Emma Harvey
University College London
Antiquity | 2007
Dorian Q. Fuller; Emma Harvey; Ling Qin
Prompted by a recent article by Jiang and Liu in Antiquity (80, 2006), Dorian Fuller and his co-authors return to the question of rice cultivation and consider some of the difficulties involved in identifying the transition from wild to domesticated rice. Using data from Eastern China, they propose that, at least for the Lower Yangtze region, the advent of rice domestication around 4000 BC was preceded by a phase of pre-domestication cultivation that began around 5000 BC. This rice, together with other subsistence foods like nuts, acorns and waterchestnuts, was gathered by sedentary hunter-gatherer-foragers. The implications for sedentism and the spread of agriculture as a long term process are discussed.
Environmental Archaeology | 2006
Dorian Q. Fuller; Emma Harvey
Abstract Pulses are a significant component of traditional subsistence in South Asia. Reliable identification criteria for identifying these from archaeological seed remains are reviewed. The botanical evidence relating to the wild progenitors and their distribution, especially of Indian natives (Macrotyloma uniflorum, Vigna radiata, Vigna mungo) is summarised, including new evidence from primary botanical research. The problem of seed size increase in pulses is reviewed through a focused study on Vigna spp., in which it is shown that seed enlargement is delayed by 1–2,000 years after initial cultivation. The taphonomy of archaeological pulses is considered in the context of crop-processing of pulses, in which an important distinction can be drawn between free-threshing and pod-threshing types. The total archaeobotanical record for pulses in South Asia (India and Pakistan) is summarised and key regional differences are highlighted.
Journal of Archaeological Science | 2005
Emma Harvey; Dorian Q. Fuller
In: Past Human Migrations in East Asia: Matching Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics. (pp. 40-83). (2008) | 2008
Dorian Q. Fuller; Ling Qin; Emma Harvey
Journal of Archaeological Science | 2014
Alison Weisskopf; Emma Harvey; Eleanor Kingwell-Banham; Mukund Kajale; Rabi Mohanty; Dorian Q. Fuller
Man & Environment , 31 (2) pp. 21-32. (2006) | 2006
Emma Harvey; Dorian Q. Fuller; Rabindra Kumar Mohanty; B Mohanta
Antiquity | 2008
Dorian Q. Fuller; Ling Qin; Emma Harvey
In: Ahn, S-M and Lee, J-J, (eds.) New Approaches to Prehistoric Agriculture. (pp. 313-345). Sahoi Pyoungnon: Seoul. (2009) | 2009
Dorian Q. Fuller; Ling Qin; Emma Harvey
In: Franke-Vogt, U and Weisshaar, H-J, (eds.) South Asian Archaeology 2003. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists. (pp. 329-334). Linden Soft: Aachen. (2005) | 2005
Emma Harvey; Dorian Q. Fuller; Jn Pal; Mc Gupta
Dongfang Kaogu [Oriental Archaeology] , 3 pp. 307-350. (2006) | 2006
Ling Qin; Dorian Q. Fuller; Emma Harvey