeth A. Yetley.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 2008
Anne C. Looker; Christine M. Pfeiffer; David A. Lacher; Rosemary L. Schleicher; Mary Frances Picciano; Elizabeth A. Yetley
BACKGROUND Changes in serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations in the US population have not been described. OBJECTIVE We used data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) to compare serum 25(OH)D concentrations in the US population in 2000-2004 with those in 1988-1994 and to identify contributing factors. DESIGN Serum 25(OH)D was measured with a radioimmunoassay kit in 20 289 participants in NHANES 2000-2004 and in 18 158 participants in NHANES III (1988-1994). Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from measured height and weight. Milk intake and sun protection were assessed by questionnaire. Assay differences were assessed by re-analyzing 150 stored serum specimens from NHANES III with the current assay. RESULTS Age-adjusted mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations were 5-20 nmol/L lower in NHANES 2000-2004 than in NHANES III. After adjustment for assay shifts, age-adjusted means in NHANES 2000-2004 remained significantly lower (by 5-9 nmol/L) in most males, but not in most females. In a study subsample, adjustment for the confounding effects of assay differences changed mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations by approximately 10 nmol/L, and adjustment for changes in the factors likely related to real changes in vitamin D status (ie, BMI, milk intake, and sun protection) changed mean serum 25(OH)D concentrations by 1-1.6 nmol/L. CONCLUSIONS Overall, mean serum 25(OH)D was lower in 2000-2004 than 1988-1994. Assay changes unrelated to changes in vitamin D status accounted for much of the difference in most population groups. In an adult subgroup, combined changes in BMI, milk intake, and sun protection appeared to contribute to a real decline in vitamin D status.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 2010
Regan L Bailey; Kevin W. Dodd; Jaime J. Gahche; Johanna T. Dwyer; Margaret A. McDowell; Elizabeth A. Yetley; Christopher A Sempos; Vicki L. Burt; Kathy Radimer; Mary Frances Picciano
BACKGROUND The term total folate intake is used to represent folate that occurs naturally in food as well as folic acid from fortified foods and dietary supplements. Folic acid has been referred to as a double-edged sword because of its beneficial role in the prevention of neural tube defects and yet possible deleterious effects on certain cancers and cognitive function. Previous monitoring efforts did not include folic acid from dietary supplements and are therefore not complete. OBJECTIVE Our objective was to combine data on dietary folate (as measured by two 24-h recalls) and folic acid from dietary supplements (collected with a 30-d frequency questionnaire) with the use of the bias-corrected best power method to adjust for within-person variability. DESIGN The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) is a nationally representative, cross-sectional survey. Linear contrasts were constructed to determine differences in dietary and total folate intake for age and racial-ethnic groups by sex; prevalence of inadequate and excessive intakes is presented. RESULTS In 2003-2006, 53% of the US population used dietary supplements; 34.5% used dietary supplements that contained folic acid. Total folate intake (in dietary folate equivalents) was higher for men (813 +/- 14) than for women (724 +/- 16) and higher for non-Hispanic whites (827 +/- 19) than for Mexican Americans (615 +/- 11) and non-Hispanic blacks (597 +/- 12); 29% of non-Hispanic black women had inadequate intakes. Total folate and folic acid intakes are highest for those aged > or =50 y, and 5% exceed the Tolerable Upper Intake Level. CONCLUSIONS Improved total folate intake is warranted in targeted subgroups, which include women of childbearing age and non-Hispanic black women, whereas other population groups are at risk of excessive intake.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 1993
Y K Park; Elizabeth A. Yetley
Examination of the per capita disappearance data for sweeteners and other sources of fructose showed that during the past two decades there was a considerable increase in the availability of free fructose in the food supply. However, the availability of the total amount of fructose, which includes both free and bound fructose, has remained relatively constant. Estimates of the average daily intake of fructose, based on the 1977-78 USDA Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, ranged from 15 g for infants to 54 g for males aged 15-18 y with a mean of 37 g for the total population. These values represent 7-9% of the energy intake (8% for the total population). For most sex/age groups nonalcoholic beverages (eg, soft drinks and fruit-flavored drinks) and grain products (eg, sweet bakery products) were the major sources of fructose; fruits and fruit products were the major sources of naturally occurring fructose; nonalcoholic beverages were the major sources of added fructose.
Journal of Nutrition | 2012
Christine M. Pfeiffer; Jeffery P. Hughes; David A. Lacher; Regan L Bailey; Rj Berry; Mindy Zhang; Elizabeth A. Yetley; Jeanne I. Rader; Christopher T. Sempos; Clifford L. Johnson
The NHANES has monitored folate status of the U.S. population from prefortification (1988-1994) to postfortification (1999-2010) by measuring serum and RBC folate concentrations. The Bio-Rad radioassay (BR) was used from 1988 to 2006, and the microbiologic assay (MBA) was used from 2007 to 2010. The MBA produces higher concentrations than the BR and is considered to be more accurate. Thus, to bridge assay differences and to examine folate trends over time, we adjusted the BR results to be comparable to the MBA results. Postfortification, assay-adjusted serum and RBC folate concentrations were 2.5 times and 1.5 times prefortification concentrations, respectively, and showed a significant linear trend (P < 0.001) to slightly lower concentrations during 1999-2010. The postfortification prevalence of low serum (<10 nmol/L) or RBC (<340 nmol/L) folate concentrations was ≤ 1%, regardless of demographic subgroup, compared with 24% for serum folate and 3.5% for RBC folate prefortification, with substantial variation among demographic subgroups. The central 95% reference intervals for serum and RBC folate varied by demographic subgroup during both pre- and postfortification periods. Age and dietary supplement use had the greatest effects on prevalence estimates of low folate concentrations during the prefortification period. In summary, the MBA-equivalent blood folate concentrations in the U.S. population showed first a sharp increase from pre- to postfortification, then showed a slight decrease (17% for serum and 12% for RBC folate) during the 12-y postfortification period. The MBA-equivalent pre- and postfortification reference concentrations will inform countries that plan folic acid fortification or that need to evaluate its impact.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 2011
Elizabeth A. Yetley; Christine M. Pfeiffer; Karen W. Phinney; Regan L. Bailey; Sheena Blackmore; Jay L. Bock; Lawrence C. Brody; Ralph Carmel; L. Randy Curtin; Ramon Durazo-Arvizu; John H. Eckfeldt; Ralph Green; Jesse F. Gregory; Andrew N. Hoofnagle; Donald W. Jacobsen; Paul F. Jacques; David A. Lacher; Anne M. Molloy; Joseph M. Massaro; James L. Mills; Ebba Nexo; Jeanne I. Rader; Jacob Selhub; Christopher T. Sempos; Barry Shane; Sally P. Stabler; Patrick J. Stover; Tsunenobu Tamura; Alison Tedstone; Susan J. Thorpe
A roundtable to discuss the measurement of vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) status biomarkers in NHANES took place in July 2010. NHANES stopped measuring vitamin B-12–related biomarkers after 2006. The roundtable reviewed 3 biomarkers of vitamin B-12 status used in past NHANES—serum vitamin B-12, methylmalonic acid (MMA), and total homocysteine (tHcy)—and discussed the potential utility of measuring holotranscobalamin (holoTC) for future NHANES. The roundtable focused on public health considerations and the quality of the measurement procedures and reference methods and materials that past NHANES used or that are available for future NHANES. Roundtable members supported reinstating vitamin B-12 status measures in NHANES. They noted evolving concerns and uncertainties regarding whether subclinical (mild, asymptomatic) vitamin B-12 deficiency is a public health concern. They identified the need for evidence from clinical trials to address causal relations between subclinical vitamin B-12 deficiency and adverse health outcomes as well as appropriate cutoffs for interpreting vitamin B-12–related biomarkers. They agreed that problems with sensitivity and specificity of individual biomarkers underscore the need for including at least one biomarker of circulating vitamin B-12 (serum vitamin B-12 or holoTC) and one functional biomarker (MMA or tHcy) in NHANES. The inclusion of both serum vitamin B-12 and plasma MMA, which have been associated with cognitive dysfunction and anemia in NHANES and in other population-based studies, was preferable to provide continuity with past NHANES. Reliable measurement procedures are available, and National Institute of Standards and Technology reference materials are available or in development for serum vitamin B-12 and MMA.
Journal of Nutrition | 2010
Elizabeth A. Yetley; Christine M. Pfeiffer; Rosemary L. Schleicher; Karen W. Phinney; David A. Lacher; Sylvia Christakos; John H. Eckfeldt; James C. Fleet; George Howard; Andrew N. Hoofnagle; Siu L. Hui; Gary L. Lensmeyer; Joseph M. Massaro; Munro Peacock; Bernard Rosner; Donald A. Wiebe; Regan L. Bailey; Paul M. Coates; Anne C. Looker; Christopher T. Sempos; Clifford L. Johnson; Mary Frances Picciano
A roundtable to discuss monitoring of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] in the NHANES was held in late July 2009. Topics included the following: 1) options for dealing with assay fluctuations in serum 25(OH)D in the NHANES conducted between 1988 and 2006; 2) approaches for transitioning between the RIA used in the NHANES between 1988 and 2006 to the liquid chromatography tandem MS (LC-MS/MS) measurement procedure to be used in NHANES 2007 and later; 3) approaches for integrating the recently available standard reference material for vitamin D in human serum (SRM 972) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) into the NHANES; 4) questions regarding whether the C-3 epimer of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 [3-epi-25(OH)D3] should be measured in NHANES 2007 and later; and 5) identification of research and educational needs. The roundtable experts agreed that the NHANES data needed to be adjusted to control for assay fluctuations and offered several options for addressing this issue. The experts suggested that the LC-MS/MS measurement procedure developed by NIST could serve as a higher order reference measurement procedure. They noted the need for a commutability study for the recently released NIST SRM 972 across a range of measurement procedures. They suggested that federal agencies and professional organizations work with manufacturers to improve the quality and comparability of measurement procedures across all laboratories. The experts noted the preliminary nature of the evidence of the 3-epi-25(OH)D3 but felt that it should be measured in 2007 NHANES and later.
Journal of Nutrition | 2008
Alice H. Lichtenstein; Elizabeth A. Yetley; Joseph Lau
Systematic reviews represent a rigorous and transparent approach to synthesizing scientific evidence that minimizes bias. They evolved within the medical community to support development of clinical and public health practice guidelines, set research agendas, and formulate scientific consensus statements. The use of systematic reviews for nutrition-related topics is more recent. Systematic reviews provide independently conducted comprehensive and objective assessments of available information addressing precise questions. This approach to summarizing available data is a useful tool for identifying the state of science including knowledge gaps and associated research needs, supporting development of science-based recommendations and guidelines, and serving as the foundation for updates as new data emerge. Our objective is to describe the steps for performing systematic reviews and highlight areas unique to the discipline of nutrition that are important to consider in data assessment. The steps involved in generating systematic reviews include identifying staffing and planning for outside expert input, forming a research team, developing an analytic framework, developing and refining research questions, defining eligibility criteria, identifying search terms, screening abstracts according to eligibility criteria, retrieving articles for evaluation, constructing evidence and summary tables, assessing methodological quality and applicability, and synthesizing results including performing meta-analysis, if appropriate. Unique and at times challenging, nutrition-related considerations include baseline nutrient exposure, nutrient status, bioequivalence of bioactive compounds, bioavailability, multiple and interrelated biological functions, undefined nature of some interventions, and uncertainties in intake assessment. Systematic reviews are a valuable and independent component of decision-making processes by groups responsible for developing science-based recommendations and policies.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 2010
Regan L. Bailey; James L. Mills; Elizabeth A. Yetley; Jaime J. Gahche; Christine M. Pfeiffer; Johanna T. Dwyer; Kevin W. Dodd; Christopher T. Sempos; Joseph M. Betz; Mary Frances Picciano
BACKGROUND Unmetabolized serum folic acid (UMFA) has been detected in adults. Previous research indicates that high folic acid intakes may be associated with risk of cancer. OBJECTIVE The objective was to examine UMFA concentrations in relation to dietary and supplemental folate and status biomarkers in the US population aged > or =60 y. DESIGN Surplus sera were analyzed with the use of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2001-2002, a cross-sectional, nationally representative survey (n = 1121). RESULTS UMFA was detected in 38% of the population, with a mean concentration of 4.4 +/- 0.6 nmol/L (median: 1.2+/- 0.2 nmol/L). The group with UMFA (UMFA+) had a significantly higher proportion of folic acid supplement users than did the group without UMFA (60% compared with 41%). UMFA+ men and women also had higher supplemental and total (food + supplements) folic acid intakes than did their counterparts without UMFA. Forty percent of the UMFA+ group was in the highest quartile of total folic acid intake, but total folic acid intake was only moderately related to UMFA concentrations (r(2) = 0.07). Serum folate concentrations were significantly higher in the UMFA+ group and were predictive of UMFA concentrations (r(2) = 0.15). Serum 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and vitamin B-12 concentrations were higher in the UMFA+ group, whereas there was no difference between the 2 UMFA groups in red blood cell folate, serum homocysteine, or methylmalonic acid concentrations. CONCLUSIONS Approximately 40% of older adults in the United States have UMFA that persists after a fast, and the presence of UMFA is not easily explained in NHANES by folic acid intakes alone. Given the possibility that excessive folic acid exposure may relate to cancer risk, monitoring of UMFA may be warranted.
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism | 2013
Christopher T. Sempos; Ramon Durazo-Arvizu; Bess Dawson-Hughes; Elizabeth A. Yetley; Anne C. Looker; Rosemary L. Schleicher; Guichan Cao; Vicki L. Burt; Holly Kramer; Regan L. Bailey; Johanna T. Dwyer; Xinli Zhang; Jaime J. Gahche; Paul M. Coates; Mary Frances Picciano
CONTEXT A reverse J-shaped association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) concentration and all-cause mortality was suggested in a 9-year follow-up (1991-2000) analysis of the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III, 1988-1994). OBJECTIVE Our objective was to repeat the analyses with 6 years additional follow-up to evaluate whether the association persists through 15 years of follow-up. PARTICIPANTS The study included 15 099 participants aged ≥ 20 years with 3784 deaths. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE Relative risk (RR) of death from all causes was adjusted for age, sex, race/ethnicity, and season using 2 Poisson regression approaches: traditional categorical and cubic splines. Results were given for 9 25(OH)D levels: <20, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 74, 75 to 99 (reference), 100 to 119, and ≥ 120 nmol/L. RESULTS The reverse J-shaped association became stronger with longer follow-up and was not affected by excluding deaths within the first 3 years of follow-up. Similar results were found from both statistical approaches for levels <20 through 119 nmol/L. Adjusted RR (95% confidence interval [CI]) estimates for all levels <60 nmol/L were significantly >1 compared with the reference group. The nadir of risk was 81 nmol/L (95% CI, 73-90 nmol/L). For 25(OH)D ≥ 120 nmol/L, results (RR, 95% CI) were slightly different using traditional categorical (1.5, 1.02-2.3) and cubic splines approaches (1.2, 0.9-1.4). The association appeared in men, women, adults ages 20 to 64 years, and non-Hispanic whites but was weaker in older adults. The study was too small to evaluate the association in non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American adults. CONCLUSIONS A reverse J-shaped association between serum 25(OH)D and all-cause mortality appears to be real. It is uncertain whether the association is causal.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | 2011
Elizabeth A. Yetley; Christine M. Pfeiffer; Karen W. Phinney; Zia Fazili; David A. Lacher; Regan L. Bailey; Sheena Blackmore; Jay L. Bock; Lawrence C. Brody; Ralph Carmel; L. Randy Curtin; Ramon Durazo-Arvizu; John H. Eckfeldt; Ralph Green; Jesse F. Gregory; Andrew N. Hoofnagle; Donald W. Jacobsen; Paul F. Jacques; Anne M. Molloy; Joseph M. Massaro; James L. Mills; Ebba Nexo; Jeanne I. Rader; Jacob Selhub; Christopher T. Sempos; Barry Shane; Sally P. Stabler; Patrick J. Stover; Tsunenobu Tamura; Alison Tedstone
A roundtable to discuss the measurement of folate status biomarkers in NHANES took place in July 2010. NHANES has measured serum folate since 1974 and red blood cell (RBC) folate since 1978 with the use of several different measurement procedures. Data on serum 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5MTHF) and folic acid (FA) concentrations in persons aged ≥60 y are available in NHANES 1999–2002. The roundtable reviewed data that showed that folate concentrations from the Bio-Rad Quantaphase II procedure (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA; used in NHANES 1991–1994 and NHANES 1999–2006) were, on average, 29% lower for serum and 45% lower for RBC than were those from the microbiological assay (MA), which was used in NHANES 2007–2010. Roundtable experts agreed that these differences required a data adjustment for time-trend analyses. The roundtable reviewed the possible use of an isotope-dilution liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) measurement procedure for future NHANES and agreed that the close agreement between the MA and LC-MS/MS results for serum folate supported conversion to the LC-MS/MS procedure. However, for RBC folate, the MA gave 25% higher concentrations than did the LC-MS/MS procedure. The roundtable agreed that the use of the LC-MS/MS procedure to measure RBC folate is premature at this time. The roundtable reviewed the reference materials available or under development at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and recognized the challenges related to, and the scientific need for, these materials. They noted the need for a commutability study for the available reference materials for serum 5MTHF and FA.