Emily R. Cornwell
Cornell University
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Featured researches published by Emily R. Cornwell.
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation | 2013
Emily R. Cornwell; Chelsea A. Bellmund; Geoffrey H. Groocock; Po Ting Wong; Katherine L. Hambury; Rodman G. Getchell; Paul R. Bowser
Nonlethal sampling is becoming a common method to diagnose fish diseases, especially with the availability of molecular testing. Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) is a viral pathogen of finfish distributed worldwide. Although VHSV has been known to occur in some parts of the world for decades, a new genotype, IVb, recently emerged in the Laurentian Great Lakes of northeastern North America. Golden shiners (Notemigonus crysoleucas; Mitchill, 1814) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas; Rafinesque, 1820) were exposed to VHSV-IVb doses between 102 and 106 plaque forming units per fish by intraperitoneal injection at 10°C. Both species experienced significant mortality after exposure, ranging from 38% to 52% in golden shiners and from 35% to 95% in fathead minnows. In golden shiners, a fin or gill sample was somewhat less sensitive at detecting VHSV-IVb by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) than a pooled organ sample (consisting of liver, anterior and posterior kidney, spleen, and heart), however the relative sensitivity increased when a fin and gill sample were tested in parallel. In fathead minnows, a fin or gill sample tested alone or in parallel was relatively more sensitive than a pooled organ sample by qRT-PCR. Specificity was 100% for all sample types in both species. The results suggest that fin and gill biopsies are useful tools to test for VHSV in live fish.
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health | 2011
Emily R. Cornwell; Geofrey E. Eckerlin; Rodman G. Getchell; Geoffrey H. Groocock; Tarin M. Thompson; William N. Batts; Rufina N. Casey; Gael Kurath; James R. Winton; Paul R. Bowser; Mark B. Bain; James W. Casey
Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) was first detected in the Laurentian Great Lakes in 2005 during a mortality event in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario. Subsequent analysis of archived samples determined that the first known isolation of VHSV in the Laurentian Great Lakes was from a muskellunge Esox masquinongy collected in Lake St. Clair in 2003. By the end of 2008, mortality events and viral isolations had occurred in all of the Laurentian Great Lakes except Lake Superior. In 2009, a focused disease surveillance program was designed to determine whether VHSV was also present in Lake Superior. In this survey, 874 fish from 7 sites along the U.S. shoreline of Lake Superior were collected during June 2009. Collections were focused on nearshore species known to be susceptible to VHSV. All fish were dissected individually by using aseptic techniques and were tested for the presence of VHSV genetic material by use of a quantitative reverse transcription (qRT) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the viral nucleoprotein gene. Seventeen fish from two host species at two different sites tested positive at low levels for VHSV. All attempts to isolate virus in cell culture were unsuccessful. However, the presence of viral RNA was confirmed independently in five fish by using a nested PCR that targeted the glycoprotein (G) gene. Partial G gene sequences obtained from three fish were identical to the corresponding sequence from the original 2003 VHSV isolate (MI03) from muskellunge. These detections represent the earliest evidence for the presence of VHSV in Lake Superior and illustrate the utility of the highly sensitive qRT-PCR assay for disease surveillance in aquatic animals.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | 2014
Janet V. Warg; Travis Clement; Emily R. Cornwell; Angela Cruz; Rodman G. Getchell; Cem Giray; Andrew E. Goodwin; Geoffrey H. Groocock; Mohamed Faisal; Robert Kim; Gwenn E. Merry; Nicholas B. D. Phelps; Monica M. Reising; Isaac Standish; Yan Zhang; Kathy Toohey-Kurth
Eight laboratories worked collectively to evaluate 4 real-time RT-PCR (rRT-PCR) protocols targeting viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) being considered for deployment to a USA laboratory testing network. The protocols utilized previously published primers and probe sets developed for detection and surveillance of VHSV. All participating laboratories received and followed a standard operating protocol for extraction and for each of the rRT-PCR assays. Performance measures specifically evaluated included limit of detection (defined as the smallest amount of analyte in which 95% of the samples are classified as positive), analytical specificity, assay efficiency across genotype representatives, within- and between-plate variation within a laboratory, and variation between laboratories using the same platform, between platforms, and between software versions. This evaluation clearly demonstrated that the TaqMan®-based assay developed by Jonstrup et al. (2013; J Fish Dis 36:9-23) produced the most consistent analytical performance characteristics for detecting all genotypes of VHSV across the 8 participating laboratories.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | 2014
Janet V. Warg; Travis Clement; Emily R. Cornwell; Angela Cruz; Rodman G. Getchell; Cem Giray; Andrew E. Goodwin; Geoffrey H. Groocock; Mohamed Faisal; Robert Kim; Gwenn E. Merry; Nicholas B. D. Phelps; Monica M. Reising; Isaac Standish; Yan Zhang; Kathy Toohey-Kurth
Two real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) assays under consideration for deployment to multiple testing laboratories across the USA were evaluated for diagnostic sensitivity and specificity on tissue homogenates obtained from natural and experimental viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS)-infected fish. Estimates for diagnostic specificity using virus isolation as the reference method were similar between laboratories regardless of the assay. Diagnostic sensitivity estimates of 0.96 (95% CI: 0.95, 0.97) for Jonstrup et al. (2013)s assay (J Fish Dis 36:9-23) exceeded the diagnostic sensitivity of 0.85 (95% CI: 0.83, 0.87) for Phelps et al. (2012)s assay (J Aquat Anim Health 24:238-243). The Jonstrup rRT-PCR assay is robust as demonstrated by high sensitivity and specificity estimates across laboratories and can be used as a valuable tool for targeted surveillance and for testing of suspect VHSV samples.
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health | 2013
Emily R. Cornwell; Sandra L. LaBuda; Geoffrey H. Groocock; Rodman G. Getchell; Paul R. Bowser
Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) type IVb has a wide host range that includes at least three cyprinid species: Fathead Minnow Pimephales promelas, Emerald Shiner Notropis atherinoides, and Bluntnose Minnow P. notatus. To date, VHSV IVb has only been found in wild fish. However, the possibility of infection in culture facilities remains. Koi Carp Cyprinus carpio are a major ornamental aquaculture species in the United States; however, their potential to become infected with VHSV IVb has not yet been examined. In this study, we exposed Koi to 3 × 10(6) PFU VHSV Great Lakes isolate MI03 by intraperitoneal injection. While we observed low mortality (0-5%), VHSV was isolated in cell culture from the majority of fish up to 28 d postexposure (DPE) and was detected by a quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) assay up to 90 DPE, when the trial was terminated. The results of this study strongly suggest that Koi are at risk for VHSV infection, although their susceptibility by intraperitoneal injection appears to be low. This study also provides more evidence of the sensitivity of qRT-PCR for detection of VHSV IVb.
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health | 2013
Rodman G. Getchell; Emily R. Cornwell; Geoffrey H. Groocock; Po Ting Wong; Laura L. Coffee; Gregory A. Wooster; Paul R. Bowser
Preliminary surveillance of wild baitfish during the 2006 viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus genotype IVb (VHSV IVb) outbreaks indicated Emerald Shiners Notropis atherinoides and Bluntnose Minnow Pimephales notatus were infected with high levels of VHSV without showing clinical signs of disease. The movement and use of baitfish was recognized as the most probable vector for the introduction of VHSV to inland waters, such as Conesus Lake and Skaneateles Lake in New York, Budd Lake in Michigan, and Little Lake Butte des Morts and Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin. While numerous government agencies implemented restrictions to stop the movement of potentially infected baitfish into new waters and prevent the spread of VHSV IVb, until now, studies to investigate whether these initial introductions were by an oral route of infection have not occurred. Our studies identified infected Fathead Minnow Pimephales promelas as suitable vectors for transmitting VHSV IVb when fed to Tiger Muskellunge ( ♂ Northern Pike Esox lucius × ♀ Muskellunge Esox masquinongy) during laboratory trials. Six of 16 Tiger Muskellunge were infected with VHSV IVb after consumption of infected Fathead Minnows when assayed with quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and viral isolation in cell culture. Weekly sampling of water and feces from these Tiger Muskellunge individually reared showed intermittent shedding of VHSV IVb. Those exposed to similarly VHSV IVb-inoculated fathead minnows by cohabitation only became infected in 1 case out of 16. A similar trial of 12 Tiger Muskellunge fed Round Goby Neogobius melanostomus that survived a VHSV IVb immersion challenge did not result in infection. Overall, our findings imply that consumption of infected wild baitfish may be a risk factor for introduction of VHSV.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases | 2012
Emily R. Cornwell; Gregory B. Anderson; Gregory A. Wooster; Rodman G. Getchell; Geoffrey H. Groocock; James W. Casey; Mark B. Bain; Paul R. Bowser
Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV3) is a viral disease of fish first detected in the United States in 1998. Since that time, mortality events in common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) have occurred in several locations within the Great Lakes basin, but not within the Great Lakes themselves. We sampled 675 carp from 20 sites across the Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair, Michigan, USA, between 19 July and 26 September 2010. We tested the gill and a pooled internal organ sample from each fish for CyHV3 with the use of a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay. Virus was detected in 18 fish from nine sites in four lakes (Lakes Michigan, Huron, St. Clair, and Ontario). Tissues from these 18 fish were also tested for CyHV3 with the use of the PCR assay recommended by the World Organization for Animal Health; amplification was achieved from two fish and confirmation by sequencing of CyHV3 from one fish collected in Lake St. Clair. The results of this study suggest that CyHV3 is present in the Great Lakes.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | 2015
Rodman G. Getchell; Toni Erkinharju; Anna O. Johnson; Benjamin W. Davis; Emily E. Hatch; Emily R. Cornwell; Paul R. Bowser
We assessed the susceptibility of goldfish Carassius auratus to infection by genotype IVb of the viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus. Goldfish were infected by intraperitoneal injections of 106 plaque-forming units (pfu) fish-1, single bath exposure of 105 pfu ml-1 for 24 h, or consumption of 0.4 g of commercial fish feed soaked in 107 pfu per 8 fish. The mortality rate of intraperitoneal-infected goldfish was 10 to 32%, although the virus was detected by quantitative RT-PCR in 77% (65/84) of the survivors at the end of the 42 d trial, suggesting a carrier state. Severe gross lesions were observed in many of the moribund and dead goldfish such as hemorrhaging in the skin, fin, liver, kidney, brain, intestine, and eye as well as abdominal distension, bilateral exophthalmia, and splenomegaly. There was minimal morbidity or mortality in the immersion, feeding, or control groups.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | 2017
Rodman G. Getchell; Emily R. Cornwell; Steven M. Bogdanowicz; José A. Andrés; William N. Batts; Gael Kurath; Rachel Breyta; Joanna G. Choi; John M. Farrell; Paul R. Bowser
Four viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) genotype IVb isolates were sequenced, their genetic variation explored, and comparative virulence assayed with experimental infections of northern pike Esox lucius fry. In addition to the type strain MI03, the complete 11183 bp genome of the first round goby Neogobius melanostomus isolate from the St. Lawrence River, and the 2013 and 2014 isolates from gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum die-offs in Irondequoit Bay, Lake Ontario and Dunkirk Harbor, Lake Erie were all deep sequenced on an Illumina platform. Mutations documented in the 11 yr since the MI03 index case from Lake St. Clair muskellunge Esox masquinongy showed 87 polymorphisms among the 4 isolates. Twenty-six mutations were non-synonymous and located at 18 different positions within the matrix protein, glycoprotein, non-virion protein, and RNA polymerase genes. The same 4 isolates were used to infect northern pike fry by a single 1 h bath exposure. Cumulative percent mortality varied from 42.5 to 62.5%. VHSV was detected in 57% (41/72) of the survivors at the end of the 21-d trial, suggesting that the virus was not rapidly cleared. Lesions were observed in many of the moribund and dead northern pike, such as hemorrhaging in the skin and fins, as well as hydrocephalus. Mean viral load measured from the trunk and visceral tissues of MI03-infected pike was significantly higher than the quantities detected in fish infected with the most recent isolates of genotype IVb, but there were no differences in cumulative mortality observed.
Journal of Aquatic Animal Health | 2017
Rodman G. Getchell; Paul R. Bowser; Emily R. Cornwell; Todd J. Pavek; Philippe Baneux; Drew Kirby; Kelly L. Sams; Hélène Marquis
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biological effects associated with administering strontium chloride as a marking agent to age-0 Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha fry. Fish were held in a 0× (0 mg/L), 1× (3,000 mg/L; current standard dosage), 3× (9,000 mg/L), or 5× (15,000 mg/L) solution of strontium chloride for 72 h (three times the standard duration of 24 h). The mortality among fish in the 5× strontium chloride exposure group was significantly higher than that observed in the other groups. A dose-related effect on general fish behavior and on feeding behavior was observed. Fish in all test tanks appeared to feed to satiation, except for fish in the 5× tanks during days 2 and 3. Fish in all other test tanks behaved normally. No dose-related effect on fish growth was detected. Histopathological evaluations showed that fish in the 5× exposure group had a significantly higher number of gill lesions than the 0× group. Our mortality, behavioral, and histological assessments suggested that juvenile Chinook Salmon could be safely immersed for three consecutive days in a 9,000-mg/L solution of strontium chloride. This finding potentially expands the present 1,000-3,000-mg/L dosage and 24-h holding period that can be used to mark juvenile fish with strontium chloride solutions. The research also provides necessary target animal safety data for U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of strontium chloride as an alternative marking method that is suitable for fish with a short holding time. Received February 19, 2017; accepted July 16, 2017.