
Featured researches published by Emma S. Mace.

BMC Plant Biology | 2008

Isolation and characterization of novel microsatellite markers and their application for diversity assessment in cultivated groundnut (Arachis hypogaea)

Luu M. Cuc; Emma S. Mace; Jonathan H. Crouch; Vu D Quang; Tran D Long; Rajeev K. Varshney

BackgroundCultivated peanut or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is the fourth most important oilseed crop in the world, grown mainly in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate climates. Due to its origin through a single and recent polyploidization event, followed by successive selection during breeding efforts, cultivated groundnut has a limited genetic background. In such species, microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are very informative and useful for breeding applications. The low level of polymorphism in cultivated germplasm, however, warrants a need of larger number of polymorphic microsatellite markers for cultivated groundnut.ResultsA microsatellite-enriched library was constructed from the genotype TMV2. Sequencing of 720 putative SSR-positive clones from a total of 3,072 provided 490 SSRs. 71.2% of these SSRs were perfect type, 13.1% were imperfect and 15.7% were compound. Among these SSRs, the GT/CA repeat motifs were the most common (37.6%) followed by GA/CT repeat motifs (25.9%). The primer pairs could be designed for a total of 170 SSRs and were optimized initially on two genotypes. 104 (61.2%) primer pairs yielded scorable amplicon and 46 (44.2%) primers showed polymorphism among 32 cultivated groundnut genotypes. The polymorphic SSR markers detected 2 to 5 alleles with an average of 2.44 per locus. The polymorphic information content (PIC) value for these markers varied from 0.12 to 0.75 with an average of 0.46. Based on 112 alleles obtained by 46 markers, a phenogram was constructed to understand the relationships among the 32 genotypes. Majority of the genotypes representing subspecies hypogaea were grouped together in one cluster, while the genotypes belonging to subspecies fastigiata were grouped mainly under two clusters.ConclusionNewly developed set of 104 markers extends the repertoire of SSR markers for cultivated groundnut. These markers showed a good level of PIC value in cultivated germplasm and therefore would be very useful for germplasm analysis, linkage mapping, diversity studies and phylogenetic relationships in cultivated groundnut as well as related Arachis species.

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter | 2003

A high-throughput DNA extraction protocol for tropical molecular breeding programs

Emma S. Mace; Kutokshi K. Buhariwalla; Hutokshi K. Buhariwalla; Jonathan H. Crouch

Liquid handling robotics and capillary electrophoresis genetic analyzers now offer high-throughput solutions for 2 of the 4 key steps in PCR-based DNA marker-assisted fingerprinting (DNA extraction, PCR amplification, electrophoresis, data analysis). Thus, DNA extraction remains the most significant bottleneck at the bench for large-scale applications in plant breeding and germplasm characterization. We report on a rapid and low-cost method for relatively high-throughput extraction of high-quality DNA from young and mature leaves of sorghum, pearl millet, chickpea, groundnut, and pigeonpea. The procedure uses a modified CTAB/β-mercaptoethanol method for DNA extraction in a 96-well plate. The quantity and quality of the DNA extracted per sample is adequate for more than 1000 PCR reactions. A relatively high throughput of 96–384 samples per person per day can be achieved, depending on the crop. A major timesaving aspect of the protocol is the absence of a manual sample-grinding step. Finally, the cost is a magnitude lower than commercial plate-based kits, and, as such, is likely to have substantial application in tropical molecular breeding programs.

BMC Genomics | 2008

DArT markers: diversity analyses and mapping in Sorghum bicolor.

Emma S. Mace; Ling Xia; David Jordan; Kirsten Halloran; Dipal K Parh; Eric Huttner; Peter Wenzl; Andrzej Kilian

BackgroundThe sequential nature of gel-based marker systems entails low throughput and high costs per assay. Commonly used marker systems such as SSR and SNP are also dependent on sequence information. These limitations result in high cost per data point and significantly limit the capacity of breeding programs to obtain sufficient return on investment to justify the routine use of marker-assisted breeding for many traits and particularly quantitative traits. Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT™) is a cost effective hybridisation-based marker technology that offers a high multiplexing level while being independent of sequence information. This technology offers sorghum breeding programs an alternative approach to whole-genome profiling. We report on the development, application, mapping and utility of DArT™ markers for sorghum germplasm.ResultsA genotyping array was developed representing approximately 12,000 genomic clones using Pst I+Ban II complexity with a subset of clones obtained through the suppression subtractive hybridisation (SSH) method. The genotyping array was used to analyse a diverse set of sorghum genotypes and screening a Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL) mapping population. Over 500 markers detected variation among 90 accessions used in a diversity analysis. Cluster analysis discriminated well between all 90 genotypes. To confirm that the sorghum DArT markers behave in a Mendelian manner, we constructed a genetic linkage map for a cross between R931945-2-2 and IS 8525 integrating DArT and other marker types. In total, 596 markers could be placed on the integrated linkage map, which spanned 1431.6 cM. The genetic linkage map had an average marker density of 1/2.39 cM, with an average DArT marker density of 1/3.9 cM.ConclusionWe have successfully developed DArT markers for Sorghum bicolor and have demonstrated that DArT provides high quality markers that can be used for diversity analyses and to construct medium-density genetic linkage maps. The high number of DArT markers generated in a single assay not only provides a precise estimate of genetic relationships among genotypes, but also their even distribution over the genome offers real advantages for a range of molecular breeding and genomics applications.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 1999

AFLP analysis of genetic relationships among the cultivated eggplant, Solanummelongena L., and wild relatives (Solanaceae)

Emma S. Mace; Rn Lester; Christiane Gebhardt

Abstract The AFLP technique of DNA analysis was evaluated as a tool for assessing genetic relationships among the cultivated eggplant, S. melongena, and related species [Solanum L. subgenus Leptostemonum (Dunal) Bitter, section Melongena (Mill.) Dunal, series Incaniformia Bitter]. Genetic distances based on the AFLP data were estimated for 49 samples of 36 distinct accessions. Phenetic trees were constructed using Jaccard’s coefficient and UPGMA, and other clustering methods: they all had very high co-phenetic correlation values, and were found to be consistent with previous trees based on other data types, in particular ITS-1 sequences, isozymes and morphology, carried out on the same accessions. These results indicated that the AFLP technique is both an efficient and effective tool for determining genetic relationships among species of Solanum. A new classification is proposed for series Incaniformia.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2011

Integrating sorghum whole genome sequence information with a compendium of sorghum QTL studies reveals uneven distribution of QTL and of gene-rich regions with significant implications for crop improvement.

Emma S. Mace; David Jordan

A comprehensive analysis was conducted using 48 sorghum QTL studies published from 1995 to 2010 to make information from historical sorghum QTL experiments available in a form that could be more readily used by sorghum researchers and plant breeders. In total, 771 QTL relating to 161 unique traits from 44 studies were projected onto a sorghum consensus map. Confidence intervals (CI) of QTL were estimated so that valid comparisons could be made between studies. The method accounted for the number of lines used and the phenotypic variation explained by individual QTL from each study. In addition, estimated centimorgan (cM) locations were calculated for the predicted sorghum gene models identified in Phytozome (JGI GeneModels SBI v1.4) and compared with QTL distribution genome-wide, both on genetic linkage (cM) and physical (base-pair/bp) map scales. QTL and genes were distributed unevenly across the genome. Heterochromatic enrichment for QTL was observed, with approximately 22% of QTL either entirely or partially located in the heterochromatic regions. Heterochromatic gene enrichment was also observed based on their predicted cM locations on the sorghum consensus map, due to suppressed recombination in heterochromatic regions, in contrast to the euchromatic gene enrichment observed on the physical, sequence-based map. The finding of high gene density in recombination-poor regions, coupled with the association with increased QTL density, has implications for the development of more efficient breeding systems in sorghum to better exploit heterosis. The projected QTL information described, combined with the physical locations of sorghum sequence-based markers and predicted gene models, provides sorghum researchers with a useful resource for more detailed analysis of traits and development of efficient marker-assisted breeding strategies.

Euphytica | 2006

SSR analysis of cultivated groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) germplasm resistant to rust and late leaf spot diseases

Emma S. Mace; D.T. Phong; Hari D. Upadhyaya; S. Chandra; Jonathan H. Crouch

Cultivated groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an agronomically and economically important oilseed crop grown extensively throughout the semi-arid tropics of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Rust (Puccinia arachidis) and late leaf spot (LLS, Phaseoisariopsis personata) are among the major diseases causing significant yield loss in groundnut. The development of varieties with high levels of resistance has been constrained by adaptation of disease isolates to resistance sources and incomplete resistance in resistant sources. Despite the wide range of morphological diversity observed in the cultivated groundnut gene pool, molecular marker analyses have thus far been unable to detect a parallel level of genetic diversity. However, the recent development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers presents new opportunities for molecular diversity analysis of cultivate groundnut. The current study was conducted to identify diverse disease resistant germplasm for the development of mapping populations and for their introduction into breeding programs. Twenty-three SSRs were screened across 22 groundnut genotypes with differing levels of resistance to rust and LLS. Overall, 135 alleles across 23 loci were observed in the 22 genotypes screened. Twelve of the 23 SSRs (52%) showed a high level of polymorphism, with PIC values ≥0.5. This is the first report detecting such high levels of genetic polymorphism in cultivated groundnut. Multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analyses revealed three well-separated groups of genotypes. Locus by locus AMOVA and Kruskal–Wallis one-way ANOVA identified candidate SSR loci that may be valuable for mapping rust and LLS resistance. The molecular diversity analysis presented here provides valuable information for groundnut breeders designing strategies for incorporating and pyramiding rust and late leaf spot resistances and for molecular biologists wishing to create recombinant inbred line populations to map these traits.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2010

Location of major effect genes in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)

Emma S. Mace; David Jordan

Major effect genes are often used for germplasm identification, for diversity analyses and as selection targets in breeding. To date, only a few morphological characters have been mapped as major effect genes across a range of genetic linkage maps based on different types of molecular markers in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench). This study aims to integrate all available previously mapped major effect genes onto a complete genome map, linked to the whole genome sequence, allowing sorghum breeders and researchers to link this information to QTL studies and to be aware of the consequences of selection for major genes. This provides new opportunities for breeders to take advantage of readily scorable morphological traits and to develop more effective breeding strategies. We also provide examples of the impact of selection for major effect genes on quantitative traits in sorghum. The concepts described in this paper have particular application to breeding programmes in developing countries where molecular markers are expensive or impossible to access.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 1999

AFLP analysis of genetic relationships in the tribe Datureae (Solanaceae).

Emma S. Mace; Christiane Gebhardt; Rn Lester

Abstract The AFLP technique was evaluated as a tool for assessing species relationships within the tribe Datureae and genetic distances were estimated for 47 accessions of over 12 species. The phenetic trees from various analyses of the AFLP data gave very high co-phenetic correlation values, and were found to be consistent with previous trees based on the analysis of different data types, in particular ITS-1 sequences, isozymes and morphology, carried out on the same accessions. These results indicated that the AFLP technique is both an efficient and effective tool for determining genetic relationships among taxa in the Solanaceae. A new classification is proposed for the tribe Datureae, which maintains the arborescent species as a separate genus, Brugmansia, and recognises three sections within the genus Datura; Stramonium, Dutra and Ceratocaulis. D. discolor, previously placed in section Dutra, was found to be intermediate between sections Dutra and Stramonium.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2013

Supermodels: sorghum and maize provide mutual insight into the genetics of flowering time

Emma S. Mace; Colleen H. Hunt; David Jordan

Nested association mapping (NAM) offers power to dissect complex, quantitative traits. This study made use of a recently developed sorghum backcross (BC)-NAM population to dissect the genetic architecture of flowering time in sorghum; to compare the QTL identified with other genomic regions identified in previous sorghum and maize flowering time studies and to highlight the implications of our findings for plant breeding. A subset of the sorghum BC-NAM population consisting of over 1,300 individuals from 24 families was evaluated for flowering time across multiple environments. Two QTL analysis methodologies were used to identify 40 QTLs with predominately small, additive effects on flowering time; 24 of these co-located with previously identified QTL for flowering time in sorghum and 16 were novel in sorghum. Significant synteny was also detected with the QTL for flowering time detected in a comparable NAM resource recently developed for maize (Zea mays) by Buckler et al. (Science 325:714–718, 2009). The use of the sorghum BC-NAM population allowed us to catalogue allelic variants at a maximal number of QTL and understand their contribution to the flowering time phenotype and distribution across diverse germplasm. The successful demonstration of the power of the sorghum BC-NAM population is exemplified not only by correspondence of QTL previously identified in sorghum, but also by correspondence of QTL in different taxa, specifically maize in this case. The unification across taxa of the candidate genes influencing complex traits, such as flowering time can further facilitate the detailed dissection of the genetic control and causal genes.

The Plant Genome | 2016

Genomic Regions Influencing Seminal Root Traits in Barley.

Hannah Robinson; Lee T. Hickey; Cecile Richard; Emma S. Mace; A. Kelly; A. K. Borrell; J. D. Franckowiak; Glen Fox

Water availability is a major limiting factor for crop production, making drought adaptation and its many component traits a desirable attribute of plant cultivars. Previous studies in cereal crops indicate that root traits expressed at early plant developmental stages, such as seminal root angle and root number, are associated with water extraction at different depths. Here, we conducted the first study to map seminal root traits in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Using a recently developed high‐throughput phenotyping method, a panel of 30 barley genotypes and a doubled‐haploid (DH) population (ND24260 × ‘Flagship’) comprising 330 lines genotyped with diversity array technology (DArT) markers were evaluated for seminal root angle (deviation from vertical) and root number under controlled environmental conditions. A high degree of phenotypic variation was observed in the panel of 30 genotypes: 13.5 to 82.2 and 3.6 to 6.9° for root angle and root number, respectively. A similar range was observed in the DH population: 16.4 to 70.5 and 3.6 to 6.5° for root angle and number, respectively. Seven quantitative trait loci (QTL) for seminal root traits (root angle, two QTL; root number, five QTL) were detected in the DH population. A major QTL influencing both root angle and root number (RAQ2/RNQ4) was positioned on chromosome 5HL. Across‐species analysis identified 10 common genes underlying root trait QTL in barley, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. Here, we provide insight into seminal root phenotypes and provide a first look at the genetics controlling these traits in barley.

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