
Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2011

Consumo de bebidas e refrigerantes por adolescentes de uma escola pública

Camilla de Chermont P. Estima; Sonia Tucunduva Philippi; Erica Lie Araki; Greisse Viero da Silva Leal; Marcelle Flores Martinez; Marle dos Santos Alvarenga

Objective: To evaluate the consumption of beverage and soft drinks by adolescents of a public school in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: 71 adolescents (aged between 14 to 17 years old) from both genders, attending a technical school in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, answered the following questions: the kind of beverage taken during meals, the places where soft drinks were consumed and the main reason related to this intake. Results: The most frequent consumed beverage was the industrialized fruit juice (38.1%), followed by regular soft drinks (28.6%) and natural fruit juices (22.2%). The main place where soft drinks were consumed was home (38.2%), followed by school (22.1%). The main reason associated with soft drink intake was the flavor (75.4%). Conclusions: Sweet beverage intake was frequent among adolescents, specially soft drinks. These beverages are avail- able and consumed at home and at school, and they were considered tasteful. Nutritional education programs should discuss how to prioritize the intake of other beverages and how to control the sale of these products at schools, aiming to stimulate the intake of more healthy beverages by adolescents.

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2011

Padrão de refeições realizadas por adolescentes que frequentam escolas técnicas de São Paulo

Erica Lie Araki; Sonia Tucunduva Philippi; Marcelle Flores Martinez; Camilla de Chermont P. Estima; Greisse Viero da Silva Leal; Marle dos Santos Alvarenga

OBJETIVO: Evaluar y caracterizar el consumo de comidas realizadas por adolescentes. METODOS: Estudio transversal con 71 adolescentes de la secundaria de escuelas tecnicas de Sao Paulo (Brasil), prove-nientes de un estudio transversal. Se utilizo un cuestionario que evalua actitudes alimentares de adolescentes. Las variables estudiadas fueron: frecuencia, local, con quien realiza las co-midas y la sustitucion de comidas por meriendas. Los datos fueron analizados descriptivamente y se utilizo la prueba del Chi-Cuadrado para comparaciones de las variables segun ge-nero, considerando un nivel de significancia de 5%. RESULTADOS: Del total, 58% eran del genero femenino. La mayoria relato realizar las principales comidas en casa (88% desayuno, 91% almuerzo, 96% cena). Respecto a la frecuencia del consumo, 49% desayunaban, 65% almorzaban y 51% cenaban todos los dias. Los adolescentes consumian tanto el desayuno (48%) como el almuerzo (39%) solos, mientras que la cena (77%) era realizada con los padres, siendo verificada, para esta ultima, diferencia entre generos (p=0,022). Se observo que un 29% sustituia el almuerzo por meriendas, con diferencia entre generos (p=0,057) y, de estos, el 17,4% lo hacia de 1 a 2 veces por semana. En la cena, un porcentaje mas grande de adolescentes la sustituia por merienda (62%), siendo para 42% de ellos la frecuencia de sustitucion de 1 a 2 veces por semana. CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de que los adolescentes realizan las comidas en casa, estas no eran realizadas diariamente y tampoco acompanadas por los padres.Objective: To evaluate and characterize the meal consumption of adolescents. Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 71 high school students from technical schools of Sao Paulo (SP), Brazil. A questionnaire to assess food attitudes of adolescents was applied to the students. The variables studied were: frequency, location, with whom they had meals and the replacement of lunch and/or dinner for snacks. Data were analyzed descriptively. The chi-square test was used to compare variables by gender, being significant p<0.05. Results: Among 71 adolescents, 58% were female. The majority reported eating the main meals at home (88% breakfast, 91% lunch, 96% dinner). Regarding the frequency of meal consumption, 49% have breakfast, 65% lunch, and 51% have dinner every day. Adolescents not only eat breakfast (48%) but also lunch (39%) alone, while the dinner Endereco para correspondencia: Erica Lie Araki Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 2o andar – Cerqueira Cesar CEP 01246-904 – Sao Paulo/SP E-mail: Fonte financiadora: Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (Fapesp), processo n.o 2009/07224-6 Conflito de interesse: nada a declarar Recebido em: 9/3/2010 Aprovado em: 20/9/2010

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2012

Substituição de refeições por lanches em adolescentes

Amanda Solimani Teixeira; Sonia Tucunduva Philippi; Greisse Viero da Silva Leal; Erica Lie Araki; Camilla de Chermont P. Estima; Roberta Elisa R. Guerreiro

Objective: To verify the prevalence of replacement of lunch and dinner with snacks among adolescents and its as- sociation with gender and nutritional status, and to evaluate the food that replaces such meals. Methods: A cross-sectional study that enrolled 106 high- school students in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The adolescents answered questions about how often they replaced lunch and dinner with snacks, and which foods replaced those meals. Their weight and height were measured in order to calculate the body mass index, and the nutritional classification was based on the World Health Organization criteria. Data were analyzed descriptively, with a significance level of 5%. Results: One third of the adolescents replaced lunch and half of them replaced dinner with snacks. It was observed that girls replaced meals more than boys. The prevalence of meal replacement by snacks was higher among obese adoles- cents, being 40% for lunch and 70% for dinner. Sandwiches, baked or fried salty pastries, pizzas and hamburgers were the snacks that mostly replaced the meals. Conclusions: The replacement of meals, mainly dinner, with snacks was prevalent in the studied population. Most foods consumed in replacement of lunch and dinner had high energy density and low nutritional value.OBJECTIVE: To verify the prevalence of replacement of lunch and dinner with snacks among adolescents and its association with gender and nutritional status, and to evaluate the food that replaces such meals. METHODS: A cross-sectional study that enrolled 106 high-school students in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The adolescents answered questions about how often they replaced lunch and dinner with snacks, and which foods replaced those meals. Their weight and height were measured in order to calculate the body mass index, and the nutritional classification was based on the World Health Organization criteria. Data were analyzed descriptively, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: One third of the adolescents replaced lunch and half of them replaced dinner with snacks. It was observed that girls replaced meals more than boys. The prevalence of meal replacement by snacks was higher among obese adolescents, being 40% for lunch and 70% for dinner. Sandwiches, baked or fried salty pastries, pizzas and hamburgers were the snacks that mostly replaced the meals. CONCLUSIONS: The replacement of meals, mainly dinner, with snacks was prevalent in the studied population. Most foods consumed in replacement of lunch and dinner had high energy density and low nutritional value.

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2011

Pattern of meals eaten by adolescents from technical schools of São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Erica Lie Araki; Sonia Tucunduva Philippi; Marcelle Flores Martinez; Camilla de Chermont P. Estima; Greisse Viero da Silva Leal; Marle dos Santos Alvarenga

OBJETIVO: Evaluar y caracterizar el consumo de comidas realizadas por adolescentes. METODOS: Estudio transversal con 71 adolescentes de la secundaria de escuelas tecnicas de Sao Paulo (Brasil), prove-nientes de un estudio transversal. Se utilizo un cuestionario que evalua actitudes alimentares de adolescentes. Las variables estudiadas fueron: frecuencia, local, con quien realiza las co-midas y la sustitucion de comidas por meriendas. Los datos fueron analizados descriptivamente y se utilizo la prueba del Chi-Cuadrado para comparaciones de las variables segun ge-nero, considerando un nivel de significancia de 5%. RESULTADOS: Del total, 58% eran del genero femenino. La mayoria relato realizar las principales comidas en casa (88% desayuno, 91% almuerzo, 96% cena). Respecto a la frecuencia del consumo, 49% desayunaban, 65% almorzaban y 51% cenaban todos los dias. Los adolescentes consumian tanto el desayuno (48%) como el almuerzo (39%) solos, mientras que la cena (77%) era realizada con los padres, siendo verificada, para esta ultima, diferencia entre generos (p=0,022). Se observo que un 29% sustituia el almuerzo por meriendas, con diferencia entre generos (p=0,057) y, de estos, el 17,4% lo hacia de 1 a 2 veces por semana. En la cena, un porcentaje mas grande de adolescentes la sustituia por merienda (62%), siendo para 42% de ellos la frecuencia de sustitucion de 1 a 2 veces por semana. CONCLUSIONES: A pesar de que los adolescentes realizan las comidas en casa, estas no eran realizadas diariamente y tampoco acompanadas por los padres.Objective: To evaluate and characterize the meal consumption of adolescents. Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 71 high school students from technical schools of Sao Paulo (SP), Brazil. A questionnaire to assess food attitudes of adolescents was applied to the students. The variables studied were: frequency, location, with whom they had meals and the replacement of lunch and/or dinner for snacks. Data were analyzed descriptively. The chi-square test was used to compare variables by gender, being significant p<0.05. Results: Among 71 adolescents, 58% were female. The majority reported eating the main meals at home (88% breakfast, 91% lunch, 96% dinner). Regarding the frequency of meal consumption, 49% have breakfast, 65% lunch, and 51% have dinner every day. Adolescents not only eat breakfast (48%) but also lunch (39%) alone, while the dinner Endereco para correspondencia: Erica Lie Araki Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 2o andar – Cerqueira Cesar CEP 01246-904 – Sao Paulo/SP E-mail: Fonte financiadora: Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (Fapesp), processo n.o 2009/07224-6 Conflito de interesse: nada a declarar Recebido em: 9/3/2010 Aprovado em: 20/9/2010

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2013

School feeding programs' role in forming eating habits

Ana Maria Cervato-Mancuso; Márcia Faria Westphal; Erica Lie Araki; Cláudia Maria Bógus

OBJETIVO Identificar as percepcoes dos gestores pedagogicos a respeito da relacao da alimentacao na escola e a promocao dos habitos alimentares entre escolares. METODOS Estudo do tipo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido no municipio de Guarulhos por meio de entrevistas com informantes-chave de escolas publicas municipais. Selecionaram-se escolas publicas (n=13), classificadas quanto ao nivel de exclusao social, tamanho e atividade economica da regiao onde a escola se localiza. Entrevistaram-se coordenadores e diretores individualmente, a partir de um roteiro de perguntas semiestruturadas. RESULTADOS Observaram-se tres categorias tematicas relacionadas a percepcao dos diretores e coordenadores pedagogicos: Alimentacao no contexto escolar; Papel da alimentacao na escola e o Conceito de Seguranca Alimentar e Nutricional, evidenciando a alimentacao escolar como parte da rotina da escola para atender as necessidades fisiologicas de energia e nutrientes. Entretanto, a alimentacao na escola nao foi percebida pelos entrevistados como uma acao pedagogica sob sua responsabilidade. CONCLUSOES A relacao entre a alimentacao escolar e a formacao de habitos alimentares nao e um tema usualmente discutido entre os diferentes atores sociais envolvidos. A execucao de politicas promotoras de saude em sua plenitude somente sera possivel com amplo debate sobre como cada escola e sua equipe pedagogica realizam efetivamente as diretrizes do programa e como os atores envolvidos as decodificam no seu dia a dia.

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2011

Beverage and soft drink consumption by adolescents from a public school

Camilla de Chermont P. Estima; Sonia Tucunduva Philippi; Erica Lie Araki; Greisse Viero da Silva Leal; Marcelle Flores Martinez; Marle dos Santos Alvarenga

Objective: To evaluate the consumption of beverage and soft drinks by adolescents of a public school in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: 71 adolescents (aged between 14 to 17 years old) from both genders, attending a technical school in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, answered the following questions: the kind of beverage taken during meals, the places where soft drinks were consumed and the main reason related to this intake. Results: The most frequent consumed beverage was the industrialized fruit juice (38.1%), followed by regular soft drinks (28.6%) and natural fruit juices (22.2%). The main place where soft drinks were consumed was home (38.2%), followed by school (22.1%). The main reason associated with soft drink intake was the flavor (75.4%). Conclusions: Sweet beverage intake was frequent among adolescents, specially soft drinks. These beverages are avail- able and consumed at home and at school, and they were considered tasteful. Nutritional education programs should discuss how to prioritize the intake of other beverages and how to control the sale of these products at schools, aiming to stimulate the intake of more healthy beverages by adolescents.

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2013

O papel da alimentação escolar na formação dos hábitos alimentares

Ana Maria Cervato-Mancuso; Márcia Faria Westphal; Erica Lie Araki; Cláudia Maria Bógus

OBJETIVO Identificar as percepcoes dos gestores pedagogicos a respeito da relacao da alimentacao na escola e a promocao dos habitos alimentares entre escolares. METODOS Estudo do tipo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido no municipio de Guarulhos por meio de entrevistas com informantes-chave de escolas publicas municipais. Selecionaram-se escolas publicas (n=13), classificadas quanto ao nivel de exclusao social, tamanho e atividade economica da regiao onde a escola se localiza. Entrevistaram-se coordenadores e diretores individualmente, a partir de um roteiro de perguntas semiestruturadas. RESULTADOS Observaram-se tres categorias tematicas relacionadas a percepcao dos diretores e coordenadores pedagogicos: Alimentacao no contexto escolar; Papel da alimentacao na escola e o Conceito de Seguranca Alimentar e Nutricional, evidenciando a alimentacao escolar como parte da rotina da escola para atender as necessidades fisiologicas de energia e nutrientes. Entretanto, a alimentacao na escola nao foi percebida pelos entrevistados como uma acao pedagogica sob sua responsabilidade. CONCLUSOES A relacao entre a alimentacao escolar e a formacao de habitos alimentares nao e um tema usualmente discutido entre os diferentes atores sociais envolvidos. A execucao de politicas promotoras de saude em sua plenitude somente sera possivel com amplo debate sobre como cada escola e sua equipe pedagogica realizam efetivamente as diretrizes do programa e como os atores envolvidos as decodificam no seu dia a dia.

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2012

Replacement of meals with snacks among adolescents

Amanda Solimani Teixeira; Sonia Tucunduva Philippi; Greisse Viero da Silva Leal; Erica Lie Araki; Camilla de Chermont P. Estima; Roberta Elisa R. Guerreiro

Objective: To verify the prevalence of replacement of lunch and dinner with snacks among adolescents and its as- sociation with gender and nutritional status, and to evaluate the food that replaces such meals. Methods: A cross-sectional study that enrolled 106 high- school students in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The adolescents answered questions about how often they replaced lunch and dinner with snacks, and which foods replaced those meals. Their weight and height were measured in order to calculate the body mass index, and the nutritional classification was based on the World Health Organization criteria. Data were analyzed descriptively, with a significance level of 5%. Results: One third of the adolescents replaced lunch and half of them replaced dinner with snacks. It was observed that girls replaced meals more than boys. The prevalence of meal replacement by snacks was higher among obese adoles- cents, being 40% for lunch and 70% for dinner. Sandwiches, baked or fried salty pastries, pizzas and hamburgers were the snacks that mostly replaced the meals. Conclusions: The replacement of meals, mainly dinner, with snacks was prevalent in the studied population. Most foods consumed in replacement of lunch and dinner had high energy density and low nutritional value.OBJECTIVE: To verify the prevalence of replacement of lunch and dinner with snacks among adolescents and its association with gender and nutritional status, and to evaluate the food that replaces such meals. METHODS: A cross-sectional study that enrolled 106 high-school students in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The adolescents answered questions about how often they replaced lunch and dinner with snacks, and which foods replaced those meals. Their weight and height were measured in order to calculate the body mass index, and the nutritional classification was based on the World Health Organization criteria. Data were analyzed descriptively, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: One third of the adolescents replaced lunch and half of them replaced dinner with snacks. It was observed that girls replaced meals more than boys. The prevalence of meal replacement by snacks was higher among obese adolescents, being 40% for lunch and 70% for dinner. Sandwiches, baked or fried salty pastries, pizzas and hamburgers were the snacks that mostly replaced the meals. CONCLUSIONS: The replacement of meals, mainly dinner, with snacks was prevalent in the studied population. Most foods consumed in replacement of lunch and dinner had high energy density and low nutritional value.

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2013

El rol de la alimentación escolar en la formación de los hábitos alimentares

Ana Maria Cervato-Mancuso; Márcia Faria Westphal; Erica Lie Araki; Cláudia Maria Bógus

OBJETIVO Identificar as percepcoes dos gestores pedagogicos a respeito da relacao da alimentacao na escola e a promocao dos habitos alimentares entre escolares. METODOS Estudo do tipo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvido no municipio de Guarulhos por meio de entrevistas com informantes-chave de escolas publicas municipais. Selecionaram-se escolas publicas (n=13), classificadas quanto ao nivel de exclusao social, tamanho e atividade economica da regiao onde a escola se localiza. Entrevistaram-se coordenadores e diretores individualmente, a partir de um roteiro de perguntas semiestruturadas. RESULTADOS Observaram-se tres categorias tematicas relacionadas a percepcao dos diretores e coordenadores pedagogicos: Alimentacao no contexto escolar; Papel da alimentacao na escola e o Conceito de Seguranca Alimentar e Nutricional, evidenciando a alimentacao escolar como parte da rotina da escola para atender as necessidades fisiologicas de energia e nutrientes. Entretanto, a alimentacao na escola nao foi percebida pelos entrevistados como uma acao pedagogica sob sua responsabilidade. CONCLUSOES A relacao entre a alimentacao escolar e a formacao de habitos alimentares nao e um tema usualmente discutido entre os diferentes atores sociais envolvidos. A execucao de politicas promotoras de saude em sua plenitude somente sera possivel com amplo debate sobre como cada escola e sua equipe pedagogica realizam efetivamente as diretrizes do programa e como os atores envolvidos as decodificam no seu dia a dia.

Revista Paulista De Pediatria | 2012

Sustitución de comidas por meriendas entre adolescentes

Amanda Solimani Teixeira; Sonia Tucunduva Philippi; Greisse Viero da Silva Leal; Erica Lie Araki; Camilla de Chermont P. Estima; Roberta Elisa R. Guerreiro

Objective: To verify the prevalence of replacement of lunch and dinner with snacks among adolescents and its as- sociation with gender and nutritional status, and to evaluate the food that replaces such meals. Methods: A cross-sectional study that enrolled 106 high- school students in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The adolescents answered questions about how often they replaced lunch and dinner with snacks, and which foods replaced those meals. Their weight and height were measured in order to calculate the body mass index, and the nutritional classification was based on the World Health Organization criteria. Data were analyzed descriptively, with a significance level of 5%. Results: One third of the adolescents replaced lunch and half of them replaced dinner with snacks. It was observed that girls replaced meals more than boys. The prevalence of meal replacement by snacks was higher among obese adoles- cents, being 40% for lunch and 70% for dinner. Sandwiches, baked or fried salty pastries, pizzas and hamburgers were the snacks that mostly replaced the meals. Conclusions: The replacement of meals, mainly dinner, with snacks was prevalent in the studied population. Most foods consumed in replacement of lunch and dinner had high energy density and low nutritional value.OBJECTIVE: To verify the prevalence of replacement of lunch and dinner with snacks among adolescents and its association with gender and nutritional status, and to evaluate the food that replaces such meals. METHODS: A cross-sectional study that enrolled 106 high-school students in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The adolescents answered questions about how often they replaced lunch and dinner with snacks, and which foods replaced those meals. Their weight and height were measured in order to calculate the body mass index, and the nutritional classification was based on the World Health Organization criteria. Data were analyzed descriptively, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: One third of the adolescents replaced lunch and half of them replaced dinner with snacks. It was observed that girls replaced meals more than boys. The prevalence of meal replacement by snacks was higher among obese adolescents, being 40% for lunch and 70% for dinner. Sandwiches, baked or fried salty pastries, pizzas and hamburgers were the snacks that mostly replaced the meals. CONCLUSIONS: The replacement of meals, mainly dinner, with snacks was prevalent in the studied population. Most foods consumed in replacement of lunch and dinner had high energy density and low nutritional value.

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