Esther Fuertes
Complutense University of Madrid
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Featured researches published by Esther Fuertes.
Cryptogamie Bryologie | 2000
Esther Fuertes; M. Acón
Abstract Rhizomnium (Broth.) Kop. is represented in the Iberian Peninsula by two taxa: Rhizomnium punctatum (Hedw.) Kop. and R. magnifolium . R. punctatum is common in the northern part of the Peninsula while R. magnifolium , new taxon for the Spanish bryoflora, is restricted to the high mountains of the northern half of the Peninsula. The distribution maps, the phytogeography and ecology of both species are given. All samples from herbaria named as R. pseudopunctatum correspond to R. punctatum or R. magnifolium .
Cryptogamie Bryologie | 2001
Gisela Oliván; Esther Fuertes; Margarita Acón
Abstract A list of 244 bryophytes (67 hepatics and 177 mosses) from Sierra de Pena Sagra (Cantabria) is given; Ctenidium molluscum var. sylvaticum is new record from the Iberian Peninsula and 27 taxa are new records for this province. We remark the presence of Cephaloziella hampeana, Lejeunea lamacerina, Kurzia pauciflora, Sphagnum brevifolium, S. girgensohnii, Hypnum hamulosum, Orthotrichum consimile, Ulota bruchii, Mnium lycopodioides, Plagiomnium medium subsp. medium, Grimmia anomala and Tortella densa .
The Bryologist | 2010
Timo Koponen; Esther Fuertes
Abstract Rhodobryum (Schimp.) Limpr. is studied for Argentina, based on herbarium specimens and on specimens collected during field expeditions from 2005 to 2008. Two species are recognized for the Argentinian bryological flora. Rhodobryum beyrichianum (Hornsch.) Müll. Hal. is widely distributed in the mountainous areas of northern Argentina and is a new record for the provinces of Corrientes, Tucumán and Salta. Rhodobryum subverticillatum Broth. is reported for the first time for Argentina; it occurs in Jujuy and Salta provinces. Rhodobryum roseolum (Müll. Hal.) Paris, known from a single Argentinian specimen, is excluded from the flora and synonymized with R. beyrichianum. Rhodobryum aubertii (Schwägr.) Brid. and R. roseum (Hedw.) Limpr. are excluded from the bryoflora of Argentina. The status of R. platense (Müll. Hal.) Paris remains obscure; it possibly is not a species of Rhodobryum. Key, descriptions, illustrations, SEM photographs and distribution maps are provided, and habitat ecology and the distribution in Argentina and total distribution are given. Rhodobryum ontariense (Kindb.) Kindb. is recorded first time for Bolivia and Peru. Rhodobryum dentatum (Ochi) T. J. Kop. & Fuertes is a new combination and lectotype is selected for Bryum hieronymi Müll. Hal.
Botanica Complutensis | 2007
Margarita Acón; Gisela Oliván; Esther Fuertes
Se ha llevado a cabo la revision de los generos Cratoneuron y Palustriella en la Peninsula Iberica basada principalmente en material de herbario procedente de PC y de los herbarios ibericos mas representativos. Se confirma la presencia de Cratoneuron filicinum, Palustriella commutata, P. decipiens y P. falcata en la Peninsula Iberica y su ausencia en Portugal. Todas crecen en habitats acuaticos preferentemente basofilos o neutros. Cratoneuron filicinum var. atrovirens y C. filicinum var. curvicaule son excluidos de la Flora Briologica Iberica. Todos los especimenes registrados como Hypnum sulcatum, Hypnum irrigatum, Cratoneuron commutatum var. irrigatum, C. commutatum var. fluctuans, C. commutatum var. sulcatum y Palustriella commutata var. sulcata han sido reidentificados como Palustriella falcata y se consideran sinonimos de esta. Cratoneuron filicinum es la especie mas comun, soporta periodos de sequia mas prolongados que las especies de Palustriella, por lo que su presencia es la mas amplia tanto en la Region Eurosiberiana (250-2000 m) como en la Mediterranea de la Peninsula Iberica e Islas Baleares (180-2300 m). Palustriella commutata se distribuye exclusivamente en los habitats calcareos y humedos de la mitad norte de la Peninsula, siendo muy escasa en el sur. Palustriella falcata crece en rocas y suelos basofilos o neutros, pero requiere habitats mas humedos que Palustriella commutata por lo que su distribucion esta limitada a las zonas montanosas de la mitad norte de la Peninsula siendo rara en el sur. P. decipiens se comporta como una especie acidofila o neutrofila. Solo se presenta en habitats mesofiticos; crece en rocas humedas o en pastizales oligo-mesotroficos y puede soportar cortos periodos de sequia. Su area de distribucion esta restringida a las zonas de alta montana peninsular (Cordillera Cantabrica, Pirineos, Macizo de La Demanda y Sierra Nevada). Se aportan claves, descripciones, iconografia, fotografias de MEB y mapas de distribucion de cada especie de Cratoneuron y Palustriella en la Peninsula Iberica.
Lazaroa | 2006
Gisela Oliván; Esther Fuertes; Margarita Acón
The genera Straminergon Hedenas and Calliergon (Sull.) Kindb. are revised for the Iberian Peninsula, based mainly on herbarium specimens kept in PC and the main Iberian herbaria. The occurrence of Straminergon stramineum (Dicks. ex Brid.) Hedenas, Calliergon cordifolium (Hedw.) Kindb. and C. giganteum (Schimp.) Kindb. in the studied area is confirmed. S. stramineum grows mainly in fens in the mountainous areas of the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula and Sierra Nevada. C. cordifolium is restricted to fens or wet meadows in the alpine regions of the northern third of the peninsula (Pyrenees, Cantabrian Range and north-westem part of the Iberian Range), while the localities in the Central Range, previously recorded in the bibliography, are excluded after this study from its distribution area. C. giganteum has been collected only in fens in the Eurosiberian Region, in one locality in the Pyrenees and four in the Cantabrian Range. Keys, descriptions, illustrations, SEM photographs and distribution maps of the species of Straminergon and Calliergon in the Iberian Peninsula are provided.
Lazaroa | 2006
Esther Fuertes; Margarita Acón; Gisela Oliván
Se han revisado los especimenes de los generos Hamatocaulis Hedenas y Scorpidium (Schimp.) Limpr. de los principales herbarios espanoles, portugueses y franceses. Se confirma la presencia de Hamatocaulis vernicosus (Mitt.) Hedenas, Scorpidium cossonii (Schimp.) Hedenas y S. scorpioides (Hedw.) Limpr. en la Flora Briologica Espanola y de S. scorpioides en Andorra. Las localidades espanolas de estos taxones marcan, en la actualidad, el limite mas suroccidental en Europa. S. revolvens (Sw. ex Anonymo) Hedenas se excluye de la Flora de la Peninsula Iberica. Todas ellas se presentan en poblaciones dispersas, a lo largo de las montanas de la mitad norte de la Peninsula Iberica (950-2464 m.), con ombroclima humedo-hiperhumedo (precipitacion media anual > 1000 mm), en habitats humedos, oligo-minerotroficos (turberas, suelos higroturbosos, cienagas o sumergidas en charcas temporales), en comunidades de Scheuzerio-Caricetea nigrae Tuxen 1937. Las especies de Scorpidium necesitan mayores requerimientos de humedad que Hamatocaulis vernicosus. S. cossonii crece preferentemente en la region Eurosiberiana, desde la Cordillera Cantabrica hasta los Pirineos, con clima atlantico, siendo rara en la region Mediterranea (Sistema Iberico), con clima mediterraneo continental, humedo-subhumedo. S. scorpioides esta restringida en tres localidades, dos en Pirineos (Lerida y Andorra) y otra, en el Sistema Iberico (Zaragoza). Hamatocaulis vernicosus se presenta en dos areas disyuntas, una en la provincia Mediterraneo Iberica Occidental (Sierra de Gredos, Sierra de Guadarrama y Sierra de Segundera), con bioclima mediterraneo continental humedo-hiperhumedo y otra en la provincia Atlantico Europea (Cordillera Cantabrica y Macizo Galaico-Portugues), con acusada influencia oceanica.
Botanica Complutensis | 2006
Margarita Acón; Gisela Oliván; Esther Fuertes
The genus Calliergonella Loeske is revised for the Iberian Peninsula, based mainly on specimens kept in PC and the main Iberian herbaria. The occurrence of C. cuspidata (Hedw.) Loeske and C. lindbergii (Mitt.) Hedenas in the studied area is confirmed. C. cuspidata is widely distributed in all kind of wet habitats in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the mountainous areas of the northern half (30-2000 m a.s.l.). C. lindbergii is restricted to moist ant wet habitats in the Eurosiberian Region, growing from 1200 to 2200 m a.s.l. in the Pyrenees and at lower altitudes (50-100 m a.s.l.) in the Cantabrian Range. A key, descriptions, illustrations and distribution maps of the species of Calliergonella in the Iberian Peninsula are provided.
Lazaroa | 2001
Estrella Munín; Esther Fuertes
The revision of specimens of Sphagnum L. Cuspidata (Lindb.) Schlieph. from Herbaria in France and Spain (PC) is presented. Eight taxa are confirmed for Spanish moss flora: S. angustifolium, S. brevifolium, S. cuspidatum, S. fallax, S. flexuosum, S. majus subsp. norvergicum, S. tenellum, S. viride; three for Portuguese moss flora: S. cuspidatum, S. flexuosum and S. tenellum and one for Andorra: S. fallax. S. pulchrum (Lindb.) Warnst var. virescens Warnst. fo. gracilescens is excluded from the Spanish moss flora. All taxa grow in wet oligotrophic soils with a humid-hyperhumid ombroclimate (annual average precipitation exceeds 1000 mm) that is favourable for their growth, and they are distributed exclusively in the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula, their presence slowly diminishing from North to South and from West to East of the Peninsula in parallel with a decrease in mean annual precipitation and increased summer dryness. The most common taxa in deciduous forests and mountainous areas (montane and supra-Mediterranean belt) are S. tenellum, S. flexuosum and S. fallax throughout the Cantabrian Mountains, Pyrenees, northern Iberian System and Central System. S. cuspidatum, S. viride and S. brevifolium, which are absent from the Pyrenees, are common in the areas with greatest oceanic influence (coline-montane belt) in the mountains of the N-NW of the Peninsula. Serra da Estrela (Portugal) is currently the southernmost locality on the Iberian Peninsula for S. cuspidatum. The most uncommon taxa are S. angustifolium and S. majus subsp. norvergicum, which occur in mountainous areas with a continental climate at 1500-2000 m (supramontane-subalpine belt). S. majus subsp. norvergicum is only represented at three Spanish sites (two in the Cantabrian Mountains and one in the La Demanda Massif). A key and SEM microphotographs for morphological and anatomical characters of some of the taxa studied are given.
The Bryologist | 2012
Esther Fuertes; Soledad Jimenez
Abstract Sphagnum perichaetiale Hampe and S. recurvum P. Beauv. are reported as new to Argentina based on collections from the Corrientes province. The presence of S. recurvum in this province is the southernmost locality in America. Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. and S. cuspidatum Ehrh. ex Hoffm. should be excluded from the bryological flora of the province of Corrientes. Descriptions, illustrations, SEM photographs, habitat, ecology and distribution are given.
Botanica Complutensis | 2009
Mónica Rodríguez; Esther Fuertes
Se estudia la morfologia de las esporas, la ornamentacion de la exina, tipos de germinacion y desarrollo del protonema de Sphagnum magellanicum Brid., S. fimbriatum Wilson y S. cuspidatum Ehrh. Hoffm. Los especimenes fueron recolectados en diferentes turberas Andino patagonicas de Argentina.