Emel Seyhan
University of California, Los Angeles
Featured researches published by Emel Seyhan.
Earthquake Spectra | 2014
David M. Boore; Jonathan P. Stewart; Emel Seyhan; Gail M. Atkinson
We provide ground motion prediction equations for computing medians and standard deviations of average horizontal component intensity measures (IMs) for shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regions. The equations were derived from a global database with M 3.0–7.9 events. We derived equations for the primary M- and distance-dependence of the IMs after fixing the VS30-based nonlinear site term from a parallel NGA-West2 study. We then evaluated additional effects using mixed effects residuals analysis, which revealed no trends with source depth over the M range of interest, indistinct Class 1 and 2 event IMs, and basin depth effects that increase and decrease long-period IMs for depths larger and smaller, respectively, than means from regional VS30-depth relations. Our aleatory variability model captures decreasing between-event variability with M, as well as within-event variability that increases or decreases with M depending on period, increases with distance, and decreases for soft sites.
Earthquake Spectra | 2014
Timothy D. Ancheta; Robert B. Darragh; Jonathan P. Stewart; Emel Seyhan; Walter J. Silva; Katie E. Wooddell; Robert W. Graves; Albert R. Kottke; David M. Boore; Tadahiro Kishida; Jennifer L. Donahue
The NGA-West2 project database expands on its predecessor to include worldwide ground motion data recorded from shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regimes post-2000 and a set of small-to-moderate-magnitude earthquakes in California between 1998 and 2011. The database includes 21,336 (mostly) three-component records from 599 events. The parameter space covered by the database is M 3.0 to M 7.9, closest distance of 0.05 to 1,533 km, and site time-averaged shear-wave velocity in the top 30 m of VS30 = 94 m/s to 2,100 m/s (although data becomes sparse for distances >400 km and VS30 > 1,200 m/s or <150 m/s). The database includes uniformly processed time series and response spectral ordinates for 111 periods ranging from 0.01 s to 20 s at 11 damping ratios. Ground motions and metadata for source, path, and site conditions were subject to quality checks by ground motion prediction equation developers and topical working groups.
Earthquake Spectra | 2014
Yousef Bozorgnia; Norman A. Abrahamson; Linda Al Atik; Timothy D. Ancheta; Gail M. Atkinson; Jack W. Baker; Annemarie S. Baltay; David M. Boore; Kenneth W. Campbell; Brian Chiou; Robert B. Darragh; Steve Day; Jennifer L. Donahue; Robert W. Graves; Nick Gregor; Thomas C. Hanks; I. M. Idriss; Ronnie Kamai; Tadahiro Kishida; Albert R. Kottke; Stephen Mahin; Sanaz Rezaeian; Badie Rowshandel; Emel Seyhan; Shrey K. Shahi; Tom Shantz; Walter J. Silva; Paul Spudich; Jonathan P. Stewart; Jennie Watson-Lamprey
The NGA-West2 project is a large multidisciplinary, multi-year research program on the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) models for shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regions. The research project has been coordinated by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), with extensive technical interactions among many individuals and organizations. NGA-West2 addresses several key issues in ground-motion seismic hazard, including updating the NGA database for a magnitude range of 3.0–7.9; updating NGA ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs) for the “average” horizontal component; scaling response spectra for damping values other than 5%; quantifying the effects of directivity and directionality for horizontal ground motion; resolving discrepancies between the NGA and the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) site amplification factors; analysis of epistemic uncertainty for NGA GMPEs; and developing GMPEs for vertical ground motion. This paper presents an overview of the NGA-West2 research program and its subprojects.
Earthquake Spectra | 2014
Emel Seyhan; Jonathan P. Stewart
We analyze NGA-West2 data and simulations to develop a site amplification model that captures ground motion scaling with VS30 and soil nonlinear effects. We parameterize nonlinearity as the gradient of site amplification with respect to peak acceleration for reference (firm) sites. Both data analyses and simulations indicate nonlinearity for sites with VS30 < 500 m/s and spectral periods T < ∼3 s. Following approximate removal of nonlinear effects from the data, we evaluate VS30-scaling of ground motions, which is most pronounced for T ≥ ∼0.2 s and saturates for hard rock sites. Regional trends in VS30-scaling and nonlinearity were not found to be sufficiently robust to justify inclusion in our model. We apply the site amplification model to derive site factors now approved for building code applications. Principal causes of changes relative to previous values are reduction of the reference velocity (at which amplification is unity) to 760 m/s and reduced nonlinearity.
Earthquake Spectra | 2014
Nick Gregor; Norman A. Abrahamson; Gail M. Atkinson; David M. Boore; Yousef Bozorgnia; Kenneth W. Campbell; I. M. Idriss; Ronnie Kamai; Emel Seyhan; Jonathan P. Stewart; Robert R. Youngs
A presentation of the model parameters and comparison of the median ground-motion values from the NGA-West2 GMPEs is presented for a suite of deterministic cases. In general, the median ground motions are similar, within a factor of about 1.5–2.0 for 5 < M < 7 and distances between 10–100 km. Differences increase (on the order of 2–3) for large-magnitude (M > 8) earthquakes at large distances (R > 100–200 km) and for close distances (R < 10 km). A similar increase is observed for hanging-wall sites, and slightly larger differences are observed for soil sites as opposed to rock sites. Regionalization of four of the GMPEs yields similar attenuation rate adjustments based on the different regional data sets. All five GMPE aleatory variability models are a function of magnitude with higher overall standard deviations values for the smaller magnitudes when compared to the large-magnitude events.
Earthquake Spectra | 2014
Emel Seyhan; Jonathan P. Stewart; Timothy D. Ancheta; Robert B. Darragh; Robert W. Graves
The NGA-West2 site database (SDB) contains information on site condition and instrument housing for 4,147 strong-motion stations with recordings in the project flatfile. The stations are from active tectonic regions, mainly in California, Japan, Taiwan, China, and the Mediterranean area. The principal site parameter is the time-averaged shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m (VS30), which we characterize using measurements where available (2,013 stations) and proxy-based relationships otherwise. We also provide basin depths from published models for 2,761 sites mostly in California and Japan. We improved the documentation and consistency of site descriptors used as proxies for VS30 estimation (surface geology, ground slope, and geotechnical or geomorphic categories) and analyzed proxy performance relative to VS30 values from measurements. We present protocols for VS30 estimation from proxies that emphasize methods minimizing bias and dispersion relative to data. For each site, we provide the preferred VS30 and its dispersion.
Earthquake Spectra | 2013
Emel Seyhan; Jonathan P. Stewart; Robert W. Graves
Broadband ground motion simulation procedures typically utilize physics-based modeling at low frequencies, coupled with semi-stochastic procedures at high frequencies. The high-frequency procedure considered here combines deterministic Fourier amplitude spectra (dependent on source, path, and site models) with random phase. Previous work showed that high-frequency intensity measures from this simulation methodology attenuate faster with distance and have lower intra-event dispersion than in empirical equations. We address these issues by increasing crustal damping (Q) to reduce distance attenuation bias and by introducing random site-to-site variations to Fourier amplitudes using a lognormal standard deviation ranging from 0.45 for Mw < 7 to zero for Mw 8. Ground motions simulated with the updated parameterization exhibit significantly reduced distance attenuation bias and revised dispersion terms are more compatible with those from empirical models but remain lower at large distances (e.g., > 100 km).
GeoCongress 2012 | 2012
Emel Seyhan; Jonathan P. Stewart
Author(s): Seyhan, Emel; Stewart, Jonathan P. | Editor(s): Rollins, Kyle; Zekkos, Dimitris | Abstract: Site factors are used to modify ground motions from a reference rock site condition to reflect the influence of geologic conditions at the site of interest. Site factors typically have a small-strain (linear) site amplification that captures impedance and resonance effects coupled with nonlinear components. Site factors in current NEHRP Provisions are empirically-derived at relatively small ground motion levels and feature simulation-based nonlinearity. We show that NEHRP factors have discrepancies with respect to the site terms in the Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) ground motion prediction equations, both in the linear site amplification (especially for Classes B, C, D, and E) and the degree of nonlinearity (Classes C and D). The misfits are towards larger linear site factors and stronger nonlinearity in theNEHRP factors. The differences in linear site factors result largely from theirnormalization to a reference average shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m of about 1050 m/s, whereas the reference velocity for current application is 760 m/s. We show that the levels of nonlinearity in the NEHRP factors are generally stronger than recent simulation-based models as well as empirically-based models.
Earthquake Spectra | 2016
Jonathan P. Stewart; David M. Boore; Emel Seyhan; Gail M. Atkinson
Archive | 2012
Jonathan P. Stewart; Emel Seyhan; David M. Boore; Kenneth W. Campbell; Mustafa Erdik; Walter J. Silva; Carola Di Alessandro; Yousef Bozorgnia