
Memory & Cognition | 2002

Is the go/no-go lexical decision task an alternative to the yes/no lexical decision task?

Manuel Perea; Eva Rosa; Consolación Gómez

In the go/no-go lexical decision task (LDT), participants are instructed to respond as quickly as they can when a word is presented and not to respond if a nonword is presented. By minimizing part of the response selection process in the experimental task, the impact of response decision time on the obtained lexical decision time is probably reduced relative to the standard yes/no LDT (Gordon, 1983). Experiments 1 and 2 show that the go/no-go LDT is sensitive to the effects of word frequency and associative priming—the magnitude of these effects is similar with the two tasks. More important, the go/no-go LDT has a number of advantages with respect to the “standard” yes/no LDT: It offers faster response times, more accurate responding, and fewer processing demands than does the yes/no task. Accordingly, the go/no-go task appears to be an excellent alternative to the standard yes/no task.

Attention Perception & Psychophysics | 2005

The frequency effect for pseudowords in the lexical decision task

Manuel Perea; Eva Rosa; Consolación Gómez

Four experiments were designed to investigate whether the frequency of words used to create pseudowords plays an important role in lexical decision. Computational models of the lexical decision task (e.g., the dual route cascaded model and the multiple read-out model) predict that latencies to lowfrequency pseudowords should be faster than latencies to high-frequency pseudowords. Consistent with this prediction, results showed that when the pseudowords were created by replacing one internal letter of the base word (Experiments 1 and 3), high-frequency pseudowords yielded slower latencies than low-frequency pseudowords. However, this effect occurred only in the leading edge of the response time (RT) distributions. When the pseudowords were created by transposing two adjacent internal letters (Experiment 2), high-frequency pseudowords produced slower latencies in the leading edge and in the bulk of the RT distributions. These results suggest that transposed-letter pseudowords may be more similar to their base words than replacement-letter pseudowords. Finally, when participants performed a go/no-go lexical decision task with one-letter different pseudowords (Experiment 4), high-frequency pseudowords yielded substantially faster latencies than low-frequency pseudowords, which suggests that the lexical entries of high-frequency words can be verified earlier than the lexical entries of low-frequency words. The implications of these results for models of word recognition and lexical decision are discussed.

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review | 2000

Repetition and form priming interact with neighborhood density at a brief stimulus onset asynchrony

Manuel Perea; Eva Rosa

The relationships between repetition- and form-priming effects and neighborhood density were analyzed in two masked priming experiments with the lexical decision task. Given that form-priming effects appear to be influenced by a word’s orthographic neighborhood, it is theoretically important to find out whether repetition priming also differs as a function of the word’s orthographic neighborhood. Within an activation framework, repetition- and form-priming effects are just quantitatively different phenomena, whereas the two effects are qualitatively different in a serial-ordered model of lexical access (theentry-opening model). The results show that repetition- and form-priming effects were stronger forhermit words than for words with many neighbors. These results pose some problems for both activation and serial-ordered models. The implications of these results for determining how neighbors affect the identification of a word are discussed.

Attention Perception & Psychophysics | 2002

Does "whole-word shape" play a role in visual word recognition?

Manuel Perea; Eva Rosa

To analyze the impact of outline shape on visual word recognition, the visual pattern of the stimuli can be distorted by size alternation. Contrary to the predictions of models that rely on outline shape (Allen, Wallace, & Weber, 1995), the effect of size alternationwas greater for low-frequency words than for high-frequency words in a lexical decision task (Experiment 1). In Experiment 2, the effect of case type (lowercase vs. UPPERCASE) occurred for low-frequency words, but not for high-frequency words. The effect of neighborhood size was remarkably similar in the two experiments. The results can be readily explained in the framework of a resonance model (Grossberg & Stone, 1986), in which a mismatch between the original sensory pattern and the abstract orthographic code slows down the formation of a stable percept.

Acta Psychologica | 2002

Does the proportion of associatively related pairs modulate the associative priming effect at very brief stimulus-onset asynchronies?

Manuel Perea; Eva Rosa

A number of experiments have shown that the magnitude of the associative priming effect increases substantially when there is a high proportion of associatively related pairs in the list when the stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between prime and target is long (more than 400 ms). In the present series of experiments we manipulated the proportion of associatively related pairs when the SOA was very brief (less than 200 ms). If processing of a target word is facilitated automatically by the prior presentation of a related prime, the occurrence of priming should be unaffected by the proportion of related pairs in the list. Experiment 1 showed a robust relatedness proportion effect obtained in a double lexical decision task. Experiments 2-4 used the masked priming technique at several very short SOAs (66, 116, and 166 ms) in lexical decision and naming. The results showed a reliable associative priming effect in the two tasks, which did not differ as a function of the proportion of related pairs. Finally, Experiment 5 used unmasked primes at an 83-ms SOA in which the primes remained in view after the target presentation. As in Experiments 2-4, the associative effect was not modulated by the proportion of associatively related pairs. The implications of these results are discussed.

Attention Perception & Psychophysics | 2003

Influence of neighborhood size and exposure duration on visual-word recognition: Evidence with the yes/no and the go/no-go lexical decision tasks

Manuel Perea; Eva Rosa; Consolación Gómez

We present two experiments in which we measured lexical decision latencies and errors to words with few or manyorthographic neighbors (i.e., Coltheart’sN). The main goal of the study was to examine whether or not the neighborhood size effect in a lexical decision task could be affected by the exposure duration of the stimulus item (unlimited vs. limited time exposure, 150 msec plus a backward mask) and the type of decision involved in the task (yes/no vs. go/no-go lexical decision tasks). In the yes/no task, the results showed a facilitative neighborhood size effect for low frequency that did not interact with exposure duration (Experiment 1). In contrast, in the go/no-go task (in this task, participants are instructed to respond as quickly as they can when a word is presented and not to respond if a nonword is presented), the neighborhood size effect for low-frequency words (and for nonwords) was greater under limited viewing time (Experiment 2). In addition, the word frequency effect was greater in the go/no-go task than in the yes/no task, replicating Hino and Lupker (1998, 2000). The results were interpreted in terms of the interaction of decision and lexical factors in visual-word recognition.

Acta Psychologica | 2016

The role of letter features in visual-word recognition: Evidence from a delayed segment technique.

Eva Rosa; Manuel Perea; Peter Enneson

Do all visual features in a words constituent letters have the same importance during lexical access? Here we examined whether some components of a words letters (midsegments, junctions, terminals) are more important than others. To that end, we conducted two lexical decision experiments using a delayed segment technique with lowercase stimuli. In this technique a partial preview appears for 50ms and is immediately followed by the target item. In Experiment 1, the partial preview was composed of terminals+junctions, midsegments+junctions, or midsegments+terminals - a whole preview condition was used as a control. Results only revealed an advantage of the whole preview condition over the other three conditions. In Experiment 2, the partial preview was composed of the whole word except for the deletion of midsegments, junctions, or terminals - we again employed a whole preview condition as a control. Results showed the following pattern in the latency data: whole preview=delay of terminals<delay of junctions<delay of midsegments. Thus, some components of a words constituent letters are more critical for word identification than others. We examine how the present findings help adjust current models of visual word identification or develop new ones.

PLOS ONE | 2017

Contextual diversity facilitates learning new words in the classroom

Eva Rosa; José Luis Tapia; Manuel Perea

In the field of word recognition and reading, it is commonly assumed that frequently repeated words create more accessible memory traces than infrequently repeated words, thus capturing the word-frequency effect. Nevertheless, recent research has shown that a seemingly related factor, contextual diversity (defined as the number of different contexts [e.g., films] in which a word appears), is a better predictor than word-frequency in word recognition and sentence reading experiments. Recent research has shown that contextual diversity plays an important role when learning new words in a laboratory setting with adult readers. In the current experiment, we directly manipulated contextual diversity in a very ecological scenario: at school, when Grade 3 children were learning words in the classroom. The new words appeared in different contexts/topics (high-contextual diversity) or only in one of them (low-contextual diversity). Results showed that words encountered in different contexts were learned and remembered more effectively than those presented in redundant contexts. We discuss the practical (educational [e.g., curriculum design]) and theoretical (models of word recognition) implications of these findings.

Psychological Research-psychologische Forschung | 2002

The effects of associative and semantic priming in the lexical decision task

Manuel Perea; Eva Rosa

Psicologica | 2000

The effects of orthographic neighborhood in reading and laboratory word identification tasks: A review

Manuel Perea; Eva Rosa

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