
Featured researches published by Enrico De Grazia.

Journal of Pediatric Surgery | 2011

Evaluation of esophageal motility and reflux in children treated for esophageal atresia with the use of combined multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH monitoring

Maria Rita Di Pace; Anna Maria Caruso; Pieralba Catalano; Alessandra Casuccio; Marcello Cimador; Enrico De Grazia

BACKGROUND Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and dysmotility are frequent in patients treated for esophageal atresia (EA). This aim of this study is to evaluate GER and dysmotility in young EA patients using pH-multichannel intraluminal impedance (pH-MII). METHODS Fifteen patients with a mean age of 7.5 years (group 1) have been studied and compared with 15 children without congenital malformation, submitted to pH-MII for suspected GER (group 2). These latter patients serve as a control group of healthy subjects. The following impedance reflux and motility parameters have been studied on 10 standardized swallows: number of reflux episodes, mean acid clearing time, median bolus clearing time, bolus presence time, total bolus transit time, segmental transit time, and total propagation velocity. RESULTS In the group of EA patients, mean acid clearing time and median bolus clearing time were pathological. In the control group, all reflux parameters were normal. Patients with EA had significantly longer median bolus presence time at each measuring site, median total bolus transit time, and median segmental transit time and slower total propagation velocity (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS pH-multichannel intraluminal impedance evaluates both GER and motility patterns. Our report studies impedance parameters of esophageal motility in healthy children and in EA patients using only pH-MII.

Nature Reviews Urology | 2013

Failed hypospadias in paediatric patients

Marcello Cimador; Santiago Vallasciani; Gianantonio Manzoni; Waifro Rigamonti; Enrico De Grazia; Marco Castagnetti

Failed hypospadias refers to any hypospadias repair that leads to complications or causes patient dissatisfaction. The complication rate after hypospadias repairs ranges from 5–70%, but the actual incidence of failed hypospadias is unknown as complications can become apparent many years after surgery and series with lifelong follow-up data do not exist. Moreover, little is known about uncomplicated repairs that fail in terms of patient satisfaction. Risk factors for complications include factors related to the hypospadias (severity of the condition and characteristics of the urethral plate), the patient (age at surgery, endocrine environment, and wound healing impairment), the surgeon (technique selection and surgeon expertise), and the procedure (technical details and postoperative management). The most important factors for preventing complications are surgeon expertise (number of cases treated per year), interposition of a barrier layer between the urethroplasty and the skin, and postoperative urinary drainage. Major complications associated with failed hypospadias include residual curvature, healing complications (preputial dehiscence, glans dehiscence, fistula formation, and urethral breakdown), urethral obstruction (meatal stenosis, urethral stricture, and functional obstruction), urethral diverticula, hairy urethra, and penile skin deficiency.

Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition | 2011

Gastroesophageal Reflux in Young Children Treated for Esophageal Atresia: Evaluation With pH-Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance

Pieralba Catalano; Maria Rita Di Pace; Anna Maria Caruso; Alessandra Casuccio; Enrico De Grazia

Objectives:Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) and dismotility occur frequently after repair of esophageal atresia (EA). GER-associated complications can manifest either early or later; then precocious diagnosis and treatment are essential. The aim of the study was to evaluate characteristics of GER and esophageal clearance in children treated for EA with distal tracheoesophageal fistula, using pH-multichannel intraluminal impedance (pH-MII). Patients and Methods:Twenty-two children (ages 3–40 months) treated for EA at birth, and 20 normal children of similar age with suspected GER disease were included in the study. Impedance parameters were analyzed according to age and symptoms. Results:Reflux events were mainly nonacidic. About bolus exposure index, mean acid clearing time (MACT), and mean bolus clearing time (MBCT), a significant difference was found between 2 groups: the median MACT and MBCT were longer, with values of 281 and 39 seconds, respectively, in the EA group and 110 and 15 seconds in the control group (P < 0.0005). Conclusions:Our data show that in young patients the majority of refluxes are not acid. This implies that the incidence of GER may be underestimated if pH-metry is used. The pH-MII is an ideal test in children because it studies both GER with its characteristics and motility pattern. The quality of reflux does not seem to influence the onset of symptoms that are related to an impaired esophageal clearance. Hence, this technique could be useful to study patients treated for EA, avoiding the onset of complications.

Journal of Pediatric Surgery | 2011

Evaluation of esophageal motility and reflux in children treated for congenital diaphragmatic hernia with the use of combined multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH monitoring.

Maria Rita Di Pace; Anna Maria Caruso; Farina F; Alessandra Casuccio; Marcello Cimador; Enrico De Grazia

BACKGROUND Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is frequently observed in children treated for congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) at birth, as well as esophageal dysmotility, that has been hypothesized to be caused by innervatory anomalies. The aim of this study is to evaluate GER and dysmotility in young patients with CDH using pH-multichannel intraluminal impedance. METHODS Thirty children (17 boys and 13 girls) who underwent repair for CDH between 2002 and 2007 with a median age of 5.2 years (range, 3-10 years) were included in the study. All patients were operated on with a subcostal laparotomy incision and had a left-sided diaphragmatic defect. The defect repair required an artificial patch (Goretex, Gore Medical, Flagstaff, AZ) in 8 patients (27%) because of its size. We described impedance reflux parameters and some specific motility parameters studied on 10 standardized swallows. RESULTS The incidence of GER was 86%. Reflux was mainly nonacidic, postprandial, and short-term and reached only the distal esophagus. Esophageal dysmotility was observed only in the distal esophagus. CONCLUSIONS With the use of pH-multichannel intraluminal impedance, both GER and esophageal motility in patients with congenital malformations can be analyzed. In patients with CDH, impaired motility seems to involve only the distal esophagus. In this group, the specific pattern of reflux is probably caused by the involvement of gastroesophageal junction, without significant intrinsic innervation abnormalities as observed in patients with esophageal atresia.

International Journal of Urology | 2013

Coverage of urethroplasty in pediatric hypospadias: Randomized comparison between different flaps

Marcello Cimador; Marco Pensabene; Maria Sergio; Pieralba Catalano; Enrico De Grazia

The use of covering urethroplasty with flaps in hypospadias surgery has been well recommended. Various techniques have been described for flap harvesting. The aim of the present study was to compare the outcome and complication rate of dorsal preputial flaps and ventral dartos flaps.

Pediatric Nephrology | 2007

Unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney in infants exposed to antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy

Maurizio Carta; Marcello Cimador; Mario Giuffrè; Maria Sergio; Maria Rita Di Pace; Enrico De Grazia; Giovanni Corsello

Prenatal exposure to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) increases the risk of major congenital malformations (MCM) in the fetus. AED-related abnormalities include heart and neural tube defects, cleft palate, and urogenital abnormalities. Among the various congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT), multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK) disease is one of the most severe expressions. Although prenatal ultrasound (US) examination has increased the prenatal diagnosis of MCDK, the pathogenesis is still unclear. We report on four cases of MCDK in infants of epileptic women treated with AEDs during pregnancy. From October 2003 to June 2006, we observed four infants with unilateral MCDK born to epileptic women. Three patients were considered to have typical features of multicystic dysplastic kidney, and one infant was operated because of a cystic pelvic mass in the absence of a kidney in the left flank. The macroscopic appearance of this mass showed an ectopic multicystic kidney confirmed by histological findings. All patients have been studied by US scans, voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), and radionuclide screening isotope imaging. The prenatal exposure to AEDs increases the risk of major congenital malformations from the background risk of 1–2% to 4–9%. AEDs may determine a defect in apoptosis regulation that could lead to abnormal nephrogenesis, causing MCDK. Carbamazepine (CBZ) and phenobarbital (PHB) during pregnancy should be used at the lowest dosage compatible with maternal disease. The reduction, or even suspension, of drug dosage should be achieved from the periconceptional period to the first 8 weeks of gestation to avoid any interference with organogenesis.

BJUI | 2006

The role of Doppler ultrasonography in determining the proper surgical approach to the management of varicocele in children and adolescents.

Cimador M; Maria Rita Di Pace; Marcello Peritore; Maria Sergio; Marco Castagnetti; Enrico De Grazia

In a study from Italy, colour‐Doppler ultrasonography was a reliable diagnostic tool in the preoperative assessment of patients with varicocele. The authors also found that it helped to distinguish those who could be treated laparoscopically from those who should be treated by microsurgical subinguinal ligature.

Nature Reviews Urology | 2010

Management of hydrocele in adolescent patients

Marcello Cimador; Marco Castagnetti; Enrico De Grazia

Hydrocele is defined as an abnormal collection of serous fluid in the potential space between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis. In the majority of affected adolescents, hydrocele is acquired and is idiopathic in origin. The pathogenesis of idiopathic hydrocele is thought to be an imbalance in the normal process of fluid production and reabsorption. The diagnosis is usually clinical. Taking a thorough history is essential to rule out any fluctuation in size, which is an indication of a patent processus vaginalis. Scrotal ultrasonography is mandatory in nonpalpable testicles to rule out a subtending testicular solid mass requiring inguinal exploration. Otherwise, open hydrocelectomy via a scrotal incision is the standard treatment of idiopathic hydroceles. The second most common cause of hydrocele in adolescents is varicocelectomy. The risk of hydrocele formation is higher with non-artery-sparing procedures or those performed without microsurgical aid, and in surgery requiring cord dissection. If hydrocele occurs after varicocelectomy, initial management should include observation with or without hydrocele aspiration. Large persistent hydroceles are best served by open hydrocelectomy.

Journal of Pediatric Urology | 2008

Evolving management of adolescent varicocele

Marco Castagnetti; Marcello Cimador; Pieralba Catalano; MariaRita DiPace; Maria Sergio; Enrico De Grazia

OBJECTIVE To review the evolution in indications for treatment and treatment modalities for adolescent varicocele at our centre, and evaluate the impact of varicocelectomy on final outcome. PATIENTS AND METHODS Between 1995 and 2006, we treated 242 left varicoceles. Preoperative assessment included clinical evaluation, measurement of testicular volumes, and colour-Doppler ultrasound (CDUS). A subinguinal varicocelectomy was performed in 124 patients (group A), and a laparoscopic non-artery-sparing Palomo procedure in the remaining 118 (group B). In group B patients, CDUS was also used to investigate the functional anatomy of varicocele, and all the veins found to be refluxing were divided during surgery. The two groups were compared with regard to indications for surgery and outcome. RESULTS Over time the proportion of patients operated on because of testicular growth retardation increased. Persistence/recurrence rate was comparable between the two groups. In 13% of group B patients, the deferential vein was found to be refluxing on preoperative CDUS and was divided at surgery. Hydrocele rate was higher in group A, unless the vaginalis was excised and everted during varicocelectomy. About 75% of patients with preoperative left testicular growth failure experienced postoperative catch-up growth, irrespective of treatment. CONCLUSION Indications for treatment are still evolving. Varicocele can successfully be treated in the majority of cases by either a laparoscopic or subinguinal approach. Both techniques require care, and CDUS can aid in the decision making. Most patients with preoperative testicular growth failure experience postoperative catch-up growth.

Nature Reviews Urology | 2012

The hemodynamic approach to evaluating adolescent varicocele

Marcello Cimador; Marco Castagnetti; Ignazio Gattuccio; Marco Pensabene; Maria Sergio; Enrico De Grazia

During adolescence, the risk of developing a varicocele increases. Prevalence is less than 1% in boys aged younger than 10 years, but approaches that of the general adult population (about 15%) during puberty. For adolescent males with varicoceles, surgical risk factors have not yet been clearly delineated and clinical severity correlates poorly with prognosis. Fortunately, the widespread use of Doppler ultrasonography is transforming the diagnostic work-up for this demographic. A continuous reflux detected by color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) is thought to have a negative prognostic value and evidence suggests that a peak retrograde flow above 38 cm per second is a powerful predictor of lack of spontaneous improvement in adolescent patients with ≥20% asymmetry between testes. CDUS also enables the detection of varicocele resulting from reflux in the deferential vein adjunctive to a refluxing internal spermatic vein; a causality that accounts for approximately 15% of cases. In addition to a diagnostic role, hemodynamic parameters can be used to predict the risk of persistence or worsening asymmetry. Although further studies are necessary to validate single parameters, it seems that the more severe the reflux, the greater the likelihood that the patient will develop testicular asymmetry.

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