Erik I. Broman
Chalmers University of Technology
Annals of Probability | 2007
Erik I. Broman
The ordinary contact process is used to model the spread of a disease in a population. In this model, each infected individual waits an exponentially distributed time with parameter 1 before becoming healthy. In this paper, we introduce and study the contact process in a randomly evolving environment. Here we associate to every individual an independent two-state, {0, 1}, background process. Given delta(0) < delta(1), if the background process is in state 0, the individual (if infected) becomes healthy at rate delta(0), while if the background process is in state 1, it becomes healthy at rate delta(1). By stochastically comparing the contact process in a randomly evolving environment to the ordinary contact process, we will investigate matters of extinction and that of weak and strong survival. A key step in our analysis is to obtain stochastic domination results between certain point processes. We do this by starting out in a discrete setting and then taking continuous time limits.
Annals of Probability | 2006
Erik I. Broman; Jeffrey E. Steif
In this paper we will investigate dynamic stability of percolation for the stochastic Ising model and the contact process. We also introduce the notion of downwards and upwards
Annals of Probability | 2005
Erik I. Broman
Annales De L Institut Henri Poincare-probabilites Et Statistiques | 2016
Erik I. Broman; Johan Tykesson
-- stability which will be a key tool for our analysis.
Advances in Applied Probability | 2008
Erik I. Broman; Ronald Meester
Given a trigonometric polynomial f : [0, 1] → [0, 1] of degree m, one can define a corresponding stationary process {Xi}i ∈ℤ via determinants of the Toeplitz matrix for f. We show that for m = 1 this process, which is trivially one-dependent, is a two-block-factor.
Journal of Statistical Physics | 2017
Erik I. Broman; Ronald Meester
We consider the Poisson cylinder model in R-d, d >= 3. We show that given any two cylinders c(1) and c(2) in the process, there is a sequence of at most d - 2 other cylinders creating a connection between c(1) and c(2). In particular, this shows that the union of the cylinders is a connected set, answering a question appearing in (Probab. Theory Related Fields 154 (2012) 165-191). We also show that there are cylinders in the process that are not connected by a sequence of at most d - 3 other cylinders. Thus, the diameter of the cluster of cylinders equals d - 2.
Electronic Journal of Probability | 2015
Erik I. Broman; Johan Tykesson
We study the survival properties of inhomogeneous Galton-Watson processes. We determine the so-called branching number (which is the reciprocal of the critical value for percolation) for these random trees (conditioned on being infinite), which turns out to be an almost sure constant. We also shed some light on the way in which the survival probability varies between the generations. When we perform independent percolation on the family tree of an inhomogeneous Galton-Watson process, the result is essentially a family of inhomogeneous Galton-Watson processes, parameterized by the retention probability p. We provide growth rates, uniformly in p, of the percolation clusters, and also show uniform convergence of the survival probability from the nth level along subsequences. These results also establish, as a corollary, the supercritical continuity of the percolation function. Some of our results are generalizations of results in Lyons (1992).
Electronic Journal of Probability | 2010
Erik I. Broman; Federico Camia
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce and establish basic results of a natural extension of the classical Boolean percolation model (also known as the Gilbert disc model). We replace the balls of that model by a positive non-increasing attenuation function
Israel Journal of Mathematics | 2014
Daniel Ahlberg; Erik I. Broman; Simon Griffiths; Robert Morris
Electronic Journal of Probability | 2008
Erik I. Broman; Federico Camia
l:(0,\infty ) \rightarrow [0,\infty )