
Aids Patient Care and Stds | 2011

A community-based study of barriers to HIV care initiation.

Robin A. Pollini; Estela Blanco; Carol Crump; María Luisa Zúñiga

Timely treatment of HIV infection is a public health priority, yet many HIV-positive persons delay treatment initiation. We conducted a community-based study comparing HIV-positive persons who received an HIV diagnosis at least 3 months ago but had not initiated care (n=100) with a reference population of HIV-positive persons currently in care (n=115) to identify potential barriers to treatment initiation. Study participants were mostly male (78.0%), and persons of color (54.9% Latino, 26.3% black), with median age 37.8 years. Median time since HIV diagnosis was 3.7 years. Univariate analysis revealed that those never in care differed substantially from those currently in care with regard to sociodemographics; HIV testing and counseling experiences; perceived barriers to care; and knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs regarding HIV. Factors independently associated with never initiating HIV care were younger age (adjusted odds ratio [AOR]=0.93; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.88, 0.99), shorter time since diagnosis (AOR=0.87; 95% CI: 0.77, 0.98), lacking insurance (AOR=0.11; 95% CI: 0.03, 0.35), not knowing someone with HIV/AIDS (AOR=0.09; 95% CI: 0.03, 0.30) not disclosing HIV status (AOR=0.13; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.70), not receiving help making an HIV care appointment after diagnosis (AOR=0.04; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.14), and not wanting to think about being HIV positive (AOR=3.57; 95% CI: 1.22, 10.46). Our findings suggest that isolation and stigma remain significant barriers to initiating HIV care in populations consisting primarily of persons of color, and that direct linkages to HIV care at the time of diagnosis are critical to promoting timely care initiation in these populations.

Pediatrics | 2013

Developmental Scores at 1 Year With Increasing Gestational Age, 37–41 Weeks

Olga Rose; Estela Blanco; Suzanna M. Martinez; Eastern Kang Sim; Marcela Castillo; Betsy Lozoff; Yvonne E. Vaucher; Sheila Gahagan

OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between gestational age and mental and psychomotor development scores in healthy infants born between 37 and 41 weeks. METHODS: The cohort included 1562 participants enrolled during infancy in an iron deficiency anemia preventive trial in Santiago, Chile. All participants were healthy, full-term (37–41 weeks) infants who weighed 3 kg or more at birth. Development at 12 months was assessed using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development. Using generalized linear modeling, we analyzed the association between gestational age and 1-year-old developmental status, taking into account potential confounders including birth weight percentile, gender, socioeconomic status, the home environment, iron status, and iron supplementation. RESULTS: For each additional week of gestation, the Mental Development Index increased by 0.8 points (95% confidence interval = 0.2–1.4), and the Psychomotor Development Index increased by 1.4 points (95% confidence interval = 0.6–2.1) controlling for birth weight percentile, gender, socioeconomic status, and home environment. CONCLUSIONS: In a large sample of healthy full-term infants, developmental scores obtained using the Bayley Scales of Infant Development at 12 months increased with gestational age (37–41 weeks). There is increasing evidence that birth at 39 to 41 weeks provides developmental advantages compared with birth at 37 to 38 weeks. Because cesarean deliveries and early-term inductions have increased to 40% of all births, consideration of ongoing brain development during the full-term period is an important medical and policy issue.

International Journal of Pediatrics | 2012

Adolescent Metabolic Syndrome Risk Is Increased with Higher Infancy Weight Gain and Decreased with Longer Breast Feeding

Kim Khuc; Estela Blanco; Raquel Burrows; Marcela Reyes; Marcela Castillo; Betsy Lozoff; Sheila Gahagan

Background. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome is increasing in pediatric age groups worldwide. Meeting the criteria for the metabolic syndrome puts children at risk for later cardiovascular and metabolic disease. Methods. Using linear regression, we examined the association between infant weight gain from birth to 3 months and risk for the metabolic syndrome among 16- to 17-year-old Chilean adolescents (n = 357), accounting for the extent of breastfeeding in infancy and known covariates including gender, birth weight, and socioeconomic status. Results. Participants were approximately half male (51%), born at 40 weeks of gestation weighing 3.5 kg, and 48% were exclusively breastfed for ≥90 days. Factors independently associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome in adolescence were faster weight gain in the first 3 months of life (B = 0.16, P < 0.05) and male gender (B = 0.24, P < 0.05). Breastfeeding as the sole source of milk for ≥90 days was associated with significantly decreased risk of metabolic syndrome (B = −0.16). Conclusion. This study adds to current knowledge about early infant growth and breastfeeding and their long-term health effects.

Experimental Diabetes Research | 2015

Healthy Chilean Adolescents with HOMA-IR ≥ 2.6 Have Increased Cardiometabolic Risk: Association with Genetic, Biological, and Environmental Factors

Raquel Burrows; Paulina Correa-Burrows; Marcela Reyes; Estela Blanco; Cecilia Albala; Sheila Gahagan

Objective. To determine the optimal cutoff of the homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) for diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) in adolescents and examine whether insulin resistance (IR), determined by this method, was related to genetic, biological, and environmental factors. Methods. In 667 adolescents (16.8 ± 0.3 y), BMI, waist circumference, glucose, insulin, adiponectin, diet, and physical activity were measured. Fat and fat-free mass were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Family history of type 2 diabetes (FHDM) was reported. We determined the optimal cutoff of HOMA-IR to diagnose MetS (IDF criteria) using ROC analysis. IR was defined as HOMA-IR values above the cutoff. We tested the influence of genetic, biological, and environmental factors on IR using logistic regression analyses. Results. Of the participants, 16% were obese and 9.4 % met criteria for MetS. The optimal cutoff for MetS diagnosis was a HOMA-IR value of 2.6. Based on this value, 16.3% of participants had IR. Adolescents with IR had a significantly higher prevalence of obesity, abdominal obesity, fasting hyperglycemia, and MetS compared to those who were not IR. FHDM, sarcopenia, obesity, and low adiponectin significantly increased the risk of IR. Conclusions. In adolescents, HOMA-IR ≥ 2.6 was associated with greater cardiometabolic risk.

Nutrition Journal | 2011

Relationship of Adiposity and Insulin Resistance Mediated by Inflammation in a Group of Overweight and Obese Chilean Adolescents

Marcela Reyes; Sheila Gahagan; Erik Díaz; Estela Blanco; Laura Leiva; Lydia Lera; Raquel Burrows

The mild chronic inflammatory state associated with obesity may be an important link between adiposity and insulin resistance (IR). In a sample of 137 overweight and obese Chilean adolescents, we assessed associations between high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), IR and adiposity; explored sex differences; and evaluated whether hs-CRP mediated the relationship between adiposity and IR. Positive relationships between hs-CRP, IR and 2 measures of adiposity were found. Hs-CRP was associated with waist circumference (WC) in boys and fat mass index (FMI) in girls. Using path analysis, we found that hs-CRP mediated the relationship between adiposity (WC and FMI) and the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (p < 0.05) in both sexes. Our novel finding is that inflammation statistically mediated the well described link between increased adiposity and IR.

Pediatric Diabetes | 2011

High HOMA-IR, adjusted for puberty, relates to the metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese Chilean youths

Raquel Burrows; Laura Leiva; Gerardo Weisstaub; Lydia Lera; Cecilia Albala; Estela Blanco; Sheila Gahagan

Burrows RA, Leiva LB, Weisstaub G, Lera LM, Albala CB, Blanco E, Gahagan S. High HOMA‐IR, adjusted for puberty, relates to the metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese Chilean youths.

Pediatric Diabetes | 2015

Obesity is associated with acute inflammation in a sample of adolescents

Marcela Reyes; Cristina Quintanilla; Raquel Burrows; Estela Blanco; Mariana Cifuentes; Sheila Gahagan

Obesity is associated with a mild chronic inflammatory response, which has been suggested to be pivotal in the development of cardiometabolic alterations of obesity. However, little is known about the involvement of acute inflammation.

Public Health Nutrition | 2016

High cardiometabolic risk in healthy Chilean adolescents: associations with anthropometric, biological and lifestyle factors.

Raquel Burrows; Paulina Correa-Burrows; Marcela Reyes; Estela Blanco; Cecilia Albala; Sheila Gahagan

Objective To analyse the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in healthy adolescents of low to middle socio-economic status and to study the influence of anthropometric, biological and lifestyle factors on the risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS). Design Cross-sectional study. BMI, waist circumference, blood pressure, fat and lean mass (by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry), TAG, HDL-cholesterol, glucose, insulin, homeostatic model assessment–insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR), food intake and physical activity were measured. Cardiovascular risk factors were defined using the International Diabetes Federation criteria and insulin resistance using HOMA-IR ≥2·6. Bivariate and multivariate regressions examined the associations between MetS and anthropometric, biological and lifestyle factors. Setting Observational cohort study including Chilean adolescents, who were part of a follow-up study beginning in infancy. Subjects Adolescents aged 16–17 years (n 667). Results In the sample, 16·2 % had obesity and 9·5 % had MetS. Low HDL-cholesterol (69·9 %), abdominal obesity (33·3 %) and fasting hyperglycaemia (8·7 %) were the most prevalent cardiovascular risk factors. In males, obesity (OR=3·7; 95 % CI 1·2, 10·8), insulin resistance (OR=3·0; 95 % CI 1·1, 8·2), physical inactivity (OR=2·9; 95 % CI 1·1, 7·7) and sarcopenia (OR=21·2; 95 % CI 4·2, 107·5) significantly increased the risk of MetS. In females, insulin resistance (OR=4·9; 95 % CI 1·9, 12·6) and sarcopenia (OR=3·6; 95 % CI 1·1, 11·9) were significantly associated with MetS. Conclusions High prevalences of obesity, abdominal obesity, dyslipidaemia, fasting hyperglycaemia and MetS were found in healthy adolescents. In both sexes, sarcopenia and insulin resistance were important risk factors of MetS. Promotion of active lifestyles at the school level and regulation of the sale of energy-dense foods are needed.

International Journal of Obesity | 2014

Satiety responsiveness and eating behavior among Chilean adolescents and the role of breastfeeding

Marcela Reyes; Hoyos; Suzanna M. Martinez; Betsy Lozoff; Marcela Castillo; Raquel Burrows; Estela Blanco; Sheila Gahagan

Objective:To determine patterns of satiety responsiveness and its relationship to eating in the absence of hunger (EAH), in a cohort of adolescents. We also assessed whether sex, body mass index and duration of breastfeeding, during infancy, predicted satiety responsiveness and eating behavior at 16 years.Methods:Adolescents (n=576) from a longitudinal cohort, which began as an iron deficiency anemia preventive trial, participated in an unlimited breakfast after an overnight fast, and reported satiety response on a visual analog scale after the meal, followed by an EAH procedure. Height, weight and body composition were measured before breakfast. Latent profile analysis generated profiles that captured individual differences in satiety responsiveness. Multivariable regressions, adjusted for potential confounders, evaluated the association between: (1) satiety responsiveness and EAH, and (2) breastfeeding in infancy, satiety responsiveness and EAH in adolescence.Results:Participants were on average 16.7-year old, 48% female, 37% overweight/obese and 76% were breastfed as the sole source of milk for <6 months. We found three latent profiles of satiety responsiveness: 1: ‘responsive’ (49%); 2: ‘not responsive’ (41%); 3: ‘still hungry’ (10%). Participants in the ‘not responsive’ or ‘still hungry’ profile were more likely to eat during the EAH procedure (odds ratio (OR)=2.5, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.8–3.6). Being breastfed for <6 months was related to higher odds of being in the ‘not responsive’ or ‘still hungry’ profile (OR=1.8, 95% CI=1.2–2.6) and EAH (OR=2.2, 95% CI=1.4–3.3). Satiety responsiveness was not influenced by sex and overweight/obesity.Conclusion:After an ad libitum meal, we found varied satiety responses, which related to EAH. Furthermore, shorter breastfeeding duration was associated with poorer satiety response and higher consumption during an EAH procedure. Understanding if breastfeeding influences the development of satiety responsiveness and eating behavior may be important in an era characterized by abundant calorie-dense foods and a plethora of environmental cues promoting consumption.

Bulletin of The World Health Organization | 2016

Nutritional quality of diet and academic performance in Chilean students

Paulina Correa-Burrows; Raquel Burrows; Estela Blanco; Marcela Reyes; Sheila Gahagan

Abstract Objective To explore associations between the nutritional quality of diet at age 16 years and academic performance in students from Santiago, Chile. Methods We assessed the nutritional quality of diet, using a validated food frequency questionnaire, in 395 students aged 16.8 ± 0.5 years. Depending on the amount of saturated fat, fibre, sugar and salt in the foods, diet was categorized as unhealthy, fair or healthy. Academic performance was assessed using high school grade-point average (GPA) and tests for college admission in language and mathematics. Academic results on or above the 75th percentile in our sample were considered good academic performance. We tested associations between nutritional quality of diet and good academic performance using logistic regression models. We considered sociodemographic, educational and body-mass index (BMI) factors as potential confounders. Findings After controlling for potential confounding factors, an unhealthy diet at age 16 years was associated with reduced academic performance. Compared to participants with healthy diets, those with unhealthy diets were significantly less likely to perform well based on language tests (odds ratio, OR: 0.42; 95% confidence interval, CI: 0.18–0.98) mathematics tests (OR: 0.35; 95% CI: 0.15–0.82) or GPA (OR: 0.22; 95% CI: 0.09–0.56). Conclusion In our sample, excessive consumption of energy-dense, low-fibre, high-fat foods at age 16 years was associated with reduced academic performance.

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