
Biological Cybernetics | 2002

Adaptation of reflexive feedback during arm posture to different environments

Erwin de Vlugt; Alfred C. Schouten; Frans C. T. van der Helm

Abstract. In this study we have examined the ability of the central nervous system (CNS) to use spinal reflexes to minimize displacements during postural control while continuous force perturbations were applied at the hand. The subjects were instructed to minimize the displacements of the hand from a reference position that resulted from the force perturbations. The perturbations were imposed in one direction by means of a hydraulic manipulator of which the virtual mass and damping were varied. Resistance to the perturbations came from intrinsic and reflexive stiffness, and from the virtual environment. It is hypothesized that reflexive feedback during posture maintenance is optimally adjusted such that position deviations are minimal for a given virtual environment. Frequency response functions were estimated, capturing all mechanical properties of the arm at the end point (hand) level. Intrinsic and reflexive parameters were quantified by fitting a linear neuromuscular model to the frequency responses. The reflexive length feedback gain increased strongly with damping and little with the eigenfrequency of the total combined system (i.e. arm plus environment). The reflexive velocity feedback gain decreased slightly with relative damping at the largest eigenfrequency and more markedly at smaller eigenfrequencies. In the case of highest reflex gains, the total system remained stable and sufficiently damped while the responses of only the arm were severely underdamped and sometimes even unstable. To further analyse these results, a model optimization was performed. Intrinsic and reflexive parameters were optimized such that two criterion functions were minimized. The first concerns performance and penalized hand displacements from a reference point. The second one weights afferent control effort to avoid inefficient feedback. The simulations showed good similarities with the estimated values. Length feedback was adequately predicted by the model for all conditions. The predicted velocity feedback gains were larger in all cases, probably indicating a mutual gain limiting relation between length and velocity afferent signals. The results suggest that both reflex gains seem to be adjusted by the CNS, where in particular the length feedback gain was optimal so as to maximize performance at minimum control effort.

Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 2003

Closed-loop multivariable system identification for the characterization of the dynamic arm compliance using continuous force disturbances: a model study

Erwin de Vlugt; Alfred C. Schouten; Frans C. T. van der Helm

This study presents a new multivariable closed-loop identification technique for estimating the dynamic compliance of the multijoint human arm during posture maintenance. The method is designed for the application of continuous force disturbances that facilitate interaction of the limb with the environment. The dynamic compliance of the arm arises from different physiological mechanisms and is important for maintaining stable postures and to suppress disturbances. Estimates can be useful to analyze the ability of the nervous system to adapt the arm compliance to different types of disturbances and environments. The technique is linear and requires no a priori knowledge of the system. Linear system behavior is justified for posture tasks where the hand position deviates slightly from a reference position. Interaction results in a closed-loop configuration of arm and environment. The problem with previous methods is the restriction to open-loop systems. With the current technique, the dynamic arm compliance is separately estimated from the closed-loop. The accuracy of the identification technique is tested by simulations for different values of the dynamic compliance of the arm and environment and for different methodological parameters. It is concluded that the identification technique is accurate, even for short observation periods and severe noise.

Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 2006

Quantification of intrinsic and reflexive properties during multijoint arm posture.

Erwin de Vlugt; Alfred C. Schouten; Frans C. T. van der Helm

This study estimates intrinsic and reflexive properties of single- and two-joint muscles acting around the human shoulder, elbow and wrist joint during posture maintenance. External force disturbances were applied to the hand while subjects (n = 5) were instructed to minimize their hand displacement amplitude in a horizontal plane. To examine how the nervous system modifies intrinsic and reflexive muscle properties, we varied external damping, disturbance power and arm configuration. A new identification method is introduced to quantify a large set of model parameters describing intrinsic, activation and reflexive properties, the latter representing afferent feedback gains from muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs. Consistent estimates were found for the gains of the different types of reflex pathways. The results showed that intrinsic visco-elasticity of shoulder muscles was minimal, whereas reflexive feedback was largest compared to the elbow and wrist joint. Intrinsic and reflexive properties of the two-joint shoulder-elbow muscles were larger than the two-joint elbow-wrist muscles. Contrasting to previous single-joint studies, the reflex gains did not vary with the experimental conditions. It is concluded that during redundant multijoint posture maintenance, the mechanical properties are efficiently controlled on the joint level and not on the endpoint level.

BMC Neurology | 2008

Impact of early applied upper limb stimulation: The EXPLICIT-stroke programme design

Gert Kwakkel; Carel G.M. Meskers; Erwin E.H. van Wegen; Guus J. Lankhorst; A.C.H. Geurts; Annet A. van Kuijk; Eline Lindeman; Anne Visser-Meily; Erwin de Vlugt; J. Hans Arendzen

BackgroundMain claims of the literature are that functional recovery of the paretic upper limb is mainly defined within the first month post stroke and that rehabilitation services should preferably be applied intensively and in a task-oriented way within this particular time window. EXplaining PLastICITy after stroke (acronym EXPLICIT-stroke) aims to explore the underlying mechanisms of post stroke upper limb recovery. Two randomized single blinded trials form the core of the programme, investigating the effects of early modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (modified CIMT) and EMG-triggered Neuro-Muscular Stimulation (EMG-NMS) in patients with respectively a favourable or poor probability for recovery of dexterity.Methods/design180 participants suffering from an acute, first-ever ischemic stroke will be recruited. Functional prognosis at the end of the first week post stroke is used to stratify patient into a poor prognosis group for upper limb recovery (N = 120, A2 project) and a group with a favourable prognosis (N = 60, A1 project). Both groups will be randomized to an experimental arm receiving respectively modified CIMT (favourable prognosis) or EMG-NMS (poor prognosis) for 3 weeks or to a control arm receiving usual care. Primary outcome variable will be the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), assessed at 1,2,3,4,5, 8, 12 and 26 weeks post stroke. To study the impact of modified CIMT or EMG-NMS on stroke recovery mechanisms i.e. neuroplasticity, compensatory movements and upper limb neuromechanics, 60 patients randomly selected from projects A1 and A2 will undergo TMS, kinematical and haptic robotic measurements within a repeated measurement design. Additionally, 30 patients from the A1 project will undergo fMRI at baseline, 5 and 26 weeks post stroke.ConclusionEXPLICIT stroke is a 5 year translational research programme which main aim is to investigate the effects of early applied intensive intervention for regaining dexterity and to explore the underlying mechanisms that are involved in regaining upper limb function after stroke. EXPLICIT-stroke will provide an answer to the key question whether therapy induced improvements are due to either a reduction of basic motor impairment by neural repair i.e. restitution of function and/or the use of behavioural compensation strategies i.e. substitution of function.EXPLICIT is registered at the Netherlands Trial Register (NTR,, TC 1424)

Journal of Neuroscience Methods | 2003

A force-controlled planar haptic device for movement control analysis of the human arm

Erwin de Vlugt; Alfred C. Schouten; Frans C. T. van der Helm; Piet C. Teerhuis; Guido G. Brouwn

This paper describes the design and application of a haptic device to study the mechanical properties of the human arm during interaction with compliant environments. Estimates of the human endpoint admittance can be obtained by recording position deviations as a result of force perturbations. Previous studies attempted to estimate the impedance by recording force as a result of position perturbations, but these experiments do not require a feasible task of human beings. A general problem of force-controlled haptic devices is the occurrence of contact instability, especially where a small virtual mass is required. This negative effect is reduced by the use of a lightweight but stiff manipulator and a robust servo-based admittance controller. The virtual admittance is accurate to at least 13 Hz, attaining a minimum virtual mass of 1.7 kg (isotropic, without damping and stiffness). The properties of known test loads were estimated with an accuracy higher than 98%, up to 20 Hz. The application of the manipulator is evaluated by an experiment with a subject performing a position maintenance task. With this device it is possible to study the adaptability of the neuromuscular system to a variety of environments, enabling a new and functional approach to human motion research.

Biological Cybernetics | 2001

Optimal posture control of a musculo-skeletal arm model

Alfred C. Schouten; Erwin de Vlugt; Frans C. T. van der Helm; Guido G. Brouwn

Abstract. In this paper maximal performance posture control of the human arm is investigated by means of model simulations. Recent experiments (F.C.T. van der Helm, submitted, 2000) have shown that the reflexive feedback during postural control varies with the bandwidth of the applied force disturbances. This paper focusses on the influence of the frequency content of force disturbances on the reflexive feedback gains by means of optimization. The arm is modelled by a non-linear musculo-skeletal model with two degrees of freedom and six muscles. To facilitate the optimization of the model parameters, the arm model is linearized. A performance criterion is minimized for stochastic force disturbances in a two-step procedure: (1) optimization of static muscle activations using an additional energy criterion to obtain a unique and energy-efficient solution; and (2) optimization of reflex gains using an additional control effort criterion to obtain a unique solution. The optimization reveals that for the given task and posture, the shoulder muscles have the largest contribution, whereas the bi-articular muscles have a relatively small contribution to the behaviour. The dynamics at the endpoint level are estimated so that a comparison can be made with the experiments. Compared to the experiments, the intrinsic damping of the model is relatively large (about 150%), whereas the intrinsic stiffness is relatively small (about 60%). These differences can be attributed to unmodelled mechanical effects of cross-bridges in Hill-type muscle models. The optimized reflex gains show remarkable similarities with the values found in the experiments, implying that humans can adjust their reflexive feedback gains in an optimal way, weighting the performance and energy. The approach in this paper could be useful in the study of various posture tasks, for example in the prediction of the relation between the control parameters of various musculo-skeletal models and different experimental variables.

Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair | 2016

Effects of Unilateral Upper Limb Training in Two Distinct Prognostic Groups Early After Stroke: The EXPLICIT-Stroke Randomized Clinical Trial

Gert Kwakkel; Caroline Winters; Erwin E.H. van Wegen; Rinske Nijland; Annette A. van Kuijk; Anne Visser-Meily; Jurriaan H. de Groot; Erwin de Vlugt; J. Hans Arendzen; A.C.H. Geurts; Carel G.M. Meskers

Background and Objective. Favorable prognosis of the upper limb depends on preservation or return of voluntary finger extension (FE) early after stroke. The present study aimed to determine the effects of modified constraint-induced movement therapy (mCIMT) and electromyography-triggered neuromuscular stimulation (EMG-NMS) on upper limb capacity early poststroke. Methods. A total of 159 ischemic stroke patients were included: 58 patients with a favorable prognosis (>10° of FE) were randomly allocated to 3 weeks of mCIMT or usual care only; 101 patients with an unfavorable prognosis were allocated to 3-week EMG-NMS or usual care only. Both interventions started within 14 days poststroke, lasted up until 5 weeks, focused at preservation or return of FE. Results. Upper limb capacity was measured with the Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), assessed weekly within the first 5 weeks poststroke and at postassessments at 8, 12, and 26 weeks. Clinically relevant differences in ARAT in favor of mCIMT were found after 5, 8, and 12 weeks poststroke (respectively, 6, 7, and 7 points; P < .05), but not after 26 weeks. We did not find statistically significant differences between mCIMT and usual care on impairment measures, such as the Fugl-Meyer assessment of the arm (FMA-UE). EMG-NMS did not result in significant differences. Conclusions. Three weeks of early mCIMT is superior to usual care in terms of regaining upper limb capacity in patients with a favorable prognosis; 3 weeks of EMG-NMS in patients with an unfavorable prognosis is not beneficial. Despite meaningful improvements in upper limb capacity, no evidence was found that the time-dependent neurological improvements early poststroke are significantly influenced by either mCIMT or EMG-NMS.

Experimental Brain Research | 2009

The monosynaptic Ia afferent pathway can largely explain the stretch duration effect of the long latency M2 response

Jasper Schuurmans; Erwin de Vlugt; Alfred C. Schouten; Carel G.M. Meskers; Jurriaan H. de Groot; Frans C. T. van der Helm

Sudden stretch of active muscle typically results in two characteristic electromyographic responses: the short latency M1 and the long latency M2. The M1 response originates from the monosynaptic Ia afferent reflex pathway. The M2 response is less well understood and is likely a compound response to different afferent inputs mediated by spinal and transcortical pathways. In this study the possible contribution of the Ia afferent pathway to the M2 response was investigated. A mechanism was hypothesized in which the M1 response synchronizes the motoneurons, and therewith their refractory periods. Stretch perturbation experiments were performed on the wrist and results were compared with a computational model of a pool of motoneurons receiving tonic and Ia afferent input. The simulations showed the same stretch amplitude, velocity, and duration-dependent characteristics on the M2 as found experimentally. It was concluded that the stretch duration effect of the M2 likely originates from the proposed Ia afferent mediated mechanism.

Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation | 2013

Differentiation between non-neural and neural contributors to ankle joint stiffness in cerebral palsy

Karin L. de Gooijer-van de Groep; Erwin de Vlugt; Jurriaan H. de Groot; Hélène C.M. van der Heijden-Maessen; Dennis Hm Wielheesen; Rietje van Wijlen-Hempel; J. Hans Arendzen; Carel G.M. Meskers

BackgroundSpastic paresis in cerebral palsy (CP) is characterized by increased joint stiffness that may be of neural origin, i.e. improper muscle activation caused by e.g. hyperreflexia or non-neural origin, i.e. altered tissue viscoelastic properties (clinically: “spasticity” vs. “contracture”). Differentiation between these components is hard to achieve by common manual tests. We applied an assessment instrument to obtain quantitative measures of neural and non-neural contributions to ankle joint stiffness in CP.MethodsTwenty-three adolescents with CP and eleven healthy subjects were seated with their foot fixated to an electrically powered single axis footplate. Passive ramp-and-hold rotations were applied over full ankle range of motion (RoM) at low and high velocities. Subject specific tissue stiffness, viscosity and reflexive torque were estimated from ankle angle, torque and triceps surae EMG activity using a neuromuscular model.ResultsIn CP, triceps surae reflexive torque was on average 5.7 times larger (p = .002) and tissue stiffness 2.1 times larger (p = .018) compared to controls. High tissue stiffness was associated with reduced RoM (p < .001). Ratio between neural and non-neural contributors varied substantially within adolescents with CP. Significant associations of SPAT (spasticity test) score with both tissue stiffness and reflexive torque show agreement with clinical phenotype.ConclusionsUsing an instrumented and model based approach, increased joint stiffness in CP could be mainly attributed to higher reflexive torque compared to control subjects. Ratios between contributors varied substantially within adolescents with CP. Quantitative differentiation of neural and non-neural stiffness contributors in CP allows for assessment of individual patient characteristics and tailoring of therapy.

Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation | 2009

Muscle weakness and lack of reflex gain adaptation predominate during post-stroke posture control of the wrist

Carel G.M. Meskers; Alfred C. Schouten; Jurriaan H. de Groot; Erwin de Vlugt; Frans C. T. van der Helm; Hans Jh Arendzen

BackgroundInstead of hyper-reflexia as sole paradigm, post-stroke movement disorders are currently considered the result of a complex interplay between neuronal and muscular properties, modified by level of activity. We used a closed loop system identification technique to quantify individual contributors to wrist joint stiffness during an active posture task.MethodsContinuous random torque perturbations applied to the wrist joint by a haptic manipulator had to be resisted maximally. Reflex provoking conditions were applied i.e. additional viscous loads and reduced perturbation signal bandwidth. Linear system identification and neuromuscular modeling were used to separate joint stiffness into the intrinsic resistance of the muscles including co-contraction and the reflex mediated contribution.ResultsCompared to an age and sex matched control group, patients showed an overall 50% drop in intrinsic elasticity while their reflexive contribution did not respond to provoking conditions. Patients showed an increased mechanical stability compared to control subjects.ConclusionPost stroke, we found active posture tasking to be dominated by: 1) muscle weakness and 2) lack of reflex adaptation. This adds to existing doubts on reflex blocking therapy as the sole paradigm to improve active task performance and draws attention to muscle strength and power recovery and the role of the inability to modulate reflexes in post stroke movement disorders.

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