Evrim Arzu Koçkaya
Gazi University
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Featured researches published by Evrim Arzu Koçkaya.
Drug and Chemical Toxicology | 2010
Evrim Arzu Koçkaya; Güldeniz Selmanoğlu; Kemal Kısmet; M. Turan Akay
Celecoxib is intended for acute pain, menstrual cramps, pain, and inflammation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of celecoxib (10 and 50 mg/kg/day) treatment on rats orally for 28 days. We examined effects on some biochemical parameters and kidney and liver tissues of celecoxib-treated Wistar albino male rats. At the end of the study, hepatic and renal function tests were performed and liver and kidney of rats were microscopically examined to detect systemic toxicity of celecoxib. Celecoxib-treated rats had statistically significant decreases of cholesterol, total bilirubin, total protein, urea, globulin, blood urea nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium. Serum gamma glutamyl transferase levels increased in 10- and 50-mg/kg/day celecoxib-treated rats. Histological examinations showed mononuclear cell infiltration, hyperplasia, and cellular degeneration in liver and tubular damage and mononuclear cell infiltration in kidney. We suggest that high doses of celecoxib may cause changes in liver and kidney histopathology, liver function, and in some biochemical parameters.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2009
Evrim Arzu Koçkaya; Güldeniz Selmanoğlu; Nesrin Özsoy; Nursel Gül
Evaluation of Patulin Toxicity in the Thymus of Growing Male Rats Patulin is a mycotoxin produced by several Penicillium, Aspergillus, and Byssachlamys species growing on food products. In this study, we investigated the effects of patulin on the thymus of growing male rats aged five to six weeks. The rats were receiving it orally at a dose of 0.1 mg kg-1 bw a day for either 60 or 90 days. At the end of the experiment, the thymus was examined for histopathology by light microscopy and for epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptor (EGFR) by immunolocalisation. For morphometry we used the Bs200prop program to analyse images obtained with the Olympus BX51 light microscope. Cell ultrastructure was studied by electron microscopy. In rats treated with patulin, the thymus showed haemorrhage, plasma cell hyperplasia, a dilation and fibrosis in the cortex, enlarged interstitial tissue between the thymic lobules, enlarged fat tissue, thinning of the cortex, and blurring of the cortico-medullary demarcation. Electron microscopy showed signs of cell destruction, abnormalities of the nucleus and organelles, and loss of mitochondrial cristae. However, no differences were observed in thymus EGF and EGFR immunoreactivity between treated and control rats. Toksični učinci patulina na timus mužjaka štakora u razvoju Patulin je mikotoksin koji proizvode plijesni sojeva Penicillium, Aspergillus i Byssachlamys na različitim prehrambenim proizvodima kao podlozi. Učinke patulina istražili smo na timusu mužjaka štakora u razvoju (dobi 5 do 6 tjedana). Mikotoksin je životinjama davan per os u dnevnoj dozi 0,1 mg kg-1 tj. t. 60 odnosno 90 dana. Na kraju pokusa štakori su žrtvovani, timus je podvrgnut histološkim analizama s pomoću svjetlosne mikroskopije, a imunocitokemijskim je metodama istražena stanična lokalizacija epidermalnog faktora rasta (EGF) i njegova receptora (EGFR). Morfometrijska analiza provedena jes pomoću računalnog programa Bs200prop povezanog u sustav sa svjetlosnim mikroskopom Olympus BX51. Elektronskomikroskopski je istražena ultrastruktura stanica timusa. Utvrđeno je da patulin izaziva krvaranja u timusu, hiperplaziju plazma-stanica, dilataciju i fibrozu u kortikalnoj regiji timusa, širenje intersticijskog tkiva između režnjeva timusa, povećanje masnih stanica, smanjenje debljine kore timusa te nestanak kortiko-medularne demarkacije. Elektronskomikroskopski u tkivu timusa štakora tretiranih patulinom uočeni su znakovi raspadanja stanica, abnormalnosti jezgre i organela te gubitak mitohondrijskih krista. Unatoč navedenomu, na presjecima tkiva kontrolnih štakora i štakora tretiranih patulinom nismo utvrdili razlike u imunoreaktivnosti EGF i EGFR, što bi trebalo dodatno istražiti osjetljivijim molekularnim metodama.
Toxicology and Industrial Health | 2017
Müfide Aydoğan Ahbab; Celal Güven; Evrim Arzu Koçkaya; Nurhayat Barlas
To investigate the effects of di-n-hexyl phthalate (DHP) and dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP) on the development of fetus and placenta in utero, pregnant rats were exposed to DHP or DCHP at dosages of 0, 20, 100, and 500 mg/kg bw/day, by gavage, on gestational days 6–19. Anogenital distance (AGD) and AGD–body weight1/3 ratio of female fetuses decreased in all treatment groups in a non-dose–response way. The ossification centers of bones and the intensity of Alizarin red stain of the fetuses decreased in all treatment groups. The white blood cell levels of fetuses in DHP and DCHP exposed groups increased at all dosages. Mean cell hemoglobin, hemoglobin concentrations, and hemoglobin levels of all DHP and DCHP treated male and female fetuses were reduced. Histopathologic changes (hemorrhage in labyrinth, degeneration of spongiotrophoblast, hemorrhage, decreased and irregular vessel formation, and edema in the basal zone) were observed in placentas at high dosages of DHP and DCHP. In contrast, there was no change in weight gain of dams in DHP and DCHP exposed groups compared to control, but resorption rate, reduced fetal weight, delayed ossification, placental disruption, and hematologic parameters clearly indicated that in utero DHP and DCHP exposure resulted in intrauterine growth retardation in rats.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2015
Aysun Kılıç Süloğlu; Evrim Arzu Koçkaya; Elif Karacaoğlu; Güldeniz Selmanoğlu; Elif Loğoğlu
Abstract Triazole fungicide fluconazole has become the most widely used antifungal agent in the world, mainly because of its ability to penetrate well into body fluids and tissues. However, it has been reported to interact with many drugs and because of its common use, the risk of resistance to fluconazole increases. This calls for new anti-fungal drugs that would be able to replace it. In 2006, a new thialo benzene derivative - 2,4-dithiophenoxy-1-iodo-4-bromo benzene (C18H12S2IBr) - was synthesised with a carbon backbone similar to fluconazole, and, according to the early in vitro tests, much greater efficiency. Followed an in vitro test of its cytotoxicity, in which the new drug showed promising results as an alternative to fluconazole. The aim of this study was take the next step and test C18H12S2IBr toxicity in vivo. We opted for a four-week test on Wistar rats, in which the new antifungal agent was orally applied at doses two and a half and five times lower than those of fluconazole. There were no changes in daily food and water consumption, but weight gain in female rats and relative organ weights changed in the treated groups, pointing to sex-related differences in drug metabolism and effects. Fluconazole significantly increased leukocytes and lowered neutrophils whereas C18H12S2IBr did not, while other haematological changes in respect to the vehicle control were similar between the treated groups. Differences in cytochrome c in the liver and kidney suggested greater apoptotic effect of the new drug, but interpretation remains inconclusive, considering that other key indicators (biochemistry and histopathology) do not support greater toxicity. Considering that C18H12S2IBr is more active at lower concentrations and has comparable toxic effects to fluconazole in rats, this new compound shows some promise in the treatment of fungal infections. Future, more detailed animal studies are needed, that will include drug interactions and molecular toxicity pathways. If the results are promising, clinical studies should follow. Triazolni antifungalni lijek flukonazol danas je najrašireniji antimikotik u svijetu, mahom zato što dobro prodire u tjelesne tekućine i tkiva. Primijećeno je međutim da ulazi u interakciju s drugim lijekovima, a zbog česte uporabe sve je veći i rizik od stvaranja rezistencije na njega. Stoga se traži njegova dostojna zamjena. Godine 2006. sintetiziran je novi derivat tialobenzena - 2,4-ditiofenoksi-1-jodo-4-bromobenzen (C18H12S2IBr). Iako je ugljikova osnovica tog derivata slična onoj flukonazolu, u prvim in vitro istraživanjima pokazao se puno djelotvorniji. Uslijedilo je in vitro istraživanje njegove citotoksičnosti, u kojem se novi spoj pokazao obećavajućom zamjenom za flukonazol. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio otići korak dalje i istražiti toksičnost C18H12S2IBr in vivo. Odlučili smo se za četverotjedno istraživanje na štakorima Wistar, kojima se je novi antimikotik davao na usta u dozama dva i pol i pet puta nižima od uobičajene doze flukonazola. U životinja nisu primijećene promjene u konzumiranju hrane i vode, ali je relativna težina organa u ženki bila drugačija u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu, što upućuje na razlike između spolova u metabolizmu lijeka. Za razliku od C18H12S2IBr, flukonazol je prouzročio značajno povišenje razine leukocita i smanjenje neutrofila. Ostale hematološke promjene u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu bile su slične u skupina koje su primale bilo flukonazol bilo novi lijek. Razlike u imunolokalizaciji citokroma c u jetrima i bubrezima pokazatelj su snažnijeg apoptotičkog učinka novoga lijeka, ali se zbog drugih ključnih pokazatelja (biokemijskih i histopatoloških) ne može ništa zaključiti jer oni ne odgovaraju nalazima citokroma c. S obzirom na to da C18H12S2IBr snažnije djeluje od flukonazola pri nižim koncentracijama, uz podjednake toksične učinke u štakora, ovaj je novi spoj nesumnjivo obećavajuća alternativa liječenju gljivičnih infekcija. Potrebna su daljnja, podrobnija istraživanja u životinja, koja će obuhvatiti interakcije spojeva i molekularne putove toksičnosti. Bude li se lijek i u tim istraživanjima pokazao boljom alternativom, trebalo bi provesti klinička ispitivanja u ljudi.
Toxicology Research | 2014
Evrim Arzu Koçkaya; Aysun Kılıç Süloğlu; Elif Karacaoğlu; Güldeniz Selmanoğlu
It is well known that vinclozolin, commonly used in greenhouse cultivation, causes alterations in the fetal reproductive system. There were no reports about the effects of vinclozolin exposure on the placenta during gestation, therefore, in this study 50 and 100 mg kg−1 body weight per day (bw d−1) doses of vinclozolin were administered by oral gavage to pregnant rats during gestation. They were then subjected to a caesarean section on gestation day 20. Maternal and fetal liver, kidney, heart, thymus, brain, and placenta were examined histopathologically, the placenta and liver tissues were stained immunohistochemically for Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). Morphometric analyses of fetal body lengths, placental measurements, and fetal skeletal staining were performed. The decrease in the placental weight and placental index was significant in the treatment groups. Degenerations in labyrinth region and spongiotrophoblast were detected in the 100 mg kg−1 bw d−1 vinclozolin group. Mononuclear cell infiltration, cellular degeneration and edema in maternal liver samples and an increase in the number of megakaryocytes, cellular degeneration and congestion in fetal liver samples were observed in the treatment groups. VEGF staining was dense in trophoblastic giant cells and spongiotrophoblasts, and less dense in the labyrinth region. VEGF staining increased especially around the central vein in maternal liver. Minor alterations were also observed in the fetal skeleton measurements. These results demonstrated that vinclozolin and/or its metabolites transport to the placenta and induce histopathological changes in the placenta, and maternal and fetal tissues.
International Journal of Toxicology | 2014
Aysun Kılıç Süloğlu; Elif Karacaoğlu; Evrim Arzu Koçkaya; Güldeniz Selmanoğlu; Elif Loğoğlu
The aim of this study was to compare the cytotoxic effects of a newly synthesized thialo benzene derivative 2,4-dithiophenoxy-1-iodo-4-bromobenzene (C18H12S2IBr) and a well-known antifungal agent, fluconazole, in L929 cells. L929 cells were treated with 250, 500, or 1000 µg/mL of C18H12S2IBr and with the same doses of fluconazole. Cytotoxicity tests including 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage, and protein content were compared. Glucose and lactate concentrations were measured to determine alterations in metabolic activity. Apoptosis was investigated by TUNEL test and results were supported with survivin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Treatment with C18H12S2IBr resulted in a concentration-dependent cytotoxicity as indicated by MTT, LDH leakage assay, and decreased protein concentration. The loss of cell viability and the increased LDH leakage in 500 µg/mL and 1000 µg/mL C18H12S2IBr and fluconazole groups indicated cell membrane damage and necrotic cell death. In all groups, metabolic activities were altered but apoptosis was not induced. We have previously investigated lower doses of C18H12S2IBr; there was no cytotoxicity in L929 cells. In this study, higher doses caused cytotoxicity and alterations in metabolic activity . When we consider the similar results obtained from fluconazole and especially the lowest dose of C18H12S2IBr, this newly synthesized compound may be a good alternative antifungal agent.
Reproductive Sciences | 2018
Ayşe Güler Okyay; Evrim Arzu Koçkaya
Condensation Erythropoietin improved the survival of follicles in ovarian grafts most likely by reducing ischemic injury, by improving neoangiogenesis, and by its antioxidant effects. Objective: Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation are the only options accepted for prepubertal girls and women requiring immediate chemotherapy. Ischemia–reperfusion injury is the main obstacle for ovarian tissue transplantation. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate the effects of recombinant human erythropoietin (EPO) on tissue viability in autotransplanted rat ovaries. Study Design: Seventeen female rats were randomized into 3 groups as sham control group (n = 5), EPO-treated group (n = 6), and EPO-untreated group (n = 6). Both ovaries were excised and transplanted into a subcutaneous pouch formed at the anterior abdominal wall in the EPO-treated and untreated groups. In the EPO group, 5000 U/kg EPO was applied as local injection to the site that ovarian tissue was placed and the dose was repeated with the same route at the end of the fourth week. After 2 months, ovaries were removed and blood samples were obtained. Levels of estradiol (E2), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF-C, and lipid hydroperoxidase (LPO) and the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) were measured both in blood and tissue samples. Histopathological and morphometric analyses were also performed on tissue samples. Results: Considering serum levels, mean CAT was significantly higher (P = .003) and mean SOD (P = .033), LPO (P = .050), VEGF (P = .001), and VEGF-C (P = .024) were significantly lower in the EPO-treated group than in the untreated group. Mean serum GPX levels were similar. Significantly higher levels of E2 were determined in the EPO group than in the untreated group. Highest serum E2 levels were found in the sham group (P = .001). Tissue levels of GPX (1.23) and CAT (53.17) were significantly higher in the EPO group (P = .002 and P = .001, respectively). However, tissue levels of SOD and LPO, VEGF, and VEGF-C levels were significantly lower in the EPO group than those in the untreated group (P = .033, P = .050, P = .002, and P = .003, respectively). In tissue examination, the highest values of x, y axis and epithelial height were in the sham group. Mean value of the EPO group was found statistically significantly higher than that of the untreated group (P ≤ .05). In terms of antral follicle count, ordering was found as sham > EPO-treated > EPO-untreated group. Follicle counts in the EPO group were significantly higher than those in the untreated group (P ≤ 0.05). Conclusion: Erythropoietin improved the survival of follicles in ovarian grafts most likely by reducing ischemic injury, by improving neoangiogenesis, and by its antioxidant effects.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2015
Aysun Kılıç Süloğlu; Evrim Arzu Koçkaya; Elif Karacaoğlu; Güldeniz Selmanoğlu; Elif Loğoğlu
Abstract Triazole fungicide fluconazole has become the most widely used antifungal agent in the world, mainly because of its ability to penetrate well into body fluids and tissues. However, it has been reported to interact with many drugs and because of its common use, the risk of resistance to fluconazole increases. This calls for new anti-fungal drugs that would be able to replace it. In 2006, a new thialo benzene derivative - 2,4-dithiophenoxy-1-iodo-4-bromo benzene (C18H12S2IBr) - was synthesised with a carbon backbone similar to fluconazole, and, according to the early in vitro tests, much greater efficiency. Followed an in vitro test of its cytotoxicity, in which the new drug showed promising results as an alternative to fluconazole. The aim of this study was take the next step and test C18H12S2IBr toxicity in vivo. We opted for a four-week test on Wistar rats, in which the new antifungal agent was orally applied at doses two and a half and five times lower than those of fluconazole. There were no changes in daily food and water consumption, but weight gain in female rats and relative organ weights changed in the treated groups, pointing to sex-related differences in drug metabolism and effects. Fluconazole significantly increased leukocytes and lowered neutrophils whereas C18H12S2IBr did not, while other haematological changes in respect to the vehicle control were similar between the treated groups. Differences in cytochrome c in the liver and kidney suggested greater apoptotic effect of the new drug, but interpretation remains inconclusive, considering that other key indicators (biochemistry and histopathology) do not support greater toxicity. Considering that C18H12S2IBr is more active at lower concentrations and has comparable toxic effects to fluconazole in rats, this new compound shows some promise in the treatment of fungal infections. Future, more detailed animal studies are needed, that will include drug interactions and molecular toxicity pathways. If the results are promising, clinical studies should follow. Triazolni antifungalni lijek flukonazol danas je najrašireniji antimikotik u svijetu, mahom zato što dobro prodire u tjelesne tekućine i tkiva. Primijećeno je međutim da ulazi u interakciju s drugim lijekovima, a zbog česte uporabe sve je veći i rizik od stvaranja rezistencije na njega. Stoga se traži njegova dostojna zamjena. Godine 2006. sintetiziran je novi derivat tialobenzena - 2,4-ditiofenoksi-1-jodo-4-bromobenzen (C18H12S2IBr). Iako je ugljikova osnovica tog derivata slična onoj flukonazolu, u prvim in vitro istraživanjima pokazao se puno djelotvorniji. Uslijedilo je in vitro istraživanje njegove citotoksičnosti, u kojem se novi spoj pokazao obećavajućom zamjenom za flukonazol. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio otići korak dalje i istražiti toksičnost C18H12S2IBr in vivo. Odlučili smo se za četverotjedno istraživanje na štakorima Wistar, kojima se je novi antimikotik davao na usta u dozama dva i pol i pet puta nižima od uobičajene doze flukonazola. U životinja nisu primijećene promjene u konzumiranju hrane i vode, ali je relativna težina organa u ženki bila drugačija u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu, što upućuje na razlike između spolova u metabolizmu lijeka. Za razliku od C18H12S2IBr, flukonazol je prouzročio značajno povišenje razine leukocita i smanjenje neutrofila. Ostale hematološke promjene u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu bile su slične u skupina koje su primale bilo flukonazol bilo novi lijek. Razlike u imunolokalizaciji citokroma c u jetrima i bubrezima pokazatelj su snažnijeg apoptotičkog učinka novoga lijeka, ali se zbog drugih ključnih pokazatelja (biokemijskih i histopatoloških) ne može ništa zaključiti jer oni ne odgovaraju nalazima citokroma c. S obzirom na to da C18H12S2IBr snažnije djeluje od flukonazola pri nižim koncentracijama, uz podjednake toksične učinke u štakora, ovaj je novi spoj nesumnjivo obećavajuća alternativa liječenju gljivičnih infekcija. Potrebna su daljnja, podrobnija istraživanja u životinja, koja će obuhvatiti interakcije spojeva i molekularne putove toksičnosti. Bude li se lijek i u tim istraživanjima pokazao boljom alternativom, trebalo bi provesti klinička ispitivanja u ljudi.
Arhiv Za Higijenu Rada I Toksikologiju | 2015
Aysun Kılıç Süloğlu; Evrim Arzu Koçkaya; Elif Karacaoğlu; Güldeniz Selmanoğlu; Elif Loğoğlu
Abstract Triazole fungicide fluconazole has become the most widely used antifungal agent in the world, mainly because of its ability to penetrate well into body fluids and tissues. However, it has been reported to interact with many drugs and because of its common use, the risk of resistance to fluconazole increases. This calls for new anti-fungal drugs that would be able to replace it. In 2006, a new thialo benzene derivative - 2,4-dithiophenoxy-1-iodo-4-bromo benzene (C18H12S2IBr) - was synthesised with a carbon backbone similar to fluconazole, and, according to the early in vitro tests, much greater efficiency. Followed an in vitro test of its cytotoxicity, in which the new drug showed promising results as an alternative to fluconazole. The aim of this study was take the next step and test C18H12S2IBr toxicity in vivo. We opted for a four-week test on Wistar rats, in which the new antifungal agent was orally applied at doses two and a half and five times lower than those of fluconazole. There were no changes in daily food and water consumption, but weight gain in female rats and relative organ weights changed in the treated groups, pointing to sex-related differences in drug metabolism and effects. Fluconazole significantly increased leukocytes and lowered neutrophils whereas C18H12S2IBr did not, while other haematological changes in respect to the vehicle control were similar between the treated groups. Differences in cytochrome c in the liver and kidney suggested greater apoptotic effect of the new drug, but interpretation remains inconclusive, considering that other key indicators (biochemistry and histopathology) do not support greater toxicity. Considering that C18H12S2IBr is more active at lower concentrations and has comparable toxic effects to fluconazole in rats, this new compound shows some promise in the treatment of fungal infections. Future, more detailed animal studies are needed, that will include drug interactions and molecular toxicity pathways. If the results are promising, clinical studies should follow. Triazolni antifungalni lijek flukonazol danas je najrašireniji antimikotik u svijetu, mahom zato što dobro prodire u tjelesne tekućine i tkiva. Primijećeno je međutim da ulazi u interakciju s drugim lijekovima, a zbog česte uporabe sve je veći i rizik od stvaranja rezistencije na njega. Stoga se traži njegova dostojna zamjena. Godine 2006. sintetiziran je novi derivat tialobenzena - 2,4-ditiofenoksi-1-jodo-4-bromobenzen (C18H12S2IBr). Iako je ugljikova osnovica tog derivata slična onoj flukonazolu, u prvim in vitro istraživanjima pokazao se puno djelotvorniji. Uslijedilo je in vitro istraživanje njegove citotoksičnosti, u kojem se novi spoj pokazao obećavajućom zamjenom za flukonazol. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio otići korak dalje i istražiti toksičnost C18H12S2IBr in vivo. Odlučili smo se za četverotjedno istraživanje na štakorima Wistar, kojima se je novi antimikotik davao na usta u dozama dva i pol i pet puta nižima od uobičajene doze flukonazola. U životinja nisu primijećene promjene u konzumiranju hrane i vode, ali je relativna težina organa u ženki bila drugačija u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu, što upućuje na razlike između spolova u metabolizmu lijeka. Za razliku od C18H12S2IBr, flukonazol je prouzročio značajno povišenje razine leukocita i smanjenje neutrofila. Ostale hematološke promjene u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu bile su slične u skupina koje su primale bilo flukonazol bilo novi lijek. Razlike u imunolokalizaciji citokroma c u jetrima i bubrezima pokazatelj su snažnijeg apoptotičkog učinka novoga lijeka, ali se zbog drugih ključnih pokazatelja (biokemijskih i histopatoloških) ne može ništa zaključiti jer oni ne odgovaraju nalazima citokroma c. S obzirom na to da C18H12S2IBr snažnije djeluje od flukonazola pri nižim koncentracijama, uz podjednake toksične učinke u štakora, ovaj je novi spoj nesumnjivo obećavajuća alternativa liječenju gljivičnih infekcija. Potrebna su daljnja, podrobnija istraživanja u životinja, koja će obuhvatiti interakcije spojeva i molekularne putove toksičnosti. Bude li se lijek i u tim istraživanjima pokazao boljom alternativom, trebalo bi provesti klinička ispitivanja u ljudi.
Journal of Biotechnology | 2017
Aysun Kılıç Süloğlu; Elif Karacaoğlu; Evrim Arzu Koçkaya; Güldeniz Selmanoğlu