
Clinical Rheumatology | 1998

Bone marrow findings in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with peripheral cytopenias

R. M. R. Pereira; Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso; Y. Menezes; S. Gualandro; J. Vassalo; Natalino Hajime Yoshinari

We studied 21 bone marrow specimens from 21 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and peripheral cytopenias: anaemia (Hb<10 g/dl), and/or leucopenia (white blood cell count <4×109/l), and/or thrombocytopenia (platelets <150×109/l). None of the patients had used immunosuppressive drugs in the 2 months before the study, and 11 (52.4%) had never used these drugs. The global and specific series cellularity, degree of fibrosis and necrosis were evaluated by bone marrow trephine; morphological abnormalities and iron stores were evaluated by cytological smears. The most important abnormalities viewed in bone marrow biopsies were: global hypocellularity (47.6%), increased reticulin proliferation (76.2%) with myelofibrosis in one patient, and necrosis (19.0%). The marrow aspirates were difficult to obtain in four patients, who showed an increased reticulin proliferation on histological analysis. Plasmocytosis was present in 26.7% of cases and in one there was a serum monoclonal component (IgG kappa). Iron stores were normal or increased in 26.7% of specimens and decreased or absent in 73.3%. The most frequent peripheral abnormality was leucopenia in 90.4% (19/21) and granulocytic hypoplasia was observed in 47.3% (9/19) of these patients. We conclude that the bone marrow may be a target organ in SLE with cytopenias.

British Journal of Haematology | 1996

Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 7 in myeloid disorders: loss of band 7q32 implies worst prognosis

Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso; Lucienne Michaux; Augustin Ferrant; Jesús Hernández; Peter Meeus; Judith Dierlamm; Arnold Criel; A. Louwagie; Gregor Verhoef; Marc Boogaerts; Jean-Louis Michaux; André Bosly; Cristina Mecucci; Herman Van den Berghe

Clinical and cytogenetic data were analysed in 54 patients with acute non‐lymphocytic leukaemias (ANLL) or MDS (myelodysplastic syndromes) and deletion of the long arm of chromosome 7 (7q−), in order to determine if there is a commonly deleted region in 7q and to establish possible correlations between karyotypic features, such as karyotype pattern, karyotype complexity, associated anomalies, and/or the type of deleted segments, and outcome of patients with these disorders.

Acta Haematologica | 2001

Immunohematological Findings in Myelodysplastic Syndrome

M.C.Z. Novaretti; C.R. Sopelete; Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso; M.F.C. Rosa; Pedro Enrique Dorlhiac-Llacer; Dalton de Alencar Fischer Chamone

Background: Few immunohematological studies have been done in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Methods: Twenty-nine MDS patients were retrospectively evaluated with a direct antiglobulin test (DAT), antibody screening, serum electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis. Clinical and laboratory studies (hemoglobin level, reticulocyte count, DHL, total and indirect bilirubin) were done simultaneously, as well as the French-American-British subtype and bone marrow biopsy findings. Results: Alloantibodies were demonstrated in 17 patients (58.6%), autoantibodies in 10 (34.4%) patients and cold agglutinin in 18 (62%) patients. DAT was mediated by only IgG in 8 patients (80%), by IgG and C3 in 1 patient (10%) and by IgG, IgA and C3 in 1 (10%) patient. No hemolytic disease occurred in patients with autoantibodies. Increased serum gammaglobulin was observed in 16 (54.4%) patients. There was no correlation between the incidence of allo-/autoantibodies and the gammaglobulin level (p = 0.937) and the presence of lymphocyte infiltrates in bone marrow biopsies (p = 0.156). No significant difference was observed when the incidence of autoantibodies and number of red blood cell transfusions were compared (p = 0.334). Patients with refractory anemia and refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts subtypes had a higher incidence of allo-/autoantibodies than other MDS subtypes (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Patients with MDS, in particular refractory anemia and refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts have a high incidence of allo- and autoantibodies, probably related to intrinsic immune disorder, without clinical or laboratory hemolysis.

Acta Haematologica | 1993

Neutropenia Associated with Myelofibrosis in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

E.F. Borba; R.M.R. Pereira; Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso; I.A. Pereira; C.R. Goncalves; N.H. Yoshinari

Although myelofibrosis has been described in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), this coexistence must be rare since there are few reports showing this combination. The possible relationship between hematologic abnormalities and SLE remains unresolved. The authors describe a 39-year-old woman with persistent neutropenia and SLE in whom myelofibrosis was found. Unlike previously reported cases, myelofibrosis did not resolve with steroid therapy. In this report, the clinical course of the patient is compared with others described in the literature.

Acta Haematologica | 1994

Long-term remission of neutropenia in Felty's syndrome after a short GM-CSF treatment

J. Pereira; Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso; H.A. Loterio; I.M.M. Laurindo; Dalton de Alencar Fischer Chamone

We report a case of Feltys syndrome in which neutropenia was corrected by a short-term treatment with recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF, 5 micrograms/kg/day s.c. for 14 days). Absolute neutrophil counts rose from 0.1 to 2.2 x 10(9)/l and remained > 1.0 x 10(9)/l 8 weeks after discontinuation of the GM-CSF therapy. A flare-up of arthritis and a decrease in platelet counts were observed.

Leukemia Research | 2013

MDR-1 and GST polymorphisms are involved in myelodysplasia progression.

Bruna Palodetto; Paula de Melo Campos; Bruno Deltreggia Benites; Maria de Lourdes Lopes Ferrari Chauffaille; Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso; Fabiola Traina; Sara Teresinha Olalla Saad

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a heterogeneous group of clonal stem cell disorders characterized by abnormal hematopoietic differentiation and maturation, which progress toward acute leukemia in approximately 30% of the cases. Drug metabolism polymorphisms in Cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6), Glutathione S-transferase (GST) and Dehydrogenase Quinone 1 (NQO1) enzymes and P-glycoprotein (MDR-1) could modify enzyme activity. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the influence of CYP2B6 G15631T, GSTT1, GSTM1, NQO1 C609T and MDR-1 C3435T polymorphisms on MDS progression. We analyzed 78 MDS patients using the PCR-RFLP and multiplex method. The frequency of GST deletions and MDR-1 CC genotype was lower in progression-free patients compared to patients with progression; GST: 17% vs. 35% (P=0.018); MDR-1 gene: 19% vs. 48% (P=0.012). We also verified the influence of GST deletions and MDR-1 C3435T on patient overall survival and found no significant difference (RR=0.75; P=0.599 and RR=0.79; P=0.594 respectively). We concluded that GSTM1 deletion may contribute toward MDS progression probably due to toxic metabolite accumulation which generates cell toxicity and DNA damage. Moreover, MDR-1 C3435T may have a protective effect against MDS progression because the expected lower expression of P-glycoprotein would lead to a higher degree of cell death. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study showing the relationship of these polymorphisms with MDS progression.

Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira | 2011

World Health Organization Classification of tumors of hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues, 4th edition, 2008 - major changes from the 3rd edition, 2001

Maria Claudia Nogueira Zerbini; Fernando Augusto Soares; Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso; Maria de Lourdes l. F. Chaufaille; Roberto Pinto Paes

The World Health Organization (WHO) classification of Tumors of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues (4th edition, 2008) represents an update of the 3rd edition, 2001.2 A summary of these changes in myeloproliferative disorders, myelodisplastic syndrome, acute myeloid leukemias, B and T precursor cell neoplasms, and mature B, T and NK cell neoplasms is presented below. Understanding the molecular genetic changes and the results achieved with innovative therapeutic approaches in these groups of diseases require continuous reassessment of its classification, justifying the major changes discussed here 1,3-5 .

Joint Bone Spine | 2011

A novel 60 kDa reactivity in cyclic neutropenia: High titer cytoplasmic ANCA immunostaining pattern and negative anti-proteinase-3 antibody

Camila E. Rodrigues; Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso; Rosa Maria Rodrigues Pereira; Eloisa Bonfa; Flávia K. Teixeira; Cleonice Bueno; Pedro E. Dorlhiac-Laccer; Andréa T. Kondo; Vilma dos Santos Trindade Viana; Jozélio Freire de Carvalho

Joint Bone Spine - In Press.Proof corrected by the author Available online since vendredi 19 novembre 2010

American Journal of Hematology | 2015

Myelodysplastic syndromes in South America: A multinational study of 1080 patients

Carolina B. Belli; Ronald Feitosa Pinheiro; Yesica Bestach; Irene Larripa; Roberta Sandra da Silva Tanizawa; Graciela Alfonso; Jacqueline Gonzalez; Mariana Rosenhain; Nora Watman; Marcela Cavalcante de Andrade Silva; Pedro Negri Aranguren; Hernán García Rivello; Silvia M. M. Magalhães; Ximena Valladares; María S. Undurraga; Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso

There are previously reported data describing differences between Asian and European patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), few direct comparisons based on cancer registration characteristics or using cohorts to validate scoring systems. This is the first study from South‐America, which attempts to describe demographic, clinical features, and outcome of MDS patients. We retrospectively analyzed 1,080 patients with de novo MDS from Argentina (635), Brazil (345), and Chile (100). Chilean patients were younger (P = 0.001) with female preponderance (P = 0.071). Brazilian series showed a higher predominance of RARS subtype regarding FAB and WHO classifications (P < 0.001). Hemoglobin levels were significantly lower in Brazilian and Chilean series (P < 0.001), and Chilean series also showed a lower platelet count (P = 0.028), with no differences concerning the neutrophil count, % BM blast, and the distribution of cytogenetic risk groups (P > 0.05). Chilean series depicted a lower overall survival (OS; 35 months vs. 56 months‐Argentine; 55 months‐Brazil, P = 0.030), which was consistent with a higher predominance of the high‐risk group according both to the IPSS and IPSS‐R (P = 0.046 and P < 0.001). The IPSS‐R system and its variables showed a good reproducibility to predict clinical outcome for the whole South‐American population. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics, distribution among prognostic subgroups, the OS, and the access to disease modifying therapies were more similar between Argentinean and Brazilian compared with Chilean MDS series. This will need further analysis in a larger group of patients. Descriptive and comparative studies are necessary to establish epidemiological features useful for public health attitudes to generate suitable therapeutic schemes. Am. J. Hematol. 90:851–858, 2015.

Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia | 2011

Karyotypic and fluorescent in situ hybridization study of the centromere of chromosome 7 in secondary myeloid neoplasms

Roberta Sandra da Silva Tanizawa; Cristina Aiko Kumeda; Raymundo Soares de Azevedo Neto; Aline M. Leal; Patricia de Barros Ferreira; Elvira Deolinda Rodrigues Pereira Velloso

Background Secondary myeloid neoplasms comprise a group of secondary diseases following exposure to myelotoxic agents or due to congenital diseases. The improvement of anticancer agents and immunosuppressive drugs seem to be associated with an increased incidence of secondary myeloid neoplasms. Karyotyping of bone marrow is essential for diagnosis and prognosis. Previous use of alkylating agents and radiation are associated with clonal abnormalities such as recurrent unbalanced -5/5q-, -7/7q- and complex karyotypes, whereas topoisomerase-II inhibitors lead to changes such as the balanced 11q23 rearrangement, t(8;21), t(15;17) and inv(16). Objective To study the clinical and cytogenetic data of patients with secondary myeloid neoplasms who took antineoplastic and/or immunosuppressive drugs or progressed from aplastic anemia. Methods The clinical and cytogenetic characteristics of 42 patients diagnosed with secondary myeloid neoplasms in one institution were retrospectively evaluated. Of these, 25, 11 and 6 patients had had oncological diseases, aplastic anemia and other diseases, respectively. Conventional cytogenetic and FISH analyses were performed for monosomy 7. Results The cytogenetic study was conclusive in 32 cases with 84.4% of clonal abnormalities. Monosomy 7 and complex karyotypes were present in 44.4% and 37%, respectively. A high prevalence of unbalanced abnormalities (96.3%) was observed. Monosomy 7 was more prevalent in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes/myeloid neoplasms after aplastic anemia (66.6%). The median survival after diagnosis of myeloid neoplasms was only 5.7 months. Normal cytogenetics was associated to better survival (p-value = 0.03). There was a slightly worse trend of survival for patients with complex karyotypes (p-value = 0.057). Abnormal karyotype was an independent risk factor for poor survival (p-value = 0.012). Conclusion This study enhances the importance of cytogenetic analysis of patients at the time of diagnosis of secondary myeloid neoplasms.

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