
Featured researches published by Eric J. Hansen.

Infection and Immunity | 2006

Identification of Francisella tularensis Genes Affected by Iron Limitation

Kaiping Deng; Robert J. Blick; Wei Liu; Eric J. Hansen

ABSTRACT Cells of an attenuated live vaccine strain (LVS) of F. tularensis grown under iron-restricted conditions were found to contain increased quantities of several proteins relative to cells of this same strain grown under iron-replete conditions. Mass spectrometric analysis identified two of these proteins as IglC and PdpB, both of which are encoded by genes located in a previously identified pathogenicity island in F. tularensis LVS. Regions with homology to the consensus Fur box sequence were located immediately in front of the iglC and pdpB open reading frames (ORFs), and in silico analysis of the F. tularensis Schu4 genome detected a number of predicted 5′ untranslated regions that contained putative Fur boxes. The putative Fur box preceding Francisella iron-regulated gene A (figA) had the highest degree of identity with the consensus Fur box sequence. DNA microarray analysis showed that nearly 80 of the genes in the F. tularensis LVS genome were up- or down-regulated at least twofold under iron-restricted growth conditions. When tested for possible siderophore production by means of the Chrome Azurol S assay, a wild-type F. novicida strain produced a large reaction zone whereas its figA mutant produced very little reactivity in this assay. In addition, a cross-feeding experiment demonstrated that this siderophore-like activity produced by the wild-type F. novicida strain could enhance the ability of the F. novicida figA mutant to grow under iron-restricted conditions. This study provides the first identification of iron-regulated genes in F. tularensis LVS and evidence for the production of a siderophore-like molecule by F. novicida.

Infection and Immunity | 2002

A hag Mutant of Moraxella catarrhalis Strain O35E Is Deficient in Hemagglutination, Autoagglutination, and Immunoglobulin D-Binding Activities

Melanie M. Pearson; Eric R. Lafontaine; Nikki J. Wagner; Joseph W. St. Geme; Eric J. Hansen

ABSTRACT Previous studies correlated the presence of a 200-kDa protein on the surface of Moraxella catarrhalis with the ability of this organism to agglutinate human erythrocytes (M. Fitzgerald, R. Mulcahy, S. Murphy, C. Keane, D. Coakley, and T. Scott, FEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. 18:209-216, 1997). In the present study, the gene encoding the 200-kDa protein (designated Hag) of M. catarrhalis strain O35E was subjected to nucleotide sequence analysis and then was inactivated by insertional mutagenesis. The isogenic hag mutant was unable to agglutinate human erythrocytes and lost its ability to autoagglutinate but was still attached at wild-type levels to several human epithelial cell lines. The hag mutation also eliminated the ability of this mutant strain to bind human immunoglobulin D. The presence of the Hag protein on the M. catarrhalis cell surface, as well as that of the UspA1 and UspA2 proteins (C. Aebi, I. Maciver, J. L. Latimer, L. D. Cope, M. K. Stevens, S. E. Thomas, G. H. McCracken, Jr., and E. J. Hansen, Infect. Immun. 65:4367-4377, 1997), was investigated by transmission electron and cryoimmunoelectron microscopy. Wild-type M. catarrhalis strain O35E possessed a dense layer of surface projections, whereas an isogenic uspA1 uspA2 hag triple mutant version of this strain did not possess any detectable surface projections. Examination of a uspA1 uspA2 double mutant that expressed the Hag protein revealed the presence of a relatively sparse layer of surface projections, similar to those seen on a uspA2 hag mutant that expressed UspA1. In contrast, a uspA1 hag mutant that expressed UspA2 formed a very dense layer of relatively short surface projections. These results indicate that the surface-exposed Hag protein and UspA1 and UspA2 have the potential to interact both with each other and directly with host defense systems.

Infection and Immunity | 2006

Binding of Vitronectin by the Moraxella catarrhalis UspA2 Protein Interferes with Late Stages of the Complement Cascade

Ahmed S. Attia; Sanjay Ram; Peter A. Rice; Eric J. Hansen

ABSTRACT Many Moraxella catarrhalis strains are resistant to the bactericidal activity of normal human serum (NHS). The UspA2 protein of the serum-resistant strain O35E has previously been shown to be directly involved in conferring serum resistance on this strain. Testing of 11 additional serum-resistant M. catarrhalis wild-type isolates and their uspA1 and uspA2 mutants showed that the uspA1 mutants of all 11 strains were consistently serum resistant and that the uspA2 mutants of these same 11 strains were always serum sensitive. Analysis of complement deposition on four different serum-resistant M. catarrhalis strains and their serum-sensitive uspA2 mutants showed that, for three of these four strain sets, the wild-type and mutant strains bound similar amounts of early complement components. In contrast, there was a significant reduction in the amount of the polymerized C9 on the wild-type strains relative to that on the uspA2 mutants. These same three wild-type strains bound more vitronectin than did their uspA2 mutants. UspA2 proteins from these three strains, when expressed in Haemophilus influenzae, bound vitronectin and conferred serum resistance on this organism. Furthermore, vitronectin-depleted NHS exhibited bactericidal activity against these same three serum-resistant wild-type strains; addition of purified vitronectin to this serum restored serum resistance. In contrast, binding of the complement regulator C4b-binding protein by the M. catarrhalis strains used in this study was found to be highly variable and did not appear to correlate with the serum-resistant phenotype. These results indicate that binding of vitronectin by UspA2 is involved in the serum resistance of M. catarrhalis; this represents the first example of vitronectin-mediated serum resistance on a microbe.

Journal of Bacteriology | 2001

Expression of the Moraxella catarrhalis UspA1 protein undergoes phase variation and is regulated at the transcriptional level.

Eric R. Lafontaine; Nikki J. Wagner; Eric J. Hansen

The UspA1 protein of Moraxella catarrhalis has been shown to function as an adhesin that mediates adherence to human epithelial cell lines in vitro (E. R. Lafontaine, L. D. Cope, C. Aebi, J. L. Latimer, G. H. McCracken, Jr., and E. J. Hansen, J. Bacteriol. 182:1364-1373, 2000). In the present study, cell lysates prepared from individual colonies of several M. catarrhalis wild-type strains were analyzed by Western blot analysis using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for the UspA1 protein. Expression of UspA1 was shown to exhibit phase variation that was correlated with both adherence ability in vitro and the number of guanine (G) residues contained within a homopolymeric [poly(G)]tract located upstream of the uspA1 open reading frame (ORF). Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that isolates expressing relatively high levels of UspA1 had 10 G residues in their uspA1 poly(G)tracts, whereas isolates that expressed much lower levels of UspA1 had 9 G residues. This poly(G) tract was located 30 nucleotides (nt) upstream of the uspA1 ORF and 168 nt downstream of the uspA1 transcriptional start site. Primer extension experiments, RNA slot blot analysis, and cat reporter constructs were used to demonstrate that M. catarrhalis isolates with 10 G residues in their uspA1 poly(G) tracts expressed two-to threefold more uspA1 mRNA than did isolates which had 9 G residues in their poly(G)tracts. Northern hybridization analysis revealed that an intact uspA1 mRNA was readily detectable in RNA from M. catarrhalis isolates that had 10 G residues in their uspA1 poly(G) tracts, whereas no full-length uspA1 mRNA was observed in isolates whose poly(G)tracts contained 9 G residues. M. catarrhalis strain O35E uspA1 genes that contained wild-type and mutated poly(G) tracts were expressed in Haemophilus influenzae to demonstrate that the length and composition of the poly(G)tract affected expression of UspA1.

Infection and Immunity | 2006

Biofilm formation by Moraxella catarrhalis in vitro: roles of the UspA1 adhesin and the Hag hemagglutinin.

Melanie M. Pearson; Cassie A. Laurence; Sarah E. Guinn; Eric J. Hansen

ABSTRACT Mutant analysis was used to identify Moraxella catarrhalis gene products necessary for biofilm development in a crystal violet-based assay involving 24-well tissue culture plates. The wild-type M. catarrhalis strains that formed the most extensive biofilms in this system proved to be refractory to transposon mutagenesis, so an M. catarrhalis strain was constructed that was both able to form biofilms in vitro and amenable to transposon mutagenesis. Chromosomal DNA from the biofilm-positive strain O46E was used to transform the biofilm-negative strain O35E; transformants able to form biofilms were identified and subjected to transposon-mediated mutagenesis. Biofilm-negative mutants of these transformants were shown to have a transposon insertion in the uspA1 gene. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the biofilm-positive transformant T14 contained a hybrid O46E-O35E uspA1 gene, with the N-terminal 155 amino acids being derived from the O46E UspA1 protein. Transformant T14 was also shown to be unable to express the Hag protein, which normally extends from the surface of the M. catarrhalis cell. Introduction of a wild-type O35E hag gene into T14 eliminated its ability to form a biofilm. When the hybrid O46E-O35E uspA1 gene from T14 was used to replace the uspA1 gene of O35E, this transformant strain did not form a biofilm. However, inactivation of the hag gene did allow biofilm formation by strain O35E expressing the hybrid O46E-O35E uspA1 gene product. The Hag protein was shown to have an inhibitory or negative effect on biofilm formation by these M. catarrhalis strains in the crystal violet-based assay.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2001

The Hemophilus influenzae Hap autotransporter is a chymotrypsin clan serine protease and undergoes autoproteolysis via an intermolecular mechanism.

Doran L. Fink; Leslie D. Cope; Eric J. Hansen; Joseph W. St. Geme

The Hemophilus influenzae Hap adhesin is an autotransporter protein that undergoes an autoproteolytic cleavage event resulting in extracellular release of the adhesin domain (Haps) from the membrane-associated translocator domain (Hapβ). Hap autoproteolysis is mediated by Ser243 and occurs at LN1036-7 and to a lesser extent at more COOH-terminal alternate sites. In the present study, we sought to further define the mechanism of Hap autoproteolysis. Site-directed mutagenesis of residues His98 and Asp140identified a catalytic triad conserved among a subfamily of autotransporters and reminiscent of the SA (chymotrypsin) clan of serine proteases. Amino-terminal amino acid sequencing of histidine-tagged Hapβ species and site-directed mutagenesis established that autoproteolysis occurs at LT1046-7, FA1077-8, and FS1067-8, revealing a consensus target sequence for cleavage that consists of ((Q/R)(A/S)X(L/F)) at the P4 through P1 positions. Examination of a recombinant strain co-expressing a Hap derivative lacking all cleavage sites (HapΔ1036-99) and a Hap derivative lacking proteolytic activity (HapS243A) demonstrated that autoproteolysis occurs by an intermolecular mechanism. Kinetic analysis of Hap autoproteolysis in bacteria expressing Hap under control of an inducible promoter demonstrated that autoproteolysis increases as the density of Hap precursor in the outer membrane increases, confirming intermolecular cleavage and suggesting a novel mechanism for regulation of bacterial adherence and microcolony formation.

Infection and Immunity | 2005

The UspA2 Protein of Moraxella catarrhalis Is Directly Involved in the Expression of Serum Resistance

Ahmed S. Attia; Eric R. Lafontaine; Jo L. Latimer; Christoph Aebi; George A. Syrogiannopoulos; Eric J. Hansen

ABSTRACT Many strains of Moraxella catarrhalis are resistant to the bactericidal activity of normal human serum. Previous studies have shown that mutations involving the insertion of an antibiotic resistance cartridge into the M. catarrhalis uspA2 gene resulted in the conversion of a serum-resistant strain to a serum-sensitive phenotype. In the present study, the deletion of the entire uspA2 gene from the serum-resistant M. catarrhalis strain O35E resulted in a serum-sensitive phenotype and did not affect either the rate of growth or the lipooligosaccharide expression profile of this mutant. Inactivation of the classical complement pathway in normal human serum with Mg2+ and EGTA resulted in the survival of this uspA2 mutant. In contrast, blocking of the alternative complement pathway did not protect this uspA2 mutant from complement-mediated killing. To determine whether the UspA2 protein is directly involved in serum resistance, transformation and allelic exchange were used to replace the uspA2 gene in the serum-resistant strain O35E with the uspA2 gene from the serum-sensitive M. catarrhalis strain MC317. The resultant O35E transformant exhibited a serum-sensitive phenotype. Similarly, when the uspA2 gene from the serum-resistant strain O35E was used to replace the uspA2 gene in the serum-sensitive strain MC317, the MC317 transformant acquired serum resistance. The use of hybrid O35E-MC317 uspA2 genes showed that the N-terminal half of the O35E protein contained a 102-amino-acid region that was involved in the expression of serum resistance. In addition, when the uspA2 genes from strains O35E and MC317 were cloned and expressed in Haemophilus influenzae DB117, only the O35E UspA2 protein caused a significant increase in the serum resistance of the H. influenzae recombinant strain. These results prove that the UspA2 protein is directly involved in the expression of serum resistance by certain M. catarrhalis strains.

Infection and Immunity | 2003

Haemophilus ducreyi Requires an Intact flp Gene Cluster for Virulence in Humans

Stanley M. Spinola; Kate R. Fortney; Barry P. Katz; Jo L. Latimer; Jason R. Mock; Merja Väkeväinen; Eric J. Hansen

ABSTRACT An intact Haemophilus ducreyi flp operon is essential for microcolony formation in vitro. tadA is the 9th of 15 genes in the operon and has homology to NTPases of type IV secretion systems. Fifteen human volunteers were experimentally infected with both H. ducreyi 35000HP and the tadA mutant, 35000HP.400. Papules developed at similar rates at sites inoculated with the mutant and parent, while pustules formed at 36.4% of parent sites and at 0% of mutant sites (P = 0.001). Compared to 35000HP, 35000HP.400 had only a modest but significant reduction in lesion scores in the temperature-dependent rabbit model of chancroid. These data suggest that proteins secreted by the flp locus are required for full expression of virulence by H. ducreyi in humans but have less of a role in virulence in an animal model of infection.

Infection and Immunity | 2002

Haemophilus ducreyi Requires the flp Gene Cluster for Microcolony Formation In Vitro

Joseph Nika; Jo L. Latimer; Christine K. Ward; Robert J. Blick; Nikki J. Wagner; Leslie D. Cope; Gregory G. Mahairas; Robert S. Munson; Eric J. Hansen

ABSTRACT Haemophilus ducreyi, the etiologic agent of chancroid, has been shown to form microcolonies when cultured in the presence of human foreskin fibroblasts. We identified a 15-gene cluster in H. ducreyi that encoded predicted protein products with significant homology to those encoded by the tad (for tight adhesion) locus in Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans that is involved in the production of fimbriae by this periodontal pathogen. The first three open reading frames in this H. ducreyi gene cluster encoded predicted proteins with a high degree of identity to the Flp (fimbria-like protein) encoded by the first open reading frame of the tad locus; this 15-gene cluster in H. ducreyi was designated flp. RT-PCR analysis indicated that the H. ducreyi flp gene cluster was likely to be a polycistronic operon. Mutations within the flp gene cluster resulted in an inability to form microcolonies in the presence of human foreskin fibroblasts. In addition, the same mutants were defective in the ability to attach to both plastic and human foreskin fibroblasts in vitro. An H. ducreyi mutant with an inactivated tadA gene exhibited a small decrease in virulence in the temperature-dependent rabbit model for experimental chancroid, whereas another H. ducreyi mutant with inactivated flp-1 and flp-2 genes was as virulent as the wild-type parent strain. These results indicate that the flp gene cluster is essential for microcolony formation by H. ducreyi, whereas this phenotypic trait is not linked to the virulence potential of the pathogen, at least in this animal model of infection.

Infection and Immunity | 2001

Expression of Cytolethal Distending Toxin and Hemolysin Is Not Required for Pustule Formation by Haemophilus ducreyi in Human Volunteers

Royden S. Young; Kate R. Fortney; Valentina Gelfanova; Carrie L. Phillips; Barry P. Katz; Antoinette F. Hood; Jo L. Latimer; Robert S. Munson; Eric J. Hansen; Stanley M. Spinola

ABSTRACT Haemophilus ducreyi makes cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) and hemolysin. In a previous human challenge trial, an isogenic hemolysin-deficient mutant caused pustules with a rate similar to that of its parent. To test whether CDT was required for pustule formation, six human subjects were inoculated with a CDT mutant and parent at multiple sites. The pustule formation rates were similar at both parent and mutant sites. A CDT and hemolysin double mutant was constructed and tested in five additional subjects. The pustule formation rates were similar for the parent and double mutant. These results indicate that neither the expression of CDT, nor that of hemolysin, nor both are required for pustule formation by H. ducreyi in humans.

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