Elizabeth W. Freeman
George Mason University
Featured researches published by Elizabeth W. Freeman.
Zoo Biology | 2009
Elizabeth W. Freeman; Greg Guagnano; Deborah Olson; Mike Keele; Janine L. Brown
Nearly one-third of reproductive age African elephants in North America that are hormonally monitored fail to exhibit estrous cycle activity, which exacerbates the nonsustainability of the captive population. Three surveys were distributed to facilities housing female African elephants to determine how social and environmental variables contribute to cyclicity problems. Forty-six facilities returned all three surveys providing information on 90% of the SSP population and 106 elephants (64 cycling, 27 noncycling and 15 undetermined). Logistic analyses found that some physiological and social history variables were related to ovarian acyclicity. Females more likely to be acyclic had a larger body mass index and had resided longer at a facility with the same herdmates. Results suggest that controlling the weight of an elephant might be a first step to helping mitigate estrous cycle problems. Data further show that transferring females among facilities has no major impact on ovarian activity. Last, social status appears to impact cyclicity status; at 19 of 21 facilities that housed both cycling and noncycling elephants, the dominant female was acyclic. Further studies on how social and environmental dynamics affect hormone levels in free-living, cycling elephants are needed to determine whether acyclicity is strictly a captivity-related phenomenon.
Journal of Chemical Ecology | 2012
Thomas E. Goodwin; Laura J. Broederdorf; Blake A. Burkert; Innocent H. Hirwa; Daniel B. Mark; Zach J. Waldrip; Randall A. Kopper; Mark V. Sutherland; Elizabeth W. Freeman; Julie A. Hollister-Smith; Bruce A. Schulte
Mature male African (Loxodonta africana) and Asian (Elephas maximus) elephants exhibit periodic episodes of musth, a state in which serum androgens are elevated, food intake typically decreases, aggressiveness often increases, and breeding success is enhanced. Urine is a common source of chemical signals in a variety of mammals. Elephants in musth dribble urine almost continuously for lengthy periods, suggesting that the chemicals in their urine may reveal their physiological condition to conspecifics. We investigated the volatile urinary chemicals in captive male elephants using automated solid phase dynamic extraction (SPDE) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). We found higher levels of alkan-2-ones, alkan-2-ols, and some aromatic compounds in urine from males in musth than in urine from non-musth males or from females. Levels of ketones and alcohols increased as the urine aged, likely due to microbial metabolism of fatty acids. Protein-derived aromatic metabolites also increased in abundance after urination, likely due to microbial hydrolysis of hydrophilic conjugates. We suggest that microbes may play an important role in timed release of urinary semiochemicals during elephant musth.
Zoo Biology | 2009
Christine M. Proctor; Elizabeth W. Freeman; Janine L. Brown
Surveys are being conducted to monitor the reproductive health of elephants managed by the TAG/SSP. This study summarizes results of a 2005 survey and compares data to one conducted in 2002. Surveys were returned for 100% and 79.0% of Asian and African elephants, respectively. Of those, 79.3% of Asian and 92.1% of African elephants had weekly progestagen data to assess ovarian cyclicity. For Asian elephants, acyclicity rates were similar between the 2002 and 2005 surveys (13.3% versus 10.9%), whereas irregular cycling increased in 2005 (2.6% versus 7.6%), respectively. For African elephants, the percentages of both acyclicity (22.0% versus 31.2%) and irregular cycling females (5.2% versus 11.8%) increased. In both species, ovarian inactivity was more prevalent in the older age categories (>30 years of age), but for African elephants also occurred in the reproductive aged groups. Reproductive tract pathologies did not account for the majority of acyclicity problems. Several females changed cyclicity status between the two surveys, including from noncycling to cycling, suggesting this is not an irreversible condition. However, seven African females went from cycling to abnormal or no cyclic activity. In summary, the incidence of ovarian acyclicity in Asian elephants is low and stable, but appears to be increasing in African females. These findings reinforce the need for long-term reproductive monitoring programs and continuous reproductive surveys, even for females not being considered for breeding. With more data we hope to determine what factors are related to changes in ovarian status and how to reverse the trend towards acyclicity.
Zoo Biology | 2010
Janine L. Brown; David C. Kersey; Elizabeth W. Freeman; Tarren Wagener
Longitudinal urine samples were collected from Asian and African elephants to assess sample processing and immunoassay techniques for monitoring adrenal activity. Temporal profiles of urinary cortisol measured by RIA and EIA, with and without dichloromethane extraction, were similar; all correlation coefficients were >0.90. However, based on regression analyses, cortisol immunoactivity in extracted samples was only 72-81% of that of unextracted values. Within assay technique, RIA values were only 74-81% of EIA values. Collection of 24-hr urine samples demonstrated a clear diurnal pattern of glucocorticoid excretion, with the lowest concentrations observed just before midnight and peak concentrations occurring around 0600-0800 hr. These results indicate that elephants fit the pattern of a diurnal species, and that glucocorticoid production is affected by a sleep-wake cycle similar to that described for other terrestrial mammals. Cortisol can be measured in both extracted and unextracted urine using RIA and EIA methodologies. However, unexplained differences in quantitative results suggest there may be sample matrix effects and that data generated using different techniques may not be directly comparable or interchangeable.
Biology Letters | 2012
Andre Ganswindt; Janine L. Brown; Elizabeth W. Freeman; Andrew J. Kouba; Linda M. Penfold; Rachel M. Santymire; Mandi M. Vick; Nadja Wielebnowski; Erin L. Willis; Matthew R. Milnes
Hormone analysis is a precise and widely accepted tool for monitoring reproductive function and responses to stressors. Although hormones are present and can be measured in various biological matrices, non-invasive methods have gained popularity over the past 30 years as a more practical approach for assessing ovarian, testicular and, more recently, adrenocortical activity in intractable wildlife species. Non-invasive hormone monitoring also has been key to understanding biological mechanisms related to observed behaviours of captive and free-ranging animals. Despite the increasing popularity of this research field, wildlife endocrinologists have not had a specific forum for sharing and discussing their latest findings, technical developments and common challenges. To provide such a communication platform, the International Society for Wildlife Endocrinology (ISWE) was established in 2010, followed by an international meeting held on 3–4 November 2011 at the Toronto Zoo, Canada. Over several sessions, keynote speakers and participants discussed recent developments of new and innovative methods for hormone monitoring, as well as the latest advances in basic endocrinology as applied to adrenal function, reproductive physiology, animal health, ecology and evolution. Here, we introduce ISWE to the scientific community and discuss how this new society will serve as a resource for wildlife endocrinologists worldwide.
PLOS ONE | 2015
Diana C. Koester; Elizabeth W. Freeman; Janine L. Brown; David E. Wildt; Kimberly A. Terrell; Ashley D. Franklin; Adrienne E. Crosier
The collective cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) population in zoological institutions has never been self-sustaining because of challenges in natural reproduction. A retrospective analysis of North American zoo-breeding records has revealed that >90% of litters produced since 2003 occurred in facilities ‘off-display’ from the public. We examined seminal, endocrine, and behavioral traits of 29 adult male cheetahs that were: 1) managed in public exhibit or off-display facilities; 2) maintained by different numbers of cheetah-specific care-givers; and 3) living adjacent to varying numbers of adult conspecifics. Cheetahs housed off-display produced more total motile sperm/ejaculate (P = 0.04) than on-exhibit males. This finding was mirrored in our laboratory’s historical records where two-fold more total motile sperm (P < 0.01) were measured in ejaculates from individuals with no public exposure (n = 43) compared to on-exhibit (n = 116) counterparts. Males at institutions with ≤3 care-givers also produced more total motile sperm/ejaculate (P < 0.03) and spent more time behaviorally active (P < 0.01) than at facilities using >3 care-givers. Exposure to high numbers of conspecifics within the same institution did not impact (P > 0.05) seminal traits, and presence of the public, care-giver number, or animals/facility had no influence (P > 0.05) on androgen or glucocorticoid excretion or other behavioral metrics. Findings indicate that male cheetahs are sensitive to general public exposure and too many care-givers, resulting in compromised motile sperm output/ejaculate with mechanism of action unrelated to altered androgen or glucocorticoid excretion.
Zoo Biology | 2009
Christine M. Proctor; Elizabeth W. Freeman; Janine L. Brown
The North American African (Loxodonta africana) elephant population is not self-sustaining, in part because of a high rate of abnormal ovarian activity. About 12% of adult females exhibit irregular cycles and 31% do not cycle at all. Our earlier work revealed a relationship between dominance status and ovarian acyclicity, with dominant females being more likely to not cycle normally. One theory is that dominant females may be expending more energy to maintaining peace within the captive herd than for supporting reproduction. The goal of this study was to determine if there was a relationship among dominance status, serum cortisol concentrations, and ovarian acyclicity. We hypothesized that adrenal glucocorticoid activity would be increased in dominant, noncycling elephants as compared with subdominant individuals. Blood samples were collected weekly over a 2-year period in 81 females of known dominance and cyclicity status, and analyzed for cortisol. Based on a path analysis model (Reticular Action Model Or Near Approximation [RAMONA]), noncycling, dominant African elephant females did not have higher mean serum cortisol concentrations, or exhibit more variability (i.e., coefficient of variation, standard deviation) in cortisol secretion. This study suggests that alterations in adrenal activity are not related to dominance status nor contribute directly to acyclicity in captive African elephants.
Zoo Biology | 2014
Jonnie M. Capiro; Monica A. Stoops; Elizabeth W. Freeman; Dave Clawson; Mandi W. Schook
The ex situ Indian rhino population experienced a decrease in genetic diversity indicating that the breeding program could possibly benefit from novel reproductive management strategies to ensure population sustainability. We sought to determine how management tools used for reproductive management, specifically translocation and operant conditioning, impact physiological and behavioral measures of welfare in Indian rhinos. First, an adrenocorticotropic hormone challenge performed in an adult male resulted in a 38-fold increase in urinary and a 3.5-fold increase in fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGM). Mean and peak FGM differed among three females, but all demonstrated elevated (P < 0.0001) concentrations for variable durations after translocation that lasted up to 9 weeks. Lastly, behavioral and adrenal responses of two females to operant conditioning to stand during transrectal ultrasound exams were monitored and rhinos differed in their mean and peak FGM concentrations. However, FGM were not different before versus during training or on pasture versus in the barn. One female exhibited more stereotypic behavior during training in the barn than on pasture (P < 0.05); although, stereotypies (1.73% of time) were relatively uncommon overall. In summary, individual variation exists in FGM both at baseline levels and in response to a stressor. In addition, while a transient rise in glucocorticoid activity post-translocation indicated that Indian rhinos have a physiological response to changes in their environment, minor alterations in daily routines using operant conditioning only resulted in minimal changes in behaviors and FGM.
Conservation Physiology | 2013
Elizabeth W. Freeman; Jordana M. Meyer; Sarah B. Putman; Bruce A. Schulte; Janine L. Brown
We investigated reproductive aging in African elephants and found a relationship between females obtaining a high social status within their herd and a decline in ovarian steroid activity, which may be analogous to menopause. Understanding possible social constraints on reproductive fitness could enhance management of aging and growing elephant populations.
Animal Reproduction Science | 2011
L.L. Mouttham; Mary M. Buhr; Elizabeth W. Freeman; T.M. Widowski; Laura H. Graham; Janine L. Brown
The African elephant population in North American zoos is not self-sustaining, in part due to the prevalence of ovarian acyclicity. While little is known about the cause of this condition, earlier research has shown that females without cyclic corpus luteum (CL) function rank higher in the dominance hierarchy than females with cyclic CL function. The goal of this study was to measure longitudinal serum testosterone concentrations in captive female African elephants to determine if there is a relationship among serum testosterone concentrations, social dominance rank and ovarian cyclicity status. Weekly blood samples from 49 female African elephants (24 having and 25 not having cyclic CL function at 22 facilities) were collected over a 12-month period and analyzed for serum testosterone using an enzymeimmunoassay. A progesterone radioimmunoassay was used to quantify serum progestagen concentrations and categorize ovarian cyclicity status. The dominance hierarchy of individual elephants within each herd was assessed by a written temperament survey, which identified 19 dominant, 15 middle and 15 subordinate females. No clear patterns of serum testosterone secretion were observed in females with and without cyclic CL function. Furthermore, no significant relationships were found among serum testosterone concentrations, dominance rank, and ovarian cyclicity status. These data suggest that increased circulating testosterone concentrations are not associated with greater rates of ovarian acyclicity or dominance status in captive female African elephants.