Eric E. Bouhassira
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Cell | 2005
Yuhong Fan; Tatiana Nikitina; Jie Zhao; Tomara J. Fleury; Riddhi Bhattacharyya; Eric E. Bouhassira; Arnold Stein; Christopher L. Woodcock; Arthur I. Skoultchi
Linker histone H1 plays an important role in chromatin folding in vitro. To study the role of H1 in vivo, mouse embryonic stem cells null for three H1 genes were derived and were found to have 50% of the normal level of H1. H1 depletion caused dramatic chromatin structure changes, including decreased global nucleosome spacing, reduced local chromatin compaction, and decreases in certain core histone modifications. Surprisingly, however, microarray analysis revealed that expression of only a small number of genes is affected. Many of the affected genes are imprinted or are on the X chromosome and are therefore normally regulated by DNA methylation. Although global DNA methylation is not changed, methylation of specific CpGs within the regulatory regions of some of the H1 regulated genes is reduced. These results indicate that linker histones can participate in epigenetic regulation of gene expression by contributing to the maintenance or establishment of specific DNA methylation patterns.
Stem Cells | 2006
Emmanuel N. Olivier; Anne C. Rybicki; Eric E. Bouhassira
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent progenitors that can be found in many connective tissues, including fat, bone, cartilage, and muscle. We report here a method to reproducibly differentiate human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) into MSCs that does not require the use of any feeder layer. The cells obtained with this procedure are morphologically similar to bone marrow MSCs, are contact‐inhibited, can be grown in culture for about 20 to 25 passages, have an immunophenotype similar to bone marrow MSCs (negative for CD34 and CD45 and positive for CD13, CD44, CD71, CD73, CD105, CD166, human leukocyte antigen [HLA]‐ABC, and stage‐specific embryonic antigen [SSEA]‐4), can differentiate into osteocytes and adipocytes, and can be used as feeder cells to support the growth of undifferentiated hESCs. The ability to produce MSCs from hESCs should prove useful to produce large amounts of genetically identical and genetically modifiable MSCs that can be used to study the biology of MSCs and for therapeutic applications.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2002
Suzan Imren; Emmanuel Payen; Karen A. Westerman; Robert Pawliuk; Mary E. Fabry; Connie J. Eaves; Benjamin Cavilla; Louis D. Wadsworth; Yves Beuzard; Eric E. Bouhassira; Robert G. Russell; Irving M. London; Ronald L. Nagel; Philippe Leboulch; R. Keith Humphries
Achieving long-term pancellular expression of a transferred gene at therapeutic level in a given hematopoietic lineage remains an important goal of gene therapy. Advances have recently been made in the genetic correction of the hemoglobinopathies by means of lentiviral vectors and large locus control region (LCR) derivatives. However, panerythroid β globin gene expression has not yet been achieved in β thalassemic mice because of incomplete transduction of the hematopoietic stem cell compartment and position effect variegation of proviruses integrated at a single copy per genome. Here, we report the permanent, panerythroid correction of severe β thalassemia in mice, resulting from a homozygous deletion of the β major globin gene, by transplantation of syngeneic bone marrow transduced with an HIV-1-derived [β globin gene/LCR] lentiviral vector also containing the Rev responsive element and the central polypurine tract/DNA flap. The viral titers produced were high enough to achieve transduction of virtually all of the hematopoietic stem cells in the graft with an average of three integrated proviral copies per genome in all transplanted mice; the transduction was sustained for >7 months in both primary and secondary transplants, at which time ≈95% of the red blood cells in all mice contained human β globin contributing to 32 ± 4% of all β-like globin chains. Hematological parameters approached complete phenotypic correction, as assessed by hemoglobin levels and reticulocyte and red blood cell counts. All circulating red blood cells became and remained normocytic and normochromic, and their density was normalized. Free α globin chains were completely cleared from red blood cell membranes, splenomegaly abated, and iron deposit was almost eliminated in liver sections. These findings indicate that virtually complete transduction of the hematopoietic stem cell compartment can be achieved by high-titer lentiviral vectors and that position effect variegation can be mitigated by multiple events of proviral integration to yield balanced, panerythroid expression. These results provide a solid foundation for the initiation of human clinical trials in β thalassemia patients.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2000
Dirk Schübeler; Matthew C. Lorincz; Daniel M. Cimbora; Agnes Telling; Yong-Quing Feng; Eric E. Bouhassira; Mark Groudine
ABSTRACT We have developed a strategy to introduce in vitro-methylated DNA into defined chromosomal locations. Using this system, we examined the effects of methylation on transcription, chromatin structure, histone acetylation, and replication timing by targeting methylated and unmethylated constructs to marked genomic sites. At two sites, which support stable expression from an unmethylated enhancer-reporter construct, introduction of an in vitro-methylated but otherwise identical construct results in specific changes in transgene conformation and activity, including loss of the promoter DNase I-hypersensitive site, localized hypoacetylation of histones H3 and H4 within the reporter gene, and a block to transcriptional initiation. Insertion of methylated constructs does not alter the early replication timing of the loci and does not result in de novo methylation of flanking genomic sequences. Methylation at the promoter and gene is stable over time, as is the repression of transcription. Surprisingly, sequences within the enhancer are demethylated, the hypersensitive site forms, and the enhancer is hyperacetylated. Nevertheless, the enhancer is unable to activate the methylated and hypoacetylated reporter. Our findings suggest that CpG methylation represses transcription by interfering with RNA polymerase initiation via a mechanism that involves localized histone deacetylation. This repression is dominant over a remodeled enhancer but neither results in nor requires region-wide changes in DNA replication or chromatin structure.
Laboratory Investigation | 2005
Wenhua Zhou; Mari Inada; Tai Ping Lee; Daniel Benten; Sergey Lyubsky; Eric E. Bouhassira; Sanjeev Gupta; Han-Mou Tsai
ADAMTS13 is a circulating zinc metalloprotease that cleaves the hemostatic glycoprotein von Willebrand factor (VWF) in a shear-dependent manner. Deficiency in ADAMTS13, owing to genetic mutations or autoimmune inhibitors, causes thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TPP). Northern blot analysis has shown that ADAMTS13 is expressed primarily in the liver. By using real-time RT-PCR, we confirmed that in mice the liver had the highest level of the ADAMTS13 transcript. To identify the liver cell-type-specific origin of ADAMTS13, we used in situ hybridization techniques to investigate the pattern of ADAMTS13 expression in the liver; analyzed the ADAMTS13 proteolytic activity in the culture media of fractionated liver cells; and confirmed ADAMTS13 expression with RT-PCR analysis and cloning of the mouse ADAMTS13 gene. The results revealed that ADAMTS13 was expressed primarily in cell fractions enriched in hepatic stellate cells. The mouse ADAMTS13 cloned from primary hepatic stellate cells was similar to its human counterpart in digesting VWF and was susceptible to suppression by EDTA or the IgG inhibitors of patients with TTP. Since hepatic stellate cells are believed to play a major role in the development of hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis, the identification of the liver cell-type expressing ADAMTS13 will have important implications for understanding pathophysiological mechanisms regulating ADAMTS13 expression.
Nature Medicine | 2010
Huihui Li; Anne C. Rybicki; Sandra M. Suzuka; Leni von Bonsdorff; William Breuer; Charles B Hall; Z. Ioav Cabantchik; Eric E. Bouhassira; Mary E. Fabry; Yelena Ginzburg
Individuals with β-thalassemia develop progressive systemic iron overload, resulting in high morbidity and mortality. These complications are caused by labile plasma iron, which is taken up by parenchymal cells in a dysregulated manner; in contrast, erythropoiesis depends on transferrin-bound iron uptake via the transferrin receptor. We hypothesized that the ineffective erythropoiesis and anemia observed in β-thalassemia might be ameliorated by increasing the amount of circulating transferrin. We tested the ability of transferrin injections to modulate iron metabolism and erythropoiesis in Hbbth1/th1 mice, an experimental model of β-thalassemia. Injected transferrin reversed or markedly improved the thalassemia phenotype in these mice. Specifically, transferrin injections normalized labile plasma iron concentrations, increased hepcidin expression, normalized red blood cell survival and increased hemoglobin production; this treatment concomitantly decreased reticulocytosis, erythropoietin abundance and splenomegaly. These results indicate that transferrin is a limiting factor contributing to anemia in these mice and suggest that transferrin therapy might be beneficial in human β-thalassemia.
Journal of Cell Biology | 2008
Enko N. Kiprilov; Aashir Awan; Romain Desprat; Michelle Velho; Christian A. Clement; Anne Grete Byskov; Claus Yding Andersen; Peter Satir; Eric E. Bouhassira; Søren T. Christensen; Rhoda Elison Hirsch
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are potential therapeutic tools and models of human development. With a growing interest in primary cilia in signal transduction pathways that are crucial for embryological development and tissue differentiation and interest in mechanisms regulating human hESC differentiation, demonstrating the existence of primary cilia and the localization of signaling components in undifferentiated hESCs establishes a mechanistic basis for the regulation of hESC differentiation. Using electron microscopy (EM), immunofluorescence, and confocal microscopies, we show that primary cilia are present in three undifferentiated hESC lines. EM reveals the characteristic 9 + 0 axoneme. The number and length of cilia increase after serum starvation. Important components of the hedgehog (Hh) pathway, including smoothened, patched 1 (Ptc1), and Gli1 and 2, are present in the cilia. Stimulation of the pathway results in the concerted movement of Ptc1 out of, and smoothened into, the primary cilium as well as up-regulation of GLI1 and PTC1. These findings show that hESCs contain primary cilia associated with working Hh machinery.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2003
Raouf Alami; Yuhong Fan; Stephanie Pack; Timothy Michael Sonbuchner; Arnaud Besse; Qingcong Lin; John M. Greally; Arthur I. Skoultchi; Eric E. Bouhassira
Posttranslational modifications and remodeling of nucleosomes are critical factors in the regulation of transcription. Higher-order folding of chromatin also is likely to contribute to the control of gene expression, but the absence of a detailed description of the structure of the chromatin fiber has impaired progress in this area. Mammalian somatic cells contain a set of H1 linker-histone subtypes, H1 (0) and H1a to H1e, that bind to nucleosome core particles and to the linker DNA between nucleosomes. To determine whether the H1 histone subtypes play differential roles in the regulation of gene expression, we combined mice lacking specific H1 histone subtypes with mice carrying transgenes subject to position effects. Because position effects result from the unique chromatin structure created by the juxtaposition of regulatory elements in the transgene and at the site of integration, transgenes can serve as exquisitely sensitive indicators of chromatin structure. We report that some, but not all, linker histones can attenuate or accentuate position effects. The results suggest that the linker-histone subtypes play differential roles in the control of gene expression and that the sequential arrangement of the linker histones on the chromatin fiber might regulate higher-order chromatin structure and fine-tune expression levels.
Genome Research | 2009
Romain Desprat; Danielle Thierry-Mieg; Nathalie Lailler; Julien Lajugie; Carl L. Schildkraut; Jean Thierry-Mieg; Eric E. Bouhassira
The organization of mammalian DNA replication is poorly understood. We have produced high-resolution dynamic maps of the timing of replication in human erythroid, mesenchymal, and embryonic stem (ES) cells using TimEX, a method that relies on gaussian convolution of massive, highly redundant determinations of DNA copy-number variations during S phase to produce replication timing profiles. We first obtained timing maps of 3% of the genome using high-density oligonucleotide tiling arrays and then extended the TimEX method genome-wide using massively parallel sequencing. We show that in untransformed human cells, timing of replication is highly regulated and highly synchronous, and that many genomic segments are replicated in temporal transition regions devoid of initiation, where replication forks progress unidirectionally from origins that can be hundreds of kilobases away. Absence of initiation in one transition region is shown at the molecular level by single molecule analysis of replicated DNA (SMARD). Comparison of ES and erythroid cells replication patterns revealed that these cells replicate about 20% of their genome in different quarters of S phase. Importantly, we detected a strong inverse relationship between timing of replication and distance to the closest expressed gene. This relationship can be used to predict tissue-specific timing of replication profiles from expression data and genomic annotations. We also provide evidence that early origins of replication are preferentially located near highly expressed genes, that mid-firing origins are located near moderately expressed genes, and that late-firing origins are located far from genes.
Molecular and Cellular Biology | 2012
Yoon A. Kang; Rajendran Sanalkumar; Henriette O'Geen; Amelia K. Linnemann; Chan Jung Chang; Eric E. Bouhassira; Peggy J. Farnham; Sunduz Keles; Emery H. Bresnick
ABSTRACT Developmental and homeostatic remodeling of cellular organelles is mediated by a complex process termed autophagy. The cohort of proteins that constitute the autophagy machinery functions in a multistep biochemical pathway. Though components of the autophagy machinery are broadly expressed, autophagy can occur in specialized cellular contexts, and mechanisms underlying cell-type-specific autophagy are poorly understood. We demonstrate that the master regulator of hematopoiesis, GATA-1, directly activates transcription of genes encoding the essential autophagy component microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3B (LC3B) and its homologs (MAP1LC3A, GABARAP, GABARAPL1, and GATE-16). In addition, GATA-1 directly activates genes involved in the biogenesis/function of lysosomes, which mediate autophagic protein turnover. We demonstrate that GATA-1 utilizes the forkhead protein FoxO3 to activate select autophagy genes. GATA-1-dependent LC3B induction is tightly coupled to accumulation of the active form of LC3B and autophagosomes, which mediate mitochondrial clearance as a critical step in erythropoiesis. These results illustrate a novel mechanism by which a master regulator of development establishes a genetic network to instigate cell-type-specific autophagy.