Emrah Turgut
University of Colorado Boulder
Nature Communications | 2012
Dennis Rudolf; Chan La-o-vorakiat; Marco Battiato; Roman Adam; Justin M. Shaw; Emrah Turgut; Pablo Maldonado; Stefan Mathias; Patrik Grychtol; Hans T. Nembach; Thomas J. Silva; Martin Aeschlimann; Henry C. Kapteyn; Margaret M. Murnane; Claus M. Schneider; Peter M. Oppeneer
Uncovering the physical mechanisms that govern ultrafast charge and spin dynamics is crucial for understanding correlated matter as well as the fundamental limits of ultrafast spin-based electronics. Spin dynamics in magnetic materials can be driven by ultrashort light pulses, resulting in a transient drop in magnetization within a few hundred femtoseconds. However, a full understanding of femtosecond spin dynamics remains elusive. Here we spatially separate the spin dynamics using Ni/Ru/Fe magnetic trilayers, where the Ni and Fe layers can be ferro- or antiferromagnetically coupled. By exciting the layers with a laser pulse and probing the magnetization response simultaneously but separately in Ni and Fe, we surprisingly find that optically induced demagnetization of the Ni layer transiently enhances the magnetization of the Fe layer when the two layer magnetizations are initially aligned parallel. Our observations are explained by a laser-generated superdiffusive spin current between the layers.
Nature Photonics | 2015
Ofer Kfir; Patrik Grychtol; Emrah Turgut; Ronny Knut; Dmitriy Zusin; Dimitar Popmintchev; Tenio Popmintchev; Hans T. Nembach; Justin M. Shaw; Avner Fleischer; Henry C. Kapteyn; Margaret M. Murnane; Oren Cohen
Circularly-polarized extreme UV and X-ray radiation provides valuable access to the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of materials. To date, this capability was available only at large-scale X-ray facilities such as synchrotrons. Here we demonstrate the first bright, phase-matched, extreme UV circularly-polarized high harmonics and use this new light source for magnetic circular dichroism measurements at the M-shell absorption edges of Co. We show that phase matching of circularly-polarized harmonics is unique and robust, producing a photon flux comparable to the linearly polarized high harmonic sources that have been used very successfully for ultrafast element-selective magneto-optic experiments. This work thus represents a critical advance that makes possible element-specific imaging and spectroscopy of multiple elements simultaneously in magnetic and other chiral media with very high spatial and temporal resolution, using tabletop-scale setups.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012
Stefan Mathias; Chan La-o-vorakiat; Patrik Grychtol; Patrick Granitzka; Emrah Turgut; Justin M. Shaw; Roman Adam; Hans T. Nembach; Mark E. Siemens; Steffen Eich; Claus M. Schneider; Thomas J. Silva; Martin Aeschlimann; Margaret M. Murnane; Henry C. Kapteyn
The underlying physics of all ferromagnetic behavior is the cooperative interaction between individual atomic magnetic moments that results in a macroscopic magnetization. In this work, we use extreme ultraviolet pulses from high-harmonic generation as an element-specific probe of ultrafast, optically driven, demagnetization in a ferromagnetic Fe-Ni alloy (permalloy). We show that for times shorter than the characteristic timescale for exchange coupling, the magnetization of Fe quenches more strongly than that of Ni. Then as the Fe moments start to randomize, the strong ferromagnetic exchange interaction induces further demagnetization in Ni, with a characteristic delay determined by the strength of the exchange interaction. We can further enhance this delay by lowering the exchange energy by diluting the permalloy with Cu. This measurement probes how the fundamental quantum mechanical exchange coupling between Fe and Ni in magnetic materials influences magnetic switching dynamics in ferromagnetic materials relevant to next-generation data storage technologies.
Microscopy and Microanalysis | 2016
Mark W. Tate; Prafull Purohit; Darol Chamberlain; Kayla X. Nguyen; Robert Hovden; Celesta S. Chang; Pratiti Deb; Emrah Turgut; John Heron; Darrell G. Schlom; D. C. Ralph; Gregory D. Fuchs; Katherine S. Shanks; Hugh T. Philipp; David A. Muller; Sol M. Gruner
We describe a hybrid pixel array detector (electron microscope pixel array detector, or EMPAD) adapted for use in electron microscope applications, especially as a universal detector for scanning transmission electron microscopy. The 128×128 pixel detector consists of a 500 µm thick silicon diode array bump-bonded pixel-by-pixel to an application-specific integrated circuit. The in-pixel circuitry provides a 1,000,000:1 dynamic range within a single frame, allowing the direct electron beam to be imaged while still maintaining single electron sensitivity. A 1.1 kHz framing rate enables rapid data collection and minimizes sample drift distortions while scanning. By capturing the entire unsaturated diffraction pattern in scanning mode, one can simultaneously capture bright field, dark field, and phase contrast information, as well as being able to analyze the full scattering distribution, allowing true center of mass imaging. The scattering is recorded on an absolute scale, so that information such as local sample thickness can be directly determined. This paper describes the detector architecture, data acquisition system, and preliminary results from experiments with 80-200 keV electron beams.
Journal of Physics B | 2016
Ofer Kfir; Patrik Grychtol; Emrah Turgut; Ronny Knut; Dmitriy Zusin; Avner Fleischer; Eliyahu Bordo; Tingting Fan; Dimitar Popmintchev; Tenio Popmintchev; Henry C. Kapteyn; Margaret M. Murnane; Oren Cohen
Author(s): Kfir, O; Grychtol, P; Turgut, E; Knut, R; Zusin, D; Fleischer, A; Bordo, E; Fan, T; Popmintchev, D; Popmintchev, T; Kapteyn, H; Murnane, M; Cohen, O | Abstract:
Nano Letters | 2016
Kathleen Hoogeboom-Pot; Emrah Turgut; Jorge N. Hernandez-Charpak; Justin M. Shaw; Henry C. Kapteyn; Margaret M. Murnane; Damiano Nardi
We use short wavelength extreme ultraviolet light to independently measure the mechanical properties of disparate layers within a bilayer film for the first time, with single-monolayer sensitivity. We show that in Ni/Ta nanostructured systems, while their density ratio is not meaningfully changed from that expected in bulk, their elastic properties are significantly modified, where nickel softens while tantalum stiffens, relative to their bulk counterparts. In particular, the presence or absence of the Ta capping layer influences the mechanical properties of the Ni film. This nondestructive nanomechanical measurement technique represents the first approach to date able to distinguish the properties of composite materials well below 100 nm in thickness. This capability is critical for understanding and optimizing the strength, flexibility and reliability of materials in a host of nanostructured electronic, photovoltaic, and thermoelectric devices.
Physical Review B | 2017
Emrah Turgut; Albert Park; Kayla Nguyen; Austin Moehle; David A. Muller; Gregory D. Fuchs
Although chiral magnetic materials have emerged as a potential ingredient in future spintronic memory devices, there are few comprehensive studies of magnetic properties in scalably-grown thin films. We present growth, systematic physical and magnetic characterization, and microwave absorption spectroscopy of B20 FeGe thin films. We also perform micromagnetic simulations and analytical theory to understand the dynamical magnetic behavior of this material. We find magnetic resonance features in both the helical and field-polarized magnetic states that are well explained by micromagnetic simulations and analytical calculations. In particular, we show the resonant enhancement of spin waves along the FeGe film thickness that has a wave vector matching the helical vector. Using our analytic model, we also describe the resonance frequency of a helical magnetic state, which depends solely on its untwisting field. Our results pave the way for understanding and manipulating high frequency spin waves in thin-film chiral-magnet FeGe near room temperature.
Journal of Electron Microscopy | 2018
Michael C. Cao; Yimo Han; Zhen Chen; Yi Jiang; Kayla X. Nguyen; Emrah Turgut; Gregory D. Fuchs; David A. Muller
What does the diffraction pattern from a single atom look like? How does it differ from the scattering from long-range potential? With the development of new high-dynamic range pixel array detectors to measure the complete momentum distribution, these questions have immediate relevance for designing and understanding momentum-resolved imaging modes. We explore the asymptotic limits of long-range and short-range potentials. We use a simple quantum mechanical model to explain the general and asymptotic limits for the probability distribution in both real and reciprocal space. Features in the scattering potential much larger than the probe size cause the bright field (BF) disk to deflect uniformly, while features much smaller than the probe size, instead of a deflection, cause a redistribution of intensity within the BF disk. Because long-range and short-range features are encoded differently in the diffraction pattern, it is possible to separate their contributions in differential phase-contrast (DPC) or center-of-mass (CoM) imaging. The shape profiles for atomic resolution CoM imaging are dominated by the shape of the probe gradient and not the highly singular atomic potentials or their local fields. Instead, only the peak height shows an atomic number sensitivity, whose precise dependence is determined by the convergence angle. At lower convergence angles, the contrast oscillates with increasing atomic number, similar to BF imaging. The range of collection angles impacts DPC and CoM imaging differently, with CoM being more sensitive to the upper cutoff limit, while DPC is more sensitive to the lower cutoff.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2017
Emrah Turgut; Matthew J. Stolt; Song Jin; Gregory D. Fuchs
Understanding spin-wave dynamics in chiral magnets is a key step for the development of high-speed, spin-wave based spintronic devices that take advantage of chiral and topological spin textures for their operation. Here, we present an experimental and theoretical study of spin-wave dynamics in a cubic B20 FeGe single crystal. Using the combination of waveguide microwave absorption spectroscopy (MAS), micromagnetic simulations, and analytical theory, we identify the resonance dynamics in all magnetic phases (field polarized, conical, helical, and skyrmion phases). Because the resonance frequencies of specific chiral spin textures are unique, a quantitative agreement between our theoretical predictions and experimental findings for all resonance frequencies and spin wave modes enables us to unambiguously identify chiral magnetic phases and to demonstrate that MAS is a powerful tool to efficiently extract a magnetic phase diagram.
Microscopy and Microanalysis | 2017
Michael C. Cao; Emrah Turgut; David A. Muller; Yimo Han; Zhen Chen; Kayla X. Nguyen; Greg Fuchs; Yi Jiang
What does the diffraction pattern from a single atom look like? How does it differ from the scattering from long range potential? With the development of new high-dynamic range pixel array detectors to measure the complete momentum distribution, these questions have immediate relevance for designing and understanding momentum-resolved imaging modes. We explore the asymptotic limits of long range and short range potentials. We use a simple quantum mechanical model to explain the general and asymptotic limits for the probability distribution in both and real and reciprocal space. Features in the scattering potential much larger than the probe size cause the bright-field disk to deflect uniformly, while features much smaller than the probe size, instead of a deflection cause a redistribution of intensity within the bright-field disk. Because long range and short range features are encoded differently in the diffraction pattern, it is possible to separate their contributions in differential phase contrast (DPC) or Center-of-Mass (CoM) imaging. The shape profiles for atomic resolution CoM imaging are dominated by the shape of the probe gradient and not the highly-singular atomic potentials or their local fields. Instead, only the peak height shows an atomic-number sensitivity, whose precise dependence is determined by the convergence angle. At lower convergence angles, the contrast oscillates with increasing atomic number, similar to bright field imaging. The range of collection angles impacts DPC and CoM imaging differently, with CoM being more sensitive to the upper cutoff limit, while DPC is more sensitive to the lower cutoff.