
Diabetes Care | 2008

Reduced Progression to Type 2 Diabetes From Impaired Glucose Tolerance After a 2-Day In-Hospital Diabetes Educational Program : The Joetsu Diabetes Prevention Trial

Tetsuya Kawahara; Keiichi Takahashi; Tetsuya Inazu; Tadashi Arao; Chie Kawahara; Takahiro Tabata; Hiroyuki Moriyama; Yosuke Okada; Emiko Morita; Yoshiya Tanaka

OBJECTIVE—We assessed the effects of a 2-day in-hospital diabetes educational program in preventing or delaying progression of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) to type 2 diabetes, including analysis of changes in serum lipids, body weight, and blood pressure after the program. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—A total of 426 subjects (51 ± 9 years, BMI 24.6 ± 3.9 kg/m2) with newly diagnosed IGT were randomly assigned to three groups, 143 as the short-term hospitalization with diabetes education and support (STH) group, 141 as the nonhospitalization but diabetes education and support (DES) group, and 142 as the neither hospitalization nor education (control) group. RESULTS—The average follow-up was 3.1 years. The incidence of diabetes was 8.0, 10.7, and 13.2 cases per 100 person-years for STH, DES, and control groups, respectively. The incidence of diabetes was 42% lower (95% CI 33–51%) in the STH group and 27% lower (15–37%) in the DES group than in the control group. The incidence of diabetes was 21% lower (10–31%) in the STH group than in the DES group. CONCLUSIONS—The 2-day in-hospital program with diabetes education and support every 3 months was more effective in preventing or delaying the progression from IGT to diabetes than only diabetes education and support every 3 months.

Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy | 1986

Long-term-treatment of a diabetic nephropathy-case exclusively with hemofiltration

Akihiko Takeuchi; Kazo Kaizu; Emiko Morita; Kohei Uriu; Riichiro Abe; Masahide Takishita; Sumiya Eto

血液濾過法 (HF) は血液透析法 (HD) に比較し, 低血圧, 高血圧, 不均衡症候群, 酢酸不耐症等の面において短期的には優れていると言われているが, 長期単独療法に関する報告は少ない. 今回我々は, HF単独療法を約26ヵ月間の長期にわたり糖尿病性腎症腎不全症例に施行しえたので報告する.症例は67歳, 男性. 約30年前, 糖尿病が発症し, インスリン療法を受けていた. 昭和51年, 視力低下が, 同55年1月, 初めて浮腫, 蛋白尿が出現した. 同年6月, 当院の他科にて腎不全の指摘を受け当科に入院した. 入院時, 肥満なく, 意識清明で呼気アセトン臭はなかった. 起立性低血圧, 糖尿病性網膜症, 右眼白内障があり, 視力低下, 両足アキレス腱反射の消失を認めた. またBUN 106mg/dl, s-Cr 6.6mg/dlと腎不全があり, 中等度の正球性正色素性貧血, 代謝性アシドーシス等を認めた. 骨X-p上, 腎性骨異栄養症はなかった. そこで糖尿病性腎症腎不全と診断しHDに導入した. HD中低血圧が頻発し, 高Naおよびバイカーボネイト透析液にても同様であった. さらに緑内障を併発したため, 昭和58年5月より181置換によるHF (ザルトリウス社・血液濾過システム, 清水製薬・HFソリタ®) へ変更した. 変更直後より低血圧の頻度, 程度ともに著明に改善した. 約26ヵ月間のHF単独療法においてs-Crが軽度上昇した. 貧血も増悪したが, HFの直接効果か否か不明である. 他の検査データおよび自他覚症状に著変なかった. また, 我々はHF中の血糖の急激な低下を見出したが, これは糖無添加の補充液の使用によるものと判断し, ブドウ糖を添加したところ, 血糖の推移は非HF日と同様の緩徐なものとなった.以上より, 1) HF療法は低血圧頻発症例に有効であり, 2) HFの長期単独療法において重篤な副作用は発現せず, 3) HF施行にあたり補充液へのブドウ糖添加が, 特に糖尿病性腎症腎不全症例に, 必要であると思われた.

Internal Medicine | 2006

Benign symmetric lipomatosis associated with alcoholism.

Akiko Hirose; Yosuke Okada; Emiko Morita; Yoshiya Tanaka

Endocrine Journal | 2004

A Rare Case of Primary Hyperparathyroidism with Clear Cell Adenoma

Kazuko Kanda; Yosuke Okada; Takahisa Tanikawa; Emiko Morita; Yosuke Tsurudome; Tetsushi Konishi; Yoshiya Tanaka

Endocrine Journal | 2003

Virilizing adrenocortical adenoma with Cushing's syndrome, thyroid papillary carcinoma and hypergastrinemia in a middle-aged woman.

Ayumi Fukushima; Yosuke Okada; Takahisa Tanikawa; Chie Kawahara; Haruo Misawa; Kazuko Kanda; Emiko Morita; Hironobu Sasano; Yoshiya Tanaka

Journal of UOEH | 2006

[Marked weight loss in two female patients with prader-willi syndrome by behavioral modification and improvement of the environment].

Keiko Nishida; Yosuke Okada; Akiko Hirose; Takahisa Tanikawa; Tadashi Arao; Emiko Morita; Yoshiya Tanaka

Journal of UOEH | 1990

Clinical significance of urinary enzymes in diabetes mellitus

Emiko Morita; Kazoh Kaizu; Kohei Uriu; Sumiya Eto

Journal of UOEH | 2003

Hypothyroid Graves' Diseaseを併発しTSAb著明高値を示した橋本病の一例

Miho Nakai; Yosuke Okada; Takahisa Tanikawa; Kazuko Kanda; Emiko Morita; Yoshiya Tanaka

Journal of UOEH | 2002

A case of hypothyroidism due to hashimoto disease that presented elevations of free T3 and free T4 by thyroid hormone autoantibodies

Takahisa Tanikawa; Yosuke Okada; Kazuya Zeki; Kazuko Kanda; Emiko Morita; Yoshiya Tanaka

Journal of the Japan Diabetes Society | 2005

Problems Related to the Treatment of Working Diabetic Patients

Kazuko Kanda; Yosuke Okada; Emiko Morita; Hidekatsu Sugimoto; Yoshiya Tanaka

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