Eutizio Vittori
United States Environmental Protection Agency
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Featured researches published by Eutizio Vittori.
Journal of Geodynamics | 1997
Alessandro Maria Michetti; Luca Ferreli; Leonello Serva; Eutizio Vittori
Abstract The Pollino Range is the southernmost segment of the Southern Apennines at the boundary with the Calabrian Arc. While several strong earthquakes (magnitude 6.5–7.0) have occurred in nearby regions, the Pollino area has no known historical record of seismic events of magnitude > 5. We carried out an aerial photograph interpretation and a field survey of the Pollino fault (the major Quaternary normal fault of the area) in order to characterize geologically the seismic potential of this structure. We dug two sets of trenches across fault scarps within the apecies of latest Pleistocene to Holocene alluvial fans at the Masseria Quercia Marina (MQM) and Grotta Carbone (GC) sites, in the central segment of the southern Pollino Range front. At both sites we identified two surface faulting events affecting the alluvial fan deposits and two overlying colluvial units of historical age. The penultimate event produced a vertical offset of 80–90 cm at GC and 50–60 cm at MQM; while the last event produced a vertical offset of 40–50 cm at GC and few centimeters of offset at MQM. Detailed geomorphological field observations suggest that the two historical earthquakes reactivated the entire length of the Masseria Marzano-Civita segment of the Pollino fault (rupture length about 18 km). For events in this range of rupture length and vertical displacement, comparison with surface faulting earthquakes in the Apennines (and abroad) indicates a magnitude of 6.5–7.0. Therefore, the maximum potential earthquake and the seismic hazard of the Pollino area are significantly larger than that suggested by the available historical seismic catalogue.
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2011
Eutizio Vittori; Pio Di Manna; Anna Maria Blumetti; V. Comerci; Luca Guerrieri; Eliana Esposito; Alessandro Maria Michetti; Sabina Porfido; L. Piccardi; Gerald P. Roberts; A. Berlusconi; Franz Livio; Giancanio Sileo; Max Wilkinson; Ken McCaffrey; Richard J. Phillips; Patience A. Cowie
This paper documents evidence of surface faulting associated with the 6 April 2009 moderate-sized earthquake (ML 5.8, Mw 6.3) in the central Apennines of Italy, which caused major damage to the town of L’Aquila and its surroundings. Coseismic surface ruptures were mapped for a minimum distance of 2.6 km along the Paganica fault, a fault still poorly investigated relative to the other active faults nearby, which bound much wider range fronts. Surface rupture length (SRL) and maximum displacement parameters (2.6 km minimum and 10–15 cm, respectively) are in agreement with what is expected for an Mw 6.3 event in the Italian Apennines tectonic environment. Different viewpoints exist on the amount of SRL and the number of activated faults. We propose a pattern of sympathetic and secondary slip on an array of faults around the master seismogenic structure. Past seismicity and evidence for larger Holocene offsets on this and other capable faults nearby prove that the 2009 event is not a good reference event for assessing the seismic hazard of the region. Nevertheless, the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake once more confirmed the importance of detailed geological studies for a proper seismic hazard assessment, and it clearly illustrates the need to pay attention to moderate events and supposedly minor active faults. Indeed, this type of earthquake is rather frequent in the whole Mediterranean region and is potentially much more destructive than in the past, due to the expanding urban centers and infrastructures inside their epicentral regions and even right above the traces of capable faults.
Surveys in Geophysics | 2002
Sabina Porfido; Eliana Esposito; Eutizio Vittori; G. Tranfaglia; Alessandro Maria Michetti; M. Blumetti; Luca Ferreli; Luca Guerrieri; Leonello Serva
Moderate to strong crustal earthquakes are generally accompanied by a distinctivepattern of coseismic geological phenomena, ranging from surface faulting to groundcracks, landslides, liquefaction/compaction, which leave a permanent mark in thelandscape. Therefore, the repetition of surface faulting earthquakes over a geologictime interval determines a characteristic morphology closely related to seismic potential. To support this statement, the areal distribution and dimensions of effects of recent historical earthquakes in the Southern Apennines are being investigated in detail. This paper presents results concerning the 26 July 1805 earthquake in the Molise region, (I = X MCS, M = 6.8), and the 23 November 1980 earthquake in the Campania and Basilicata regions (I = X MSK, Ms = 6.9). Landslide data are also compared with two other historical earthquakes in the same region with similar macroseismic intensity. The number of significant effects (either ground deformation or hydrological anomalies) versus their minimum distance from the causative fault have been statistically analyzed, finding characteristic relationships. In particular, the decay of the number of landslides with distance from fault follows an exponential law, whereas it shows almost a rectilinear trend for liquefaction and hydrological anomalies. Most effects fall within the macroseismic area, landslides within intensity V to VI, liquefaction effects within VI and hydrologicalanomalies within IV MCS/MSK, hence at much larger distances. A possible correlation between maximum distance of effects and length of the reactivated fault zone is also noted. Maximum distances fit the envelope curves for Intensity and Magnitude based on worldwide data. These results suggest that a careful examination of coseismic geological effects can be important for a proper estimation of earthquake parameters and vulnerability of the natural environment for seismic hazard evaluation purposes.
Journal of Geodynamics | 2000
Eutizio Vittori; Giovanni Deiana; Eliana Esposito; Luca Ferreli; L. Marchegiani; G. Mastrolorenzo; Alessandro Maria Michetti; Sabina Porfido; Leonello Serva; A. L. Simonelli; Emanuele Tondi
The September–October 1997 seismic sequence in the Umbria–Marche regions of Central Italy (main shocks on September 26, Mw 5.7 and 6.0, and on October 14, Mw 5.6) left significant ground effects, which were mainly concentrated in the Colfiorito intermountain basin. These effects included surface faulting, ground cracks and settlements, rock falls, slides, hydrological and gas anomalies. The distribution and size of ground effects has proved useful for (1) defining the epicentral area and the location of the causative fault; (2) complementing the intensity pattern from damage distribution (this can be very useful in poorly inhabited zones); (3) integrating or testing the intensity assessment of many historical events, in order to obtain a better evaluation of the magnitude from intensity data. Of special interest was the observation of surface ruptures generated along segments of a system of normal faults already mapped as capable, with end-to-end lengths of 12 km and maximum displacements of 8 cm. Many pieces of evidence confirm that coseismic slip was not a secondary, gravity-induced, phenomenon, but had a tectonic origin. Detailed descriptions of surface faulting for moderate earthquakes are not common, being easily missed or misinterpreted; however, in this paper we emphasize that surface faulting due to the 1997 event can be used to infer the threshold magnitude for surface faulting in Central Apennines, allowing to calibrate palaeoearthquake size from fault offsets as seen in trench investigations.
Journal of Geodynamics | 2000
Raffaele Azzaro; Domenico Bella; Luca Ferreli; Alessandro Maria Michetti; Federica Santagati; Leonello Serva; Eutizio Vittori
Paleoseismology, the study of past earthquakes based on their geological record in the stratigraphy and landscape, is a successful newly developing field of research. The application of fault trench studies in volcanic environments is one of the youngest branches of paleoseismology. In this paper, we present the results of the first exploratory trenches excavated at Mt. Etna in Sicily, the largest European volcano. Modern surface faulting at Etna is a very well known feature, which poses significant hazard to the local community, both in terms of ground displacement of essential lifelines and ground shacking from frequent damaging earthquakes. However, while the geomorphology and the seismicity of the active fault in the Etna region consistently show very high rates of tectonic activity, the Holocene cumulative throw and slip-rates, along with the nature (coseismic vs. creeping fault slip), dimension and timing of the displacement events, are still poorly constrained. For this purpose, we selected as a sample area the Moscarello fault, one of the most outstanding segment of the Timpe system of active normal faults in the volcano’s lower eastern flank. Displaced landforms and volcanic units at the Fondo Macchia basin, in the central sector of this fault, indicate some hundreds of meters of vertical offset in the last ca. 80 kyr, with a long-term slip-rate substantially higher than 1.5–2.0 mm/yr. According to the historical sources and instrumental observations, the Moscarello fault ruptured four times in the last 150 years during shallow (H < 5 km) and moderate magnitude (M < 4.8) earthquakes. These events were associated with severe damage in a narrow epicentral area (macroseismic intensities up to the IX–X grade of the MSK scale) and extensive surface faulting (end-to-end rupture length up to 6 km, vertical offsets up to 90 cm). This clearly indicates very high modern rates of deformation along this fault. We conducted trench investigations at the Fondo Macchia site, in a point where eyewitnesses observed ca. 20 cm of coseismic vertical displacement after the April 21, 1971, , earthquake. The excavated sections provided direct stratigraphic evidence for a vertical slip-rate of 1.4–2.7 mm/yr in the last ca. 6 kyr. This should be regarded as a minimum slip-rate for the central section of the fault. We explored a single scarp at a single site, while we know from recent historical observations that several parallel scarps may rupture coseismically at Fondo Macchia. Thus, the relevant deformation rate documented for the modern period might be likely extended back in the past to a time-span of some thousands of years at least. As expected, for such a volcanic environment, the activity rates of the Moscarello fault are also significantly higher than for the Apennines normal faults, typically showing slip-rates lower than 1 mm/yr. The agriculturally reworked trench hangingwall stratigraphy did not allow to recognize individual displacement events. Nevertheless, the sedimentary structures observed in the trench footwall strongly suggest that, as for the last 150–200 years of detailed historical record, fault behavior at Fondo Macchia is governed by coseismic surface displacement rather than fault creep. This research confirms that paleoseismology techniques can be effectively applied also in active volcanic environments, typically characterized by rheology and, consequently, seismicity and fault dynamics very different from those of other tectonic environments in which paleoseismology has been firstly developed and is today extensively applied.
Journal of Geodynamics | 1997
Eutizio Vittori; Damien Delvaux; François Kervyn
The NW-SE trending Rukwa Rift, part of the East African Rift System, links the approximately N-S oriented Tanganyika and Nyassa (Malawi) depressions. The rift has a complex half-graben structure, generally interpreted as the result of normal and strike-slip faulting. Morphological and structural data (e.g. fault scarps, faceted spurs, tilting of Quaternary continental deposits, volcanism, seismicity) indicate Late Quaternary activity within the rift. In 1910 an earthquake of M=7.4 (historically the largest felt in Africa) struck the Rukwa region. The epicentre was located near the Kanda fault, which affects the Ufipa plateau, separating the Rukwa depression from the south-Tanganyika basin. The geomorphic expression of the Kanda fault is a prominent fresh-looking scarp more than 180 km long, from Tunduma to north of Sumbawanga, that strikes roughly NW-SE, and dips constantly northeast. No evidence for horizontal slip was observed. Generally, the active faulting affects a very narrow zone, and is only locally distributed over several subparallel scarps. The height of the scarp progressively decreases towards the northwest, from about 40-50 m to a few metres north of Sumbawanga. Faulted lacustrine deposits exposed in a road cut near Kaengesa were dated as 8340±700 and 13 600± 1240 radiocarbon years. These low-energy deposits now hang more than 15 m above the present-day valley floor, suggesting rapid uplift during the Holocene. Due to its high rate of activity in very recent times, the Kanda Fault could have produced the 1910 earthquake. Detailed paleoseismological studies are used to characterize its recent history. In addition, the seismic hazard posed by this fault, which crosses the fast growing town of Sumbawanga, must be seriously considered in urban planning.
Pure and Applied Geophysics | 2016
Leonello Serva; Eutizio Vittori; V. Comerci; Eliana Esposito; Luca Guerrieri; Alessandro Maria Michetti; Bagher Mohammadioun; Georgianna Mohammadioun; Sabina Porfido; R. E. Tatevossian
The main objective of this paper was to introduce the Environmental Seismic Intensity scale (ESI), a new scale developed and tested by an interdisciplinary group of scientists (geologists, geophysicists and seismologists) in the frame of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) activities, to the widest community of earth scientists and engineers dealing with seismic hazard assessment. This scale defines earthquake intensity by taking into consideration the occurrence, size and areal distribution of earthquake environmental effects (EEE), including surface faulting, tectonic uplift and subsidence, landslides, rock falls, liquefaction, ground collapse and tsunami waves. Indeed, EEEs can significantly improve the evaluation of seismic intensity, which still remains a critical parameter for a realistic seismic hazard assessment, allowing to compare historical and modern earthquakes. Moreover, as shown by recent moderate to large earthquakes, geological effects often cause severe damage”; therefore, their consideration in the earthquake risk scenario is crucial for all stakeholders, especially urban planners, geotechnical and structural engineers, hazard analysts, civil protection agencies and insurance companies. The paper describes background and construction principles of the scale and presents some case studies in different continents and tectonic settings to illustrate its relevant benefits. ESI is normally used together with traditional intensity scales, which, unfortunately, tend to saturate in the highest degrees. In this case and in unpopulated areas, ESI offers a unique way for assessing a reliable earthquake intensity. Finally, yet importantly, the ESI scale also provides a very convenient guideline for the survey of EEEs in earthquake-stricken areas, ensuring they are catalogued in a complete and homogeneous manner.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2009
C. Iadanza; A. Trigila; Eutizio Vittori; L. Serva
Abstract Of the more than 8000 km of coasts in Italy, about 35% consist of cliffs and rocky shores. On them many villages are located, some of them dating back to Roman or Greek times. Typical natural hazards along these coastal areas are rock falls, slides and debris flows. They induce locally extremely high levels of risk, as shown by the many disasters that have occurred in recent time. This paper provides a first portrait over the whole of Italy of (1) the number and distribution of coastal landslides; (2) their typologies; (3) their state of activity; (4) the most common damage and exposed elements; and (5) the most typical mitigation measures. This information has been largely derived from the IFFI archive (Italian Landslides Inventory). Geographic information system processing has allowed us to identify 4135 landslides affecting a large portion of the Italian cliffed coasts. The damage evaluation, based on the AVI archive (inventory of information on sites historically affected by landslides and floods in Italy for the period 1918–2000), has shown the extent of the problem: there have been 408 casualties in the 20th century and 713 significant disruptions of the rail and road networks. A more detailed analysis has been carried out in three sample areas to illustrate the basic factors controlling the genesis and evolution of slope instabilities in the various coastal settings.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2007
Eutizio Vittori; Sabina Fulloni; Luigi Piccardi
Abstract CLEMENS, acronym for Corpus Latinorum Et Mediaevalium Naturae Scriptorum, is a new electronic archive of excerpta reporting environment-related data contained in the literary and epigraphic sources of classical Roman and Medieval age. The aim is to fill a gap in information about environmental disruptions or memorabilia that occurred in ancient times within the Mediterranean basin, and to verify whether any useful information has eluded our knowledge. One of the main purposes of the systematic gathering and cataloguing carried out by CLEMENS is to become an extensive easy-to-search tool, offering the scientific community complete annotated documentation of what is available inside ancient sources about the natural environment in the Mediterranean. This information, currently dispersed in a variety of publications that may be difficult to access, has often proven essential for hazard assessment in several areas of the former Roman empire. It also contributes significantly to the understanding of changes caused by environmental events over the centuries, and of their incidence on natural habitats and on cultural heritage. The analysis of such interconnections may lead to a much improved understanding of either natural environment, hazards and cultural setting, as shown by interdisciplinary investigations merging together science, archaeology and history or even myth. Considering the vast amount of documentation, the work is still far from completion. However, the encouraging preliminary results will soon be available on the web.
Archive | 2013
Eliana Esposito; Luca Guerrieri; Sabina Porfido; Eutizio Vittori; Anna Maria Blumetti; V. Comerci; Alessandro Maria Michetti; Leonello Serva
Analysis of distribution of landslides (rock falls and coherent slides), induced by 12 moderate to strong earthquakes occurred in the last three centuries in Central–Southern Apennines, has permitted to investigate the relationship of their maximum distance versus magnitude and ESI epicentral intensity.