Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
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Featured researches published by Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2010
Dayse Lima da Costa Abreu; Robson Maia Franco; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento; Virginia Léo de Almeida Pereira; Fernanda Martinez Xavier Alves; Juliana Ferreira de Almeida
The pathogenicity of Escherichia coli strains is partially related to the expression of virulence factors genes, present in genetic elements called plasmids. APEC strains responsible for diseases in birds may present the iss gene which increases the resistance of E. coli strains to the lityc effect of the hosts serum, besides resistance to several antimicrobials. This study was conduced in order to detect E. coli in tracheae of meat-type quails and to evaluate, by the presence of the iss gene and the profile of antimicrobial susceptibility, the pathogenic potential of the isolated samples for birds and humans. One hundred and eighty tracheae of quails were collected for detection of E. coli, antimicrobial sensitivity tests, and for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), for detection of iss gene. From the examined quails, 8.9 % (16/180) were positive for E. coli, from which 20 strains of this bacterium were obtained. Most of them were resistant to Tetracycline (16/20), followed by Ceftadizime (13/20) and Nalidixic-acid (12/20) and only one isolate was resistant to Amoxicillin. The detection of iss gene occurred in 55% (11/20) of the isolates, indicating that these strains had the potential to be pathogenic not only for quails, but also for other kinds of birds, other animals and even human beings that would be in contact with these E. coli isolates.
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 1998
Paulo Eduardo Pardo; Elena Mettifogo; Ernst Eckehardt Müller; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento; Melissa Buzinhani; Maurício Yamaguti; Julio Cesar de Freitas
A total of 664 foremilk samples from 83 Holstein cows were cultured. Quarter samples were collected at parturition and 7 days post the first parturition. From 664 milk samples examined, 488 (73.50%) were bacteriologically negative and 176 (26.50%) were positive. A high incidence (20.48%) of clinical mastitis was observed. The most frequently encountered isolates were coagulase negative staphylococci (64.20%), coagulase positive staphylococci (8.52%), streptococci (7.96%), Actinomyces pyogenes (4.55%), Mycoplasma bovigenitalium (3.40%) and Escherichia coli (2.84%). The frequency of mastitis pathogen isolation was highest at parturition (17.62%) and decreased markedly during the first week (8.88%).
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology | 2000
Priscila N. Ferraz; Claudio C. P. Menezes; Maria das Graças Miranda Danelli; Jackeline Oliveira Pontes Lizeu; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento; Daniela M. Lucchesi
The Mycoplasma gallisepticum strains [wild-type S6 (208) and a vaccine-type F-K810] grown in Frey´s and Hayflick´s media were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. No visual changes in the protein profiles of these strains were observed regardless of the media composition used, although the polyacrylamide gel electrophoretograms showed minor differences do exist when densitometer traces of the gel are compared. Both strains were easily differentiated on SDS-PAGE analysis by a peptide band p75, that is specific for MG F-K810 strain, used as vaccine.
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine | 2018
Mariana Thomaz de Oliveira e Silva; Maria Lúcia Barreto; Jenif Braga de Souza; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento; Mauricio Afonso Vericimo; Veronica do Amaral
Mariana Thomaz de Oliveira e Silva1*, Maria Lúcia Barreto2, Jenif Braga de Souza3,4, Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento5, Maurício Afonso Verícimo6 & Veronica Figueiredo do Amaral6 1Biologist, MSc. Núcleo de Animais de Laboratório, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Pós-graduação e Inovação – Proppi, Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF, Niterói, RJ, Brasil 2Veterinary, PhD. Núcleo de Animais de Laboratório, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa, Pós-graduação e Inovação – Proppi, Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF, Niterói, RJ, Brasil 3Veterinary, MSc. Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil 4Veterinary, MSc. Instituito de Ciências em Biomodelos, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil 5Veterinary, PhD. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF, Niterói, RJ, Brasil 6Veterinary, PhD. Departamento de Imunobiologia – DI, Instituto de Biologia – IB, Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF, Niterói, RJ, Brasil
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine | 2016
Camila Serva Pereira; Lídia Maria Marques dos Santos; Juliana Ferreira de Almeida; Virginia Léo de Almeida Pereira; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento
ABSTRACT. Leal P.D.S., Paes de Almeida E.C. & Lopes C.W.G. [Skin disease diagnosis Pyogranulomatous Nocardia spp. in a Labrador Retriever bitch with hypothyroidism, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Case report.] Diagnostico de dermatopatia piogranulomatosa por Nocardia spp. numa cadela Labrador Retriever com hipotireoidismo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):203-209, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao de Ciencias Veterinarias, Anexo 1, Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Campus Seropedica, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] A case of nocardiosis was reported in cutaneous and subcutaneous abscesses in a Labrador Retriever bitch with hypothyroidism, 11 years old, castrated, weighing 22 kg, served in the Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Veterinary, lesions appeared 30 days after wounds by biting dogs in the chest and abdomen, with fistula formation in the healing of lacerations in the region caused by bites. Biopsy and bacterial culture with sensitivity were requested. The bacterial culture revealed the presence of microorganism associated with the histopathological findings of lesions characterized by pyogranulomatous reaction when stained by PAS identified extruturas like round colonies of the genus Nocardia. The antibiogram of the isolated microorganisms indicated that was sensitive to antibiotics, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin and imipenem. Treatment was established with enrofloxacin 5 mg/kg body weight every 12 hours for a period of 22 days, with improvement; but there is no cure, so opted for the surgical debridement and removal of fistulae and increased the dose of enrofloxacin to 10 mg/kg, with improvement dependent antibiotic therapy, when it opted for pulse therapy control of pyogranulomas.ABSTRACT. Feranti J.P.S., Oliveira M.T., Souza F.W., Hartmann H.F., Baumer S., Soares A.V., Vaz M.A.B., Chaves R.O., Libardoni R.N. & Brun M.V. [Laparoscopic or conventional ovariectomy in bitches: hemodynamic and pain assessment.] Ovariectomia laparoscopica ou convencional em cadelas: analise hemodinâmica e algica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):73-78, 2016. Departamento de Clinica de Pequenos Animais, Centro de Ciencias Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] The purpose of this study was to compare hemodynamic and serum cortisol changes, as well as pain of two ovariectomy techniques (convencional versus laparoscopic) in bitches. In this trial, 17 young female mongrel dogs (12.58 ± 4.29 months-old, 10.16±0.69kg), were used. The animals were divided into two groups according to surgery. Median celiotomy approach for ovariectomy (OV) was carried out in eight animals of GC. Laparoscopic OV was performed in nine patients of the GV. To evaluate analgesia, hemodynamics parameters (HR, SAP, MAP, DAP, central venous pressure and cardiac output), serum cortisol and three pain scales (VAS, UMPS and Glasgow CMPS-SF). In both procedures (GV and GC) there were no complications during the surgery or in the postoperative period. Ovariectomy laparoscopic technique by two portals provided pain stimulus of lower magnitude and range, and rapid return to baseline cortisol values compared to the conventional approach, without affecting the hemodynamic parameters.ABSTRACT. Doria P.B.A., Rodrigues A.L.R., Leite C.R. & Botteon P.T.L. [Surgical esterilization of rams (Ovis aries) with the use of cryosurgery.] Esterilizacao cirurgica de carneiros (Ovis aries) com o emprego da criocirurgia. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):86-92, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria (Patologia e Ciencias Clinicas), Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23851- 790, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] The current study aims to develop a minimally invasive surgical technique with the use of cryosurgery that provides sterilization of rams. It was used nine rams, pubescent. The animals were weighed, clinical examination, and samples of blood and feces were collected for hematological and feces tests. After this the animals were submitted to an andrologic evaluation and libido test. The animals were submitted to cryosurgery sterilization and observed for a period of 32 days performed before surgery. All of the animals look good, health, with no pain or discomfort, maintenance the intake of water and food, with no significant changes in body weight. No signs of post-operative complications were seen in surgical site. It was observed decrease on scrotal circumference of six animals. The exams showed no changes in the scrotal and testicular parenchyma, however demonstrating changes in the shape and increased epididymis tail dimensions, irregular form and firm texture. Semen analysis performed at 32 days revealed azoospermia in six of the nine rams. There were no changes in the libido test. It concludes that the proposed technique is safe, fast, and easy to perform, with low cost, minimally invasive and free of the occurrence of postoperative complications.ABSTRACT. Borges T.B., Quessada A.M., Ribeiro R.C.L., de Paula D.S., da Silva R.B., Leitzke A.V.S. & da Costa Neto J.M. [Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis causing granuloma with intramural mechanical obstruction of the ileum in a dog - A case report.] Enterite linfoplasmocitica causando granuloma com obstrucao intramural mecânica do ileo em um cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):33-38, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Universidade Parananense, Campus Umuarama, Praca Mascarenhas de Moraes, 4282, Centro, Umuarama, PR 87502-210, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Chronic inflammatory bowel disease is a group of idiopathic chronic disorders characterized by gastrintestinal (GI) signals with histological evidence of GI inflammation of unknown etiology. The limphoplasmacytic enteritis is a major manifestation of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. This paper reports the case of bitch presenting intramural obstruction of inflammatory origin due to limphoplasmacytic enteritis. The obstruction was diagnosed by imaging and the patient underwent exploratory laparotomy to elucidate the cause and correct the obstructive process. During surgery it was found that the intestinal lumen presented a mass that was excised, being performed an entero-anastomosis. Histological finding was an inflammatory granuloma of lymphoplasmacytic origin. In the postoperative period the animal underwent drug therapy with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive (cyclosporine), probiotics and vitamins. A proper diet was instituted, and the dog recovered completely, with prescription of therapeutic food for lifetime.ABSTRACT. Gomes Junior D.C., Nassar E.J., Dorea Neto F.A., Estrela-Lima A, Honsho C. dos S., Martins Filho E. & Oria A.P. Tissue reaction and integration of polyamide and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene spheres in rat subcutaneous tissue. [Reacao e integracao tecidual de esferas de acrilonitrila butadieno estireno e poliamida em subcutâneo de ratos.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):93-98, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal nos Tropicos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Ademar de Barros, 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] We investigated the infiltration and tissue reaction of polyamide and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) spheres prepared by rapid prototyping. Accordingly, three groups of six Wistar rats each were formed; G1, where animals received ABS implants; G2, where animals received polyamide implants and the control group where the animals received polymethylmethacrylate implants. Implants were inserted subcutaneously in the dorsal thoracic region and the animals were euthanized 60 days after implant insertion to evaluate tissue reaction and incorporation. The spheres were sectioned for macroscopic evaluation of tissue infiltration, and capsule fragments were collected for histopathologic evaluation. In macroscopic evaluation, all samples showed the presence of a thin tissue capsule that was strongly adhered to the implants in G1, moderately adhered to the implants in G2 and discretely adhered to the control group. The collected fragments of G1 and G2 had a similar appearance on histopathologic examination, however the inflammatory reaction observed in the animals of G1 was more discreet. Evidence of infection or foreign body reaction was not observed in any of the fragments, and all groups showed a mild mononuclear inflammatory reaction. Macroscopically, tissue infiltration was observed in G1 and G2. The results showed that the implants were well tolerated and allowed tissue integration.ABSTRACT. Chideroli R.T., Bracarense A.P.F.R.L., Padovani L., Martins L. de A., Goncalves D.D. & de Freitas J.C. [Canine leptospirosis associated with acute renal failure - Case report.] Leptospirose canina associada a insuficiencia renal aguda - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):79-84, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid, Pr 445 Km 380, Campus Universitario, Londrina, PR 86057-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Leptospirosis is caused by pathogenic bacteria of the genus Leptospira, affecting several animal species, including humans. Carrier animals are considered the main source of transmission because these bacteria are located in the renal tubules and are excreted in the urine for a variable period of time. Due to the variety of clinical signs the leptospirosis is a disease of difficult diagnosis requiring laboratory tests for confirmation. The aim of this study was to describe a dog with acute symptoms of failure kidney and high titer of antibodies against serovar Canicola. The diagnosis was confirmed by microscopic agglutination test (MAT), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and histological kidney analysis by silver staining method (Warthin Starry) associated with the clinical pathology tests (complete blood count, urinalysis and biochemical profile).ABSTRACT. Cerqueira da Silva E.A.C., de Jesus T.B., Muramoto C., Ribeiro Filho C.H.A., Dorea Neto F.A., Quessada A.M., Martins Filho E.F. & Costa Neto J.M. [Postoperative complication of ovariohysterectomy in a female dog - Case report.] Complicacao pos-operatoria de ovariohisterectomia realizada em programa de esterilizacao cirurgica - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):9-16, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao Ciencia Animal nos Tropicos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Ademar de Barros, 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] We report a case of late postoperative complication in a female dog submitted to ovariohysterectomy during prepubertal period, in surgical sterilization program under community helping system. After five years of surgery, the animal was received at the University Veterinary Hospital (HVE) and it was diagnosed the bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter. Exploratory surgery confirmed the extramural obstruction of the ureters (total on the right side and partial on the left) due to adhesions and fibrous connective tissue in the uterine stump which was obliterated by nylon clamp. Right nephrectomy was performed and left ureter adhesions were undone restoring its urine flow and the left kidney function, providing the animal restoration. Institutional support of the HVE was essential solving the problem, with no cost, since the target people of these health programs are often affected by socioeconomic problems. The lack of financial support often results in abandonment, death or euthanasia of animals. Although feline and canine gonadectomies are considered low-complexity procedures, either in regular surgical routine or in population control by public health programs, they should be performed by qualified team, on proven healthy animals, with specific materials, maintaining the strict aseptic standards and the respect to the tissue manipulation care. It is inevitable the contribution of gonadectomies surgeries to dog and cat populations control, however, such practices cannot be neglected and the respect for the fundamental principles of the surgical technique and the animal welfare must be strictly followed.ABSTRACT. do Rego R.O., Henrique F.V., Felipe G. da C., de Medeiros L.K.G., de Araujo S.B., de Oliveira Junior A.G., Alves A.P., Costa Neto J.M. & da No- brega Neto P.I. [Surgical treatment of the perineal hernia in dogs by internal obturator muscle elevating technic and reinforcement with swine auricular cartilage or polypropylene mesh.] Tratamento cirurgico da hernia perineal em caes pela tecnica de elevacao do musculo obturador interno e reforco com cartilagem auricular suina ou tela de polipropileno. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):99-107, 2016. Programa de Pos-graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Avenida Universitaria, s/n, Bairro Santa Cecilia, Rodovia PB 110, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the use of swine auricular cartilage preserved in glycerin to 98% compared to polypropylene mesh as a reinforcement in the surgical reconstruction of the pelvic diaphragm in the perineal hernia in dogs. 11 male dogs were used, of different breeds, aged between five and 15 years, weighing between 4.4 and 18.7 kg, which were randomly divided into two groups, CG and TG. One animal of the TG was undergone to bilateral hernia. The perineal hernia was corrected by internal obturator muscle elevating technic in both groups, and the animals of CG was tightened up the pelvic diaphragm with swine auricular cartilage graft preserved in 98% glycerin and in GT animals was used the polypropylene mesh as a reinforcement. In all animals orchiectomy was performed immediately the after herniorrhaphy. The animals were evaluated until the 90th day after surgery by clinical and ultrasonographic analysis of the perineal region. Results showed no statistical difference between the reinforcement with swine auricular cartilage and the polypropylene mesh. In the proposed evaluation period there were no hernia recurrences in GT, and only in one case in the GC, 90 days after surgery. It was observed the occurrence of other complications, such as contralateral side herniation in one animal of GT and other of GC and urinary incontinence in one animal of GC. There was a reduction in prostate size in all patients, starting 10 days after orchiectomy. It was concluded that the swine auricular cartilage implant is an alternative as viable as the polypropylene mesh to strengthen the repair of the pelvic diaphragm in dogs affected by perineal hernia.ABSTRACT. Pachaly J.R., De Conti J.B., Werner P.R., Sanches A.W.D., Montiani-Ferreia F., Santos A.L.Q., Germano R.M. & Voltarelli-Pachaly E.M. [Neurofibrosarcoma in a blue-fronted amazon-parrot (Amazona aestiva) - Case report.] Neurofibrossarcoma em papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva) - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):115-119, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Universidade Paranaense, Campus Umuarama, Praca Mascarenhas de Moraes, 4282, Zona III, Umuarama, PR 87502-210, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] In 2002, a 22-year old 0.3 kg blue-fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) legally kept as a pet presented a large tumor in the left cervical submandibular area. Surgery was indicated and the bird was anesthetized with IM ketamine (80 mg/kg) and xylazine (8 mg/kg). The subcutaneous tumor had poor blood supply and was easily excised. Major vessels were ligated and subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed with #3.0 catgut. After closing the skin a slight layer of cyanoacrylate glue was applied, as an additional protection against self-injuring. Seven days after the surgery the parrot was in good physical conditions and the sutures were removed. Histologically, the neoplasm consisted of interwoven bundles and whorls of elongated cells with spindle-shaped nuclei and moderate collagen production. The neoplastic cells showed discrete signs of anaplasia such as pleomorphism, anisocaryosis, atypical nuclei and mitotic index of up to three mitotic figures per high power field. Occasional necrotic foci were seen, sometimes bordered by palisading neoplastic cells resembling Verocay bodies. Due to its resemblance to peripheral nerve-sheath cells, histochemical special stain for S-100 protein was made, which resulted negative. The diagnosis was low-grade neurofibrosarcoma, a very rare neoplasm in psittacine birds. The patient was examined again 154 months after the surgery, and no signs of neoplasia were seen.ABSTRACT. Aguiar M.A.T., Faria Junior D & Castro B.G. [Canine third eyelid hemangioma - A case report.] Hemangioma em terceira palpebra de cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):30-32, 2016. Semiologia Animal, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Universitario de Sinop, Av. Alexandre Ferronato, 1200, Setor Industrial, Sinop, MT 78557-267, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Ocular neoplasms cause discomfort, loss of vision or may also reflect systemic diseases. This study aimed to report a case of canine third eyelid neoplasia. After the surgical procedure, tissue was sent for a Pathology Laboratory where the neoplasic mass was described as a hemangioma. In the post-surgical period, the animal was re-evaluated and no recurrence was verified.ABSTRACT. Pereira C.S., Santos L.M.M., Almeida J.F., Pereira V.L.A. & Nascimento E.R. [Mastitis Detected Throught Somatic Cell Count and Bacterial isolation in negative goats for Staphylococcus aureus.] Mastite por contagem de celulas somaticas e isolamento bacteriano em cabras negativas para Staphylococcus aureus. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):99-104, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Higiene Veterinaria e Processamento Tecnologico de Produtos de Origem Animal, Faculdade de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Vital Brasil Filho, 64, Vital Brazil, Niteroi, RJ 24230-340, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] A subclinical mastitis study was conducted in nine dairy goat herds in the Rio de Janeiro state to determine the occurrence of infection, detection of Staphylococcus aureus by polymerase chain reaction, evaluate microbiological and cellular profiles of the milk and associate the influence of somatic cell count (SCC) to bacterial isolation. A total of 133 raw milk sample were collected for microbiological culture, Staphylococcus aureus by polymerase chain reaction and SCC. There was bacterial growth in 64 samples (48%), among those 10 obtained isolation of two microorganisms associated. Seventy-seven isolates were found distributed in the following way: 45 (58,4%) coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, 9 (11,58%) coagulase-positive Staphylococcus e gram negative bacilli of the Enterobacteriaceae family, 5 (6,49%) Bacillus spp., 4 (5,19%) Streptococcus spp., 3 (3,89%) Enterococcus spp. e 1 (1,29%) E. coli and Serratia sp. The association of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus and Gram negative Bacilli had the largest number, with 50%, followed by 20% coagulase positive Staphylococcus + Enterococcus sp. and 10% coagulase-negative Staphylococcus + Bacillus spp., Streptococcus spp. + Bacillus spp. and Streptococcus spp. + Gram Negative Bacilli. No milk sample obtained positive for Staphylococcus aureus in culture and PCR. Mean SCC was 2.152.000 cells/ mL of milk. There was no significant association between bacterial isolation and the values obtained in somatic cell count (t-Student p > 0,05). Statistical difference was observed in SCC average of the properties studied (p <0,05). We conclude that Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus was isolated bacterial group with greater frequency and SCC does not correlate with the results of bacterial isolation and must be carefully evaluated in studies of subclinical mastitis in goats.ABSTRACT. Faccin T.C., Pupin R.C., Leal P.V., Santos A.C., Lima S.C., Ferreira V.B.N, Garcez W.S. & Lemos R.A.A. Evaluation of the toxicity of Brachiaria decumbens in rabbits. [Avaliacao do efeito toxico de Brachiaria decumbens em coelhos.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):143-146, 2016. Laboratorio de Anatomia Patologica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Senador Filinto Muller, 2443, Campo Grande, MS 79074-460, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of rabbits to poisoning by Brachiaria decumbens and the possible use of this animal species as an experimental model for studies on poisoning by this forage in livestock. The experiment was conducted during the dry season with 12 rabbits. The treated group of nine animals was kept in a paddock of B. decumbens, and the control group with three rabbits was kept in cages and received cabbage (Brassica oleracea). Samples of young, mature, and old leaves and seeds of B. decumbens were collected for quantification of the saponin protodioscin. Euthanasia of rabbits from both groups was performed 30, 60 and 90 days after the introduction of the treated group to the pasture. The rabbits showed no clinical signs and no macroscopic or histological findings characteristic of Brachiaria spp. poisoning. Both groups gained weight during the experiment. The concentration of the protodioscin (% dry matter) ranged from 0.87% to 2.72% (mean ± standard deviation: 1.95 ± 0.50%) in young leaves, 0.93% to 2.74% (1.71 ± 0.42%) in mature leaves, 0.59% to 1.66% (1.10 ± 0.25%) in old leaves and 0.11% to 0.28% (0.20 ± 0.05%) in seeds. These results demonstrate that B. decumbens is palatable to rabbits and that rabbits are not susceptible to poisoning by Brachiaria spp. with saponin concentrations that are toxic for sheep.ABSTRACT. Barbosa J.D., Lopes C.T.A., Brito A.B., Silva R.M., Reis A.S.B., Oliveira C.M.C. & Salvarani F.M. [Juvenile multicentric leukosis in a heifer from the State of Para, Brazil.] Leucose bovina multicentrica juvenil em uma bezerra no Estado do Para, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):57-60, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal do Para, BR 316, Km 61, Cristo Redentor, Castanhal, PA 68740-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The purpose of this paper is to describe the clinical and pathological findings of the first case of juvenile multicentric sporadic leukosis diagnosed in the Amazon biome in a 35 days old heifer, in the county of Santa Izabel, State of Para, Brazil. The diagnosis was made by the Veterinary Diagnostic Center team from the Federal University of Para and after clinical evaluation, blood samples were collected for hemogram. The results were decreased count of red blood cells and severe leukocytosis by lymphocytosis. The animal euthanasia was conducted due to poor prognosis. At necropsy, fragments of all organs were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin for histopathological examination. The histological analysis revealed infiltration of neoplastic lymphocytes in the liver, spleen and kidney parenchyma. The clinical and pathological findings led to the diagnosis of juvenile multicentric sporadic leukosis.ABSTRACT. Costa S.Z.R., Cid G.C., D’Avila M.S., Franca T.N., Santos B.B.N., Nogueira V.A., Santos A.M. & Peixoto T.C. [Poisoning by methylene blue (methylthioninium chloride) in cat.] Intoxicacao por azul de metileno (cloreto de metiltioninio) em gato. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):143- 146, 2016. Departamento de Epidemiologia e Saude Publica, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Campus de Seropedica, Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23851-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] It’s reported a case of poisoning by methylene blue (methylthioniniumchloride) in cat that was sent to the Pathological Anatomy Sector of UFRRJ in October 2011, with history of urinary tract infection. By means of necropsy, mucous, subcutaneous tissue, medullary region of the kidney, serous bladder and adjacent tissues to the bladder with clear bluish tint, disclosure of hepatic lobular pattern, additionally bladder mucosa bluishand urine with sediments, blackened and foul odor were observed. Histopathological analysis showed micro and macrovesicular vacuolation of hepatocytes, overall in centrilobular region, which could extend to midzonal lobule region; some cells were lysed. There was, additionally, individual necrosis of rare hepatocytes and biliary retention, increase of the filtrate in tubules and glomeruli, with dilation of Bowman’s capsule, vacuolized tubular epithelium and thickening of the glomerular basement membrane. There was coagulation necrosis in some tubules of the medular area and small quantity of yellow-brown pigment in the cytoplasm of the tubular epithelium. The diagnosis of poisoning by methylene blue (methylthioninium chloride) was established based on the animal’s history and the clinical and pathological findings.ABSTRACT. Costa T.S., Lopes N.L., Carvalho J.R.G., Mascarenhas M.B., Veiga C.C.P., Ramadinha R.R. & Fernandes J.I. [Multilobular tumor of bone in a dog - Case report.] Tumor osseo multilobular em cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):159-163, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23897-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The multilobular tumor of bone is a rare neoplasm, originating primarily in the osseous tissue, which typically affects the skull bones, in middle-aged animals. Clinical signs depends on the tumor location, aggressiveness, and being related to compression of adjacent structures. Imaging exams such as radiography and computed tomography may be helpful in supporting the diagnosis. Histopathological findings have characteristic morphology and allow its differentiation from other primary bone sarcomas, which have more aggressive biological behavior and poor prognosis. The treatment by aggressive surgical resection can result in long-term disease remission and survival time. This paper aimed to report a case of multilobular tumor of bone, diagnosed in a female Dalmatian breed, spayed, 12 years of age, reporting the clinical and laboratory findings and the conduct adopted to reach the diagnose. The justification for this paper consists in scarce brazilian literature on this subject.ABSTRACT. Carreiro C.C., Coelho C.D., Jorge J.L.B.P., Costa N.O.G., Paiva R.V., Teixeira Filho W.L., Rosa A.G. & de Jesus V.L.T. [Intestinal parasites in pigs confined in a creation in the municipality of Pinheiral - RJ.] Parasitos intestinais em suinos confinados em uma criacao no municipio de Pinheiral- RJ. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):117-122, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Instituto de Veterinaria, BR 465 Km 7, Campus Serope- dica, RJ 23897-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Gastrointestinal disorders are frequently observed in pigs in different age groups. It is responsible for important economic losses, not only the mortality rate of piglets, as the reduction of weight gain and medical expenses. Moreover, in sows it is associated with reduced fertility and irregular repetitions of heat. Despite the great development of intensive pig farming, little is known about the occurrence of endoparasites in this species. Considering that enteritis cause serious economic losses, the objective of this study was to identify the main parasites in stool confined sows and piglets. Fifty-five fecal samples (23 sows and 32 piglets) were subjected to the examination of fresh and centrifugal technique - fluctuation in sugar, and observation by optical microscopy. The results showed that 72.7% of the animals were positive for at least one parasite, being quite significant co-infection, where 75% of infected animals had more than one agent. In matrices, coccidia presented more frequent (60.87%), followed by Parabasalidea (52.17%), Strongyloidea (47.8%) and Balantidium (26.08%). Coccidia are also more common in piglets (25%), followed by Strongyloidea (18.75%), Balantidium (12.4%) and parabasalideo (9.37%). Thus, we can conclude that despite the great development of intensive pig farming, the intestinal parasites are a major obstacle in the production, with the need for more effective programs of prevention and control.ABSTRACT. Ayres M.C.C., Peixoto M.S.R., da Silva W.B., Gomes D.M., Nunes O.C., Borges K.B., de Moraes Neto M.A. & de Almeida M.A.O. [Occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in Psittacines, kept in Ecologial Parkes in the metropolitan area of Salvador, Bahia.] Ocorrencia de parasitos gastrintestinais em Psitacideos, mantidos em Parques Ecologicos na regiao metropolitana de Salvador, Estado da Bahia. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterina- ria, 38(2):133-136, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal nos Tropicos, Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Avenida Adhemar de Barros, 500, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] This study evaluated the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in 53 psittacines created in Ecological Parks around Salvador, Bahia. The places chosen for the experiment were: Wild Animal Screening Center Chico Mendes (CETAS), Park and Haras D’Amato and Park Zoobotânico GetulioVargas. The samples were analyzed at the Laboratory of Parasitic diseases of animals at the Universidade Federal da Bahia through the method of Willis-Mollay. Of analyzed samples 39,62% (21/53) were negative and 60.38% (32/53) positive. The following parasites were found: Capillaria spp. (31.25% - 10/32);. Ascaridia sp. (65.62% - 21/32) and Heterakis sp. (25% - 8/32). Considering that the positive samples 21.87% (7/32) was obtained from birds with mixed infections. It is necessary to carry out monitoring of the health of these birds, mostly for riding assessments.ABSTRACT. Teixeira W.C., Santos H.P., Veschi J.L.A., Nascimento S.A., Silva J.C.R., Marvulo M.F.V., Rizzo H. & Castro R.S. [Prevalence of infection with caprine arthritisencephalitis virus in goat herds in the State of Maranhao, Brazil.] Prevalencia da infeccao pelo Virus da Artrite Encefalite Caprina em rebanhos caprinos do Estado do Maranhao, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(1):1-6, 2016. Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros, s/n, Dois Irmaos, Recife, PE 52171-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies against caprine arthritis encephalitis virus in goat flocks in the State of Maranhao, Brazil. It was examined 1.703 serum samples from goats with or without clinical signs of infection. The animals were older than six months, various races and both sex. Altogether 82 herds were examined from 10 animal health official units, located in the East, Central and Northern state regions of Marana. The samples were tested by the agar gel immunodiffusion assay (AGID). The overall prevalence of CAEV infection was 2.8% (47/1703), and the prevalence in the regions North, East and Centre were 1.3% (5/385), 2.5% (18/713) and 4.0% (24/605), respectively. Significant differences between the North and Central were observed (P 0.05). There prevalence is of 11.3% (16/142), 3.5% (23/654) and 0.9% (8/907) were recorded in purebred, crossbred and SRD animals, respectively (P <0.05). It is concluded that the CAEV virus is widespread in regions of the state of Marana and that it is necessary to adopt a sanitary policy for its control.ABSTRACT. Bastos E.M.D´A., Leal P.D.S. & Lopes C.W.G. [Morphological evaluation of the importance of neutrophils as systemic markers of infection in dogs. Report of two cases.] Importância da avaliacao morfologica de neutrofilos como marcadores de infeccao sistemica em caes. Relato de dois casos. Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):195-202, 2016. Centro de Terapia Intensiva e Emergencia Veterinaria, Av. das Americas, 3939, Bloco 2, Loja I., Barra da Tijuca, RJ 22631-003, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Infection and inflammation produce an acute response, where accelerating the neutropoiesis and stimulating the release of neutrophil with morphological changes into the bloodstream, are called toxic neutrophils. These changes are identified in the blood smear, which may present cytoplasmic basophilia and/ or vacuolation, Dohle bodies, toxic granulation and giant neutrophils. This acute response can trigger a systemic inflammatory process, a clinical manifestation of the body to a serious stimulus, which is a potentially fatal condition where an early appropriate diagnosis is essential for the survival of the animal. In most cases, these diseases occur interconnected with periodontal disease, whereas 80% of dogs have this chronic infectious process which may contribute to the development and/or exacerbation of local and systemic diseases. This work aimed to present the importance of the morphological evaluation of leukocytes as infection markers in nulliparous female dogs using pyometra and periodontal disease, by comparing serial blood counts with an interval of approximately 6 hours between them. We concluded that the study of the toxic neutrophils in serial blood counts can be useful in monitoring systemic infections.ABSTRACT. Gonzalez A.A.P., Franca T.N., Ramadinha R.R., Nogueira V.A., Mascarenhas M.B., Peixoto T.C., Costa S.Z.R. & Peixoto P.V. [Clinical pathological study on hypothyroidism diagnosis in dogs, with emphasis on changes in piloerector muscles.] Estudo clinico-patologico no diagnostico do hipotireoidismo em caes, com enfase nas alteracoes dos musculos piloeretores. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.1):147-155, 2016. Departamento de Epidemiologia e Saude Publica, Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Given the high frequency of hypothyroidism in dogs in Brazil and the usual inconclusiveness of laboratory exams, the establishment of the real significance of hypertrophy of piloerector muscles can be important for pathologists. This study aimed to determine if there is a correlation between the hypertrophy of these muscles and low levels of thyroid hormones in dogs, assessing the diagnostic significance in case of a positive correlation and describing the clinical and dermato-histopathological findings in dogs with hypothyroidism in Brazil. Two hundred dogs of both sexes, aged between 6 months and 18 years, with skin disease suspected to be related to hypothyroidism, were evaluated at the Dermatology Section of the Small Animal Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro between November 2001 and October 2002. Cutaneous biopsies, hormone dosage, skin scrapings, trichograms and cytology exams were performed. Dogs between 2 and 4 years old were the most affected, impacting more females (61%) than males (38.9%) from 32 breeds, especially Poodle, Cocker Spaniel and German Shepherd, with the exception of crossbreeds. Lethargy, obesity and reproductive disorders were observed among the clinical signs. Cutaneous alterations such as hypotrichosis, alopecia, dull and brittle coat, pruritus, seborrhea and hyperpigmentation were frequent. Hypopigmentation, skin thickening and facial myxedema were also observed. Concomitant diseases and/or lesions such as otitis, secondary pyoderma and allergic dermatitis were frequently seen. Histopathology revealed acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, follicular alterations (mainly follicles in the telogen phase) and hypertrophy (70.5%) and vacuolization (cervical - 53.8% and lumbar - 89.4%) of piloerector muscles. Our data indicate that the alterations of the piloerector muscles (hypertrophy and eosinophilic vacuolization) are important for the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. The association of these alterations with other histological findings such as dermal thickness, trichilemmal keratinization, predominance of atrophic follicles and follicles in telogen phase makes the histopathological exam even more helpful for the diagnosis of hypothyoroidism.ABSTRACT. Bassuino D.M., Konradt G., Mari C., Cruz R.A.S., Boos G.S., Gomes D.C., Petinatti S.P. & Driemeier D. [Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical findings of sheep infected with rabies virus.] Achados clinicos, patologicos e imuno-histoquimicos em ovinos com raiva. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):86-90, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencias Veterinarias, Faculdade de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Goncalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] In this article we described three cases of rabies in sheep in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Refrigerated samples of encephalon and spinal cord of two sheep, as well as one sheep sent to necropsy, with history in common of progressive neurological signs were referred to histopathological analyses. Samples from the brain and spinal cord were collected and routinely processed for hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). To evaluate and to quantify the lesions, and also for immunohistochemistry, serial sections of the cerebral cortex, obex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and spinal cord were made. Refrigerated samples of brain were sent to direct immunofluorescence (DIF) exam for the detection of viral antigen. The histological findings were characterized by nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis with perivascular infiltrate, microgliosis, hemorrhage and congestion. Positive immunostaining was observed in the three sheep analyzed with signals ranging from discrete to accentuated. At the DIF examination, two sheep were positive and one was negative. It is concluded that rabies should be included in the differential diagnosis of diseases from the central nervous system of sheep, even if it is rarely described in this species.ABSTRACT. Cabala R.W., Silva E.B. & Clark R.M.O. [Cardiopulmonary assessment, quality induction and tracheal intubation with the use of induction adjunct with propofol in dogs.] Avaliacao cardiorrespiratoria, qualidade de inducao e intubacao orotraqueal com o uso de coadjuvantes na inducao anestesica com propofol em caes. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):39-44, 2016. Escola de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antonio Carlos, 6627, Caixa Postal 1567, Campus Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The objective was to evaluate the effects of the use of fentanyl, ketamine or diazepam, as coadjuvant induction of anesthesia with propofol in dogs and to evaluate the cardiovascular, respiratory and quality of induction of anesthesia and tracheal intubation by these agents. Twenty four dogs ASA I and II, of different breeds and average weight 18 ± 6.8 kg, males and females subjected to different surgical procedures were randomly allocated in four groups of six each: G-CP (saline); G-FP (5mcg/kg - fentanyl), G-KP (0,5 mg/kg - ketamine) and G-DP (0,2mg/kg - diazepam). All animals recieved pre-anaesthetic medication with acepromazine (0,05 mg/kg) combined with morphine (0,2 mg/kg) administered intramuscularly. Two minutes after coadjuvants or saline administration, the anaesthetic induction was perfomed with 5mg/kg of propofol or the sufficient dose required to lost protector reflex and ensure endotracheal intubation. HR, SAP, MAP, DAP, RR, ETCO2, SpO2, and To C were measured before pre-anaesthetic medication (M1), 15 minutes after M1 (M2), during induction of anesthesia (M3), at the end of induction anesthetic (M4) and after intubation (M5). The quality of anesthesia was evaluated using a numerical scale by induction and intubation score. The use of fentanyl as co-adjuvant induction reduced significantly propofol dose requirement (2,42±0,38mg/kg), when compared to G-CP (4,43±0,32mg/kg), to G-DP (3,78±1,3mg/kg) and to G-KP (3,90±0,84mg/kg). Significant reductions on arterial pressures ocurred in G-FP, but it were similar in G-CP. No statistically significant differences were observed between groups in mean HR, RR, ETCO2 , SpO2 and To C. SpO2 was reduced in M4 of G-DP. The induction and intubation scores were similar in all groups. The administration of fentanyl decreased propofol requirement but promoted severe hypotension when compared with other co-adjuvants agents. There were minimal undesirable effects. The quality of induction and intubation were satisfactory, but the dogs that were induced with only propofol demonstrated better score.ABSTRACT. Lucio E.C., Clemente S.M.S., Pimentel J.L., Oliveira J.M.B., Silva Junior J.L., Albuquerque P.P.F., Mota R.A. & Pinheiro Junior J.W. [Epidemiological analysis of Toxoplasma gondii infection in goats in Pernambuco, Brasil.] Analise epidemiologica da infeccao por Toxoplasma gondii em caprinos no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):13-18, 2016. Laboratorio de Doencas Infecto-Contagiosas, Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manuel de Medeiros, s/n, Dois Irmaos, Recife, PE 52171-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of the present study was to assess epidemiological aspects of Toxoplasma gondii infection among goats in the Agreste and Sertao regions of the state of Pernambuco in Brazil. In total, 348 serum samples were analyzed by the Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) technique to detect IgG anti-T. gondii, considering a dilution of 1:64 as the cut-off point. Investigative questionnaires were used to analyze risk factors through objective questions, answered by the breeder, about the productive, reproductive and sanitary management characteristics of the property. Multivariate and univariate analysis were carried out, based on a logistical regression model, considering the serological status of the animal as the dependent variable (positive or negative) and the spatial distribution of foci. Of the 348 goat serum samples analyzed, 90 (25.86% C.I. 21.41% – 30.86%) were positive, with nine foci (60.00%). Of the ninety-positive samples, 21 (23.34%) exhibited titers of 64; 15 (16.67%) titers of 128; 17 (18.89%) titers of 256; 23 (25.55%) titers of 512 and 14 samples (15.55%) titers of 1024. In the analysis of the logistical regression, semi-intensive management was confirmed as a risk factor (OR 9.96; C.I. 2.30 - 43.14). In conclusion, there is an elevated number of foci of the infection in the region studied, which indicates the need to design animal health planning projects, to implement control and prophylactic measures, and to make the producers aware of animal health requirements and the risk that this infection can generate for the health of the general public.ABSTRACT. Piau-Junior R., Ribeiro E. de A., Quessada A.M., Ribeiro E. de A. & de Almada A.F.B. [Effects of the gossypol at different levels in diet of heifers Nelore.] Efeitos do gossipol em diferentes niveis na dieta de novilhas Nelore. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):120-126, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Universidade Paranaense, Campus Umuarama, Praca Mascarenhas de Moraes, 4282, Zona III, PR 480, S/n, Km 14, Umuarama, PR 87502-210, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The use of cottonseed in ruminant feed has aroused interest because it is an important energy and protein source as supplemental fodder. However, the cotton and your by-products have an anti-nutritional factor, the gossypol, which may have a toxic effect on ruminants. In Brazil there is still a lack of studies on animals, about the toxicity of the gossypol, and most studies with cotton in ruminant feed is performed in dairy cows. Thus, the objective of this study was to observe the effect of the addition of gossypol in the diet of Nelore heifers. 15 heifers were used receiving a daily diet consisting of 12 kg of silage with elephant grass and 100g of mineral supplement. The animals were divided into three groups. In the first group (A, control), the diet contained no gossypol; in the second group (B) was added in the diet, 900 ppm free gossypol; and in the third group (C), the diet contained 1500 ppm of free gossypol. Prior to administration of the diets and after the experiment began, animals were weighed biweekly (0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 days, total of six weighings). Elapsed 10 weeks the animals were slaughter, and liver, heart and spleen were weighed, and samples of these organs were collected for preparation of histological sections. The animals were examined daily and there was no clinical signs of intoxication. In relation to weight gain, there was no statistical difference between the treated animals and the control group. At necropsy, gross changes were not seen in heart, spleen, liver, kidney and lungs. The weight of liver, heart and spleen showed no differences between groups. There were no clinical signs of renal injury but it was observed histopathologically discrete renal injury. The other organs showed no histological lesions. It was concluded that heifers may be fed with by-products of the cotton without showing clinical poisoning, since the level of gossypol does not exceed 1,500 ppm.ABSTRACT. Di Filippo P.A., Graca F.A.S., Costa A.P.D., Coutinho I.S. & Viana I.S. [Clinical and epidemiological findings and response to treatment of 25 cases of tetanus in horses occurred in Norte Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.] Achados clinico-epidemiologicos e resposta ao tratamento de 25 casos de tetano em equinos ocorridos na regiao Norte Fluminense, Rio de janeiro, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):33-38, 2016. Hospital Veterina- rio, Setor de Grandes Animais, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Avenida Alberto Lamego, 2000, Parque California, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28013-602, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The retrospective analysis of mainly clinical and epidemiological findings of 25 cases of tetanus occurred between 2011 and 2014, revealed that male horses, of Quarto de Milha breed, with 4.6 years of age were the most affected and the main clinical signs included difficulty of mobility (100%) followed by muscular rigidity (92%) and third eyelid protrusion (80%). Lack of preventive vaccination (100%), several injuries (28%), injuries resulting from trimming (12%) and spaying procedures (20%) were identified risk factors. The treatment, considered standard, was not effective in the condition of the resolution in most cases (80%) and early identification associated with the management of the source of infection were factors that contributed to the healing of the disease. The administration of serum antitetanus intrathecal with animals in standing position, has shown promise, beyond viable and easy to be performed. Studies that evaluate new therapeutic possibilities including, routes of administration, are needed, however educational campaigns guiding and encouraging the immunization of massive number animals can more immediately contribute to reduction of tetanus in horses.ABSTRACT. dos Santos-Sousa C.A., Stocco A.V., Ferreira L.T., Silva S.C., Gomes M.S. & Abidu-Figueiredo M. [Atypical drainage of the renal vein in rabbits - Case report.] Drenagem atipica da veia renal em coelho - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):105-107, 2016. Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23897-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Knowledge of the renal vessels variations has importance in a systematization program of radiological and surgical anatomy, both in humans and animals, applied for research and surgical training. Renal veins have been considered by dissective or angiographic study means. Particular attention has been paid to the study of these vessels, outlining the variations noticed among various animal species. Both renal veins right and the left drain its contents to the caudal vena cava. Thus, the aim of this report is to describe a case in which the left renal vein does not drain into the caudal vena cava in rabbit.ABSTRACT. Mascarenhas L.M., Botteon R.C.C.M., Mello M.R.B., Botteon P.T.L. & Vargas D.F.R. [Oxytocin application during milking and reproductive efficiency of crossbred cows.] Aplicacao de ocitocina durante a ordenha e eficiencia reprodutiva de vacas mesticas. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.2):108-112, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of this study was to assess the effect of exogenous oxytocin (OT) application during milking on the reproductive efficiency of crossbred cows. A total of 24 crossbred cows were evaluated (Holstein × Zebu), which were part of a fixed-time artificial insemination program [day (D)0: progesterone + estradiol benzoate (EDB) releasing intra-vaginal device (2 mg, i.m.); D8: removal of the intra-vaginal device and application of PGF2α (0,526 mg, i.m.); D9: EDB (1 mg, i.m.); D10: IA]. After ovulation, they were randomly distributed between two groups: GO (n = 12): oxytocin (25 IU: 2.5 ml, i.v. during morning and afternoon milking); GC (n = 12): without OT. The ultrasonography examinations were performed on days 10, 15, 18 and 28. A pregnancy diagnosis was performed on day 28 by transrectal ultrasonography and the pregnancy was again evaluated on days 45 and 60. An increase in the diameter of the corpus luteum (CL) was observed in the GC group between days 10 and 18. In the GO group, the CL diameter decreased between days 10 and 15 and most of the cows (9/12; 75%) were in estrus before day 18. The CL volume was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the GC group, during all instances, than that in the GO group on day 15. The GC group had a higher pregnancy rate (41.7%) in comparison with the GO group (25%). The conception and maintenance of pregnancy rates indicate a low reproductive efficiency in the GO group (p = 0.0022). With successive inseminations, at 90 days, one and seven cows were not pregnant in the GC (8.33%) and GO groups (58.3%), respectively. The development pattern and CL regression confirm the involvement of OT in the reproductive activity of dairy cows, thus confirming the hypothesis that exogenous OT can negatively affect the reproduction of crossbred cows.ABSTRACT. Figueiredo M.A.F., Alves G.E.S., Michael A.F.M., Lima A.E., Wenceslau A.A., Ferreira M.L., Clark R.M.O. & Ayres M.C.C. [Effect of Platelet Rich Plasma therapy in the repair of experimental lesions of the suspensory ligament in horses.] Efeito do tratamento com Plasma Rico em Plaquetas sobre lesoes do ligamento suspensor do boleto de equinos, induzidas experimentalmente. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):85-92, 2016. Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias e Ambientais, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. Rodovia Jorge Amado, Km 16, Salobrinho, Ilheus, BA 45662-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The relevance of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as a regenerative therapy is increasin, particularly in equine sport medicine, but there is still lack of controlled studies demonstrating its action in treating ligament injuries. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of Platelet Rich Plasma therapy in the repair of experimental injuries in equine suspensory ligament (SL). PRP was evaluated for treatment of desmites surgically induced in the body of the SL in six horses. PRP was applied 14 days after induction of the lesions, in the thoracic and pelvic left limbs; right limbs constitute control. Sonographic examinations were performed weekly to monitor the dynamics of lesions Intensity Rate (IR), based on ecogenicity and cross-sectional area. Forty-six days after PRP treatment, samples of the ligaments were collected and evaluated for celularity, vascularity and colagen content. The group treated with PRP presented reduced intensity rate (IR), improving ecogenicity in SL lesions. Treated group also presented higher neovascularity and type I colagen content. The number of fibroblasts was higher in treatment group, but it was not significant. The results suggests that PRP was effective in improving suspensory ligament repair in this study.ABSTRACT. Peixoto P.V., Teixeira R.S., Mascarenhas M.B., Franca T.N., Azevedo S.C.S., Reinacher M., Costa T.S. & Ramadinha R.R. [Atypical forms and clinic-epidemiological aspects of canine transmissible venereal tumor in Brazil.] Formas atipicas e aspectos clinico-epidemiologicos do tumor venereo transmissivel canino no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.2):101-107, 2016. Departamento Nutricao Animal e Pastagem, Instituto de Zootecnia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR-465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23851-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] From 203 dogs of both sexes, affected by the Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) from May, 1995 to December, 2004, the genital form of TVT was observed in 117 (57.64%) of the dogs, and in 39 of those 203 animals (19.21%) showed genital and extra genital tumours. The exclusively extra genital form of TVT was considered very common in 47 (23.15%) animals. Extra genital forms were seen in the oral mucosa (18 cases), nasal cavity (13 cases) and anal (6 cases). This paper highlights seven cases of the eyeball, two in corneas, two on eyelids, one in third eyelid and one on bilateral conjunctiva and one in an anterior and posterior eye chamber. Some cases was considered very atypical, including those animals with tumors in the conjunctiva - bilaterally and symmetrically -, in an anterior and posterior eye chamber, involving the footpad of the front leg, and in the external ear canal. In addition, clinic-epidemiological aspects and the possible way of transmission of TVT will be discussed in this paper.ABSTRACT. Cordova F.M., Alexandrino B., Baptista F., Burns L.V., Ramos A.T., Moron S.E., Cordova C.A.S. & Silva G.M.L. [Broilers coligranuloma in the State of Tocantins – Case report.] Coligranulomatose em frangos no Estado do Tocantins - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):53-56, 2016. Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, BR-153, km 112, Zona Rural, Araguaina, TO 77804-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] This study describes for the first time a case of coligranulomatosis in broilers in the state of Tocantins. Three males from a farm (flock of approximately 300 birds), with approximately 60 days of age, were sent to the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal do Tocantins. The birds were necropsied and tissue samples were sent for histopathology. Grossly, significant lesions were firm nodules, whitish gray, measuring from 3 to 10 mm in diameter located in the serosal surfaces of the intestines and gall bladder. Microscopically, typical granulomas with eosinophilic necrotic centers surrounded by epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant cells with scattered heterophils were observed. No mycotic forms or alcohol-acid resistant organisms were observed in sections stained by periodic acid-Schiff and Ziehl-Neelsen, respectively. Based on lesions was diagnosed coligranuloma, a rare form of avian colibacillosis.ABSTRACT. Filho M.S., Hainfellner D.C., Mendonca D.A., Cavalcanti M.B., Silva B.R.S.A., Athar C.V.A., Marinho J.P.M. & Paiva J.P. [Emphysema subcutaneous associated pneumothorax for biting in dog - Case report.] Enfisema subcutâneo associado a pneumotorax por mordedura em cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.2):183-185, 2016. Hospital Veterinario de Pequenos Animais, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, Campus Universitario, Bairro Zona Rural, Seropedica, RJ 23897-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The air leakage to the extra- cellular space can cause pneumothorax, and its continuity beyond the chest wall, the subcutaneous emphysema. Subcutaneous emphysema is a relatively uncommon complication in small animals, and when it occurs, is from invasive techniques, surgical procedures and in some cases of trauma. This report aims to describe a case of generalized subcutaneous emphysema and quick installation due to pneumothorax due to chest laceration by biting, where the approach is conservative and non-invasive medical treatment. The subcutaneous emphysema and pneumothorax since no longer active, can be treated by conservative methods.ABSTRACT. Short R.R., Muramoto C., Machado M.C.A., Moreira E.L.T., Ribeiro Filho C.H.A., Dorea Neto F.A. & Costa Neto J.M. [True hermaphroditism unilateral in dog - Case report.] Hermafroditismo verdadeiro unilateral em cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):17-25, 2016, Departamento de Anatomia, Patologia e Clinicas Veterinarias, Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros, 500, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] True hermaphroditism is an abnormality of gonadal development where there is genital ambiguity and ovarian and testicular tissues (ovotestis) in the same individual. In dogs, it is considered a rare alteration and there are few reports in the literature. Thus, we report a case of true unilateral hermaphroditism in an animal of the canine species, Cocker Spaniel, seven years old, indefinite gender and phenotype of both genders. It was attended was received at the University Veterinary Hospital presenting inflammation of the external genitalia and mammary tissue. For diagnostic elucidation and treatment were performed computed tomography, exploratory laparotomy with subsequent surgical resolution and anatomopathological and histologic examination. It was concluded that the animal had ambiguity in both, internal and external genitalia. Externally it was observed the presence of testicular pouch, primitives, foreskin and penis, rudimentary vulva containing hypertrophied clitoris. Internally, the reproductive system consisted of: prostate; uterus of which left uterine horn, partially hypoplastic, was in normal topography with its corresponding ovarian bursa, containing only ovary; the right uterine horn was in ectopic position, retroflexed, with a caudal orientation, passing through the right inguinal ring and inserting partially in the scrotum, in witch was found the right gonad. Microscopic evaluation of the right gonad showed the presence of ovarian and testicular tissue associated, characterized as ovotestis and confirming the diagnosis.ABSTRACT. Ribeiro V.M.F. & Santos F.G.A. [The clinical and anatomopathological and histologic alterations produced by the natural and accidental poisoning by sodic salinomycin in peccaries (Tayassu tajacu).] Alteracoes clinicas e anatomopatologicas produzidas por intoxicacao acidental com salinomicina sodica em catetos (Tayassu tajacu). Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):69-72, 2016. Laboratorio de Apoio a Vida Silvestre, Centro de Ciencias Biologicas e da Natureza, Universidade Federal do Acre, Campus Universitario Rio Branco, Rodovia BR-364 Km 4, Rio Branco, AC 69920-900, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Sodic Salinomycin is a polyester monocarboxylic antibiotic of the ionophore group. It has antibacterial and anticoccidial properties. The intoxication for ionophore antibiotics happens when there is ingestion of high doses of the drug for mistakes of calculations or contamination of rations. That work had the aims to describe the clinical and anatomopathological and histological alterations produced by the natural and accidental intoxication by sodic salinomycin (Coxystar 12% granular®) in peccaries (Tayassu tajacu). 37 animals were submitted accidentally to the ingestion ad libitum of sodic salinomycin, in the farm of wild animals “Caboclinho da Mata”, located in Experimental Finance “Catuaba” belonging to the Federal University of Acre. Of the individuals that consumed the salinomycin, 14 died in the period of 15 days after the ingestion. It was observed in the animals: anorexia, motor incordination, staggering pace, asthenia, ventral decubitus and death. One of the animals that came to death was submitted to the necropsy. Liver fragments and cardiac muscle were collected, fastened in formaldehyde to 10% and processed, and embedded in paraffin, cut at a nominal thickness of 4 µm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histopathological examination. Macroscopically, indicative lesions of degenerative process were observed, in the liver, where this presented pattern evident lobular and congestion. In the heart, a bulging was observed, with dilation of the right camera, subepicardials and miocardials hemorrhages. Microscopically, in the liver, the lesions were distributed in a diffuse way by the parenchyma of the organ, with ectasia of the centrilobulares veins and hepatocytes vacuolateds. These vacuolizations had forms and varied sizes, as well as dilation of the sinusoides and discreet megalocitose, and in the heart muscle, besides vascular lesions, characterized by hiperemia and edema, any lesion was not observed in the fibers. Intoxications for salinomycin were already registered in swine, caprine, bovine, cats, alpacas, turkeys, rabbits, equine and chinchillas. The anamnesis and the clinical symptomatology presented by the animals that ingested natural and accidentally the sodic salinomycin, going to death, as well as the discoveries macro and microscopic they suggest a diagnosis of acute and sub-acute phase intoxication for antibiotic ionoforo, being these the first cases told in peccaries.ABSTRACT. da Silva R.S., Franca T.N., Costa S.Z.R., Atallah F.A., Miranda I.C., Mascarenhas M.B., Peixoto T.C. & Peixoto P.V. [Advantages of the extra-articular condylar-tibial fixation technique for stifle stabilization after cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs.] Vantagens da tecnica de fixacao condilo-tibial extra-articular na estabilizacao da articulacao femorotibiopatelar pos-ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial em caes. Revista Brasileira de Medicina veterinaria 38(Supl.1):39-46, 2016. Departamento de Medicina e Cirurgia, Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-001, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] A new variant of the extra-articular technique for stifle stabilization, by condylar-tibial fixation (transcondylar perforation), is described. This technique, developed at the Surgery Department of the Small Animal Veterinary Hospital at Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, was performed in 36 dogs of both sexes, weighing from 16.5 to 93 kg, which had had spontaneous rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. Results were considered to be very good; in addition to immediate stabilization of the joint, no difficulties were encountered during surgery. The advantages of this variant of technique are complete stabilization of the joint without the need of supplementary techniques, ease of execution, and absence of trans or postoperative complications, as well as being adequate for larger and heavier dogs. Although it is very likely that this technique can be effective for smaller dogs, its use in small breed dogs should only be considered after an experimental study including these animals has been performed.ABSTRACT. de Aguirra L.R.V.M., Monger S. da G.B., Moraes L.A., Marsolla E.H. & Pereira W.L.A. [Bilateral ovarian-uterine hypoplasia in domestic felid - Case report.] Hipoplasia ovarica-uterina bilateral em felideo domestico - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):108-110, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Saude e Producao Animal na Amazonia, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia, Av. Presidente Tancredo Neves, 2501, Bairro Terra Firme, Belem, PA 66077-830, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] We report the first case of ovarian and uterine bilateral hypoplasia in a Persian cat, 3 years old, as an incidental finding in ovariosalpingohisterectomy elective procedure. The surgical piece was described anatomically and then fixed whole in buffered formalin 10%. Macroscopically, reducing the thickness of both ovaries and uterine horns was observed, the histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of hypoplasia through histological slides stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Gormori’s trichrome. This disease is rare in domestic animals and has no factors that can make the life of the animal, except for infertility.ABSTRACT. Madureira K.M., Oliveira M.C., Muramoto C., Requiao K.G., Peixoto T.C., Barbosa V.F., Martins Filho E.F. & Lima M.C.C. [Meningoencephalocele in Nelore calf - Case report.] Meningoencefalocele em bezerra da raca Nelore - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):25-29, 2016. Departamento de Anatomia, Patologia e Clinicas Veterinarias, Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Rua Adhemar de Barros, 500, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The meningoencephalocele is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by protrusion of intracranial structures by an existing defect in the skull. This paper describes a case of meningoencephalocele in a heifer Nelore, two-day-old, who was born with a swelling in the dorsal portion of the head, dorsal to the frontal bone without neurological manifestations changes or pain. The ultrasound examination and computer tomography scan confirmed the meningoencephalocele, which was surgically repaired successfully.ABSTRACT. Queiroz G.B., Farache R.A.B., Costa M., Santos M.C.S. & Alencar N.X. [Use of Luxol Fast Blue for differentiation of bilirubin and lipofuscin pigments in liver cytological samples of dogs (Canis familiaris) with hepatic disease.] Uso do Luxol Fast Blue para diferenciacao de pigmentos de bilirrubina e lipofuscina em amostras citologicas de figado de caes (Canis familiaris) com doenca hepatica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):61-64, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria (Clinica e Reproducao Animal), Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Vital Brazil Filho, 64, Vital Brazil, Niteroi, RJ 24230-340, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Several pigments can be viewed on cytological preparation of the liver. Special stains are often necessary to differentiate these pigments, such as the differentiation between bilirubin, pathological pigment indicative of cholestasis, and lipofuscin, a non pathological pigment that is normal in older dogs with the Luxol Fast Blue special stain. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of Luxol Fast Blue in liver samples obtained from dogs with laboratory and / or ultrasound diagnosis of liver disease with suspected cholestasis, evaluating whether this staining can be used to confirm the diagnosis of cholestasis by cytological examination. 30 dogs underwent ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of the liver, followed by serum biochemical test for cholestasis confirmation, of which 11 had suggestion of bilirubin or lipofuscin pigment. The samples were stained with Giemsa and later by Luxol Fast Blue. Although this technique positively stain the lipofuscin pigment, there was no significant difference between samples stained positively and negatively by Luxol Fast Blue in the biochemical evaluation of the animals.ABSTRACT. Faria B.G.O., Oria A.P., Martins Filho E.F., Conceicao D.G., Dorea Neto F.A., Quessada A.M., Carneiro R.S. & Costa Neto J.M. [Pathophysiology and treatment of iatrogenic abdominal hernia in feline - a Case report.] Fisiopatologia e tratamento de hernia abdominal iatrogenica em felino - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):26-32, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao Ciencia Animal nos Tropicos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Ademar de Barros, 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] It describes the pathophysiology of iatrogenic latero dorsal abdominal hernia occurred in feline of two years and seven months old that has the muscle weakness of the right side of the abdominal wall like a predisposing factor, resulting from the deficient healing of a post-vaccination intramuscular abscess, occurred at four months of age. Subsequently, a chronic constipation picture, caused by fecal impaction was the triggering factor responsible for the increase of the internal abdominal pressure and subsequent formation of the hernia process. In reference to the surgical treatment, considering the tissue impairment of the abdominal muscles and tissue tension observed after its synthesis, we decided for the use of center equine phrenic preserved in glycerin to the appropriate strengthening of this structure. The analysis of the case highlights the value of management. The description of the pathophysiology, in addition to strengthen the concept of involvement in internal abdominal pressure in the genesis of abdominal hernias, clarifies the iatrogenic diagnosis of the hernia, in particular. In time, excels the effectiveness of the use of biological membrane, in this case, center equine phrenic preserved in glycerin, in the repair of abdominal wall.ABSTRACT. Santos Junior J.C.B., Turner S.P., Weiss L.M., Pontvianne F.F., Ramos M.G.S.N., Caruso A.C.P. & Lessa D.A.B. Frog puncture wound with navicular bursa envolvement in a horse - a Case report. [Ferida perfurante em ranilha com envolvimento da bursa do navicular em equino - Relato de caso.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):65-68, 2016. Faculdade de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Vital Brazil Filho, 64, Vital Brazil, Niteroi, RJ 24230-34, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] A 5 years old show jumping mare presented a deep puncture wound of the frog, involving the navicular bursa. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive- -contrast fistulography and deep digital flexor tendon ultrasonography. The treatment included systemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, broad- -spectrum antibiotics, cryotherapy, and regional intravenous perfusion (RIP) of gentamicin. The horse achieved full recovery and returned to high level of performance 8 months after the injury.ABSTRACT. Vidal Junior A.W.M., Paes E.C., Kirsten C.E., Junger M.B., Silva R.S. & Souza H.J.M. [Feline chronic progressive polyarthritis associated with Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) infection: case report.] Poliartrite progressiva felina cronica associada a Leucemia Viral Felina (FeLV): relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.2):27-30, 2016. Instituto de Veterina- ria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E mail: [email protected] Feline chronic progressive polyarthritis affects mainly young adult male cats and in most cases it is associated with feline leukemia virus infection. The diagnosis is made with radiographic evaluation of the altered joints and supportive treatment. This study aims to report a case of a seven-year-old male feline patient, tested positive for feline leukemia virus infection, presented with generalized articular volume increase with a progression of approximately two months. Radiographic findings were consistent with feline chronic progressive polyarthritis. The patient presented a good response to the instituted therapy with improvement in clinical signs and ambulation . A good history taking as well as complementary exams and the knowledge of specific diseases of cats makes the correct diagnosis and treatment easier to reach.ABSTRACT. Santos Godoi T.L.O., Villas-Boas J.D., Souza C.C.F., Beck M.M., MouraG.H.C., Lima M.T.R. & Medeiros M.A. [Profile of the acupuncture service at the Small Animals Veterinary Hospital of UFRRJ-RJ (2006-2016).] Perfil de atendimento por acupuntura no Hospital Veterinario de Pequenos Animais da UFRRJ-RJ (2006-2016). Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):49- 56, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Campus Universitario, Serope- dica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. Email: [email protected] The acupuncture service of the Veterinary Hospital of Small Animal-UFRRJ, located in Seropedica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, aims to provide quality care in acupuncture and at low cost, offer training of students in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine and be a data source for clinical research in the acupuncture area. In order to provide the profile of this acupuncture service, it was performed a retrospective study of medical records from January 2006 to March 2016. Is was evaluated data such as gender, age and breed, in addition to the main pathologies treated, city of origin of patients and techniques of stimulation of acupuncture points. The sessions were held once a week and 372 patients were treated. Dogs accounted for 90.4% while the cats were only 9.6% of treated animals, 49.5% were males and 50.5% females, with mean age of 5.27 years. The most animals were mixed breed, followed by poodles and dachshunds. The places of origin most common were the city of Seropedica (26,9%), where is located UFRRJ, the West Zone (26,3%) and Baixada Fluminense (16,9%). Neurological and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for respectively 67.3% and 23.8% of the treated cases, where distemper sequelaes, discopathies and medullary trauma were the most common diseases. The techniques used for stimulating acupuncture points were dry needling (99.2%), moxibustion (26,6%); electroacupuncture (19,4%) and pharmacocupuncture (9,7%). 65% of the animals who continued the treatment (received more than 2 sessions) showed significant improvement in the initial clinical condition and 10,6% of the animals did not show any clinical improvement. These findingsindicate that acupuncture is a promising therapy in clinical small animals and that further studies should be conducted to demonstrate their effectiveness in the treatment of different pathologies.ABSTRACT. Vasconcellos M. [Comment on stem cells of cancer: A new therapeutic target?] Comentario sobre celulas-tronco do câncer: Um novo alvo terapeutico? Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(2):111-115, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencias Cirurgicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, Cidade Universitaria, Fundao, RJ 21940-902, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The cancer affects about 500,000 new cases each year in Brazil. The understanding of carcinogenesis is still one of the most current and controversial issues in the field of research. The theory of cellular hierarchy revive an old hypothesis of a tumor subpopulation called cancer stem cells (CSC’s) with unique characteristics of self-renewal and tumorigenicity, which grew in evidence from their identification and isolation in many human tumors. To discuss the impact that the validation of the theory of CSC’s can cause in relation to the current treatment of the disease. Critical analysis of scientific publications obtained through the electronic databases Medline, Lilacs, and Scielo researching the keywords: stem cells, cancer stem cells, clonal evolution. Articles were selected from the 90 by the year 2014. Studies using CSC’s anti-drugs targeting selective inhibition of cell self-renewal pathways specifically by surface markers for vehicle cytotoxic agents, had success in tests preliminary. Prospects for a reorientation of therapeutic targets through selective elimination of CSC’s preserving however, normal stem cells, represents the current goal to be achieved by researchers and biopharmaceutical companies worldwide.ABSTRACT. Machado L.S., Santos F.F., Santos L.M.M., BrandaoM.D.M., Abreu D.L.C., Gouvea R., Pereira V.L.A. & Nascimento E.R. [Detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in oviduct of SPF hens - Case report.] Deteccao de Mycoplasma gallisepticum em oviduto de galinhas SPF - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):45-48, 2016. Faculdade de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Vital Brasil Filho, 64, Bairro Icarai, Niteroi, RJ 24230-340, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) has horizontal transmission, by direct contact with respiratory secretions, or vertical. Serological tests such Serum Agglutination Reaction (SAR), ELISA and PCR detection by agent are among the analyzes recommended by government programs for monitoring mycoplasmosis in poultry. This study used 40 Leghorn chickens “Specific Pathogen Free” housed in farm with historically positive by MG. The chickens were monitored monthly by SAR, ELISA, from the serum of birds and PCR from tracheal swabs. At 33 weeks old, four birds were randomly selected for analyze in the necropsy. Fragments were analyzed from different parts of the oviduct (infundibulum, magnum and isthmus) by PCR. All chickens were negative for MG to the SAR, the ELISA and PCR to 33th week of age. In the PCR, the four samples of oviduct, three were positive in the infundibulum; two in the magnum; two on the isthmus; all chickens infected with at least a portion of the oviduct. MG infection was diagnosed by PCR from the oviduct of birds which were negative by conventional monitoring techniques, prior to seroconversion by PCR and trachea swabs. Hens negative for MG using PCR from tracheal swabs and serological tests showed positive PCR results for oviduct samples.ABSTRACT. Souza C.C.F. & Medeiros M.A. [Risk factors and co-ocurrence with other behavioral disorders in domestic dogs with exaggerated fear of sounds.] Fatores de risco e transtornos comportamentais concomitantes em caes de companhia com medo exagerado a sons. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):175-182, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Campus Universita- rio, Seropedica, RJ 23897-970, Brasil. Email: [email protected] An online questionnaire containing 26 questions, with 350 responses collected between June and August 2016, was used to investigate the risk factors and co-occurrence of other behavioral changes in dogs with exaggerated fear of sounds. The general characteristics of dogs and tutors, the quality of the relationship between dogs and tutors; behavioral parameters of fear, concomitant behavioral disorders, the onset of fear and the possible triggering events were evaluated. Most of the dogs were female, castrated, adult, SRD, with origin from street rescue or donation, with good affective relationship and obedience with their tutors. The most frequent concomitant behavioral disorders were separation anxiety, agitation, excessive vocalization and aggressiveness, where 32.9% of dogs had 3 or more behavioral disorders simultaneously. The sounds most marked as the cause of fear were fireworks, thunder and alarms and sirens, where 23.4% of the dogs were afraid of 3 or more sounds. The most intense behavioral responses observed by tutors were trembling, hiding, and panting. The quality of the relationship between dogs and tutors and the dogs obedience were related to the occurrence of some concomitant behavioral disorders. Research on the prevalence, risk factors of behavioral disorders in dogs, as well as their consequences on the relationship between tutors and dog and on family well-being are fundamental for the understanding of these behavioral changes as well as for the development of therapeutic and preventive approaches.ABSTRACT. Peixoto T.C., de Freitas J.L., Farias S.S., Vieira Filho C.H., Larangeira D.F., Mascarenhas M.B., Nogueira V.A. & Barrouin-Melo S.M. [Primary heart lymphoma associated with visceral leishmaniasis in a dog - Case report.] Linfoma primario cardiaco associado a leishmaniose visceral em cao - Relato de Caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.1):47-54, 2016. Departamento de Anatomia, Patologia e Clinicas Veterinarias, Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros, 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] It describes the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of a fatal primary heart T-cell lymphoma in a dog presenting visceral leishmaniasis (VL), from an endemic area in the State of Bahia. A female dog, Pitbull, with 2-year-old was seen at internal medicine section Veterinary Hospital (HOSPMEV) of the Universidade Federal da Bahia, with a history of progressive chronic skin disease with pruritus at variable score. The owner returned six months after the first review reporting the dog had appetite loss, oliguria, weight loss and dyspnea. Indirect ELISA for detection of anti-Leishmania antibodies had given positive results and parasitological examination of splenic aspirate evidenced amastigotes of Leishmania sp. The dog presented cardiorespiratory falence in HOSPMEV and evoluted to death. At macroscopic examination of the heart, it was found epicardium irregular surface due to the presence of multiple areas whitish homogeneous, sometimes protruding located in all four heart compartments. At incision, there were multiple nodules or masses of irregular shape and varying size. Additionally, superficial lymph nodes were moderately increased in size. Histopathological evaluation showed in the heart and diaphragm, atypical proliferation of large or medium-sized lymphoid cells with round or ovoid nuclei, sometimes cleaved, hyperchromatic, sometimes vesicular, with evident nucleoli and scarce amphophilic cytoplasm, arranged in diffuse mantle (solid pattern) or groups of large agglomerates between cardiac muscle fibers. Spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow evidenced lots of amastigotes of Leishmania sp. within the cytoplasm of macrophages in the interstitium or free. Coexistence between infection with Leishmania and cancer has been observed in humans and animals, and a number of epidemiological, experimental and laboratory studies suggest an association between these two entities in human. It is indicative that the dysfunction of the immune system caused by Leishmania infection can make organism more susceptible to express an unusual neoplastic disease, as the present report.ABSTRACT. Santos J.D., Lourenco F.J. & Castro B.G. [Retrospective study of Equine Infectious Anemia in Mid-Northern Mato Grosso State, Brazil, 2006- 2011.] Estudo retrospectivo da anemia infecciosa equina na regiao medio-norte matogrossense, Brasil, 2006-2011. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):79-85, 2016. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Universitario de Sinop, Av. Alexandre Ferronato, 1200, Setor Industrial, Sinop MT, 78557- 267, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) is an important disease in Equine Sanity by the economic losses or progressive debility of the animals, or, mainly, by the obligatory sacrifice in several States in Brazil. Thus, this study aimed to detect the prevalence of EIA in equids in the mid-northern region of Mato Grosso State, Brazil during the moths of January, 2006 to November, 2011. It was evaluated 17,263 EIA tests of a official laboratory from Colider (MT). According to the results, from de total of examined animals, 196 were asinine, 10,175 equines and 6,891 mules. The annual prevalence of EIA in the refereed region during the years of 2006 to 2011 was 3.76%; 4.26%; 2.89%; 3.11%; 2.89% e 2.40%, respectively. The obtained result showed lower prevalences compared to others regions in Brazil, demonstrating the necessity to maintaining public politics of Animal Sanity to keep the prevalence in low levels.ABSTRACT. Freitas R.A., Silva B.R.S.A., Athar C.V.A., Marinho J.P.M., Veiga C.C.P. & Paiva J.P. [Staging of chronic kidney disease in domestic dogs with chronic valve disease.] Estadiamento da doenca renal cronica em caes domesticos com doenca valvar cronica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):31-39, 2016. Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23851-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Heart failure causes, short or long term, in loss of kidney ability to maintain homeostasis. This interrelation of mutual injury, called cardiorenal syndrome, is already widely studied in medicine, however, there are few studies in veterinary, making it necessary to increased attention on the issue given that both diseases are the most common cause of death in geriatric dogs. The aim of the study was to determine the occurrence of chronic kidney disease in dogs with chronic valve disease through laboratory tests and imaging exams; staging and substaging them according to the International Renal Interest Society. In total 23 dogs participated in the study males and females of various ages, with echocardiographic diagnosis of chronic valve disease. All of these dogs after being staged in the degree of valve disease (stages B1, B2 and C), underwent clinical assessment of renal function with subsequent collection of biological samples (blood and urine), imaging exam (ultrasound) and measurement of blood pressure systolic systemic aiming to investigate previous renal injury. In this study were not include dogs in stage A (pre-arranged) and D stage (in treatment) because as inclusion criterion that the existence of valve degeneration and absence of drug use that were to interfere with the kidney function and /or perfusion. The results obtained, showed that females were more affected than males; the poodle was the breed with most diagnostic of chronic valve disease and that in stage 1 of chronic kidney disease was present in most dogs (15/23) in different stages of chronic valve disease. When these dogs were substaged as the degree of proteinuria, it could be seen that this was present mostly in dogs in stage C of chronic valve disease. The risk of injury in target organ after the measurement of the systemic systolic blood pressure, it was noted that regardless of the stage of chronic valve disease, the dogs of this study were in the majority in minimal risk of developing target organ damage. The predominance of dogs in stage C with chronic kidney disease, can be explained by the deficit in renal perfusion secondary to reduced cardiac output. It can be concluded through this study that chronic kidney disease is a common finding in dogs with chronic valve disease.ABSTRACT. Bueno C.M., Rolemberg S.D., Kihara M.T., Filgueira F.G.F., Minto B.W., De Nardi A.B., Dias L.G.G.G. & Moraes P.C. [Ureterotomy as treatment of ureter calculi in feline - Case report.] Ureterotomia como tratamento da litiase ureteral em felino - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):49-52, 2016. Departamento de Clinica e Cirurgia Veterinaria, Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of this study was to report a case of ureteral calculi in a cat which was successful treated with surgical therapy ureterotomy. A 13 years old female cat, with clinical findings of cystitis for three years and presenting apathy, vomiting, reduced appetite, hypodipsia and normality in urination was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of Unesp – FCAV. Laboratory tests were performed (blood count and biochemical), and radiographic examination showed the presence of radiopaque structure in the left ureter, characterizing a partial ureterolithiasis. The animal was submitted to ureterotomy surgery for removal of uroliths. The removed material was sent for laboratory analysis, but could not be identified due to the sample size be insufficient. The patient continued with ureteral dilatation and hydronephrosis after surgery, presenting remission of clinical signs and normality of blood count and biochemical seven days after the operative procedure, occurring a reversal of the signs of chronic kidney disease, because the surgery was performed as soon as it was observed the presence of ureteral calculi. Medical treatment was important to give initial support for the patient, regulating the renal function and preventing serious injury. However, the ureterotomy was essential for the recovery of the patient, since it was observed remission of the clinical signs after the surgery and there were no postoperative complications.
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Medicine | 2016
Leandro dos Santos Machado; Felipe Faccini dos Santos; Lídia Maria Marques dos Santos; Mariza Dinah Manes Brandão; Raquel Gouvêa; Dayse Lima da Costa Abreu; Virginia Léo de Almeida Pereira; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento
ABSTRACT. Leal P.D.S., Paes de Almeida E.C. & Lopes C.W.G. [Skin disease diagnosis Pyogranulomatous Nocardia spp. in a Labrador Retriever bitch with hypothyroidism, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Case report.] Diagnostico de dermatopatia piogranulomatosa por Nocardia spp. numa cadela Labrador Retriever com hipotireoidismo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):203-209, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao de Ciencias Veterinarias, Anexo 1, Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Campus Seropedica, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] A case of nocardiosis was reported in cutaneous and subcutaneous abscesses in a Labrador Retriever bitch with hypothyroidism, 11 years old, castrated, weighing 22 kg, served in the Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Veterinary, lesions appeared 30 days after wounds by biting dogs in the chest and abdomen, with fistula formation in the healing of lacerations in the region caused by bites. Biopsy and bacterial culture with sensitivity were requested. The bacterial culture revealed the presence of microorganism associated with the histopathological findings of lesions characterized by pyogranulomatous reaction when stained by PAS identified extruturas like round colonies of the genus Nocardia. The antibiogram of the isolated microorganisms indicated that was sensitive to antibiotics, enrofloxacin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin and imipenem. Treatment was established with enrofloxacin 5 mg/kg body weight every 12 hours for a period of 22 days, with improvement; but there is no cure, so opted for the surgical debridement and removal of fistulae and increased the dose of enrofloxacin to 10 mg/kg, with improvement dependent antibiotic therapy, when it opted for pulse therapy control of pyogranulomas.ABSTRACT. Feranti J.P.S., Oliveira M.T., Souza F.W., Hartmann H.F., Baumer S., Soares A.V., Vaz M.A.B., Chaves R.O., Libardoni R.N. & Brun M.V. [Laparoscopic or conventional ovariectomy in bitches: hemodynamic and pain assessment.] Ovariectomia laparoscopica ou convencional em cadelas: analise hemodinâmica e algica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):73-78, 2016. Departamento de Clinica de Pequenos Animais, Centro de Ciencias Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] The purpose of this study was to compare hemodynamic and serum cortisol changes, as well as pain of two ovariectomy techniques (convencional versus laparoscopic) in bitches. In this trial, 17 young female mongrel dogs (12.58 ± 4.29 months-old, 10.16±0.69kg), were used. The animals were divided into two groups according to surgery. Median celiotomy approach for ovariectomy (OV) was carried out in eight animals of GC. Laparoscopic OV was performed in nine patients of the GV. To evaluate analgesia, hemodynamics parameters (HR, SAP, MAP, DAP, central venous pressure and cardiac output), serum cortisol and three pain scales (VAS, UMPS and Glasgow CMPS-SF). In both procedures (GV and GC) there were no complications during the surgery or in the postoperative period. Ovariectomy laparoscopic technique by two portals provided pain stimulus of lower magnitude and range, and rapid return to baseline cortisol values compared to the conventional approach, without affecting the hemodynamic parameters.ABSTRACT. Doria P.B.A., Rodrigues A.L.R., Leite C.R. & Botteon P.T.L. [Surgical esterilization of rams (Ovis aries) with the use of cryosurgery.] Esterilizacao cirurgica de carneiros (Ovis aries) com o emprego da criocirurgia. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):86-92, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria (Patologia e Ciencias Clinicas), Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23851- 790, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] The current study aims to develop a minimally invasive surgical technique with the use of cryosurgery that provides sterilization of rams. It was used nine rams, pubescent. The animals were weighed, clinical examination, and samples of blood and feces were collected for hematological and feces tests. After this the animals were submitted to an andrologic evaluation and libido test. The animals were submitted to cryosurgery sterilization and observed for a period of 32 days performed before surgery. All of the animals look good, health, with no pain or discomfort, maintenance the intake of water and food, with no significant changes in body weight. No signs of post-operative complications were seen in surgical site. It was observed decrease on scrotal circumference of six animals. The exams showed no changes in the scrotal and testicular parenchyma, however demonstrating changes in the shape and increased epididymis tail dimensions, irregular form and firm texture. Semen analysis performed at 32 days revealed azoospermia in six of the nine rams. There were no changes in the libido test. It concludes that the proposed technique is safe, fast, and easy to perform, with low cost, minimally invasive and free of the occurrence of postoperative complications.ABSTRACT. Borges T.B., Quessada A.M., Ribeiro R.C.L., de Paula D.S., da Silva R.B., Leitzke A.V.S. & da Costa Neto J.M. [Lymphoplasmacytic enteritis causing granuloma with intramural mechanical obstruction of the ileum in a dog - A case report.] Enterite linfoplasmocitica causando granuloma com obstrucao intramural mecânica do ileo em um cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):33-38, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Universidade Parananense, Campus Umuarama, Praca Mascarenhas de Moraes, 4282, Centro, Umuarama, PR 87502-210, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Chronic inflammatory bowel disease is a group of idiopathic chronic disorders characterized by gastrintestinal (GI) signals with histological evidence of GI inflammation of unknown etiology. The limphoplasmacytic enteritis is a major manifestation of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. This paper reports the case of bitch presenting intramural obstruction of inflammatory origin due to limphoplasmacytic enteritis. The obstruction was diagnosed by imaging and the patient underwent exploratory laparotomy to elucidate the cause and correct the obstructive process. During surgery it was found that the intestinal lumen presented a mass that was excised, being performed an entero-anastomosis. Histological finding was an inflammatory granuloma of lymphoplasmacytic origin. In the postoperative period the animal underwent drug therapy with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive (cyclosporine), probiotics and vitamins. A proper diet was instituted, and the dog recovered completely, with prescription of therapeutic food for lifetime.ABSTRACT. Gomes Junior D.C., Nassar E.J., Dorea Neto F.A., Estrela-Lima A, Honsho C. dos S., Martins Filho E. & Oria A.P. Tissue reaction and integration of polyamide and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene spheres in rat subcutaneous tissue. [Reacao e integracao tecidual de esferas de acrilonitrila butadieno estireno e poliamida em subcutâneo de ratos.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):93-98, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal nos Tropicos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Ademar de Barros, 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] We investigated the infiltration and tissue reaction of polyamide and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) spheres prepared by rapid prototyping. Accordingly, three groups of six Wistar rats each were formed; G1, where animals received ABS implants; G2, where animals received polyamide implants and the control group where the animals received polymethylmethacrylate implants. Implants were inserted subcutaneously in the dorsal thoracic region and the animals were euthanized 60 days after implant insertion to evaluate tissue reaction and incorporation. The spheres were sectioned for macroscopic evaluation of tissue infiltration, and capsule fragments were collected for histopathologic evaluation. In macroscopic evaluation, all samples showed the presence of a thin tissue capsule that was strongly adhered to the implants in G1, moderately adhered to the implants in G2 and discretely adhered to the control group. The collected fragments of G1 and G2 had a similar appearance on histopathologic examination, however the inflammatory reaction observed in the animals of G1 was more discreet. Evidence of infection or foreign body reaction was not observed in any of the fragments, and all groups showed a mild mononuclear inflammatory reaction. Macroscopically, tissue infiltration was observed in G1 and G2. The results showed that the implants were well tolerated and allowed tissue integration.ABSTRACT. Chideroli R.T., Bracarense A.P.F.R.L., Padovani L., Martins L. de A., Goncalves D.D. & de Freitas J.C. [Canine leptospirosis associated with acute renal failure - Case report.] Leptospirose canina associada a insuficiencia renal aguda - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):79-84, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Rodovia Celso Garcia Cid, Pr 445 Km 380, Campus Universitario, Londrina, PR 86057-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Leptospirosis is caused by pathogenic bacteria of the genus Leptospira, affecting several animal species, including humans. Carrier animals are considered the main source of transmission because these bacteria are located in the renal tubules and are excreted in the urine for a variable period of time. Due to the variety of clinical signs the leptospirosis is a disease of difficult diagnosis requiring laboratory tests for confirmation. The aim of this study was to describe a dog with acute symptoms of failure kidney and high titer of antibodies against serovar Canicola. The diagnosis was confirmed by microscopic agglutination test (MAT), polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and histological kidney analysis by silver staining method (Warthin Starry) associated with the clinical pathology tests (complete blood count, urinalysis and biochemical profile).ABSTRACT. Cerqueira da Silva E.A.C., de Jesus T.B., Muramoto C., Ribeiro Filho C.H.A., Dorea Neto F.A., Quessada A.M., Martins Filho E.F. & Costa Neto J.M. [Postoperative complication of ovariohysterectomy in a female dog - Case report.] Complicacao pos-operatoria de ovariohisterectomia realizada em programa de esterilizacao cirurgica - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):9-16, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao Ciencia Animal nos Tropicos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Ademar de Barros, 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] We report a case of late postoperative complication in a female dog submitted to ovariohysterectomy during prepubertal period, in surgical sterilization program under community helping system. After five years of surgery, the animal was received at the University Veterinary Hospital (HVE) and it was diagnosed the bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter. Exploratory surgery confirmed the extramural obstruction of the ureters (total on the right side and partial on the left) due to adhesions and fibrous connective tissue in the uterine stump which was obliterated by nylon clamp. Right nephrectomy was performed and left ureter adhesions were undone restoring its urine flow and the left kidney function, providing the animal restoration. Institutional support of the HVE was essential solving the problem, with no cost, since the target people of these health programs are often affected by socioeconomic problems. The lack of financial support often results in abandonment, death or euthanasia of animals. Although feline and canine gonadectomies are considered low-complexity procedures, either in regular surgical routine or in population control by public health programs, they should be performed by qualified team, on proven healthy animals, with specific materials, maintaining the strict aseptic standards and the respect to the tissue manipulation care. It is inevitable the contribution of gonadectomies surgeries to dog and cat populations control, however, such practices cannot be neglected and the respect for the fundamental principles of the surgical technique and the animal welfare must be strictly followed.ABSTRACT. do Rego R.O., Henrique F.V., Felipe G. da C., de Medeiros L.K.G., de Araujo S.B., de Oliveira Junior A.G., Alves A.P., Costa Neto J.M. & da No- brega Neto P.I. [Surgical treatment of the perineal hernia in dogs by internal obturator muscle elevating technic and reinforcement with swine auricular cartilage or polypropylene mesh.] Tratamento cirurgico da hernia perineal em caes pela tecnica de elevacao do musculo obturador interno e reforco com cartilagem auricular suina ou tela de polipropileno. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):99-107, 2016. Programa de Pos-graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Avenida Universitaria, s/n, Bairro Santa Cecilia, Rodovia PB 110, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the use of swine auricular cartilage preserved in glycerin to 98% compared to polypropylene mesh as a reinforcement in the surgical reconstruction of the pelvic diaphragm in the perineal hernia in dogs. 11 male dogs were used, of different breeds, aged between five and 15 years, weighing between 4.4 and 18.7 kg, which were randomly divided into two groups, CG and TG. One animal of the TG was undergone to bilateral hernia. The perineal hernia was corrected by internal obturator muscle elevating technic in both groups, and the animals of CG was tightened up the pelvic diaphragm with swine auricular cartilage graft preserved in 98% glycerin and in GT animals was used the polypropylene mesh as a reinforcement. In all animals orchiectomy was performed immediately the after herniorrhaphy. The animals were evaluated until the 90th day after surgery by clinical and ultrasonographic analysis of the perineal region. Results showed no statistical difference between the reinforcement with swine auricular cartilage and the polypropylene mesh. In the proposed evaluation period there were no hernia recurrences in GT, and only in one case in the GC, 90 days after surgery. It was observed the occurrence of other complications, such as contralateral side herniation in one animal of GT and other of GC and urinary incontinence in one animal of GC. There was a reduction in prostate size in all patients, starting 10 days after orchiectomy. It was concluded that the swine auricular cartilage implant is an alternative as viable as the polypropylene mesh to strengthen the repair of the pelvic diaphragm in dogs affected by perineal hernia.ABSTRACT. Pachaly J.R., De Conti J.B., Werner P.R., Sanches A.W.D., Montiani-Ferreia F., Santos A.L.Q., Germano R.M. & Voltarelli-Pachaly E.M. [Neurofibrosarcoma in a blue-fronted amazon-parrot (Amazona aestiva) - Case report.] Neurofibrossarcoma em papagaio-verdadeiro (Amazona aestiva) - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):115-119, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Universidade Paranaense, Campus Umuarama, Praca Mascarenhas de Moraes, 4282, Zona III, Umuarama, PR 87502-210, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] In 2002, a 22-year old 0.3 kg blue-fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) legally kept as a pet presented a large tumor in the left cervical submandibular area. Surgery was indicated and the bird was anesthetized with IM ketamine (80 mg/kg) and xylazine (8 mg/kg). The subcutaneous tumor had poor blood supply and was easily excised. Major vessels were ligated and subcutaneous tissue and skin were closed with #3.0 catgut. After closing the skin a slight layer of cyanoacrylate glue was applied, as an additional protection against self-injuring. Seven days after the surgery the parrot was in good physical conditions and the sutures were removed. Histologically, the neoplasm consisted of interwoven bundles and whorls of elongated cells with spindle-shaped nuclei and moderate collagen production. The neoplastic cells showed discrete signs of anaplasia such as pleomorphism, anisocaryosis, atypical nuclei and mitotic index of up to three mitotic figures per high power field. Occasional necrotic foci were seen, sometimes bordered by palisading neoplastic cells resembling Verocay bodies. Due to its resemblance to peripheral nerve-sheath cells, histochemical special stain for S-100 protein was made, which resulted negative. The diagnosis was low-grade neurofibrosarcoma, a very rare neoplasm in psittacine birds. The patient was examined again 154 months after the surgery, and no signs of neoplasia were seen.ABSTRACT. Aguiar M.A.T., Faria Junior D & Castro B.G. [Canine third eyelid hemangioma - A case report.] Hemangioma em terceira palpebra de cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):30-32, 2016. Semiologia Animal, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Universitario de Sinop, Av. Alexandre Ferronato, 1200, Setor Industrial, Sinop, MT 78557-267, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Ocular neoplasms cause discomfort, loss of vision or may also reflect systemic diseases. This study aimed to report a case of canine third eyelid neoplasia. After the surgical procedure, tissue was sent for a Pathology Laboratory where the neoplasic mass was described as a hemangioma. In the post-surgical period, the animal was re-evaluated and no recurrence was verified.ABSTRACT. Pereira C.S., Santos L.M.M., Almeida J.F., Pereira V.L.A. & Nascimento E.R. [Mastitis Detected Throught Somatic Cell Count and Bacterial isolation in negative goats for Staphylococcus aureus.] Mastite por contagem de celulas somaticas e isolamento bacteriano em cabras negativas para Staphylococcus aureus. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):99-104, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Higiene Veterinaria e Processamento Tecnologico de Produtos de Origem Animal, Faculdade de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Vital Brasil Filho, 64, Vital Brazil, Niteroi, RJ 24230-340, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] A subclinical mastitis study was conducted in nine dairy goat herds in the Rio de Janeiro state to determine the occurrence of infection, detection of Staphylococcus aureus by polymerase chain reaction, evaluate microbiological and cellular profiles of the milk and associate the influence of somatic cell count (SCC) to bacterial isolation. A total of 133 raw milk sample were collected for microbiological culture, Staphylococcus aureus by polymerase chain reaction and SCC. There was bacterial growth in 64 samples (48%), among those 10 obtained isolation of two microorganisms associated. Seventy-seven isolates were found distributed in the following way: 45 (58,4%) coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, 9 (11,58%) coagulase-positive Staphylococcus e gram negative bacilli of the Enterobacteriaceae family, 5 (6,49%) Bacillus spp., 4 (5,19%) Streptococcus spp., 3 (3,89%) Enterococcus spp. e 1 (1,29%) E. coli and Serratia sp. The association of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus and Gram negative Bacilli had the largest number, with 50%, followed by 20% coagulase positive Staphylococcus + Enterococcus sp. and 10% coagulase-negative Staphylococcus + Bacillus spp., Streptococcus spp. + Bacillus spp. and Streptococcus spp. + Gram Negative Bacilli. No milk sample obtained positive for Staphylococcus aureus in culture and PCR. Mean SCC was 2.152.000 cells/ mL of milk. There was no significant association between bacterial isolation and the values obtained in somatic cell count (t-Student p > 0,05). Statistical difference was observed in SCC average of the properties studied (p <0,05). We conclude that Coagulase Negative Staphylococcus was isolated bacterial group with greater frequency and SCC does not correlate with the results of bacterial isolation and must be carefully evaluated in studies of subclinical mastitis in goats.ABSTRACT. Faccin T.C., Pupin R.C., Leal P.V., Santos A.C., Lima S.C., Ferreira V.B.N, Garcez W.S. & Lemos R.A.A. Evaluation of the toxicity of Brachiaria decumbens in rabbits. [Avaliacao do efeito toxico de Brachiaria decumbens em coelhos.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):143-146, 2016. Laboratorio de Anatomia Patologica, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Senador Filinto Muller, 2443, Campo Grande, MS 79074-460, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of rabbits to poisoning by Brachiaria decumbens and the possible use of this animal species as an experimental model for studies on poisoning by this forage in livestock. The experiment was conducted during the dry season with 12 rabbits. The treated group of nine animals was kept in a paddock of B. decumbens, and the control group with three rabbits was kept in cages and received cabbage (Brassica oleracea). Samples of young, mature, and old leaves and seeds of B. decumbens were collected for quantification of the saponin protodioscin. Euthanasia of rabbits from both groups was performed 30, 60 and 90 days after the introduction of the treated group to the pasture. The rabbits showed no clinical signs and no macroscopic or histological findings characteristic of Brachiaria spp. poisoning. Both groups gained weight during the experiment. The concentration of the protodioscin (% dry matter) ranged from 0.87% to 2.72% (mean ± standard deviation: 1.95 ± 0.50%) in young leaves, 0.93% to 2.74% (1.71 ± 0.42%) in mature leaves, 0.59% to 1.66% (1.10 ± 0.25%) in old leaves and 0.11% to 0.28% (0.20 ± 0.05%) in seeds. These results demonstrate that B. decumbens is palatable to rabbits and that rabbits are not susceptible to poisoning by Brachiaria spp. with saponin concentrations that are toxic for sheep.ABSTRACT. Barbosa J.D., Lopes C.T.A., Brito A.B., Silva R.M., Reis A.S.B., Oliveira C.M.C. & Salvarani F.M. [Juvenile multicentric leukosis in a heifer from the State of Para, Brazil.] Leucose bovina multicentrica juvenil em uma bezerra no Estado do Para, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):57-60, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Instituto de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal do Para, BR 316, Km 61, Cristo Redentor, Castanhal, PA 68740-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The purpose of this paper is to describe the clinical and pathological findings of the first case of juvenile multicentric sporadic leukosis diagnosed in the Amazon biome in a 35 days old heifer, in the county of Santa Izabel, State of Para, Brazil. The diagnosis was made by the Veterinary Diagnostic Center team from the Federal University of Para and after clinical evaluation, blood samples were collected for hemogram. The results were decreased count of red blood cells and severe leukocytosis by lymphocytosis. The animal euthanasia was conducted due to poor prognosis. At necropsy, fragments of all organs were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin for histopathological examination. The histological analysis revealed infiltration of neoplastic lymphocytes in the liver, spleen and kidney parenchyma. The clinical and pathological findings led to the diagnosis of juvenile multicentric sporadic leukosis.ABSTRACT. Costa S.Z.R., Cid G.C., D’Avila M.S., Franca T.N., Santos B.B.N., Nogueira V.A., Santos A.M. & Peixoto T.C. [Poisoning by methylene blue (methylthioninium chloride) in cat.] Intoxicacao por azul de metileno (cloreto de metiltioninio) em gato. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):143- 146, 2016. Departamento de Epidemiologia e Saude Publica, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Campus de Seropedica, Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23851-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] It’s reported a case of poisoning by methylene blue (methylthioniniumchloride) in cat that was sent to the Pathological Anatomy Sector of UFRRJ in October 2011, with history of urinary tract infection. By means of necropsy, mucous, subcutaneous tissue, medullary region of the kidney, serous bladder and adjacent tissues to the bladder with clear bluish tint, disclosure of hepatic lobular pattern, additionally bladder mucosa bluishand urine with sediments, blackened and foul odor were observed. Histopathological analysis showed micro and macrovesicular vacuolation of hepatocytes, overall in centrilobular region, which could extend to midzonal lobule region; some cells were lysed. There was, additionally, individual necrosis of rare hepatocytes and biliary retention, increase of the filtrate in tubules and glomeruli, with dilation of Bowman’s capsule, vacuolized tubular epithelium and thickening of the glomerular basement membrane. There was coagulation necrosis in some tubules of the medular area and small quantity of yellow-brown pigment in the cytoplasm of the tubular epithelium. The diagnosis of poisoning by methylene blue (methylthioninium chloride) was established based on the animal’s history and the clinical and pathological findings.ABSTRACT. Costa T.S., Lopes N.L., Carvalho J.R.G., Mascarenhas M.B., Veiga C.C.P., Ramadinha R.R. & Fernandes J.I. [Multilobular tumor of bone in a dog - Case report.] Tumor osseo multilobular em cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):159-163, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23897-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The multilobular tumor of bone is a rare neoplasm, originating primarily in the osseous tissue, which typically affects the skull bones, in middle-aged animals. Clinical signs depends on the tumor location, aggressiveness, and being related to compression of adjacent structures. Imaging exams such as radiography and computed tomography may be helpful in supporting the diagnosis. Histopathological findings have characteristic morphology and allow its differentiation from other primary bone sarcomas, which have more aggressive biological behavior and poor prognosis. The treatment by aggressive surgical resection can result in long-term disease remission and survival time. This paper aimed to report a case of multilobular tumor of bone, diagnosed in a female Dalmatian breed, spayed, 12 years of age, reporting the clinical and laboratory findings and the conduct adopted to reach the diagnose. The justification for this paper consists in scarce brazilian literature on this subject.ABSTRACT. Carreiro C.C., Coelho C.D., Jorge J.L.B.P., Costa N.O.G., Paiva R.V., Teixeira Filho W.L., Rosa A.G. & de Jesus V.L.T. [Intestinal parasites in pigs confined in a creation in the municipality of Pinheiral - RJ.] Parasitos intestinais em suinos confinados em uma criacao no municipio de Pinheiral- RJ. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):117-122, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Instituto de Veterinaria, BR 465 Km 7, Campus Serope- dica, RJ 23897-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Gastrointestinal disorders are frequently observed in pigs in different age groups. It is responsible for important economic losses, not only the mortality rate of piglets, as the reduction of weight gain and medical expenses. Moreover, in sows it is associated with reduced fertility and irregular repetitions of heat. Despite the great development of intensive pig farming, little is known about the occurrence of endoparasites in this species. Considering that enteritis cause serious economic losses, the objective of this study was to identify the main parasites in stool confined sows and piglets. Fifty-five fecal samples (23 sows and 32 piglets) were subjected to the examination of fresh and centrifugal technique - fluctuation in sugar, and observation by optical microscopy. The results showed that 72.7% of the animals were positive for at least one parasite, being quite significant co-infection, where 75% of infected animals had more than one agent. In matrices, coccidia presented more frequent (60.87%), followed by Parabasalidea (52.17%), Strongyloidea (47.8%) and Balantidium (26.08%). Coccidia are also more common in piglets (25%), followed by Strongyloidea (18.75%), Balantidium (12.4%) and parabasalideo (9.37%). Thus, we can conclude that despite the great development of intensive pig farming, the intestinal parasites are a major obstacle in the production, with the need for more effective programs of prevention and control.ABSTRACT. Ayres M.C.C., Peixoto M.S.R., da Silva W.B., Gomes D.M., Nunes O.C., Borges K.B., de Moraes Neto M.A. & de Almeida M.A.O. [Occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in Psittacines, kept in Ecologial Parkes in the metropolitan area of Salvador, Bahia.] Ocorrencia de parasitos gastrintestinais em Psitacideos, mantidos em Parques Ecologicos na regiao metropolitana de Salvador, Estado da Bahia. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterina- ria, 38(2):133-136, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal nos Tropicos, Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Avenida Adhemar de Barros, 500, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] This study evaluated the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in 53 psittacines created in Ecological Parks around Salvador, Bahia. The places chosen for the experiment were: Wild Animal Screening Center Chico Mendes (CETAS), Park and Haras D’Amato and Park Zoobotânico GetulioVargas. The samples were analyzed at the Laboratory of Parasitic diseases of animals at the Universidade Federal da Bahia through the method of Willis-Mollay. Of analyzed samples 39,62% (21/53) were negative and 60.38% (32/53) positive. The following parasites were found: Capillaria spp. (31.25% - 10/32);. Ascaridia sp. (65.62% - 21/32) and Heterakis sp. (25% - 8/32). Considering that the positive samples 21.87% (7/32) was obtained from birds with mixed infections. It is necessary to carry out monitoring of the health of these birds, mostly for riding assessments.ABSTRACT. Teixeira W.C., Santos H.P., Veschi J.L.A., Nascimento S.A., Silva J.C.R., Marvulo M.F.V., Rizzo H. & Castro R.S. [Prevalence of infection with caprine arthritisencephalitis virus in goat herds in the State of Maranhao, Brazil.] Prevalencia da infeccao pelo Virus da Artrite Encefalite Caprina em rebanhos caprinos do Estado do Maranhao, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(1):1-6, 2016. Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manoel de Medeiros, s/n, Dois Irmaos, Recife, PE 52171-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of antibodies against caprine arthritis encephalitis virus in goat flocks in the State of Maranhao, Brazil. It was examined 1.703 serum samples from goats with or without clinical signs of infection. The animals were older than six months, various races and both sex. Altogether 82 herds were examined from 10 animal health official units, located in the East, Central and Northern state regions of Marana. The samples were tested by the agar gel immunodiffusion assay (AGID). The overall prevalence of CAEV infection was 2.8% (47/1703), and the prevalence in the regions North, East and Centre were 1.3% (5/385), 2.5% (18/713) and 4.0% (24/605), respectively. Significant differences between the North and Central were observed (P 0.05). There prevalence is of 11.3% (16/142), 3.5% (23/654) and 0.9% (8/907) were recorded in purebred, crossbred and SRD animals, respectively (P <0.05). It is concluded that the CAEV virus is widespread in regions of the state of Marana and that it is necessary to adopt a sanitary policy for its control.ABSTRACT. Bastos E.M.D´A., Leal P.D.S. & Lopes C.W.G. [Morphological evaluation of the importance of neutrophils as systemic markers of infection in dogs. Report of two cases.] Importância da avaliacao morfologica de neutrofilos como marcadores de infeccao sistemica em caes. Relato de dois casos. Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):195-202, 2016. Centro de Terapia Intensiva e Emergencia Veterinaria, Av. das Americas, 3939, Bloco 2, Loja I., Barra da Tijuca, RJ 22631-003, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Infection and inflammation produce an acute response, where accelerating the neutropoiesis and stimulating the release of neutrophil with morphological changes into the bloodstream, are called toxic neutrophils. These changes are identified in the blood smear, which may present cytoplasmic basophilia and/ or vacuolation, Dohle bodies, toxic granulation and giant neutrophils. This acute response can trigger a systemic inflammatory process, a clinical manifestation of the body to a serious stimulus, which is a potentially fatal condition where an early appropriate diagnosis is essential for the survival of the animal. In most cases, these diseases occur interconnected with periodontal disease, whereas 80% of dogs have this chronic infectious process which may contribute to the development and/or exacerbation of local and systemic diseases. This work aimed to present the importance of the morphological evaluation of leukocytes as infection markers in nulliparous female dogs using pyometra and periodontal disease, by comparing serial blood counts with an interval of approximately 6 hours between them. We concluded that the study of the toxic neutrophils in serial blood counts can be useful in monitoring systemic infections.ABSTRACT. Gonzalez A.A.P., Franca T.N., Ramadinha R.R., Nogueira V.A., Mascarenhas M.B., Peixoto T.C., Costa S.Z.R. & Peixoto P.V. [Clinical pathological study on hypothyroidism diagnosis in dogs, with emphasis on changes in piloerector muscles.] Estudo clinico-patologico no diagnostico do hipotireoidismo em caes, com enfase nas alteracoes dos musculos piloeretores. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.1):147-155, 2016. Departamento de Epidemiologia e Saude Publica, Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Given the high frequency of hypothyroidism in dogs in Brazil and the usual inconclusiveness of laboratory exams, the establishment of the real significance of hypertrophy of piloerector muscles can be important for pathologists. This study aimed to determine if there is a correlation between the hypertrophy of these muscles and low levels of thyroid hormones in dogs, assessing the diagnostic significance in case of a positive correlation and describing the clinical and dermato-histopathological findings in dogs with hypothyroidism in Brazil. Two hundred dogs of both sexes, aged between 6 months and 18 years, with skin disease suspected to be related to hypothyroidism, were evaluated at the Dermatology Section of the Small Animal Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro between November 2001 and October 2002. Cutaneous biopsies, hormone dosage, skin scrapings, trichograms and cytology exams were performed. Dogs between 2 and 4 years old were the most affected, impacting more females (61%) than males (38.9%) from 32 breeds, especially Poodle, Cocker Spaniel and German Shepherd, with the exception of crossbreeds. Lethargy, obesity and reproductive disorders were observed among the clinical signs. Cutaneous alterations such as hypotrichosis, alopecia, dull and brittle coat, pruritus, seborrhea and hyperpigmentation were frequent. Hypopigmentation, skin thickening and facial myxedema were also observed. Concomitant diseases and/or lesions such as otitis, secondary pyoderma and allergic dermatitis were frequently seen. Histopathology revealed acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, follicular alterations (mainly follicles in the telogen phase) and hypertrophy (70.5%) and vacuolization (cervical - 53.8% and lumbar - 89.4%) of piloerector muscles. Our data indicate that the alterations of the piloerector muscles (hypertrophy and eosinophilic vacuolization) are important for the diagnosis of hypothyroidism. The association of these alterations with other histological findings such as dermal thickness, trichilemmal keratinization, predominance of atrophic follicles and follicles in telogen phase makes the histopathological exam even more helpful for the diagnosis of hypothyoroidism.ABSTRACT. Bassuino D.M., Konradt G., Mari C., Cruz R.A.S., Boos G.S., Gomes D.C., Petinatti S.P. & Driemeier D. [Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical findings of sheep infected with rabies virus.] Achados clinicos, patologicos e imuno-histoquimicos em ovinos com raiva. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):86-90, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencias Veterinarias, Faculdade de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Goncalves 9090, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] In this article we described three cases of rabies in sheep in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. Refrigerated samples of encephalon and spinal cord of two sheep, as well as one sheep sent to necropsy, with history in common of progressive neurological signs were referred to histopathological analyses. Samples from the brain and spinal cord were collected and routinely processed for hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). To evaluate and to quantify the lesions, and also for immunohistochemistry, serial sections of the cerebral cortex, obex, thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and spinal cord were made. Refrigerated samples of brain were sent to direct immunofluorescence (DIF) exam for the detection of viral antigen. The histological findings were characterized by nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis with perivascular infiltrate, microgliosis, hemorrhage and congestion. Positive immunostaining was observed in the three sheep analyzed with signals ranging from discrete to accentuated. At the DIF examination, two sheep were positive and one was negative. It is concluded that rabies should be included in the differential diagnosis of diseases from the central nervous system of sheep, even if it is rarely described in this species.ABSTRACT. Cabala R.W., Silva E.B. & Clark R.M.O. [Cardiopulmonary assessment, quality induction and tracheal intubation with the use of induction adjunct with propofol in dogs.] Avaliacao cardiorrespiratoria, qualidade de inducao e intubacao orotraqueal com o uso de coadjuvantes na inducao anestesica com propofol em caes. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):39-44, 2016. Escola de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antonio Carlos, 6627, Caixa Postal 1567, Campus Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The objective was to evaluate the effects of the use of fentanyl, ketamine or diazepam, as coadjuvant induction of anesthesia with propofol in dogs and to evaluate the cardiovascular, respiratory and quality of induction of anesthesia and tracheal intubation by these agents. Twenty four dogs ASA I and II, of different breeds and average weight 18 ± 6.8 kg, males and females subjected to different surgical procedures were randomly allocated in four groups of six each: G-CP (saline); G-FP (5mcg/kg - fentanyl), G-KP (0,5 mg/kg - ketamine) and G-DP (0,2mg/kg - diazepam). All animals recieved pre-anaesthetic medication with acepromazine (0,05 mg/kg) combined with morphine (0,2 mg/kg) administered intramuscularly. Two minutes after coadjuvants or saline administration, the anaesthetic induction was perfomed with 5mg/kg of propofol or the sufficient dose required to lost protector reflex and ensure endotracheal intubation. HR, SAP, MAP, DAP, RR, ETCO2, SpO2, and To C were measured before pre-anaesthetic medication (M1), 15 minutes after M1 (M2), during induction of anesthesia (M3), at the end of induction anesthetic (M4) and after intubation (M5). The quality of anesthesia was evaluated using a numerical scale by induction and intubation score. The use of fentanyl as co-adjuvant induction reduced significantly propofol dose requirement (2,42±0,38mg/kg), when compared to G-CP (4,43±0,32mg/kg), to G-DP (3,78±1,3mg/kg) and to G-KP (3,90±0,84mg/kg). Significant reductions on arterial pressures ocurred in G-FP, but it were similar in G-CP. No statistically significant differences were observed between groups in mean HR, RR, ETCO2 , SpO2 and To C. SpO2 was reduced in M4 of G-DP. The induction and intubation scores were similar in all groups. The administration of fentanyl decreased propofol requirement but promoted severe hypotension when compared with other co-adjuvants agents. There were minimal undesirable effects. The quality of induction and intubation were satisfactory, but the dogs that were induced with only propofol demonstrated better score.ABSTRACT. Lucio E.C., Clemente S.M.S., Pimentel J.L., Oliveira J.M.B., Silva Junior J.L., Albuquerque P.P.F., Mota R.A. & Pinheiro Junior J.W. [Epidemiological analysis of Toxoplasma gondii infection in goats in Pernambuco, Brasil.] Analise epidemiologica da infeccao por Toxoplasma gondii em caprinos no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):13-18, 2016. Laboratorio de Doencas Infecto-Contagiosas, Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Dom Manuel de Medeiros, s/n, Dois Irmaos, Recife, PE 52171-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of the present study was to assess epidemiological aspects of Toxoplasma gondii infection among goats in the Agreste and Sertao regions of the state of Pernambuco in Brazil. In total, 348 serum samples were analyzed by the Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) technique to detect IgG anti-T. gondii, considering a dilution of 1:64 as the cut-off point. Investigative questionnaires were used to analyze risk factors through objective questions, answered by the breeder, about the productive, reproductive and sanitary management characteristics of the property. Multivariate and univariate analysis were carried out, based on a logistical regression model, considering the serological status of the animal as the dependent variable (positive or negative) and the spatial distribution of foci. Of the 348 goat serum samples analyzed, 90 (25.86% C.I. 21.41% – 30.86%) were positive, with nine foci (60.00%). Of the ninety-positive samples, 21 (23.34%) exhibited titers of 64; 15 (16.67%) titers of 128; 17 (18.89%) titers of 256; 23 (25.55%) titers of 512 and 14 samples (15.55%) titers of 1024. In the analysis of the logistical regression, semi-intensive management was confirmed as a risk factor (OR 9.96; C.I. 2.30 - 43.14). In conclusion, there is an elevated number of foci of the infection in the region studied, which indicates the need to design animal health planning projects, to implement control and prophylactic measures, and to make the producers aware of animal health requirements and the risk that this infection can generate for the health of the general public.ABSTRACT. Piau-Junior R., Ribeiro E. de A., Quessada A.M., Ribeiro E. de A. & de Almada A.F.B. [Effects of the gossypol at different levels in diet of heifers Nelore.] Efeitos do gossipol em diferentes niveis na dieta de novilhas Nelore. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):120-126, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia Animal, Universidade Paranaense, Campus Umuarama, Praca Mascarenhas de Moraes, 4282, Zona III, PR 480, S/n, Km 14, Umuarama, PR 87502-210, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The use of cottonseed in ruminant feed has aroused interest because it is an important energy and protein source as supplemental fodder. However, the cotton and your by-products have an anti-nutritional factor, the gossypol, which may have a toxic effect on ruminants. In Brazil there is still a lack of studies on animals, about the toxicity of the gossypol, and most studies with cotton in ruminant feed is performed in dairy cows. Thus, the objective of this study was to observe the effect of the addition of gossypol in the diet of Nelore heifers. 15 heifers were used receiving a daily diet consisting of 12 kg of silage with elephant grass and 100g of mineral supplement. The animals were divided into three groups. In the first group (A, control), the diet contained no gossypol; in the second group (B) was added in the diet, 900 ppm free gossypol; and in the third group (C), the diet contained 1500 ppm of free gossypol. Prior to administration of the diets and after the experiment began, animals were weighed biweekly (0, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 75 days, total of six weighings). Elapsed 10 weeks the animals were slaughter, and liver, heart and spleen were weighed, and samples of these organs were collected for preparation of histological sections. The animals were examined daily and there was no clinical signs of intoxication. In relation to weight gain, there was no statistical difference between the treated animals and the control group. At necropsy, gross changes were not seen in heart, spleen, liver, kidney and lungs. The weight of liver, heart and spleen showed no differences between groups. There were no clinical signs of renal injury but it was observed histopathologically discrete renal injury. The other organs showed no histological lesions. It was concluded that heifers may be fed with by-products of the cotton without showing clinical poisoning, since the level of gossypol does not exceed 1,500 ppm.ABSTRACT. Di Filippo P.A., Graca F.A.S., Costa A.P.D., Coutinho I.S. & Viana I.S. [Clinical and epidemiological findings and response to treatment of 25 cases of tetanus in horses occurred in Norte Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.] Achados clinico-epidemiologicos e resposta ao tratamento de 25 casos de tetano em equinos ocorridos na regiao Norte Fluminense, Rio de janeiro, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):33-38, 2016. Hospital Veterina- rio, Setor de Grandes Animais, Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, Avenida Alberto Lamego, 2000, Parque California, Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ 28013-602, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The retrospective analysis of mainly clinical and epidemiological findings of 25 cases of tetanus occurred between 2011 and 2014, revealed that male horses, of Quarto de Milha breed, with 4.6 years of age were the most affected and the main clinical signs included difficulty of mobility (100%) followed by muscular rigidity (92%) and third eyelid protrusion (80%). Lack of preventive vaccination (100%), several injuries (28%), injuries resulting from trimming (12%) and spaying procedures (20%) were identified risk factors. The treatment, considered standard, was not effective in the condition of the resolution in most cases (80%) and early identification associated with the management of the source of infection were factors that contributed to the healing of the disease. The administration of serum antitetanus intrathecal with animals in standing position, has shown promise, beyond viable and easy to be performed. Studies that evaluate new therapeutic possibilities including, routes of administration, are needed, however educational campaigns guiding and encouraging the immunization of massive number animals can more immediately contribute to reduction of tetanus in horses.ABSTRACT. dos Santos-Sousa C.A., Stocco A.V., Ferreira L.T., Silva S.C., Gomes M.S. & Abidu-Figueiredo M. [Atypical drainage of the renal vein in rabbits - Case report.] Drenagem atipica da veia renal em coelho - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):105-107, 2016. Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23897-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Knowledge of the renal vessels variations has importance in a systematization program of radiological and surgical anatomy, both in humans and animals, applied for research and surgical training. Renal veins have been considered by dissective or angiographic study means. Particular attention has been paid to the study of these vessels, outlining the variations noticed among various animal species. Both renal veins right and the left drain its contents to the caudal vena cava. Thus, the aim of this report is to describe a case in which the left renal vein does not drain into the caudal vena cava in rabbit.ABSTRACT. Mascarenhas L.M., Botteon R.C.C.M., Mello M.R.B., Botteon P.T.L. & Vargas D.F.R. [Oxytocin application during milking and reproductive efficiency of crossbred cows.] Aplicacao de ocitocina durante a ordenha e eficiencia reprodutiva de vacas mesticas. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.2):108-112, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of this study was to assess the effect of exogenous oxytocin (OT) application during milking on the reproductive efficiency of crossbred cows. A total of 24 crossbred cows were evaluated (Holstein × Zebu), which were part of a fixed-time artificial insemination program [day (D)0: progesterone + estradiol benzoate (EDB) releasing intra-vaginal device (2 mg, i.m.); D8: removal of the intra-vaginal device and application of PGF2α (0,526 mg, i.m.); D9: EDB (1 mg, i.m.); D10: IA]. After ovulation, they were randomly distributed between two groups: GO (n = 12): oxytocin (25 IU: 2.5 ml, i.v. during morning and afternoon milking); GC (n = 12): without OT. The ultrasonography examinations were performed on days 10, 15, 18 and 28. A pregnancy diagnosis was performed on day 28 by transrectal ultrasonography and the pregnancy was again evaluated on days 45 and 60. An increase in the diameter of the corpus luteum (CL) was observed in the GC group between days 10 and 18. In the GO group, the CL diameter decreased between days 10 and 15 and most of the cows (9/12; 75%) were in estrus before day 18. The CL volume was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the GC group, during all instances, than that in the GO group on day 15. The GC group had a higher pregnancy rate (41.7%) in comparison with the GO group (25%). The conception and maintenance of pregnancy rates indicate a low reproductive efficiency in the GO group (p = 0.0022). With successive inseminations, at 90 days, one and seven cows were not pregnant in the GC (8.33%) and GO groups (58.3%), respectively. The development pattern and CL regression confirm the involvement of OT in the reproductive activity of dairy cows, thus confirming the hypothesis that exogenous OT can negatively affect the reproduction of crossbred cows.ABSTRACT. Figueiredo M.A.F., Alves G.E.S., Michael A.F.M., Lima A.E., Wenceslau A.A., Ferreira M.L., Clark R.M.O. & Ayres M.C.C. [Effect of Platelet Rich Plasma therapy in the repair of experimental lesions of the suspensory ligament in horses.] Efeito do tratamento com Plasma Rico em Plaquetas sobre lesoes do ligamento suspensor do boleto de equinos, induzidas experimentalmente. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):85-92, 2016. Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias e Ambientais, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. Rodovia Jorge Amado, Km 16, Salobrinho, Ilheus, BA 45662-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The relevance of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) as a regenerative therapy is increasin, particularly in equine sport medicine, but there is still lack of controlled studies demonstrating its action in treating ligament injuries. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of Platelet Rich Plasma therapy in the repair of experimental injuries in equine suspensory ligament (SL). PRP was evaluated for treatment of desmites surgically induced in the body of the SL in six horses. PRP was applied 14 days after induction of the lesions, in the thoracic and pelvic left limbs; right limbs constitute control. Sonographic examinations were performed weekly to monitor the dynamics of lesions Intensity Rate (IR), based on ecogenicity and cross-sectional area. Forty-six days after PRP treatment, samples of the ligaments were collected and evaluated for celularity, vascularity and colagen content. The group treated with PRP presented reduced intensity rate (IR), improving ecogenicity in SL lesions. Treated group also presented higher neovascularity and type I colagen content. The number of fibroblasts was higher in treatment group, but it was not significant. The results suggests that PRP was effective in improving suspensory ligament repair in this study.ABSTRACT. Peixoto P.V., Teixeira R.S., Mascarenhas M.B., Franca T.N., Azevedo S.C.S., Reinacher M., Costa T.S. & Ramadinha R.R. [Atypical forms and clinic-epidemiological aspects of canine transmissible venereal tumor in Brazil.] Formas atipicas e aspectos clinico-epidemiologicos do tumor venereo transmissivel canino no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.2):101-107, 2016. Departamento Nutricao Animal e Pastagem, Instituto de Zootecnia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR-465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23851-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] From 203 dogs of both sexes, affected by the Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) from May, 1995 to December, 2004, the genital form of TVT was observed in 117 (57.64%) of the dogs, and in 39 of those 203 animals (19.21%) showed genital and extra genital tumours. The exclusively extra genital form of TVT was considered very common in 47 (23.15%) animals. Extra genital forms were seen in the oral mucosa (18 cases), nasal cavity (13 cases) and anal (6 cases). This paper highlights seven cases of the eyeball, two in corneas, two on eyelids, one in third eyelid and one on bilateral conjunctiva and one in an anterior and posterior eye chamber. Some cases was considered very atypical, including those animals with tumors in the conjunctiva - bilaterally and symmetrically -, in an anterior and posterior eye chamber, involving the footpad of the front leg, and in the external ear canal. In addition, clinic-epidemiological aspects and the possible way of transmission of TVT will be discussed in this paper.ABSTRACT. Cordova F.M., Alexandrino B., Baptista F., Burns L.V., Ramos A.T., Moron S.E., Cordova C.A.S. & Silva G.M.L. [Broilers coligranuloma in the State of Tocantins – Case report.] Coligranulomatose em frangos no Estado do Tocantins - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):53-56, 2016. Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal do Tocantins, BR-153, km 112, Zona Rural, Araguaina, TO 77804-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] This study describes for the first time a case of coligranulomatosis in broilers in the state of Tocantins. Three males from a farm (flock of approximately 300 birds), with approximately 60 days of age, were sent to the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal do Tocantins. The birds were necropsied and tissue samples were sent for histopathology. Grossly, significant lesions were firm nodules, whitish gray, measuring from 3 to 10 mm in diameter located in the serosal surfaces of the intestines and gall bladder. Microscopically, typical granulomas with eosinophilic necrotic centers surrounded by epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant cells with scattered heterophils were observed. No mycotic forms or alcohol-acid resistant organisms were observed in sections stained by periodic acid-Schiff and Ziehl-Neelsen, respectively. Based on lesions was diagnosed coligranuloma, a rare form of avian colibacillosis.ABSTRACT. Filho M.S., Hainfellner D.C., Mendonca D.A., Cavalcanti M.B., Silva B.R.S.A., Athar C.V.A., Marinho J.P.M. & Paiva J.P. [Emphysema subcutaneous associated pneumothorax for biting in dog - Case report.] Enfisema subcutâneo associado a pneumotorax por mordedura em cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.2):183-185, 2016. Hospital Veterinario de Pequenos Animais, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, Campus Universitario, Bairro Zona Rural, Seropedica, RJ 23897-000, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The air leakage to the extra- cellular space can cause pneumothorax, and its continuity beyond the chest wall, the subcutaneous emphysema. Subcutaneous emphysema is a relatively uncommon complication in small animals, and when it occurs, is from invasive techniques, surgical procedures and in some cases of trauma. This report aims to describe a case of generalized subcutaneous emphysema and quick installation due to pneumothorax due to chest laceration by biting, where the approach is conservative and non-invasive medical treatment. The subcutaneous emphysema and pneumothorax since no longer active, can be treated by conservative methods.ABSTRACT. Short R.R., Muramoto C., Machado M.C.A., Moreira E.L.T., Ribeiro Filho C.H.A., Dorea Neto F.A. & Costa Neto J.M. [True hermaphroditism unilateral in dog - Case report.] Hermafroditismo verdadeiro unilateral em cao - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):17-25, 2016, Departamento de Anatomia, Patologia e Clinicas Veterinarias, Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros, 500, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] True hermaphroditism is an abnormality of gonadal development where there is genital ambiguity and ovarian and testicular tissues (ovotestis) in the same individual. In dogs, it is considered a rare alteration and there are few reports in the literature. Thus, we report a case of true unilateral hermaphroditism in an animal of the canine species, Cocker Spaniel, seven years old, indefinite gender and phenotype of both genders. It was attended was received at the University Veterinary Hospital presenting inflammation of the external genitalia and mammary tissue. For diagnostic elucidation and treatment were performed computed tomography, exploratory laparotomy with subsequent surgical resolution and anatomopathological and histologic examination. It was concluded that the animal had ambiguity in both, internal and external genitalia. Externally it was observed the presence of testicular pouch, primitives, foreskin and penis, rudimentary vulva containing hypertrophied clitoris. Internally, the reproductive system consisted of: prostate; uterus of which left uterine horn, partially hypoplastic, was in normal topography with its corresponding ovarian bursa, containing only ovary; the right uterine horn was in ectopic position, retroflexed, with a caudal orientation, passing through the right inguinal ring and inserting partially in the scrotum, in witch was found the right gonad. Microscopic evaluation of the right gonad showed the presence of ovarian and testicular tissue associated, characterized as ovotestis and confirming the diagnosis.ABSTRACT. Ribeiro V.M.F. & Santos F.G.A. [The clinical and anatomopathological and histologic alterations produced by the natural and accidental poisoning by sodic salinomycin in peccaries (Tayassu tajacu).] Alteracoes clinicas e anatomopatologicas produzidas por intoxicacao acidental com salinomicina sodica em catetos (Tayassu tajacu). Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):69-72, 2016. Laboratorio de Apoio a Vida Silvestre, Centro de Ciencias Biologicas e da Natureza, Universidade Federal do Acre, Campus Universitario Rio Branco, Rodovia BR-364 Km 4, Rio Branco, AC 69920-900, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Sodic Salinomycin is a polyester monocarboxylic antibiotic of the ionophore group. It has antibacterial and anticoccidial properties. The intoxication for ionophore antibiotics happens when there is ingestion of high doses of the drug for mistakes of calculations or contamination of rations. That work had the aims to describe the clinical and anatomopathological and histological alterations produced by the natural and accidental intoxication by sodic salinomycin (Coxystar 12% granular®) in peccaries (Tayassu tajacu). 37 animals were submitted accidentally to the ingestion ad libitum of sodic salinomycin, in the farm of wild animals “Caboclinho da Mata”, located in Experimental Finance “Catuaba” belonging to the Federal University of Acre. Of the individuals that consumed the salinomycin, 14 died in the period of 15 days after the ingestion. It was observed in the animals: anorexia, motor incordination, staggering pace, asthenia, ventral decubitus and death. One of the animals that came to death was submitted to the necropsy. Liver fragments and cardiac muscle were collected, fastened in formaldehyde to 10% and processed, and embedded in paraffin, cut at a nominal thickness of 4 µm, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histopathological examination. Macroscopically, indicative lesions of degenerative process were observed, in the liver, where this presented pattern evident lobular and congestion. In the heart, a bulging was observed, with dilation of the right camera, subepicardials and miocardials hemorrhages. Microscopically, in the liver, the lesions were distributed in a diffuse way by the parenchyma of the organ, with ectasia of the centrilobulares veins and hepatocytes vacuolateds. These vacuolizations had forms and varied sizes, as well as dilation of the sinusoides and discreet megalocitose, and in the heart muscle, besides vascular lesions, characterized by hiperemia and edema, any lesion was not observed in the fibers. Intoxications for salinomycin were already registered in swine, caprine, bovine, cats, alpacas, turkeys, rabbits, equine and chinchillas. The anamnesis and the clinical symptomatology presented by the animals that ingested natural and accidentally the sodic salinomycin, going to death, as well as the discoveries macro and microscopic they suggest a diagnosis of acute and sub-acute phase intoxication for antibiotic ionoforo, being these the first cases told in peccaries.ABSTRACT. da Silva R.S., Franca T.N., Costa S.Z.R., Atallah F.A., Miranda I.C., Mascarenhas M.B., Peixoto T.C. & Peixoto P.V. [Advantages of the extra-articular condylar-tibial fixation technique for stifle stabilization after cranial cruciate ligament rupture in dogs.] Vantagens da tecnica de fixacao condilo-tibial extra-articular na estabilizacao da articulacao femorotibiopatelar pos-ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial em caes. Revista Brasileira de Medicina veterinaria 38(Supl.1):39-46, 2016. Departamento de Medicina e Cirurgia, Instituto de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-001, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] A new variant of the extra-articular technique for stifle stabilization, by condylar-tibial fixation (transcondylar perforation), is described. This technique, developed at the Surgery Department of the Small Animal Veterinary Hospital at Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, was performed in 36 dogs of both sexes, weighing from 16.5 to 93 kg, which had had spontaneous rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament. Results were considered to be very good; in addition to immediate stabilization of the joint, no difficulties were encountered during surgery. The advantages of this variant of technique are complete stabilization of the joint without the need of supplementary techniques, ease of execution, and absence of trans or postoperative complications, as well as being adequate for larger and heavier dogs. Although it is very likely that this technique can be effective for smaller dogs, its use in small breed dogs should only be considered after an experimental study including these animals has been performed.ABSTRACT. de Aguirra L.R.V.M., Monger S. da G.B., Moraes L.A., Marsolla E.H. & Pereira W.L.A. [Bilateral ovarian-uterine hypoplasia in domestic felid - Case report.] Hipoplasia ovarica-uterina bilateral em felideo domestico - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(2):108-110, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Saude e Producao Animal na Amazonia, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia, Av. Presidente Tancredo Neves, 2501, Bairro Terra Firme, Belem, PA 66077-830, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] We report the first case of ovarian and uterine bilateral hypoplasia in a Persian cat, 3 years old, as an incidental finding in ovariosalpingohisterectomy elective procedure. The surgical piece was described anatomically and then fixed whole in buffered formalin 10%. Macroscopically, reducing the thickness of both ovaries and uterine horns was observed, the histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of hypoplasia through histological slides stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Gormori’s trichrome. This disease is rare in domestic animals and has no factors that can make the life of the animal, except for infertility.ABSTRACT. Madureira K.M., Oliveira M.C., Muramoto C., Requiao K.G., Peixoto T.C., Barbosa V.F., Martins Filho E.F. & Lima M.C.C. [Meningoencephalocele in Nelore calf - Case report.] Meningoencefalocele em bezerra da raca Nelore - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):25-29, 2016. Departamento de Anatomia, Patologia e Clinicas Veterinarias, Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Rua Adhemar de Barros, 500, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The meningoencephalocele is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by protrusion of intracranial structures by an existing defect in the skull. This paper describes a case of meningoencephalocele in a heifer Nelore, two-day-old, who was born with a swelling in the dorsal portion of the head, dorsal to the frontal bone without neurological manifestations changes or pain. The ultrasound examination and computer tomography scan confirmed the meningoencephalocele, which was surgically repaired successfully.ABSTRACT. Queiroz G.B., Farache R.A.B., Costa M., Santos M.C.S. & Alencar N.X. [Use of Luxol Fast Blue for differentiation of bilirubin and lipofuscin pigments in liver cytological samples of dogs (Canis familiaris) with hepatic disease.] Uso do Luxol Fast Blue para diferenciacao de pigmentos de bilirrubina e lipofuscina em amostras citologicas de figado de caes (Canis familiaris) com doenca hepatica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):61-64, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria (Clinica e Reproducao Animal), Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Vital Brazil Filho, 64, Vital Brazil, Niteroi, RJ 24230-340, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Several pigments can be viewed on cytological preparation of the liver. Special stains are often necessary to differentiate these pigments, such as the differentiation between bilirubin, pathological pigment indicative of cholestasis, and lipofuscin, a non pathological pigment that is normal in older dogs with the Luxol Fast Blue special stain. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of Luxol Fast Blue in liver samples obtained from dogs with laboratory and / or ultrasound diagnosis of liver disease with suspected cholestasis, evaluating whether this staining can be used to confirm the diagnosis of cholestasis by cytological examination. 30 dogs underwent ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of the liver, followed by serum biochemical test for cholestasis confirmation, of which 11 had suggestion of bilirubin or lipofuscin pigment. The samples were stained with Giemsa and later by Luxol Fast Blue. Although this technique positively stain the lipofuscin pigment, there was no significant difference between samples stained positively and negatively by Luxol Fast Blue in the biochemical evaluation of the animals.ABSTRACT. Faria B.G.O., Oria A.P., Martins Filho E.F., Conceicao D.G., Dorea Neto F.A., Quessada A.M., Carneiro R.S. & Costa Neto J.M. [Pathophysiology and treatment of iatrogenic abdominal hernia in feline - a Case report.] Fisiopatologia e tratamento de hernia abdominal iatrogenica em felino - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.1):26-32, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao Ciencia Animal nos Tropicos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Ademar de Barros, 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] It describes the pathophysiology of iatrogenic latero dorsal abdominal hernia occurred in feline of two years and seven months old that has the muscle weakness of the right side of the abdominal wall like a predisposing factor, resulting from the deficient healing of a post-vaccination intramuscular abscess, occurred at four months of age. Subsequently, a chronic constipation picture, caused by fecal impaction was the triggering factor responsible for the increase of the internal abdominal pressure and subsequent formation of the hernia process. In reference to the surgical treatment, considering the tissue impairment of the abdominal muscles and tissue tension observed after its synthesis, we decided for the use of center equine phrenic preserved in glycerin to the appropriate strengthening of this structure. The analysis of the case highlights the value of management. The description of the pathophysiology, in addition to strengthen the concept of involvement in internal abdominal pressure in the genesis of abdominal hernias, clarifies the iatrogenic diagnosis of the hernia, in particular. In time, excels the effectiveness of the use of biological membrane, in this case, center equine phrenic preserved in glycerin, in the repair of abdominal wall.ABSTRACT. Santos Junior J.C.B., Turner S.P., Weiss L.M., Pontvianne F.F., Ramos M.G.S.N., Caruso A.C.P. & Lessa D.A.B. Frog puncture wound with navicular bursa envolvement in a horse - a Case report. [Ferida perfurante em ranilha com envolvimento da bursa do navicular em equino - Relato de caso.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):65-68, 2016. Faculdade de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Vital Brazil Filho, 64, Vital Brazil, Niteroi, RJ 24230-34, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] A 5 years old show jumping mare presented a deep puncture wound of the frog, involving the navicular bursa. The diagnosis was confirmed by positive- -contrast fistulography and deep digital flexor tendon ultrasonography. The treatment included systemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, broad- -spectrum antibiotics, cryotherapy, and regional intravenous perfusion (RIP) of gentamicin. The horse achieved full recovery and returned to high level of performance 8 months after the injury.ABSTRACT. Vidal Junior A.W.M., Paes E.C., Kirsten C.E., Junger M.B., Silva R.S. & Souza H.J.M. [Feline chronic progressive polyarthritis associated with Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) infection: case report.] Poliartrite progressiva felina cronica associada a Leucemia Viral Felina (FeLV): relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.2):27-30, 2016. Instituto de Veterina- ria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. E mail: [email protected] Feline chronic progressive polyarthritis affects mainly young adult male cats and in most cases it is associated with feline leukemia virus infection. The diagnosis is made with radiographic evaluation of the altered joints and supportive treatment. This study aims to report a case of a seven-year-old male feline patient, tested positive for feline leukemia virus infection, presented with generalized articular volume increase with a progression of approximately two months. Radiographic findings were consistent with feline chronic progressive polyarthritis. The patient presented a good response to the instituted therapy with improvement in clinical signs and ambulation . A good history taking as well as complementary exams and the knowledge of specific diseases of cats makes the correct diagnosis and treatment easier to reach.ABSTRACT. Santos Godoi T.L.O., Villas-Boas J.D., Souza C.C.F., Beck M.M., MouraG.H.C., Lima M.T.R. & Medeiros M.A. [Profile of the acupuncture service at the Small Animals Veterinary Hospital of UFRRJ-RJ (2006-2016).] Perfil de atendimento por acupuntura no Hospital Veterinario de Pequenos Animais da UFRRJ-RJ (2006-2016). Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):49- 56, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Campus Universitario, Serope- dica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. Email: [email protected] The acupuncture service of the Veterinary Hospital of Small Animal-UFRRJ, located in Seropedica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, aims to provide quality care in acupuncture and at low cost, offer training of students in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine and be a data source for clinical research in the acupuncture area. In order to provide the profile of this acupuncture service, it was performed a retrospective study of medical records from January 2006 to March 2016. Is was evaluated data such as gender, age and breed, in addition to the main pathologies treated, city of origin of patients and techniques of stimulation of acupuncture points. The sessions were held once a week and 372 patients were treated. Dogs accounted for 90.4% while the cats were only 9.6% of treated animals, 49.5% were males and 50.5% females, with mean age of 5.27 years. The most animals were mixed breed, followed by poodles and dachshunds. The places of origin most common were the city of Seropedica (26,9%), where is located UFRRJ, the West Zone (26,3%) and Baixada Fluminense (16,9%). Neurological and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for respectively 67.3% and 23.8% of the treated cases, where distemper sequelaes, discopathies and medullary trauma were the most common diseases. The techniques used for stimulating acupuncture points were dry needling (99.2%), moxibustion (26,6%); electroacupuncture (19,4%) and pharmacocupuncture (9,7%). 65% of the animals who continued the treatment (received more than 2 sessions) showed significant improvement in the initial clinical condition and 10,6% of the animals did not show any clinical improvement. These findingsindicate that acupuncture is a promising therapy in clinical small animals and that further studies should be conducted to demonstrate their effectiveness in the treatment of different pathologies.ABSTRACT. Vasconcellos M. [Comment on stem cells of cancer: A new therapeutic target?] Comentario sobre celulas-tronco do câncer: Um novo alvo terapeutico? Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(2):111-115, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencias Cirurgicas, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho, Cidade Universitaria, Fundao, RJ 21940-902, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The cancer affects about 500,000 new cases each year in Brazil. The understanding of carcinogenesis is still one of the most current and controversial issues in the field of research. The theory of cellular hierarchy revive an old hypothesis of a tumor subpopulation called cancer stem cells (CSC’s) with unique characteristics of self-renewal and tumorigenicity, which grew in evidence from their identification and isolation in many human tumors. To discuss the impact that the validation of the theory of CSC’s can cause in relation to the current treatment of the disease. Critical analysis of scientific publications obtained through the electronic databases Medline, Lilacs, and Scielo researching the keywords: stem cells, cancer stem cells, clonal evolution. Articles were selected from the 90 by the year 2014. Studies using CSC’s anti-drugs targeting selective inhibition of cell self-renewal pathways specifically by surface markers for vehicle cytotoxic agents, had success in tests preliminary. Prospects for a reorientation of therapeutic targets through selective elimination of CSC’s preserving however, normal stem cells, represents the current goal to be achieved by researchers and biopharmaceutical companies worldwide.ABSTRACT. Machado L.S., Santos F.F., Santos L.M.M., BrandaoM.D.M., Abreu D.L.C., Gouvea R., Pereira V.L.A. & Nascimento E.R. [Detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in oviduct of SPF hens - Case report.] Deteccao de Mycoplasma gallisepticum em oviduto de galinhas SPF - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):45-48, 2016. Faculdade de Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rua Vital Brasil Filho, 64, Bairro Icarai, Niteroi, RJ 24230-340, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) has horizontal transmission, by direct contact with respiratory secretions, or vertical. Serological tests such Serum Agglutination Reaction (SAR), ELISA and PCR detection by agent are among the analyzes recommended by government programs for monitoring mycoplasmosis in poultry. This study used 40 Leghorn chickens “Specific Pathogen Free” housed in farm with historically positive by MG. The chickens were monitored monthly by SAR, ELISA, from the serum of birds and PCR from tracheal swabs. At 33 weeks old, four birds were randomly selected for analyze in the necropsy. Fragments were analyzed from different parts of the oviduct (infundibulum, magnum and isthmus) by PCR. All chickens were negative for MG to the SAR, the ELISA and PCR to 33th week of age. In the PCR, the four samples of oviduct, three were positive in the infundibulum; two in the magnum; two on the isthmus; all chickens infected with at least a portion of the oviduct. MG infection was diagnosed by PCR from the oviduct of birds which were negative by conventional monitoring techniques, prior to seroconversion by PCR and trachea swabs. Hens negative for MG using PCR from tracheal swabs and serological tests showed positive PCR results for oviduct samples.ABSTRACT. Souza C.C.F. & Medeiros M.A. [Risk factors and co-ocurrence with other behavioral disorders in domestic dogs with exaggerated fear of sounds.] Fatores de risco e transtornos comportamentais concomitantes em caes de companhia com medo exagerado a sons. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):175-182, 2016. Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465, Km 7, Campus Universita- rio, Seropedica, RJ 23897-970, Brasil. Email: [email protected] An online questionnaire containing 26 questions, with 350 responses collected between June and August 2016, was used to investigate the risk factors and co-occurrence of other behavioral changes in dogs with exaggerated fear of sounds. The general characteristics of dogs and tutors, the quality of the relationship between dogs and tutors; behavioral parameters of fear, concomitant behavioral disorders, the onset of fear and the possible triggering events were evaluated. Most of the dogs were female, castrated, adult, SRD, with origin from street rescue or donation, with good affective relationship and obedience with their tutors. The most frequent concomitant behavioral disorders were separation anxiety, agitation, excessive vocalization and aggressiveness, where 32.9% of dogs had 3 or more behavioral disorders simultaneously. The sounds most marked as the cause of fear were fireworks, thunder and alarms and sirens, where 23.4% of the dogs were afraid of 3 or more sounds. The most intense behavioral responses observed by tutors were trembling, hiding, and panting. The quality of the relationship between dogs and tutors and the dogs obedience were related to the occurrence of some concomitant behavioral disorders. Research on the prevalence, risk factors of behavioral disorders in dogs, as well as their consequences on the relationship between tutors and dog and on family well-being are fundamental for the understanding of these behavioral changes as well as for the development of therapeutic and preventive approaches.ABSTRACT. Peixoto T.C., de Freitas J.L., Farias S.S., Vieira Filho C.H., Larangeira D.F., Mascarenhas M.B., Nogueira V.A. & Barrouin-Melo S.M. [Primary heart lymphoma associated with visceral leishmaniasis in a dog - Case report.] Linfoma primario cardiaco associado a leishmaniose visceral em cao - Relato de Caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria 38(Supl.1):47-54, 2016. Departamento de Anatomia, Patologia e Clinicas Veterinarias, Escola de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros, 500, Ondina, Salvador, BA 40170-110, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] It describes the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical aspects of a fatal primary heart T-cell lymphoma in a dog presenting visceral leishmaniasis (VL), from an endemic area in the State of Bahia. A female dog, Pitbull, with 2-year-old was seen at internal medicine section Veterinary Hospital (HOSPMEV) of the Universidade Federal da Bahia, with a history of progressive chronic skin disease with pruritus at variable score. The owner returned six months after the first review reporting the dog had appetite loss, oliguria, weight loss and dyspnea. Indirect ELISA for detection of anti-Leishmania antibodies had given positive results and parasitological examination of splenic aspirate evidenced amastigotes of Leishmania sp. The dog presented cardiorespiratory falence in HOSPMEV and evoluted to death. At macroscopic examination of the heart, it was found epicardium irregular surface due to the presence of multiple areas whitish homogeneous, sometimes protruding located in all four heart compartments. At incision, there were multiple nodules or masses of irregular shape and varying size. Additionally, superficial lymph nodes were moderately increased in size. Histopathological evaluation showed in the heart and diaphragm, atypical proliferation of large or medium-sized lymphoid cells with round or ovoid nuclei, sometimes cleaved, hyperchromatic, sometimes vesicular, with evident nucleoli and scarce amphophilic cytoplasm, arranged in diffuse mantle (solid pattern) or groups of large agglomerates between cardiac muscle fibers. Spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow evidenced lots of amastigotes of Leishmania sp. within the cytoplasm of macrophages in the interstitium or free. Coexistence between infection with Leishmania and cancer has been observed in humans and animals, and a number of epidemiological, experimental and laboratory studies suggest an association between these two entities in human. It is indicative that the dysfunction of the immune system caused by Leishmania infection can make organism more susceptible to express an unusual neoplastic disease, as the present report.ABSTRACT. Santos J.D., Lourenco F.J. & Castro B.G. [Retrospective study of Equine Infectious Anemia in Mid-Northern Mato Grosso State, Brazil, 2006- 2011.] Estudo retrospectivo da anemia infecciosa equina na regiao medio-norte matogrossense, Brasil, 2006-2011. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):79-85, 2016. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Campus Universitario de Sinop, Av. Alexandre Ferronato, 1200, Setor Industrial, Sinop MT, 78557- 267, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA) is an important disease in Equine Sanity by the economic losses or progressive debility of the animals, or, mainly, by the obligatory sacrifice in several States in Brazil. Thus, this study aimed to detect the prevalence of EIA in equids in the mid-northern region of Mato Grosso State, Brazil during the moths of January, 2006 to November, 2011. It was evaluated 17,263 EIA tests of a official laboratory from Colider (MT). According to the results, from de total of examined animals, 196 were asinine, 10,175 equines and 6,891 mules. The annual prevalence of EIA in the refereed region during the years of 2006 to 2011 was 3.76%; 4.26%; 2.89%; 3.11%; 2.89% e 2.40%, respectively. The obtained result showed lower prevalences compared to others regions in Brazil, demonstrating the necessity to maintaining public politics of Animal Sanity to keep the prevalence in low levels.ABSTRACT. Freitas R.A., Silva B.R.S.A., Athar C.V.A., Marinho J.P.M., Veiga C.C.P. & Paiva J.P. [Staging of chronic kidney disease in domestic dogs with chronic valve disease.] Estadiamento da doenca renal cronica em caes domesticos com doenca valvar cronica. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(Supl.2):31-39, 2016. Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23851-970, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] Heart failure causes, short or long term, in loss of kidney ability to maintain homeostasis. This interrelation of mutual injury, called cardiorenal syndrome, is already widely studied in medicine, however, there are few studies in veterinary, making it necessary to increased attention on the issue given that both diseases are the most common cause of death in geriatric dogs. The aim of the study was to determine the occurrence of chronic kidney disease in dogs with chronic valve disease through laboratory tests and imaging exams; staging and substaging them according to the International Renal Interest Society. In total 23 dogs participated in the study males and females of various ages, with echocardiographic diagnosis of chronic valve disease. All of these dogs after being staged in the degree of valve disease (stages B1, B2 and C), underwent clinical assessment of renal function with subsequent collection of biological samples (blood and urine), imaging exam (ultrasound) and measurement of blood pressure systolic systemic aiming to investigate previous renal injury. In this study were not include dogs in stage A (pre-arranged) and D stage (in treatment) because as inclusion criterion that the existence of valve degeneration and absence of drug use that were to interfere with the kidney function and /or perfusion. The results obtained, showed that females were more affected than males; the poodle was the breed with most diagnostic of chronic valve disease and that in stage 1 of chronic kidney disease was present in most dogs (15/23) in different stages of chronic valve disease. When these dogs were substaged as the degree of proteinuria, it could be seen that this was present mostly in dogs in stage C of chronic valve disease. The risk of injury in target organ after the measurement of the systemic systolic blood pressure, it was noted that regardless of the stage of chronic valve disease, the dogs of this study were in the majority in minimal risk of developing target organ damage. The predominance of dogs in stage C with chronic kidney disease, can be explained by the deficit in renal perfusion secondary to reduced cardiac output. It can be concluded through this study that chronic kidney disease is a common finding in dogs with chronic valve disease.ABSTRACT. Bueno C.M., Rolemberg S.D., Kihara M.T., Filgueira F.G.F., Minto B.W., De Nardi A.B., Dias L.G.G.G. & Moraes P.C. [Ureterotomy as treatment of ureter calculi in feline - Case report.] Ureterotomia como tratamento da litiase ureteral em felino - Relato de caso. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 38(1):49-52, 2016. Departamento de Clinica e Cirurgia Veterinaria, Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Via de Acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane s/n, Jaboticabal, SP 14884-900, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] The aim of this study was to report a case of ureteral calculi in a cat which was successful treated with surgical therapy ureterotomy. A 13 years old female cat, with clinical findings of cystitis for three years and presenting apathy, vomiting, reduced appetite, hypodipsia and normality in urination was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of Unesp – FCAV. Laboratory tests were performed (blood count and biochemical), and radiographic examination showed the presence of radiopaque structure in the left ureter, characterizing a partial ureterolithiasis. The animal was submitted to ureterotomy surgery for removal of uroliths. The removed material was sent for laboratory analysis, but could not be identified due to the sample size be insufficient. The patient continued with ureteral dilatation and hydronephrosis after surgery, presenting remission of clinical signs and normality of blood count and biochemical seven days after the operative procedure, occurring a reversal of the signs of chronic kidney disease, because the surgery was performed as soon as it was observed the presence of ureteral calculi. Medical treatment was important to give initial support for the patient, regulating the renal function and preventing serious injury. However, the ureterotomy was essential for the recovery of the patient, since it was observed remission of the clinical signs after the surgery and there were no postoperative complications.
Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária | 2010
Francesca Silva Dias; Iacir Francisco dos Santos; Robson Maia Franco; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento
Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária | 2000
Valquíria Pinto Barbosa; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento; Maria das Graças Miranda Danelli; Maria da Graça Fichei do Nascimento; Marcos Antônio José dos Santos; Gilberto Brasil Lignon; Vinícius Resende Ribeiro
Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária | 2016
Tassia Cristina Bello de Vasconcelos; Denise Monnerat Nogueira; Virginia Léo de Almeida Pereira; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento; Sávio Freire Bruno
Archive | 2012
Jorge Luiz Fortuna; Elmiro Rosendo do Nascimento; Robson Maia Franco