Elizabeth D. Getzoff
Scripps Research Institute
Featured researches published by Elizabeth D. Getzoff.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 1982
John A. Tainer; Elizabeth D. Getzoff; Karl M. Beem; Jane S. Richardson; David C. Richardson
The structure of bovine erythrocyte Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase has been determined to 2 A resolution using only the larger structure factors beyond 4 A. The enzyme crystallizes in space group C2 with two dimeric enzyme molecules per asymmetric unit. All four crystallographically independent subunits were fitted separately to the electron density map at 2 A resolution on the University of North Carolina GRIP-75 molecular graphics system. Atomic co-ordinates were refined using the Hendrickson & Konnert (1980) program for stereochemically restrained refinement against structure factors, which allowed the use of non-crystallographic symmetry. The crystallographic residual error for the refined model was 25.5% with a root-mean-square deviation of 0.03 A from ideal bond lengths and an average atomic temperature factor of 12 A2. Each enzyme subunit is composed primarily of eight antiparallel β strands that form a flattened cylinder, plus three external loops. The β barrel is asymmetrical and can be viewed as having two distinct sides; β strands 5 to 8 are shorter with fewer hydrogen bonds, less regular side-chain alternation, and greater twist than strands 1 to 4. The main-chain hydrogen bonds primarily link β strand residues; side-chain to main-chain hydrogen bonds are extensively involved in the formation of tight turns, which form a major structural element of the three loops. The largest loop includes both a disulfide region and a Zn-liganding region, each of which resembles one of the other two loops in overall structure. The second largest loop includes a short section of α helix. The smallest loop forms a Greek key connection across one end of the β barrel. The single disulfide bond, which forms a left-handed spiral, covalently joins the largest loop to the beginning of β strand 8. Symmetrically related β bulge pairs fold the two large loops back against the external surface of the β barrel to surround the active channel. The active site Cu(II) and Zn(II) lie 6.3 A apart at the bottom of this long channel; the Zn is buried, while the Cu is solvent-accessible. The side-chain of His61 forms a bridge between the Cu and Zn and is coplanar with them within the current accuracy of the data. The Cu ligands ND1 of His44 and NE2 of His46, −61 and −118 show an uneven tetrahedral distortion from a square plane. The Cu has a fifth axial coordination position exposed to solvent. Zn ligands ND1 of His61, −69 and −78 and OD1 of Asp81 show tetrahedral geometry with a strong distortion toward a trigonal pyramid having the buried Asp81 at the apex. Both the side-chains and mainchains of the metal-liganding residues are stabilized in their orientation by a complex network of hydrogen bonds.
Genes & Development | 2010
Katharine E. Hubbard; Kenichi Hitomi; Elizabeth D. Getzoff; Julian I. Schroeder
The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) regulates many key processes in plants, including seed germination and development and abiotic stress tolerance, particularly drought resistance. Understanding early events in ABA signal transduction has been a major goal of plant research. The recent identification of the PYRABACTIN (4-bromo-N-[pyridin-2-yl methyl]naphthalene-1-sulfonamide) RESISTANCE (PYR)/REGULATORY COMPONENT OF ABA RECEPTOR (RCAR) family of ABA receptors and their biochemical mode of action represents a major breakthrough in the field. The solving of PYR/RCAR structures provides a context for resolving mechanisms mediating ABA control of protein-protein interactions for downstream signaling. Recent studies show that a pathway based on PYR/RCAR ABA receptors, PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2Cs (PP2Cs), and SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 2s (SnRK2s) forms the primary basis of an early ABA signaling module. This pathway interfaces with ion channels, transcription factors, and other targets, thus providing a mechanistic connection between the phytohormone and ABA-induced responses. This emerging PYR/RCAR-PP2C-SnRK2 model of ABA signal transduction is reviewed here, and provides an opportunity for testing novel hypotheses concerning ABA signaling. We address newly emerging questions, including the potential roles of different PYR/RCAR isoforms, and the significance of ABA-induced versus constitutive PYR/RCAR-PP2C interactions. We also consider how the PYR/RCAR-PP2C-SnRK2 pathway interfaces with ABA-dependent gene expression, ion channel regulation, and control of small molecule signaling. These exciting developments provide researchers with a framework through which early ABA signaling can be understood, and allow novel questions about the hormone response pathway and possible applications in stress resistance engineering of plants to be addressed.
Science | 2009
Kenichi Hitomi; Andrew S. Arvai; Robert P. Rambo; Chiharu Hitomi; Sean R. Cutler; Julian I. Schroeder; Elizabeth D. Getzoff
ABA Receptor Up Close Plants face a variety of environmental stresses, including drought, salinity, and cold. In the face of such stresses, the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) triggers adaptive physiological responses. Nishimura et al. (p. 1373, published online 22 October; see the Perspective by Sussman and Phillips) have now analyzed the crystal structure of one member of the ABA receptor family, PYR1 (pyrabactin resistance 1). The ABA molecule binds within an internal pocket of PYR1, where it probably induces a conformational change. The plant hormone responsible for drought tolerance signals by inducing conformational changes in its dimeric protein receptor. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) acts in seed dormancy, plant development, drought tolerance, and adaptive responses to environmental stresses. Structural mechanisms mediating ABA receptor recognition and signaling remain unknown but are essential for understanding and manipulating abiotic stress resistance. Here, we report structures of pyrabactin resistance 1 (PYR1), a prototypical PYR/PYR1-like (PYL)/regulatory component of ABA receptor (RCAR) protein that functions in early ABA signaling. The crystallographic structure reveals an α/β helix–grip fold and homodimeric assembly, verified in vivo by coimmunoprecipitation. ABA binding within a large internal cavity switches structural motifs distinguishing ABA-free “open-lid” from ABA-bound “closed-lid” conformations. Small-angle x-ray scattering suggests that ABA signals by converting PYR1 to a more compact, symmetric closed-lid dimer. Site-directed PYR1 mutants designed to disrupt hormone binding lose ABA-triggered interactions with type 2C protein phosphatase partners in planta.
Nature | 1998
Ulrich K. Genick; S.M Soltis; P Kuhn; Ilona L. Canestrelli; Elizabeth D. Getzoff
Protein photosensors from all kingdoms of life, use bound organic molecules, known as chromophores, to detect light. A specific double bond within each chromophore is isomerized by light, triggering slower changes in the protein as a whole. The initial movements of the chromophore, which can occur in femtoseconds, are tightly constrained by the surrounding protein, making it difficult to see how isomerization can occur, be recognized, and be appropriately converted into a protein-wide structural change and biological signal. Here we report how this dilemma is resolved in the photoactive yellow protein (PYP). We trapped a key early intermediate in the light cycle of PYP at temperatures below −100 °C, and determined its structure at better than 1 Å resolution. The 4-hydroxycinnamoyl chromophore, isomerizes by flipping its thioester linkage with the protein, thus avoiding collisions resulting from large-scale movement of its aromatic ring during the initial light reaction. A protein-to-chromophore hydrogen bond that is present in both the preceding dark state and the subsequent signalling state of the photosensor breaks, forcing one of the hydrogen-bonding partners into a hydrophobic pocket. The isomerized bond is distorted into a conformation resembling that in the transition state. The resultant stored energy is used to drive the PYP light cycle. These results suggest a model for phototransduction, with implications for bacteriorhodopsin,, photoactive proteins,, PAS domains, and signalling proteins.
Molecular Cell | 2003
Ronald Brudler; Kenichi Hitomi; Hiromi Daiyasu; Hiroyuki Toh; Ken-ichi Kucho; Masahiro Ishiura; Minoru Kanehisa; Victoria A. Roberts; Takeshi Todo; John A. Tainer; Elizabeth D. Getzoff
Cryptochrome flavoproteins, which share sequence homology with light-dependent DNA repair photolyases, function as photoreceptors in plants and circadian clock components in animals. Here, we coupled sequencing of an Arabidopsis cryptochrome gene with phylogenetic, structural, and functional analyses to identify a new cryptochrome class (cryptochrome DASH) in bacteria and plants, suggesting that cryptochromes evolved before the divergence of eukaryotes and prokaryotes. The cryptochrome crystallographic structure, reported here for Synechocystis cryptochrome DASH, reveals commonalities with photolyases in DNA binding and redox-dependent function, despite distinct active-site and interaction surface features. Whole genome transcriptional profiling together with experimental confirmation of DNA binding indicated that Synechocystis cryptochrome DASH functions as a transcriptional repressor.
Science | 2012
John M. Christie; Andrew S. Arvai; K.J. Baxter; Monika Heilmann; Ashley J. Pratt; O'Hara A; Sharon M. Kelly; Michael Hothorn; Brian O. Smith; Kenichi Hitomi; Gareth I. Jenkins; Elizabeth D. Getzoff
Donuts Dissociate In Arabidopsis, the UVR8 protein responds to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) light by dissociating into monomers, which are then available to interact with downstream factors that enact the plants response to light. Christie et al. (p. 1492, published online 9 February; see the cover and see the Perspective by Gardner and Correa) have now determined the crystal structure of UVR8. Without ultraviolet-B light, UVR8 dimerizes, with two donut-shaped monomers joined by a network of salt bridges. Close-packing of a pyramid of tryptophan residues permits exciton coupling that is key to UV-B perception. Electron transfer after UV-B perception could dissociate the salt bridges that hold the dimer together and release monomeric UVR8 to initiate light-induced signaling. A tryptophan pyramid allows a dimeric protein to perceive ultraviolet light without an additional chromophore. The recently identified plant photoreceptor UVR8 (UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8) triggers regulatory changes in gene expression in response to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) light through an unknown mechanism. Here, crystallographic and solution structures of the UVR8 homodimer, together with mutagenesis and far-UV circular dichroism spectroscopy, reveal its mechanisms for UV-B perception and signal transduction. β-propeller subunits form a remarkable, tryptophan-dominated, dimer interface stitched together by a complex salt-bridge network. Salt-bridging arginines flank the excitonically coupled cross-dimer tryptophan “pyramid” responsible for UV-B sensing. Photoreception reversibly disrupts salt bridges, triggering dimer dissociation and signal initiation. Mutation of a single tryptophan to phenylalanine retunes the photoreceptor to detect UV-C wavelengths. Our analyses establish how UVR8 functions as a photoreceptor without a prosthetic chromophore to promote plant development and survival in sunlight.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2004
Elsa D. Garcin; Christopher M. Bruns; Sarah J. Lloyd; David J. Hosfield; Mauro Tiso; Ratan Gachhui; Dennis J. Stuehr; John A. Tainer; Elizabeth D. Getzoff
Three nitric-oxide synthase (NOS) isozymes play crucial, but distinct, roles in neurotransmission, vascular homeostasis, and host defense, by catalyzing Ca2+/calmodulin-triggered NO synthesis. Here, we address current questions regarding NOS activity and regulation by combining mutagenesis and biochemistry with crystal structure determination of a fully assembled, electron-supplying, neuronal NOS reductase dimer. By integrating these results, we structurally elucidate the unique mechanisms for isozyme-specific regulation of electron transfer in NOS. Our discovery of the autoinhibitory helix, its placement between domains, and striking similarities with canonical calmodulin-binding motifs, support new mechanisms for NOS inhibition. NADPH, isozyme-specific residue Arg1400, and the C-terminal tail synergistically repress NOS activity by locking the FMN binding domain in an electron-accepting position. Our analyses suggest that calmodulin binding or C-terminal tail phosphorylation frees a large scale swinging motion of the entire FMN domain to deliver electrons to the catalytic module in the holoenzyme.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2010
J. Jefferson P. Perry; David S. Shin; Elizabeth D. Getzoff; John A. Tainer
The discovery of superoxide dismutases (SODs), which convert superoxide radicals to molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, has been termed the most important discovery of modern biology never to win a Nobel Prize. Here, we review the reasons this discovery has been underappreciated, as well as discuss the robust results supporting its premier biological importance and utility for current research. We highlight our understanding of SOD function gained through structural biology analyses, which reveal important hydrogen-bonding schemes and metal-binding motifs. These structural features create remarkable enzymes that promote catalysis at faster than diffusion-limited rates by using electrostatic guidance. These architectures additionally alter the redox potential of the active site metal center to a range suitable for the superoxide disproportionation reaction and protect against inhibition of catalysis by molecules such as phosphate. SOD structures may also control their enzymatic activity through product inhibition; manipulation of these product inhibition levels has the potential to generate therapeutic forms of SOD. Markedly, structural destabilization of the SOD architecture can lead to disease, as mutations in Cu,ZnSOD may result in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a relatively common, rapidly progressing and fatal neurodegenerative disorder. We describe our current understanding of how these Cu,ZnSOD mutations may lead to aggregation/fibril formation, as a detailed understanding of these mechanisms provides new avenues for the development of therapeutics against this so far untreatable neurodegenerative pathology.
Science | 1995
Brian R. Crane; Lewis M. Siegel; Elizabeth D. Getzoff
Fundamental chemical transformations for biogeochemical cycling of sulfur and nitrogen are catalyzed by sulfite and nitrite reductases. The crystallographic structure of Escherichia coli sulfite reductase hemoprotein (SiRHP), which catalyzes the concerted six-electron reductions of sulfite to sulfide and nitrite to ammonia, was solved with multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD) of the native siroheme and Fe 4S4 cluster cofactors, multiple isomorphous replacement, and selenomethionine sequence markers. Twofold symmetry within the 64-kilodalton polypeptide generates a distinctive three-domain α/β fold that controls cofactor assembly and reactivity. Homology regions conserved between the symmetry-related halves of SiRHP and among other sulfite and nitrite reductases revealed key residues for stability and function, and identified a sulfite or nitrite reductase repeat (SNiRR) common to a redox-enzyme superfamily. The saddle-shaped siroheme shares a cysteine thiolate ligand with the Fe4S4 cluster and ligates an unexpected phosphate anion. In the substrate complex, sulfite displaces phosphate and binds to siroheme iron through sulfur. An extensive hydrogen-bonding network of positive side chains, water molecules, and siroheme carboxylates activates S-O bonds for reductive cleavage.
Molecular Cell | 2003
Lisa Craig; Ronald K. Taylor; Michael E. Pique; Brian D. Adair; Andrew S. Arvai; Mona Singh; Sarah J. Lloyd; David S. Shin; Elizabeth D. Getzoff; Mark Yeager; Katrina T. Forest; John A. Tainer
Pilin assembly into type IV pili is required for virulence by bacterial pathogens that cause diseases such as cholera, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and meningitis. Crystal structures of soluble, N-terminally truncated pilin from Vibrio cholera toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) and full-length PAK pilin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa reveal a novel TCP fold, yet a shared architecture for the type IV pilins. In each pilin subunit a conserved, extended, N-terminal alpha helix wrapped by beta strands anchors the structurally variable globular head. Inside the assembled pilus, characterized by cryo-electron microscopy and crystallography, the extended hydrophobic alpha helices make multisubunit contacts to provide mechanical strength and flexibility. Outside, distinct interactions of adaptable heads contribute surface variation for specificity of pilus function in antigenicity, motility, adhesion, and colony formation.