Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos
Federal University of Alagoas
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2001
Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos; Micheline De Souza Ferreira; Liduíana Maria Calheiros De Alencar; Juvenal Goubert Lessa Oliveira; Vandebilto Sarmento Magalhães
Banana seedlings has been micropropagated and sold to the producers to supply a rather competitive fruit crop market. This high quality propagule has usually a higher price in the market than field propagated seedlings. Several factors contribute to its final costs: need of specialized labour, need of well equipped laboratory and acclimatization structure, low multiplication rate of some varieties etc. The work presented here reports the development of a new way to micropropagate banana var. Terra, a known slow seedling producing variety, by using a temporary immersion bioreactor. The aim of this work was to increase the multiplication rate of this variety of banana and to reduce the costs of production of the micropropagated seedlings. The results showed that the immersion cycle of 4 hours with medium culture renewed at 30 days was essential to a higher biomass and explants growth. The composition of the medium culture positively influenced the development of the banana explants cultured in the bioreactors. Cultured explants in MS medium + 3 mg/L of BAP changed to a basic MS medium after 30 days presented the higher biomass and multiplication rate of all treatments. Traditional cultivation using semi-solid media was compared to a temporary immersion system and the results showed that the temporary immersion system presented 2.86 times more biomass production and 2,20 times more viable shoots than the traditional semi-solid system.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011
Edna Peixoto da Rocha Amorim; Flávia Waneska Rodrigues de Andrade; Edlene Maria da Silva Moraes; Júlio Cesar da Silva; Rosangela da Silva Lima; Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos
This study aimed to evaluate the activity of different concentrations of essential oils and plant extracts to the control of Ralstonia solanacearum. Different concentrations of the following essential oils were evaluated: citronella, Eucalyptus citriodora, clove and ginger: 1.25%, 3.5%, 3.75% and 5%, respectively. The extracts evaluated were from clove, ginger, cinnamon and Sao Caetano melon: 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%, respectively measuring the halo of inhibition of bacteria after 48 hours. The treatments with eucalyptus oil and extracts of Sao Caetano melon, clove and cinnamon did not differ from the control. The extract of ginger and the oils of citronella, clove and ginger inhibited the growth of R. solanacearum in all concentrations tested. Clove oil was the best treatment, followed by extract of ginger. Seedlings of banana were sprayed with citronella and cloves oils (3.75%), ginger oil (3.75%) and extract of ginger (20%), 10 ml of each solution per plant. After eight days the seedlings were inoculated with the pathogen (108 CFU/mL). The citronella oil provided the best result, with 100% control of the disease, but the leaves showed symptoms of phytotoxicity. The oil and extract of ginger were similar in effectiveness of moko control (50%), and cloves oil showed lower efficiency (25%).
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2003
Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos; Gustavo de Albuquerque Marinho; Maximili Costa Almeida
The effects of leaf removal from selected sections of atemoya branches var. Gefner on shoot and flower formation were evaluated. The experiment was carried out in a commercial orchard in Maceio, State of Alagoas, Brazil. Twenty four adult plants pruned to 1.5 m height with a 4 x 2 m spacing were used. All mature lignified branches had their tip pruned up to the 4th leaf. After pruning the following treatments were applied: 1) total leaf removal from the branches; 2) removal of the first five leaves counted from the pruned tip; 3) removal of the five leaves between the 6th and 10th buds of the branches; 4) Control = no leaf removal. The results obtained at 30 days after leaf removal showed that the number of new shoots was statistically superior in the treatments with total leaf removal and removal of the first five leaves in relation to the two other treatments studied. The treatment with the removal of the first five leaves presented the highest number of branches with flowers (61%).
Revista Brasileira De Entomologia | 2012
Sônia Maria Forti Broglio; Nivia da Silva Dias-Pini; Luiz A. A. Costa; Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos
First report and morphological redescription of Teleonemia morio (Stal) (Hemiptera, Tingidae) in Annona squamosa L. (Annonaceae) in Brazil. This is the first report of a severe attack of Teleonemia morio (Stal, 1855) (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Tingidae) on Annona squamosa L. (custard apple), causing up to 80% of losses of infested trees. In order to facilitate the identification of this insect pest, the adult female of T. morio is redescribed based on specimens collected in Palmeira dos Indios, Alagoas, Brazil.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2010
Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos; Taciana de Lima Salvador; Maria Quiteria Cardoso dos Santos; Leila de Paula Rezende; Tatiana de Lima Salvador; Hully Monaísy Alencar Lima
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer um protocolo para a enxertia precoce de pinheira em porta-enxertos produzidos em tubetes como substituto do tradicional sistema de enxertia que utiliza porta-enxertos de 12 meses produzidos em sacolas plasticas. O trabalho foi conduzido com tres metodos de enxertia (borbulhia em escudo, garfagem de topo em fenda cheia e garfagem lateral em fenda cheia) e quatro idades dos porta-enxertos (3; 5; 7 e 9 meses). Os porta-enxertos foram avaliados durante nove meses com relacao as variaveis: comprimento da planta, diâmetro do caule, numero de folhas e area foliar. Cada procedimento de enxertia foi avaliado por 30 dias atraves da percentagem de pegamento. Os porta-enxertos produzidos nos tubetes maiores apresentaram-se mais desenvolvidos para todas as variaveis, todavia a percentagem de pegamento dos enxertos foi mais influenciada pelo metodo de enxertia do que pelo tamanho de tubete. A garfagem de topo em fenda cheia mostrou-se como o melhor metodo para a enxertia precoce, pois ja aos tres meses de idade dos porta-enxertos apresentou taxa de pegamento de 96,69%. O metodo de garfagem lateral em fenda cheia apresentou taxas semelhantes a partir dos cinco meses de idade dos porta-enxertos. O metodo de borbulhia apresentou baixo pegamento inicial (<50%), mas a cada nova data de enxertia o pegamento foi aumentando e atingiu valores superiores a 80% aos sete meses de idade.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2014
Letice Souza da Silva; Sônia Maria Forti Broglio; Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos; Tatiana de Lima Salvador; Maria Inajal Rodrigues da Silva das Neves
Sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.), is a tropical fruit tree of the Annonaceae family, whose market has expanded each year and intensely grown in the north-eastern Brazil, where small producers have its fruits as main source of income. However, problems caused by two key pests of sugar apple, Cerconota anonella (Sepp. .1830) (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) and Bephratelloides pomorum (Fab. .1808) (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae), have limited the production and marketing of the fruit. In order to minimize these losses, a field experiment was carried out in Maceio, Alagoas State, Brazil, to evaluate different ways to control these pests. The experiment was set in randomized complete block design, with eight treatments and four replicates. Each replicate corresponded to four fruits, totaling sixteen fruits per treatment. The treatments were: unprotected fruits (control); open white waterproof paper bag; microperforated plastic bags; white NWF open bag (non-woven fabric); red NWF open bag; wire cage lined with fabric voil; insecticide Profenofos (12 g/L-1) + Cypermethrin (1,2 g/L-1) and kaolin (10 g / 100 mL-1). The following variables were evaluated in fruits: number of holes caused by the pests, weight, length and diameter, percentage of fruits harvested and the cost of the treatment per unit. The best result was obtained with red NWF open bag, obtaining 87,50% of marketable fruit free from insect damages. The microperforated plastic bags had the lowest cost, but its fragility, prevents reuse in following crops. Therefore, the NWF red open bag is indicated as the most economical and efficient.
Revista Caatinga | 2017
Lígia Broglio Micheletti; Sônia Maria Forti Broglio; Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos; Roseane Cristina Predes Trindade; Ellen Carine Neves Valente
The aim of this study was to report the occurrence of Xanthopastis timais (Cramer, 1780) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybridum Hort., Amaryllidaceae), as well as estimating lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC99) of soursop seed extract, Annona muricata L. (Annonaceae), against its larvae. The experiment was carried out at the Laboratory of Entomology of the Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of Alagoas, in Rio Largo-AL, Brazil. First, we collected caterpillars from amaryllis plants that were reared until pupal and adult stages (parental generation). Next, part of the adults was used for species identification, and the rest were bred to produce next generation (F1), being after that applied in a laboratory bioassay. The lab trial was performed in a completely randomized design, with six treatments and five replications containing three second-instar caterpillars. These larvae were fed pieces of amaryllis leaf (4 x 4 cm), which were previously soaked in treatments for 30 seconds and, air-dried on absorbent papers for one hour. Each treatment consisted of one concentration of ethanol extract of soursop seeds (0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 and 0.0625% w/ v) with distilled water and DMSO at 1% (v/ v), for solutions. We noted that the lethal concentrations LC50 and LC99 were 0.29% (w/ v) and 2.27% (w/ v), respectively. In view of our results, we can state that larval stage of X. timais were influenced by extract application in terms of survival, mortality, larvae weight and larval stage length. Besides of that, it was the first time this species was recorded in Alagoas state.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2014
Tatiana de Lima Salvador; Taciana de Lima Salvador; Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos; Péricles Gabriel Barros; Rousseau da Silva Campos
Sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) presents good economic perspectives for the Brazilian fruit market and its propagation has been held commonly by seeds, however, the vegetative propagation of selected plants is the most appropriate method for the formation of uniform and productive orchards. The use of stem cuttings has advantages including ease of technique and its low cost. The application of synthetic auxins like indolebutyric acid (IBA) at the base of the cuttings ensures its exogenous supply, assisting in the process of rooting. The importance of knowledge of the internal structure of the stem cuttings can reveal the success or failure of rooting that, in some cases, occurs by the presence of anatomical barriers to the emergence of root primordia. This work aimed to establish the best concentration and the method of application of IBA, aimed at stimulate rooting in sugar apple cuttings, and to identify the tissues that they emerged. Independent of the concentration, application of the IBA via powder was significantly more efficient for the formation of roots than liquid form. Anatomical studies reveal that the roots arise indirectly from the callus tissue formed at the base of cuttings.
Rychardson Rocha de Araújo; Emanuelle Dias dos Santos; Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos; João Paulo Bezerra Saraiva
O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar frutos de macaranduba nativa (Manilka salzmanii ) arvore de extrema importância silvicultural, mas que apresenta grande potencial para o mercado de frutas. Os parâmetros avaliados foram peso do fruto, numero de sementes por fruto, rendimento de polpa, diâmetro longitudinal e transversal em cem frutos com oito repeticoes. Os resultados demonstram que os frutos de Manilkara salzmanii apresentaram, em media, peso de 8,43 g, contendo cada fruto um total medio de uma semente. Nao foi observada variabilidade nas caracteristicas biometricas como diâmetro transversal e longitudinal e ampla variabilidade para a caracteristica peso do fruto. Os frutos apresentaram valores de brix° e rendimento de polpa consideraveis para comercializacao in natura e industrializacao.
Biomass & Bioenergy | 2010
Marcelo Francisco Pompelli; Ricardo Barata-Luís; Hermerson S. Vitorino; Eduardo Rebelo Gonçalves; Eduardo Vicente Rolim; Mauro Guida Santos; Jarcilene Silva de Almeida-Cortez; Vilma Marques Ferreira; Eurico Eduardo Pinto de Lemos; Laurício Endres