
Forensic Science International-genetics | 2015

Rapid PCR of STR markers: Applications to human identification.

Erica L. Romsos; Peter M. Vallone

Multiplex PCR with fluorescently labeled primers has been an essential method for the amplification of short tandem repeats used in human identify testing. Within the STR workflow of extraction, quantitation, amplification, separation, and detection, multiplex PCR is commonly identified as the bottleneck in the process. The time requirement of up to three hours to complete 28-30 cycles of multiplex PCR for STR genotyping is the greatest amount of time required for a single step within the process. The historical use of commercially available thermal cyclers and heat stable polymerases may have given the impression that large multiplex will always require long PCR cycling times to ensure that all of the varying sized targets (typically 100-400bp) can be amplified in a balanced manner throughout the multiplex. However, with the advent of improved polymerases and faster thermal cyclers the time required for the amplification of large STR multiplexes is no longer on the order of three hours, but as little as 14min. Faster amplification times can be performed while retaining the balance and integrity of large multiplex PCRs by implementation of alternate polymerases and thermal cyclers. With the reduction in PCR cycling times there has also been an impact on the development of integrated and microfluidics devices which employ the use of reduced or rapid thermal cycling protocols as part of their integration. Similarly, PCR inhibitor resistant polymerases can also reduce overall STR processing times for reference samples by eliminating the need for DNA extraction and purification that is additionally implemented within the development of integrated DNA typing devices.

Forensic Science International-genetics | 2016

Human DNA quantification and sample quality assessment: Developmental validation of the PowerQuant¨r) system

Margaret M. Ewing; Jonelle M. Thompson; Robert S. McLaren; Vincent M. Purpero; Kelli J. Thomas; Patricia A. Dobrowski; Gretchen A. DeGroot; Erica L. Romsos; Douglas R. Storts

Quantification of the total amount of human DNA isolated from a forensic evidence item is crucial for DNA normalization prior to short tandem repeat (STR) DNA analysis and a federal quality assurance standard requirement. Previous commercial quantification methods determine the total human DNA and total human male DNA concentrations, but provide limited information about the condition of the DNA sample. The PowerQuant(®) System includes targets for quantification of total human and total human male DNA as well as targets for evaluating whether the human DNA is degraded and/or PCR inhibitors are present in the sample. A developmental validation of the PowerQuant(®) System was completed, following SWGDAM Validation Guidelines, to evaluate the assays specificity, sensitivity, precision and accuracy, as well as the ability to detect degraded DNA or PCR inhibitors. In addition to the total human DNA and total human male DNA concentrations in a sample, data from the degradation target and internal PCR control (IPC) provide a forensic DNA analyst meaningful information about the quality of the isolated human DNA and the presence of PCR inhibitors in the sample that can be used to determine the most effective workflow and assist downstream interpretation.

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | 2015

Real-time cdPCR opens a window into events occurring in the first few PCR amplification cycles

David L. Duewer; Margaret C. Kline; Erica L. Romsos

AbstractPolymerase chain reaction (PCR) end-point limiting dilution techniques, collectively termed “digital PCR (dPCR)”, have been proposed as providing a potentially primary method for DNA quantification. We are evaluating several commercially available dPCR systems for use in certifying mass concentration in human genomic DNA reference materials. To better understand observed anomalies among results from chamber- and droplet-dPCR (cdPCR and ddPCR) systems, we have developed a graphical tool for evaluating and documenting the performance of PCR assays in real-time cdPCR systems: the ogive plot, the cumulative distribution of crossing threshold values. The ogive structure appears to embed information about early amplification events. We have successfully simulated ogives observed with different assays and reaction conditions using a four-stage amplification model parameterized by the probability of creating an intact 1) first generation “long” amplicon of indeterminate length from an original DNA target, 2) second generation defined-length amplicon from a long amplicon, and 3) defined-length amplicon from another defined-length amplicon. We are using insights from this model to optimize dPCR assay design and reaction conditions and to help validate assays proposed for use in value-assigning DNA reference materials. Graphical AbstractCumulative distributions of crossing threshold (Ct) values for the same human genomic DNA evaluated with eight assays with a real-time chamber digital PCR platform. The shape and location of the curves (ogives) embed information about the PCR amplification process

Analytical Chemistry | 2017

Accurate Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction Quantification of Challenging Samples Applying Inhibitor-Tolerant DNA Polymerases

Maja Sidstedt; Erica L. Romsos; Ronny Hedell; Ricky Ansell; Carolyn R. Steffen; Peter M. Vallone; Peter Rådström; Johannes Hedman

Digital PCR (dPCR) enables absolute quantification of nucleic acids by partitioning of the sample into hundreds or thousands of minute reactions. By assuming a Poisson distribution for the number of DNA fragments present in each chamber, the DNA concentration is determined without the need for a standard curve. However, when analyzing nucleic acids from complex matrixes such as soil and blood, the dPCR quantification can be biased due to the presence of inhibitory compounds. In this study, we evaluated the impact of varying the DNA polymerase in chamber-based dPCR for both pure and impure samples using the common PCR inhibitor humic acid (HA) as a model. We compared the TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix with two alternative DNA polymerases: ExTaq HS and Immolase. By using Bayesian modeling, we show that there is no difference among the tested DNA polymerases in terms of accuracy of absolute quantification for pure template samples, i.e., without HA present. For samples containing HA, there were great differences in performance: the TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix failed to correctly quantify DNA with more than 13 pg/nL HA, whereas Immolase (1 U) could handle up to 375 pg/nL HA. Furthermore, we found that BSA had a moderate positive effect for the TaqMan Universal PCR Master Mix, enabling accurate quantification for 25 pg/nL HA. Increasing the amount of DNA polymerase from 1 to 5 U had a strong effect for ExTaq HS, elevating HA-tolerance four times. We also show that the average Cq values of positive reactions may be used as a measure of inhibition effects, e.g., to determine whether or not a dPCR quantification result is reliable. The statistical models developed to objectively analyze the data may also be applied in quality control. We conclude that the choice of DNA polymerase in dPCR is crucial for the accuracy of quantification when analyzing challenging samples.

Forensic Science International-genetics | 2016

Developmental validation of the DNAscan™ Rapid DNA Analysis™ instrument and expert system for reference sample processing.

Angelo Della Manna; Jeffrey V. Nye; Christopher Carney; Jennifer S. Hammons; Michael Mann; Farida Al Shamali; Peter M. Vallone; Erica L. Romsos; Beth Ann Marne; Eugene Tan; Rosemary S. Turingan; Catherine Hogan; Richard F. Selden; Julie L. French

Since the implementation of forensic DNA typing in labs more than 20 years ago, the analysis procedures and data interpretation have always been conducted in a laboratory by highly trained and qualified scientific personnel. Rapid DNA technology has the potential to expand testing capabilities within forensic laboratories and to allow forensic STR analysis to be performed outside the physical boundaries of the traditional laboratory. The developmental validation of the DNAscan/ANDE Rapid DNA Analysis System was completed using a BioChipSet™ Cassette consumable designed for high DNA content samples, such as single source buccal swabs. A total of eight laboratories participated in the testing which totaled over 2300 swabs, and included nearly 1400 unique individuals. The goal of this extensive study was to obtain, document, analyze, and assess DNAscan and its internal Expert System to reliably genotype reference samples in a manner compliant with the FBIs Quality Assurance Standards (QAS) and the NDIS Operational Procedures. The DNAscan System provided high quality, concordant results for reference buccal swabs, including automated data analysis with an integrated Expert System. Seven external laboratories and NetBio, the developer of the technology, participated in the validation testing demonstrating the reproducibility and reliability of the system and its successful use in a variety of settings by numerous operators. The DNAscan System demonstrated limited cross reactivity with other species, was resilient in the presence of numerous inhibitors, and provided reproducible results for both buccal and purified DNA samples with sensitivity at a level appropriate for buccal swabs. The precision and resolution of the system met industry standards for detection of micro-variants and displayed single base resolution. PCR-based studies provided confidence that the system was robust and that the amplification reaction had been optimized to provide high quality results. The DNAscan integrated Expert System was examined as part of the Developmental Validation and successfully interpreted the over 2000 samples tested with over 99.998% concordant alleles. The system appropriately flagged samples for human review and failed both mixed samples and samples with insufficient genetic information. These results demonstrated the integrated Expert System makes correct allele calls without human intervention.

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | 2018

Evaluating droplet digital PCR for the quantification of human genomic DNA: converting copies per nanoliter to nanograms nuclear DNA per microliter

David L. Duewer; Margaret C. Kline; Erica L. Romsos; Blaza Toman

AbstractThe highly multiplexed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays used for forensic human identification perform best when used with an accurately determined quantity of input DNA. To help ensure the reliable performance of these assays, we are developing a certified reference material (CRM) for calibrating human genomic DNA working standards. To enable sharing information over time and place, CRMs must provide accurate and stable values that are metrologically traceable to a common reference. We have shown that droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) limiting dilution end-point measurements of the concentration of DNA copies per volume of sample can be traceably linked to the International System of Units (SI). Unlike values assigned using conventional relationships between ultraviolet absorbance and DNA mass concentration, entity-based ddPCR measurements are expected to be stable over time. However, the forensic community expects DNA quantity to be stated in terms of mass concentration rather than entity concentration. The transformation can be accomplished given SI-traceable values and uncertainties for the number of nucleotide bases per human haploid genome equivalent (HHGE) and the average molar mass of a nucleotide monomer in the DNA polymer. This report presents the considerations required to establish the metrological traceability of ddPCR-based mass concentration estimates of human nuclear DNA. Graphical abstractThe roots of metrological traceability for human nuclear DNA mass concentration results. Values for the factors in blue must be established experimentally. Values for the factors in red have been established from authoritative source materials. HHGE stands for “haploid human genome equivalent”; there are two HHGE per diploid human genome.

PLOS ONE | 2017

Steps to achieve quantitative measurements of microRNA using two step droplet digital PCR

Erica V. Stein; David L. Duewer; Natalia Farkas; Erica L. Romsos; Lili Wang; Kenneth D. Cole

Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) is being advocated as a reference method to measure rare genomic targets. It has consistently been proven to be more sensitive and direct at discerning copy numbers of DNA than other quantitative methods. However, one of the largest obstacles to measuring microRNA (miRNA) using ddPCR is that reverse transcription efficiency depends upon the target, meaning small RNA nucleotide composition directly effects primer specificity in a manner that prevents traditional quantitation optimization strategies. Additionally, the use of reagents that are optimized for miRNA measurements using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) appear to either cause false positive or false negative detection of certain targets when used with traditional ddPCR quantification methods. False readings are often related to using inadequate enzymes, primers and probes. Given that two-step miRNA quantification using ddPCR relies solely on reverse transcription and uses proprietary reagents previously optimized only for qRT-PCR, these barriers are substantial. Therefore, here we outline essential controls, optimization techniques, and an efficacy model to improve the quality of ddPCR miRNA measurements. We have applied two-step principles used for miRNA qRT-PCR measurements and leveraged the use of synthetic miRNA targets to evaluate ddPCR following cDNA synthesis with four different commercial kits. We have identified inefficiencies and limitations as well as proposed ways to circumvent identified obstacles. Lastly, we show that we can apply these criteria to a model system to confidently quantify miRNA copy number. Our measurement technique is a novel way to quantify specific miRNA copy number in a single sample, without using standard curves for individual experiments. Our methodology can be used for validation and control measurements, as well as a diagnostic technique that allows scientists, technicians, clinicians, and regulators to base miRNA measures on a single unit of measurement rather than a ratio of values.

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | 2018

Inhibition mechanisms of hemoglobin, immunoglobulin G, and whole blood in digital and real-time PCR

Maja Sidstedt; Johannes Hedman; Erica L. Romsos; Leticia Waitara; Lars Wadsö; Carolyn R. Steffen; Peter M. Vallone; Peter Rådström

AbstractBlood samples are widely used for PCR-based DNA analysis in fields such as diagnosis of infectious diseases, cancer diagnostics, and forensic genetics. In this study, the mechanisms behind blood-induced PCR inhibition were evaluated by use of whole blood as well as known PCR-inhibitory molecules in both digital PCR and real-time PCR. Also, electrophoretic mobility shift assay was applied to investigate interactions between inhibitory proteins and DNA, and isothermal titration calorimetry was used to directly measure effects on DNA polymerase activity. Whole blood caused a decrease in the number of positive digital PCR reactions, lowered amplification efficiency, and caused severe quenching of the fluorescence of the passive reference dye 6-carboxy-X-rhodamine as well as the double-stranded DNA binding dye EvaGreen. Immunoglobulin G was found to bind to single-stranded genomic DNA, leading to increased quantification cycle values. Hemoglobin affected the DNA polymerase activity and thus lowered the amplification efficiency. Hemoglobin and hematin were shown to be the molecules in blood responsible for the fluorescence quenching. In conclusion, hemoglobin and immunoglobulin G are the two major PCR inhibitors in blood, where the first affects amplification through a direct effect on the DNA polymerase activity and quenches the fluorescence of free dye molecules, and the latter binds to single-stranded genomic DNA, hindering DNA polymerization in the first few PCR cycles. Graphical abstractPCR inhibition mechanisms of hemoglobin and immunoglobulin G (IgG). Cq quantification cycle, dsDNA double-stranded DNA, ssDNA single-stranded DNA

Analytical Chemistry | 2016

Evaluating Digital PCR for the Quantification of Human Genomic DNA: Accessible Amplifiable Targets

Margaret C. Kline; Erica L. Romsos; David L. Duewer

Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series | 2015

Rapid DNA maturity assessment

Erica L. Romsos; Sanae Lembirick; Peter M. Vallone

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