Emma E. Tarttelin
Imperial College London
FEBS Letters | 2003
Emma E. Tarttelin; James Bellingham; Mark W. Hankins; Russell G. Foster; Robert J. Lucas
We have cloned and characterised the expression of a new opsin gene, neuropsin (Opn5), in mice and humans. Neuropsin comprises seven exons on mouse chromosome 17. Its deduced protein sequence suggests a polypeptide of 377 amino acids in mice (354 in humans), with many structural features common to all opsins, including a lysine in the seventh transmembrane domain required to form a Schiff base link with retinaldehyde. Neuropsin shares 25–30% amino acid identity with all known opsins, making it the founding member of a new opsin family. It is expressed in the eye, brain, testis and spinal cord.
Experimental Eye Research | 2003
Emma E. Tarttelin; James Bellingham; Lindsay C. Bibb; Russell G. Foster; Mark W. Hankins; Kevin Gregory-Evans; Cheryl Y. Gregory-Evans; Dominic J. Wells; Robert J. Lucas
We have compared the onsets of expression of the classical visual opsins with those of the non-rod, non-cone opsins in foetal and post-natal eye tissue from mice and humans. Mouse Rgr-opsin, peropsin, encephalopsin and melanopsin are all expressed in foetal development by E11.5, unlike the murine rod and cone opsins that exhibit post-natal expression, e.g. P1 for ultraviolet cone opsin and P5 for rod opsin. Human non-rod, non-cone opsins are also all expressed early, by 8.6 weeks post-conception. The implications of these observations are discussed with regard to the possible functions of these opsins at early stages of ocular development.
Journal of Medical Genetics | 1998
Chris F. Inglehearn; Emma E. Tarttelin; Catherine Plant; Rachel E. Peacock; Mai Al-Maghtheh; Eranga N. Vithana; Ac Bird; Shomi S. Bhattacharya
Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) is caused by mutations in two known genes, rhodopsin and peripherin/Rds, and seven loci identified only by linkage analysis. Rhodopsin and peripherin/Rds have been estimated to account for 20-31% and less than 5% of ADRP, respectively. No estimate of frequency has previously been possible for the remaining loci, since these can only be implicated when families are large enough for linkage analysis. We have carried out such analyses on 20 unrelated pedigrees with 11 or more meioses. Frequency estimates based on such a small sample provide only broad approximations, while the above estimations are based on mutation detection in much larger clinic based patient series. However, when markers are informative, linkage analysis cannot fail to detect disease causation at a locus, whereas mutation detection techniques might miss some mutations. Also diagnosing dominant RP from a family history taken in a genetic clinic may not be reliable. It is therefore interesting that 10 (50%) of the families tested have rhodopsin-RP, suggesting that, in large clearly dominant RP pedigrees, rhodopsin may account for a higher proportion of disease than had previously been suspected. Four (20%) map to chromosome 19q, implying that this is the second most common ADRP locus. One maps to chromosome 7p, one to 17p, and one to 17q, while none maps to 1cen, peripherin/Rds, 8q, or 7q. Three give exclusion of all of these loci, showing that while the majority of dominant RP maps to the known loci, a small proportion derives from loci yet to be identified.
Journal of Medical Genetics | 1996
Emma E. Tarttelin; Catherine Plant; J Weissenbach; Ac Bird; Ss Bhattacharya; Chris F. Inglehearn
A form of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) mapping to chromosome 17p has been reported in a single large South African family. We now report a new family with severe early onset ADRP which maps to 17p. Linkage and haplotype analysis in this family places the ADRP locus in the 5 cM interval between markers AFMc024za5 and D17S1845, confirming the data obtained in the South African family. The discovery of a second 17p linked family may imply that this is one of the more common loci for dominant RP. In addition, the confirmation of an RP diagnosis at this locus is of interest since loci for a dominant cone dystrophy and Lebers congenital amaurosis (LCA1) have recently been linked to the same markers. While the cone dystrophy locus may be allelic with RP, our data and that of Goliath et al show that distinct genes are responsible for dominant RP and Lebers congenital amaurosis on chromosome 17p.
The Journal of Experimental Biology | 2012
Emma E. Tarttelin; Elena Frigato; James Bellingham; Viviana Di Rosa; Roberto Berti; Nicholas S. Foulkes; Robert J. Lucas; Cristiano Bertolucci
SUMMARY Many physiological and behavioural responses to changes in environmental lighting conditions are mediated by extraocular photoreceptors. Here we investigate encephalic photoreception in Phreatichthys andruzzii, a typical cave-dwelling fish showing an extreme phenotype with complete anophthalmy and a reduction in size of associated brain structures. We firstly identified two P. andruzzii photopigments, orthologues of rod opsin and exo-rod opsin. In vitro, both opsins serve as light-absorbing photopigments with λmax around 500 nm when reconstituted with an A1 chromophore. When corrected for the summed absorption from the skin and skull, the spectral sensitivity profiles shifted to longer wavelengths (rod opsin: 521 nm; exo-rod opsin: 520 nm). We next explored the involvement of both opsins in the negative phototaxis reported for this species. A comparison of the spectral sensitivity of the photophobic response with the putative A2 absorbance spectra corrected for skin/skull absorbance indicates that the A2 versions of either or both of these pigments could explain the observed behavioural spectral sensitivity.
Human Genetics | 1999
Sana Kermani; Kevin Gregory-Evans; Emma E. Tarttelin; James Bellingham; Catherine Plant; Alan C. Bird; Margaret Fox; Shomi S. Bhattacharya; Cheryl Y. Gregory-Evans
Doyne honeycomb retinal dystrophy (DHRD) is a late-onset autosomal dominant disorder that causes degeneration of the retina and can lead to blindness. We have previously assigned DHRD to a 5-cM region of chromosome 2p16 between marker loci D2S2739 and D2S378. Using sequence-tagged sites (STSs), expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and polymorphic markers within the DHRD region, we have identified 18 yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) encompassing the DHRD locus, spanning approximately 3 Mb. The YAC contig was constructed by STS content mapping of these YACs and incorporates 13 STSs, including four genes and six polymorphic marker loci. We also report the genetic mapping of two families with a dominant drusen phenotype to the DHRD locus, and genetic refinement of the disease locus to a critical interval flanked by microsatellite marker loci D2S2352 and D2S2251, a distance of approximately 700 kb. These studies exclude a number of candidate genes and provide a resource for construction of a transcriptional map of the region, as a prerequisite to identification of the DHRD disease-causing gene and genes for other diseases mapping in the region, such as Malattia leventinese and Carney complex.
Cytogenetic and Genome Research | 2000
J.C. McHale; A.B. McKie; Emma E. Tarttelin; Chris F. Inglehearn
Chromosome region 17p13.3 is rich in genes, with 223 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) within the last 15 cM (7 Mb) of chromosome 17p in the GeneMap database. Loci for dominant retinitis pigmentosa (RP13), central areolar choroidal dystrophy (CACD), anterior polar cataract (CTAA2), Miller-Dieker lissencephaly syndrome (MDLS), and a region of tumour loss of heterozygosity (LOH) distinct from TP53 all map into the region adjacent to the 17p telomere. To date, however, there is no physical map of the region, which has resisted the efforts of the CEPH and Whitehead physical mapping programmes to generate contiguous clones across it. We have created a physical map covering approximately 3.5 Mb (6 cM)in this region, spanning the RP13 interval and extending distally to the gene MDCR (formerly, LIS1), which, when deleted, leads to the MDLS phenotype. The region covered is also the point of maximum LOH in lung cancer and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many other human cancers. The map orders 47 sequence tagged sites, including 32 genes or ESTs, nine genetic markers, four anonymous sequences, and two YAC end clones, and highlights new candidate ESTs for involvement in RP13, MDLS, CTAA2, and a tumour-susceptibility gene.
Vision Research | 1995
Cf Inglehearn; S. Bardien; Emma E. Tarttelin; Jacquie Greenberg; Mai Al-Maghtheh; Neil D. Ebenezer; Tj Keen; Marcelle Jay; Ac Bird; Shomi S. Bhattacharya
m Seven loci for dominant retinitis pigmentoeehave been described in the literature. These include the Rhodopsin and Rdslperipherin genee. and anonymous loci identtfted only by linkage on 7p, 7q. aq, 17p and 19q. We wishedto estimatethe frequendesof the anonymous loci, and determinewhether any adRP loci remained to be found. &@g& DNAe were colleded from twenty ftve adRP families. These were tested by linkage analyeis and mutetiin screening to determine the origin of the phenotype in each family. j&t& Of the twenty five families, the diiease in twelve wes found to be rhcdwein RP either bv linkaae analwie or by mutation detection. A further three map& the 19q adRP &us. one to {he 7p l&us. and one to the 17p locus. Three other familiee gave tentative evidence of linkege,hvo to 19q and one to sq. Four families show crcssovere at all the known loci. Finally in one large family we discovered a new locus. on chromosome 17q between markers D17SBo9 and Dl7S942. Multipoint enalysie in this fern@ gave e maximum led sccfe of 8.24 in this interval. Concluelone In this sample, Rho-RP accounted for approximately50% of adRP while the 19q lccus(RP11) accented for around 20%. All other loci ere rare. Approximately 15% of families map to an unknown locus or loci, proving that adRP is caused by mutations in at least nine dinerent genes.
Human Molecular Genetics | 2001
Arthur B. McKie; John C. McHale; T. Jeffrey Keen; Emma E. Tarttelin; Rene Goliath; Janneke J.C. van Lith-Verhoeven; Jacquie Greenberg; Rajkumar Ramesar; Carel B. Hoyng; Frans P.M. Cremers; David A. Mackey; Shomi S. Bhattacharya; Alan C. Bird; Alexander F. Markham; Chris F. Inglehearn
Human Molecular Genetics | 2001
Lindsay C. Bibb; James K. L. Holt; Emma E. Tarttelin; Matthew D. Hodges; Kevin Gregory-Evans; Adam Rutherford; Robert J. Lucas; Jane C. Sowden; Cheryl Y. Gregory-Evans