Eva Vonderlin
Heidelberg University
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Featured researches published by Eva Vonderlin.
BMC Psychiatry | 2014
Gloria Fischer; Nina Ameis; Peter Parzer; Paul L. Plener; Rebecca C. Groschwitz; Eva Vonderlin; Michael Kölch; Romuald Brunner; Michael Kaess
BackgroundSelf-injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITBs) are common in adolescents. While there is no standardized interview in German to assess SITBs to date, the Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview (SITBI) is widely used in English-speaking countries. However, the SITBI has not been validated for the assessment of the recently issued DSM-5 Section 3 diagnoses of nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) and suicidal behavior disorder (SBD) yet. In the present study the psychometric properties of the German version of the SITBI (SITBI-G) were assessed. We also evaluated whether SITBI-G is a reliable and valid instrument to establish diagnoses of NSSI and SBD.MethodsA clinical adolescent sample (N = 111, f/m = 73/38, age range = 12-19 years) was recruited from the inpatient units of three departments of child and adolescent psychiatry in Germany. All participating patients were interviewed by using the SITBI-G, and DSM-5 criteria of NSSI and SBD were operationalized from the SITBI-G data. Additionally, participants were given the Self-Harm Behavior Questionnaire (SHBQ), and SITBI-G was retested in a subsample.ResultsThe SITBI-G shows moderate to good test-retest reliability, a very good interrater reliability, and a good construct validity. The results demonstrate that diagnoses of NSSI and SBD can be established using the SITBI-G, achieving moderate to good test-retest reliabilities and very good to perfect interrater reliabilities.ConclusionsOverall, the good psychometric properties of SITBI-G are comparable to the original version of the interview. Therefore, SITBI-G seems to be highly appropriate to assess SITBs, including the new DSM-5 Section 3 diagnoses NSSI and SBD in research and clinical contexts.
Zeitschrift Fur Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie Und Psychotherapie | 2012
Eva Vonderlin; Anna Ropeter; Sabina Pauen
OBJECTIVE The Infant Behavior Questionnaire Revised (IBQ-R; Gartstein & Rothbart, 2003) is one of the most common parent-report instruments for assessing infant temperament. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of a German version. METHOD We studied item characteristics, internal consistency, and descriptive statistics for all 14 scales in a sample of 7- to 9-month-old infants and their mothers (N = 119). Factor analysis was conducted to identify higher-order relationships between the scales. RESULTS Item analysis showed mixed corrected item-total correlations. Internal consistencies were all moderate to high. Results of the factor analysis confirmed the two dimensions of Surgency/Extraversion and Negative Affectivity, whereas the dimension Orienting/Regulation was not replicated. In contrast to the American sample, activity level in the German sample loaded on the factor Negative Affectivity. The scales low intensity pleasure and soothability, which loaded on factor Orienting/Regulation in the original version, showed substantial loadings on both dimensions Surgency/Extraversion and Negative Affectivity (inverted), whereas the scale duration of orienting was located on the factor Surgency/Extraversion. CONCLUSIONS The German version of the IBQ-R provides a satisfying instrument for investigating infant temperament. However, further work is needed to improve the methodological quality of the questionnaire. Further research should especially focus on the factor structure of infant temperament. We suggest developing a shorter version and testing it with a larger and more diverse sample.
Zeitschrift Fur Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie Und Psychotherapie | 2012
Eva Vonderlin; Anna Ropeter; Sabina Pauen
OBJECTIVE The Infant Behavior Questionnaire Revised (IBQ-R; Gartstein & Rothbart, 2003) is one of the most common parent-report instruments for assessing infant temperament. This study evaluated the psychometric properties of a German version. METHOD We studied item characteristics, internal consistency, and descriptive statistics for all 14 scales in a sample of 7- to 9-month-old infants and their mothers (N = 119). Factor analysis was conducted to identify higher-order relationships between the scales. RESULTS Item analysis showed mixed corrected item-total correlations. Internal consistencies were all moderate to high. Results of the factor analysis confirmed the two dimensions of Surgency/Extraversion and Negative Affectivity, whereas the dimension Orienting/Regulation was not replicated. In contrast to the American sample, activity level in the German sample loaded on the factor Negative Affectivity. The scales low intensity pleasure and soothability, which loaded on factor Orienting/Regulation in the original version, showed substantial loadings on both dimensions Surgency/Extraversion and Negative Affectivity (inverted), whereas the scale duration of orienting was located on the factor Surgency/Extraversion. CONCLUSIONS The German version of the IBQ-R provides a satisfying instrument for investigating infant temperament. However, further work is needed to improve the methodological quality of the questionnaire. Further research should especially focus on the factor structure of infant temperament. We suggest developing a shorter version and testing it with a larger and more diverse sample.
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde | 2010
Eva Vonderlin; M. Nöcker-Ribaupierre; Markus Wilken
ZusammenfassungUnterstützende Therapieangebote ergänzen die medizinische Behandlung von Frühgeborenen. Sie werden eingesetzt, um die Entwicklung der Babys zu fördern, den Aufbau der Eltern-Kind-Beziehung und die elterliche Bewältigung zu unterstützen. Mit einer Fragebogenaktion, an der 145 neonatologische Abteilungen in Deutschland teilnahmen, wurden die Verbreitung und die wahrgenommene Bedeutung folgender Angebote erhoben: „Känguruen“, orofaziale Stimulation, Stimulation durch Mutterstimme, Musiktherapie, Physiotherapie, Stillberatung, psychosoziale Betreuung und Seelsorge. Zudem wurde erfragt, ob bereits Angebote zur Nachsorge bestehen. Alle Maßnahmen wurden als sinnvoll eingeschätzt. Im Stationsalltag leicht umsetzbare Angebote sind am Weitesten verbreitet, personell und strukturell komplexere Maßnahmen sind vorwiegend an größeren Kliniken verfügbar. Insbesondere die Nachsorge wurde als sehr bedeutsam bewertet, bei gleichzeitig geringster Verbreitung. Insgesamt sind die medizinische Behandlung ergänzende Therapieangebote in deutschen neonatologischen Abteilungen weit verbreitet, weiterer Bedarf wird insbesondere in der Nachsorge gesehen.AbstractThe medical treatment of premature infants is being complemented by supportive interventions to promote infant development, parent-child interaction and parental coping. By means of a questionnaire, completed by 145 neonatal departments in Germany, the distribution and acceptance of the following interventions was analysed: kangaroo care, orofacial stimulation, stimulation by the mother’s voice, music therapy, physiotherapy, breast feeding advice, psycho-social support, and pastoral care. In addition, responders were asked whether aftercare was offered. All interventions were evaluated as helpful. Interventions which could be realized easily in clinical routine are widespread, while interventions requiring more personnel and structural resources are offered mainly in larger hospitals. Aftercare in particular was seen as very important, although rarely offered. Supportive interventions to complement medical treatment are widespread in German newborn intensive care units; however, additional requirements were observed in terms of aftercare in particular.
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling | 2018
Georg Schaller; Paul Blanck; Eva Vogel; Eva Vonderlin; Hinrich Bents; Johannes Mander
ABSTRACT Intersections between Grawe’s General Psychotherapy and Prochaska’s Transtheoretical Model were investigated in group therapy in a longitudinal design. It was assumed that general change mechanisms have an impact on patients’ stages of change. Specifically, the main hypotheses were that experiential change mechanisms (ECM; clarification of meaning, problem actuation, emotional bond and group cohesion) should be especially relevant for early stages of change (precontemplation and contemplation), whereas behavioral change mechanisms (BCM; resource activation, mastery/coping and task and goals) should be especially relevant for late stages of change (action and maintenance). Therefore, 140 outpatients attending different types of group therapy, with a typical duration of 8 sessions, were investigated. Patients completed the Form for the Evaluation of Therapeutic Processes in Group Therapy (FEPiG), the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment, short version (URICA-S) and several symptomatology measures (BDI-II, BSCL and IIP-32) at two measuring times. Intersections were analysed through correlational analyses, cross-lagged panels and a path-analytic model, supporting the hypotheses. Specifically, results suggested that experiencing ECM at t1 predicted higher levels of reported contemplation at t2. Patients experiencing higher levels of BCM at t1 reported higher levels of action at t2. Clinical implications of the results are discussed.
Archive | 2012
Eva Vonderlin
Schwangerschaft und Geburt eines Kindes sind einschneidende Erlebnisse in der Biografi e von Frauen und Mannern. Neben korperlichen Veranderungen sind eine Reihe von psychischen und sozialen Anforderungen zu meistern, wie die Entwicklung einer Identitat als Mutter oder Vater, Veranderungen von Lebenszielen und Werten sowie eine Neuorganisation auf der Paarebene ( 7 Kap. 8 u. 9 ). Eine wichtige Hilfe zur Bewaltigung dieser Anforderungen ist die Aussicht auf ein begluckendes Geburtserlebnis und ein gesundes Baby. Treten im Verlauf der Schwangerschaft hingegen medizinische Komplikationen auf oder wird die Schwangerschaft vorzeitig durch eine Fruhgeburt beendet, wird dieser Anpassungsprozess an die Elternschaft empfi ndlich gestort. Das folgende Kapitel gibt zunachst einen Uberblick uber die Situation von Fruhgeborenen und deren Familien in den ersten Lebenswochen sowie uber die Entwicklungschancen der Kinder. Im zweiten Abschnitt werden Konzepte und Interventionsansatze vorgestellt, die in den letzen Jahren entwickelt wurden, um die Behandlung fruhgeborener Kinder von Beginn an entwicklungsfordernd zu gestalten und auf die Bedurfnisse junger Familien abzustimmen.
Kindheit Und Entwicklung | 2011
Heike Wadepohl; Ute Koglin; Eva Vonderlin; Franz Petermann
Praxis Der Kinderpsychologie Und Kinderpsychiatrie | 2012
Gloria Fischer; Romuald Brunner; Peter Parzer; Katja Klug; Tony Durkee; Vladimir Carli; Danuta Wasserman; Eva Vonderlin; Franz Resch; Michael Kaess
Infant Behavior & Development | 2008
Eva Vonderlin; Janna Pahnke; Sabina Pauen
Kindheit Und Entwicklung | 2011
Eva Vonderlin; Johann Haffner; Barbara Behrend; Romuald Brunner; Peter Parzer; Franz Resch