Etienne Joosten
University of Illinois at Chicago
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Featured researches published by Etienne Joosten.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society | 2006
Joke Lemiengre; Tine Nelis; Etienne Joosten; Tom Braes; Marquis D. Foreman; Chris Gastmans; Koen Milisen
A prospective, descriptive study was used to assess the diagnostic validity of the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) administered at the bedside by nurses in daily practice. Two different scoring methods of the CAM (the specific (SPEC) and sensitive (SENS) methods) were compared with a criterion standard (CAM completed by trained research nurses). During a 5‐month period, all patients consecutively admitted to an acute geriatric ward of the University Hospitals of Leuven (Belgium) were enrolled in the study. The 258 elderly inpatients who were included underwent 641 paired but independent ratings of delirium by bedside and trained research nurses.
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research | 1999
Etienne Joosten; B Vanderelst; Walter Pelemans
Malnutrition is considered an important clinical problem in geriatric hospitalized patients, but no standard diagnostic criteria are available. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 7 different sets of diagnostic criteria (6 in hospitalized elderly and 1 in healthy elderly) from nutritional research studies on the prevalence of malnutrition in 151 elderly patients (49 men, 102 women, mean age 82.8 years) consecutively admitted to an acute geriatric ward. Nutritional status was assessed using anthropometric (body mass index, triceps skinfold thickness, mid arm circumference, arm muscle circumference), and laboratory (serum albumin) parameters, and 1 nutritional questionnaire (Mini Nutritional Assessment). The proportion of patients with malnutrition varied between 6.5 and 85%. It is important to assess the nutritional status in elderly patients because the prevalence of malnutrition in hospitalized elderly patients is substantial whatever criteria are used. However, the criteria for the diagnosis can differ by a factor of more than 10 in the number of patients classified as malnourished. A major goal for further research on malnutrition is to define more standardized and validated criteria in order to make comparisons of prevalence and outcome more meaningful, and ensure that all those who will benefit from a nutritional intervention are identified and treated.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society | 1993
Etienne Joosten; L Van Hove; Emmanuel Lesaffre; Willy Goossens; L Dereymaeker; G Van Goethem; Walter Pelemans
Objective: To analyze the relationship between serum erythropoietin levels and hemoglobin levels in elderly patients with anemia of chronic disorders related to cancer or acute infection when compared with anemic patients with iron deficiency.
Tijdschrift Voor Gerontologie En Geriatrie | 2008
L Verstraete; Etienne Joosten; Koen Milisen
Opinions of physicians and nurses regarding the prevention, diagnosis and management of deliriumTo assess the current opinions of physicians and nurses regarding the prevention, diagnosis and management of delirium, survey administration was conducted to 2256 nurses and 982 physicians within the University Hospitals of Leuven (Belgium). Response rate was 26% with 819 respondents (600 nurses; 219 physicians) completing the questionnaire. 72% of the respondents considered delirium as a minor problem or no problem at all. Yet over half of respondents working on a palliative care unit (87%, n=15), traumatological ward (67%, n=18), cardio-thoracic surgery ward (58%, n=20), intensive care unit (55%, n=120) and geriatric ward (55%, n=42) reported it as a serious problem. Delirium was considered as an underdiagnosed (85%) but preventable (75%) syndrome. Yet patients at risk are rarely (34%) or never (52%) screened for delirium. In case of screening (48%), only 4% used a specific validated assessment tool. 97% of all respondents were convinced that delirium requires an active and immediate intervention of nurse and physician. 82% of the physicians preferred haldol® to treat delirium, in case of alcohol withdrawal 69% chose tranxëne®. Physical restraints were considered important in the management of delirium by a greater proportion of nurses (49%) than physicians (28%). Conclusion: the severity of the problem is underestimated. While opinions regarding the treatment were quite correct, prevention and early detection of delirium deserve more attention.SamenvattingDeze survey wil zicht krijgen op de opvattingen van ziekenhuisartsen en verpleegkundigen over de preventie, diagnose en behandeling van delirium. Vragenlijsten werden verspreid aan 2256 verpleegkundigen en 982 artsen werkzaam binnen de Universitaire Ziekenhuizen van Leuven (UZ Leuven). De respons bedroeg 26% met een totaal van 819 bruikbare vragenlijsten (600 verpleegkundigen; 219 artsen). 72% van alle respondenten oordeelde dat delirium geen tot een minimaal probleem was op hun afdeling. Toch vond meer dan de helft van de medewerkers op de afdeling palliatieve zorg (87%, n=15), traumatologie (67%, n=18), cardio-thoracale chirurgie (58%, n=20), intensieve zorg (55%, n=120) en geriatrie (55%, n=42) het een ernstig probleem. Delirium werd beschouwd als een ondergediagnosticeerd (85%), te voorkomen syndroom (75%). Risicopatiënten werden echter zelden (34%) tot nooit (52%) gescreend op delirium. Gebeurde dit toch (48%), dan gebruikte slechts 4% een specifiek gevalideerd meetinstrument.97% van alle respondenten vond dat delirium een actieve en onmiddellijke interventie van de verpleegkundige en de zaalarts vereiste. Bij een delirium gebruikte 82% van de artsen haldol®, in het geval van een delirium tengevolge van alcohol of benzodiazepine onttrekking prefereerde 69% tranxène®. Het gebruik van fysieke fixatie bij onrustige, geagiteerde patiënten was belangrijk voor een groter aandeel verpleegkundigen (49%) dan artsen (28%).Conclusie: de ernst van het probleem wordt vaak onderschat. Hoewel de behandeling meestal correct wordt ingesteld, moet verder geïnvesteerd worden in de preventie en de vroegtijdige detectie van delirium.
Tijdschrift Voor Gerontologie En Geriatrie | 2016
Tuur Helsen; Etienne Joosten
Anemia is a common diagnosis in the geriatric population, especially in institutionalized and hospitalized elderly. Most common etiologies for anemia in elderly people admitted to a geriatric ward are iron-deficiency anemia and anemia associated with chronic disease. Determination of serum ferritin is the most used assay in the differential diagnosis, despite low sensitivity and moderate specificity. New insights into iron homeostasis lead to new diagnostic assays such as serum hepcidin, serum transferrin receptor and reticulocyte hemoglobin equivalent.Importance of proper diagnosis and treatment for this population is large since there is a correlation between anemia and morbidity - mortality. Anemia is usually defined as hemoglobin less than 12 g/dl for women and less than 13 g/dl for men. There is no consensus for which hemoglobinvalue an investigation into underlying pathology is obligatory. This needs to be evaluated depending on functional condition of the patient.
Journals of Gerontology Series A-biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | 1997
Etienne Joosten; Emmanuel Lesaffre; R Riezler; Veronique Ghekiere; Lutgart Dereymaeker; Walter Pelemans; Eddy Dejaeger
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society | 1996
Etienne Joosten; Emmanuel Lesaffre; R Riezler; R Allen
Annals of Delirium Care | 2014
Elke Detroyer; Etienne Joosten; Koen Milisen
Archive | 2013
Elke Detroyer; Tom De Vos; Chris Van Uytfange; Dirk Baetens; Roland Pieters; Etienne Joosten; Koen Milisen
Archive | 2013
Elke Detroyer; Yves Depaifve; Kate Irving; Etienne Joosten; Fabienne Dobbels; Koen Milisen