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Featured researches published by Emily A. Carter.

Biomass & Bioenergy | 2003

Enhancing the soil organic matter pool through biomass incorporation.

Felipe G. Sanchez; Emily A. Carter; John Klepac

A study was installed in the upper Coastal Plains of South Carolina, USA that sought to examine the impact of incorporating downed slash materials into subsoil layers on soil chemical and physical properties as compared with the effect of slash materials left on the soil surface. Two sites were examined which differed in soil textural composition: sandy vs. clay.

International Journal of Forest Engineering | 2018

Soil response to skidder trafficking and slash application

Brian M. Parkhurst; W. Michael Aust; M. Chad Bolding; Scott M. Barrett; Emily A. Carter

ABSTRACT Ground-based timber harvesting systems are common in the United States. Harvesting machinery can negatively influence soils by increasing erosion and decreasing site productivity. Skid trails can become compacted and erosive. Slash applications to skid trails are effective for erosion control, yet few investigations have examined effects of slash on soil physical properties influenced by compaction. This research project has two objectives: (1) to compare and contrast the impacts of traffic resulting from a rubber-tired grapple skidder and a dozer using a variety of soil compaction indices, and (2) to compare effects of slash versus bare soil on skid trails trafficked by a rubber-tired grapple skidder and a dozer. The project was conducted within an upland hardwood/pine stand in the Ridge and Valley region. Skidder traffic changed both visual appearance and soil physical properties. The heavier skidder resulted in deeper visible ruts, greater increases in bulk density, and greater decreases in macro porosity when compared to the lighter dozer. This project also served as a pilot test for the AgTech sensor for forest trails. Results from sensors are briefly compared with traditional soil compaction indices. While no major relationships were found, the technology is promising for future research applications. Using slash as a means of ameliorating soil disturbance was not entirely conclusive as variation in cover had no effect on bulk density or porosity and mechanical resistance data were contradictory. Slash reduced increases in soil strength, and despite difference in sizes, the skidder and dozer resulted in similar changes in soil strength.

Southern Journal of Applied Forestry | 2004

Wet-weather timber harvesting and site preparation effects on coastal plain sites: a review

Masato Miwa; W. Michael Aust; James A. Burger; Steve C. Patterson; Emily A. Carter

SJAF 22(4) 1998 | 1998

Visually Determined Soil Disturbance Classes Used as Indices of Forest Harvesting Disturbance

W. Michael Aust; James A. Burger; Emily A. Carter; David P. Preston; Steven C Patterson

Soil Biology & Biochemistry | 2009

Soil carbon sequestration and changes in fungal and bacterial biomass following incorporation of forest residues.

Matt D. Busse; Felipe G. Sanchez; Alice W. Ratcliff; John R. Butnor; Emily A. Carter; Robert F. Powers

Forest Ecology and Management | 2007

Soil change and loblolly pine ( Pinus taeda ) seedling growth following site preparation tillage in the Upper Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States

M. Chad Lincoln; Rodney E. Will; Lawrence A. Morris; Emily A. Carter; Daniel Markewitz; John R. Britt; Ben Cazell; Vic Ford

Forest Ecology and Management | 2007

Soil strength response of select soil disturbance classes on a wet pine flat in South Carolina

Emily A. Carter; W. Michael Aust; James A. Burger

Forest Ecology and Management | 2006

An approach for using general soil physical condition-root growth relationships to predict seedling growth response to site preparation tillage in loblolly pine plantations

Lawrence A. Morris; Kim H. Ludovici; Scott J. Torreano; Emily A. Carter; M.C. Lincoln; Rodney E. Will

Forest Ecology and Management | 2010

Prescribed burning effects on the hydrologic behavior of gullies in the South Carolina Piedmont

Marco A. Galang; Lawrence A. Morris; Daniel Markewitz; C. Rhett Jackson; Emily A. Carter

Biomass & Bioenergy | 2006

Evaluation of site impacts associated with three silvicultural prescriptions in an upland hardwood stand in northern Alabama, USA

Emily A. Carter; Robert B. Rummer; Bryce J. Stokes


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Alice W. Ratcliff

United States Forest Service

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Bryce J. Stokes

United States Forest Service

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