
Featured researches published by Elizabeth Sumi Yamada.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2007

Annonacin, a Natural Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibitor, Causes Tau Pathology in Cultured Neurons

Myriam Escobar-Khondiker; Matthias Höllerhage; Marie-Paule Muriel; Pierre Champy; Antoine Bach; Christel Depienne; Gesine Respondek; Elizabeth Sumi Yamada; Annie Lannuzel; Takao Yagi; Etienne C. Hirsch; Wolfgang H. Oertel; Ralf Jacob; Patrick P. Michel; Merle Ruberg; Günter U. Höglinger

A neurodegenerative tauopathy endemic to the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe has been associated with the consumption of anonaceous plants that contain acetogenins, potent lipophilic inhibitors of complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. To test the hypothesis that annonacin, a prototypical acetogenin, contributes to the etiology of the disease, we investigated whether annonacin affects the cellular distribution of the protein tau. In primary cultures of rat striatal neurons treated for 48 h with annonacin, there was a concentration-dependent decrease in ATP levels, a redistribution of tau from the axons to the cell body, and cell death. Annonacin induced the retrograde transport of mitochondria, some of which had tau attached to their outer membrane. Taxol, a drug that displaces tau from microtubules, prevented the somatic redistribution of both mitochondria and tau but not cell death. Antioxidants, which scavenged the reactive oxygen species produced by complex I inhibition, did not affect either the redistribution of tau or cell death. Both were prevented, however, by forced expression of the NDI1 nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-quinone-oxidoreductase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which can restore NADH oxidation in complex I-deficient mammalian cells and stimulation of energy production via anaerobic glycolysis. Consistently, other ATP-depleting neurotoxins (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, 3-nitropropionic, and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone) reproduced the somatic redistribution of tau, whereas toxins that did not decrease ATP levels did not cause the redistribution of tau. Therefore, the annonacin-induced ATP depletion causes the retrograde transport of mitochondria to the cell soma and induces changes in the intracellular distribution of tau in a way that shares characteristics with some neurodegenerative diseases.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences | 2005

Peripheral variability and central constancy in mammalian visual system evolution

Peter M. Kaskan; Edna Cristina S. Franco; Elizabeth Sumi Yamada; Luiz Carlos L. Silveira; Richard B. Darlington; Barbara L. Finlay

Neural systems are necessarily the adaptive products of natural selection, but a neural system, dedicated to any particular function in a complex brain, may be composed of components that covary with functionally unrelated systems, owing to constraints beyond immediate functional requirements. Some studies support a modular or mosaic organization of the brain, whereas others emphasize coordination and covariation. To contrast these views, we have analysed the retina, striate cortex (V1) and extrastriate cortex (V2, V3, MT, etc.) in 30 mammals, examining the area of the neocortex and individual neocortical areas and the relative numbers of rods and cones. Controlling for brain size and species relatedness, the sizes of visual cortical areas (striate, extrastriate) within the brains of nocturnal and diurnal mammals are not statistically different from one another. The relative sizes of all cortical areas, visual, somatosensory and auditory, are best predicted by the total size of the neocortex. In the sensory periphery, the retina is clearly specialized for niche. New data on rod and cone numbers in various New World primates confirm that rod and cone complements of the retina vary substantially between nocturnal and diurnal species. Although peripheral specializations or receptor surfaces may be highly susceptible to niche-specific selection pressures, the areal divisions of the cerebral cortex are considerably more conservative.

Visual Neuroscience | 1999

Ganglion cells of a short-wavelength-sensitive cone pathway in New World monkeys: morphology and physiology.

Luiz Carlos L. Silveira; Barry B. Lee; Elizabeth Sumi Yamada; Jan Kremers; David M. Hunt; Paul R. Martin; Francinaldo L. Gomes

We have studied the morphology and physiology of retinal ganglion cells of a short-wavelength-sensitive cone (SWS-cone) pathway in dichromatic and trichromatic New World anthropoids, the capuchin monkey (Cebus apella) and tufted-ear marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). In Old World anthropoids, in which males and females are both trichromats, blue-ON/yellow-OFF retinal ganglion cells have excitatory SWS-cone and inhibitory middle- and long-wavelength-sensitive (MWS- and LWS-) cone inputs, and have been anatomically identified as small-field bistratified ganglion cells (SB-cells) (Dacey & Lee, 1994). Among retinal ganglion cells of New World monkeys, we find SB-cells which have very similar morphology to such cells in macaque and human; for example, the inner dendritic tree is larger and denser than the outer dendritic tree. We also find blue-on retinal ganglion cells of the capuchin to have physiological responses strongly resembling such cells of the macaque monkey retina; for example, responses were more sustained, with a gentler low frequency roll-off than MC-cells, and no evidence of contrast gain control. There was no difference between dichromatic and trichromatic individuals. The results support the view that SWS-cone pathways are similarly organized in New and Old World primates, consistent with the hypothesis that these pathways form a phylogenetically ancient color system.

Visual Neuroscience | 1996

Morphology, dendritic field size, somal size, density, and coverage of M and P retinal ganglion cells of dichromatic cebus monkeys

Elizabeth Sumi Yamada; Luiz Carlos L. Silveira; V. H. Perry

Male Cebus monkeys are all dichromats, but about two thirds of the females are trichromats. M and P retinal ganglion cells were studied in the male Cebus monkey to investigate the relationship of their morphology to retinal eccentricity. Retinal ganglion cells were retrogradely labeled after optic nerve deposits of biocytin to reveal their entire dendritic tree. Cebus M and P ganglion cell morphology revealed by biocytin retrograde filling is similar to that described for macaque and human M and P ganglion cells obtained by in vitro intracellular injection of HRP and neurobiotin. We measured 264 and 441 M and P ganglion cells, respectively. M ganglion cells have larger dendritic field and cell body size than P ganglion cells at any comparable temporal or nasal eccentricity. Dendritic trees of both M and P ganglion cells are smaller in the nasal than in the temporal region at eccentricities greater than 5 mm and 2 mm for M and P ganglion cells, respectively. The depth of terminal dendrites allows identification of both inner and outer subclasses of M and P ganglion cells. The difference in dendritic tree size between inner and outer cells is small or absent. Comparison between Cebus and Macaca shows that M and P ganglion cells have similar sizes in the central retinal region. The results support the view that M and P pathways are similarly organized in diurnal dichromat and trichromat primates.

Progress in Brain Research | 2004

Morphology and physiology of primate M- and P-cells

Luiz Carlos L. Silveira; Cézar A. Saito; Barry B. Lee; Jan Kremers; Manoel da Silva Filho; Bjørg Elisabeth Kilavik; Elizabeth Sumi Yamada; V. Hugh Perry

Catarrhines and platyrrhines, the so-called Old- and New-World anthropoids, have different cone photopigments. Postreceptoral mechanisms must have co-evolved with the receptors to provide trichromatic color vision, and so it is important to compare postreceptoral processes in these two primate groups, both from anatomical and physiological perspectives. The morphology of ganglion cells has been studied in the retina of catarrhines such as the diurnal and trichromatic Macaca, as well as platyrrhines such as the diurnal, di- or trichromatic Cebus, and the nocturnal, monochromatic Aotus. Diurnal platyrrhines, both di- and trichromats, have ganglion cell classes very similar to those found in catarrhines: M (parasol), P (midget), small-field bistratified, and several classes of wide-field ganglion cells. In the fovea of all diurnal anthropoids, P-cell dendritic trees contact single midget bipolars, which contact single cones. The Aotus retina has far fewer cones than diurnal species, but M- and P-cells are similar to those in diurnal primates although of larger size. As in diurnal anthropoids, in the Aotus, the majority of midget bipolar cells, found in the central 2 mm of eccentricity, receive input from a single cone and the sizes of their axon terminals match the sizes of P-cell dendritic fields in the same region. The visual responses of retinal ganglion cells of these species have been studied using single-unit electrophysiological recordings. Recordings from retinal ganglion cells in Cebus and Aotus showed that they have very similar properties as those in the macaque, except that P-cells of mono- and dichromatic animals lack cone opponency. Whatever the original role of the M- and P-cells was, they are likely to have evolved prior to the divergence of catarrhines and platyrrhines. M- and P-cell systems thus appear to be strongly conserved in the various primate species. The reasons for this may lie in the roles of these systems for both achromatic and chromatic vision.

Brain Behavior and Evolution | 2000

Conservation of Absolute Foveal Area in New World Monkeys

Edna Cristina S. Franco; Barbara L. Finlay; Luiz Carlos L. Silveira; Elizabeth Sumi Yamada; J.C. Crowley

The foveal specializations of five New World monkeys, the marmoset, Callithrix jacchus; the golden-handed tamarin, Saguinus midas niger; the squirrel monkey, Saimiri ustius; the capuchin monkey, Cebus apella; and the howler monkey, Alouatta caraya were compared. Although retinal area varies by over a factor of two in these monkeys, the area of the fovea does not covary with retinal area and remains approximately the same absolute size, as measured by the dimensions of the high density region of cones, or the rod-free region. This constancy in foveal size also holds for rhesus monkeys and humans, bringing the variation in retinal area to a factor of five. Alouatta caraya is unusual, distinguished by a very high central cone density and a small rod-free zone. Physiological constraints that might limit foveal area over a wide range of eye sizes are considered.

Neuroreport | 1994

M and P retinal ganglion cells of diurnal and nocturnal New-World monkeys.

Luiz Carlos L. Silveira; Elizabeth Sumi Yamada; V.H. Perry; C.W. Picanço-Diniz

M and P retinal ganglion cell morphology revealed by bio-cytin retrograde labelling was compared in two closely related New-World monkeys, Cebus and Aotus, to investigate whether nocturnal and diurnal species of primates have similar cell classes. Monkey and cat ganglion cells from regions of matching cell class densities were also compared. Cat α, cat β, Aotus M, and Cebus M cells were similar in many aspects, but Cebus M cells had higher branching density. Cebus and Aotus P cells formed a distinct group and represent a primate specialization common to diurnal and nocturnal simians.

Visual Neuroscience | 1993

The retinal ganglion cell distribution and the representation of the visual field in area 17 of the owl monkey, Aotus trivirgatus

Luiz Carlos L. Silveira; V. H. Perry; Elizabeth Sumi Yamada

The distribution of ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells was determined in whole-mounted Aotus retinae. In contrast to diurnal simians, Aotus has only a rudimentary fovea. Ganglion cell density decreases towards the periphery at approximately the same rate along all meridians, but is 1.2-1.8 times higher in the nasal periphery when compared to temporal region at the same eccentricities. The total number of ganglion cells varied from 421,500 to 508,700. Ganglion cell density peaked at 15,000/mm2 at 0.25 mm dorsal to the fovea. The displaced amacrine cells have a shallow density gradient, their peak density in the central region is about 1500-2000/mm2 and their total number varied from 315,900 to 482,800. Comparison between ganglion cell density and areal cortical magnification factor for the primary visual cortex, area 17, shows that there is not a simple proportional representation of the ganglion cell distribution. There is an overrepresentation of the central 10 deg of the visual field in the visual cortex. The present results for Aotus and the results of a similar analysis of data from other primates indicate that the overrepresentation of the central visual field is a general feature of the visual system of primates.

The Journal of Physiology | 2000

Visual responses of ganglion cells of a New‐World primate, the capuchin monkey, Cebus apella

Barry B. Lee; Luiz Carlos L. Silveira; Elizabeth Sumi Yamada; David M. Hunt; Jan Kremers; Paul R. Martin; John B. Troy; Manoel da Silva-Filho

1 The genetic basis of colour vision in New‐World primates differs from that in humans and other Old‐World primates. Most New‐World primate species show a polymorphism; all males are dichromats and most females trichromats. 2 In the retina of Old‐World primates such as the macaque, the physiological correlates of trichromacy are well established. Comparison of the retinae in New‐ and Old‐World species may help constrain hypotheses as to the evolution of colour vision and the pathways associated with it. 3 Ganglion cell behaviour was recorded from trichromatic and dichromatic members of a New‐World species (the capuchin monkey, Cebus apella) and compared with macaque data. Despite some differences in quantitative detail (such as a temporal response extended to higher frequencies), results from trichromatic animals strongly resembled those from the macaque. 4 In particular, cells of the parvocellular (PC) pathway showed characteristic frequency‐dependent changes in responsivity to luminance and chromatic modulation, cells of the magnocellular (MC) pathway showed frequency‐doubled responses to chromatic modulation, and the surround of MC cells received a chromatic input revealed on changing the phase of heterochromatically modulated lights. 5 Ganglion cells of dichromats were colour‐blind versions of those of trichromats. 6 This strong physiological homology is consistent with a common origin of trichromacy in New‐ and Old‐World monkeys; in the New‐World primate the presence of two pigments in the middle‐to‐long wavelength range permits full expression of the retinal mechanisms of trichromatic vision.

The Journal of Comparative Neurology | 2009

Number and distribution of neurons in the retinal ganglion cell layer in relation to foraging behaviors of tyrant flycatchers.

João Paulo Coimbra; Nonata Trévia; Maria Luiza Videira Marceliano; Belmira Lara da Silveira Andrade-da-Costa; C.W. Picanço-Diniz; Elizabeth Sumi Yamada

The tyrant flycatchers represent a monophyletic radiation of predominantly insectivorous passerine birds that exhibit a plethora of stereotyped prey capture techniques. However, little is known about their retinal organization. Using retinal wholemounts, we estimated the total number and topography of neurons in the ganglion cell layer in the generalist yellow‐bellied elaenia (Elaenia flavogaster) and the up‐hover‐gleaner mouse‐colored tyrannulet (Phaeomyias murina) with the optical fractionator method. The mean estimated total number of neurons in the ganglion cell layer was 4,152,416 ± 189,310 in E. flavogaster and 2,965,132 ± 354,359 in P. murina. Topographic maps of isocounting lines revealed a similar distribution for both species: a central fovea and a temporal area surrounded by a poorly defined horizontal streak. In addition, both species had increased numbers of giant ganglion cells in the dorsotemporal retina forming an area giganto cellularis. In E. flavogaster, these giant ganglion cells were also distributed across the nasal and ventral retinal peripheries, which is in agreement with the generalist habits of this species. However, in P. murina these cells were rarely seen along the nasal and ventral peripheries, possibly reflecting a lesser need to perceive movement because this species captures stationary insects resting on foliage. Thus, we suggest that the retinas of the tyrant flycatchers in the present study show a general common pattern of neuron distribution in the ganglion cell layer irrespective of their foraging habits. We also suggest that the distribution of giant ganglion cells is indicative of the visual requirements of the species. J. Comp. Neurol. 514:66–73, 2009.

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