Evroula Hapeshi
University of Cyprus
Water Research | 2010
Evroula Hapeshi; A. Achilleos; Marlen I. Vasquez; Costas Michael; Nikos Xekoukoulotakis; D. Mantzavinos; Despo Kassinos
The conversion of the antibiotic ofloxacin and the beta-blocker atenolol by means of TiO(2) photocatalysis was investigated. Irradiation was provided by a UVA lamp at 3.37x10(-6)einstein/s photon flux, while emphasis was given on the effect of catalyst type and loading (50-1500mg/L), initial substrate concentration (5-20mg/L), initial pH (3-10) and the effect of H(2)O(2) (0.07-1.4mM) as an additional oxidant on substrate conversion and mineralization in various matrices (i.e. pure water, groundwater and treated municipal effluent). Conversion was assessed measuring sample absorbance at 288 and 224nm for ofloxacin and atenolol, respectively, while mineralization measuring the dissolved organic carbon. Degussa P25 TiO(2) was found to be more active than other TiO(2) samples for either substrate degradation, with ofloxacin being more reactive than atenolol. Conversion generally increased with increasing catalyst loading, decreasing initial substrate concentration and adding H(2)O(2), while the effect of solution pH was substrate-specific. Reaction rates, following a Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic expression, were maximized at a catalyst to substrate concentration ratio (w/w) of 50 and 15 for ofloxacin and atenolol, respectively, while higher ratios led to reduced efficiency. Likewise, high concentrations of H(2)O(2) had an adverse effect on reaction, presumably due to excessive oxidant scavenging radicals and other reactive species. The ecotoxicity of ofloxacin and atenolol to freshwater species Daphnia magna was found to increase with increasing substrate concentration (1-10mg/L) and exposure time (24-48h), with atenolol being more toxic than ofloxacin. Photocatalytic treatment eliminated nearly completely toxicity and this was more pronounced for atenolol.
Water Research | 2010
I. Michael; Evroula Hapeshi; Costas Michael; Despo Fatta-Kassinos
Two different technical approaches based on advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), solar Fenton homogeneous photocatalysis (hv/Fe(2+)/H(2)O(2)) and heterogeneous photocatalysis with titanium dioxide (TiO(2)) suspensions were studied for the chemical degradation of the fluoroquinolone ofloxacin in secondary treated effluents. A bench-scale solar simulator in combination with an appropriate photochemical batch reactor was used to evaluate and select the optimal oxidation conditions of ofloxacin spiked in secondary treated domestic effluents. The concentration profile of the examined substrate during degradation was determined by UV/Vis spectrophotometry. Mineralization was monitored by measuring the dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The concentrations of Fe(2+) and H(2)O(2) were the key factors for the solar Fenton process, while the most important parameter of the heterogeneous photocatalysis was proved to be the catalyst loading. Kinetic analyses indicated that the photodegradation of ofloxacin can be described by a pseudo-first-order reaction. The rate constant (k) for the solar Fenton process was determined at different Fe(2+) and H(2)O(2) concentrations whereas the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) kinetic expression was used to assess the kinetics of the heterogeneous photocatalytic process. The conversion of ofloxacin depends on several parameters based on the various experimental conditions, which were investigated. A Daphnia magna bioassay was used to evaluate the potential toxicity of the parent compound and its photo-oxidation by-products in different stages of oxidation. In the present study solar Fenton has been demonstrated to be more effective than the solar TiO(2) process, yielding complete degradation of the examined substrate and DOC reduction of about 50% in 30 min of the photocatalytic treatment.
Separation Science and Technology | 2010
A. Achilleos; Evroula Hapeshi; Nikos Xekoukoulotakis; D. Mantzavinos; Despo Fatta-Kassinos
The objective of this study was to investigate the efficiency of solar and UV-A photocatalysis with suspended TiO2 to degrade ibuprofen and carbamazepine in aqueous matrices. Emphasis was given on the effect of various operating conditions such as catalyst type (six commercially available titanium oxide samples were tested) and concentration (50–3000 mg/L), initial drug concentration (5–20 mg/L), solution pH (3–10), the addition of hydrogen peroxide (0.07–1.4 mM), and the matrix (pure water and treated domestic wastewater) on degradation and mineralization. The former was assessed monitoring sample absorbance at each drugs characteristic wavelength, while the latter measuring dissolved organic carbon. The best performance was achieved at lower drug concentrations irradiated by UV-A in the presence of Degussa P25 catalyst and hydrogen peroxide in pure water.
Science of The Total Environment | 2012
I. Michael; Evroula Hapeshi; Victoria Osorio; Sandra Pérez; Mira Petrovic; A. Zapata; Sixto Malato; Damià Barceló; Despo Fatta-Kassinos
The pilot-scale solar degradation of trimethoprim (TMP) in different water matrices (demineralized water: DW, simulated natural freshwater: SW; simulated wastewater: SWW; and real effluent: RE) was investigated in this study. DOC removal was lower in the case of SW compared to DW, which can be attributed to the presence of inorganic anions which may act as scavengers of the HO·. Furthermore, the presence of organic carbon and higher salt content in SWW and RE led to lower mineralization per dose of hydrogen peroxide compared to DW and SW. Toxicity assays in SWW and RE were also performed indicating that toxicity is attributed to the compounds present in RE and their by-products formed during solar Fenton treatment and not to the intermediates formed by the oxidation of TMP. A large number of compounds generated by the photocatalytic transformation of TMP were identified by UPLC-QToF/MS. The degradation pathway revealed differences among the four matrices; however hydroxylation, demethylation and cleavage reactions were observed in all matrices. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time that TMP degradation products have been identified by adopting a solar Fenton process at a pilot-scale set-up, using four different aqueous matrices.
Water Research | 2015
I. Michael-Kordatou; M. Iacovou; Zacharias Frontistis; Evroula Hapeshi; Dionysios D. Dionysiou; Despo Fatta-Kassinos
This study evaluates the feasibility of UV-C-driven advanced oxidation process induced by sulfate radicals SO4(.)- in degrading erythromycin (ERY) in secondary treated wastewater. The results revealed that 10 mg L(-1) of sodium persulfate (SPS) can result in rapid and complete antibiotic degradation within 90 min of irradiation, while ERY decay exhibited a pseudo-first-order kinetics pattern under the different experimental conditions applied. ERY degradation rate was strongly affected by the chemical composition of the aqueous matrix and it decreased in the order of: ultrapure water (kapp = 0.55 min(-1)) > bottled water (kapp = 0.26 min(-1)) > humic acid solution (kapp = 0.05 min(-1)) > wastewater effluents (kapp = 0.03 min(-1)). Inherent pH conditions (i.e. pH 8) yielded an increased ERY degradation rate, compared to that observed at pH 3 and 5. The contribution of hydroxyl and sulfate radicals (HO. and SO4(.)-) on ERY degradation was found to be ca. 37% and 63%, respectively. Seven transformation products (TPs) were tentatively elucidated during ERY oxidation, with the 14-membered lactone ring of the ERY molecule being intact in all cases. The observed phytotoxicity against the tested plant species can potentially be attributed to the dissolved effluent organic matter (dEfOM) present in wastewater effluents and its associated-oxidation products and not to the TPs generated from the oxidation of ERY. This study evidences the potential use of the UV-C/SPS process in producing a final treated effluent with lower phytotoxicity (<10%) compared to the untreated wastewater. Finally, under the optimum experimental conditions, the UV-C/SPS process resulted in total inactivation of ERY-resistant Escherichia coli within 90 min.
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2013
Aleksandra Jelic; I. Michael; A. Achilleos; Evroula Hapeshi; Dimitra A. Lambropoulou; Sandra Pérez; Mira Petrovic; Despo Fatta-Kassinos; D. Barcelo
This study examines the degradation of the antiepileptic carbamazepine (CBZ) by sonolysis, TiO2-based heterogeneous photocatalysis under UV-A and simulated solar irradiation, and by the combined use of UV-A and ultrasound irradiation (i.e. sonophotocatalysis) in demineralized water, ground water and effluent wastewater. The processes were compared with respect to substrate conversion rate and the extent of DOC reduction as a measure of mineralization. CBZ was degraded following a pseudo-first order kinetics. Sonophotocatalysis provided the highest rate of CBZ transformation over the time-course of the experiment while the degree of DOC removal in pure water was similar for all the studied treatments (around 40%), and always lower than CBZ conversion. This indicated that a considerable organic load remained in the treated solutions that could also be attributed to the presence of persistent oxidation products. UPLC-(+ESI)-QToF-MS was employed to determine major CBZ-related transformation products. Several recalcitrant hydroxy- and keto-derivatives of CBZ were tentatively identified. A Daphnia magna bioassay was used to evaluate the potential toxicity of the samples collected at different time points showing that the mixtures were highly toxic to D. magna.
Science of The Total Environment | 2013
Marlen I. Vasquez; Manuel Garcia-Käufer; Evroula Hapeshi; Jakob Menz; Konstantinos Kostarelos; Despo Fatta-Kassinos; Klaus Kümmerer
Ofloxacin (OFL), a broad-spectrum and widespread-used photolabile fluoroquinolone, is frequently found in treated wastewaters, aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems leading to increasing concern during the past decades regarding its effects to the environment and human health. The elimination of OFL and other xenobiotics by the application of advanced oxidation processes using photolytic (PL) and photocatalytic (PC) treatments seems promising. However, an integrated assessment scheme is needed, in which, not only the removal of the parent compound, but also the effects of the photo-transformation products (PTPs) are investigated. For this purpose, in the present study, a chronic ecotoxic assessment using representative bacteria of marine and terrestrial ecosystems and a cytostatic and genotoxic evaluation using hepatoma cell line were performed. PL and PC treatments of OFL were applied using UV radiation. The photo-transformation of OFL during the treatments was monitored by DOC measurements and UPLC-MS/MS analysis. The chronic ecotoxicity of OFL and treated samples was evaluated using Pseudomonas putida and Vibrio fischeri; whereas the cytostasis and genotoxicity were estimated by the cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay (CBMN). The main results suggest that photo-transformation of OFL took place during these treatments since the concentration of OFL decreased when the irradiation time increased, as quantified by UPLC-MS/MS analysis, and this was not coupled with an analogous DOC removal. Furthermore, nine compounds were identified as probable PTPs formed through piperazinyl dealkylation and decarboxylation. The ecotoxicity of treated solutions to the bacteria studied decreased while the cytostasis to the hepatoma cell line remained at low levels during both treatments. However, the genotoxicity to the hepatoma cell line demonstrated a different pattern in which treated samples induced a greater number of MNi for the 4-16 min of irradiation (p<0.05) during both treatments. After 64 min of irradiation, the effects decreased to non genotoxic levels (p<0.05). These findings suggest that UV radiation for various treatment processes (catalytic or not), such as disinfection, may create genotoxic by-products. Therefore, in relevant technical applications, the residence time during treatment should receive special attention.
Science of The Total Environment | 2013
I. Michael; Evroula Hapeshi; Jaume Aceña; Sandra Pérez; Mira Petrovic; A. Zapata; Damià Barceló; Sixto Malato; Despo Fatta-Kassinos
This work investigated the application of a solar driven advanced oxidation process (solar Fenton), for the degradation of the antibiotic ofloxacin (OFX) in various environmental matrices at a pilot-scale. All experiments were carried out in a compound parabolic collector pilot plant in the presence of doses of H2O2 (2.5 mg L(-1)) and at an initial Fe(2+) concentration of 2 mg L(-1). The water matrices used for the solar Fenton experiments were: demineralized water (DW), simulated natural freshwater (SW), simulated effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plant (SWW) and pre-treated real effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plant (RE) to which OFX had been spiked at 10 mg L(-1). Dissolved organic carbon removal was found to be dependent on the chemical composition of the water matrix. OFX mineralization was higher in DW (78.1%) than in SW (58.3%) at 12 mg L(-1) of H2O2 consumption, implying the complexation of iron or the scavenging of hydroxyl radicals by the inorganic ions present in SW. On the other hand, the presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in SWW and RE, led to lower mineralization per dose of H2O2 compared to DW and SW. The major transformation products (TPs) formed during the solar Fenton treatment of OFX, were elucidated using liquid chromatography-time of flight-mass spectrometry (LC-ToF-MS). The transformation of OFX proceeded through a defluorination reaction, accompanied by some degree of piperazine and quinolone substituent transformation while a hydroxylation mechanism occurred by attack of the hydroxyl radicals generated during the process leading to the formation of TPs in all the water matrices, seven of which were tentatively identified. The results obtained from the toxicity bioassays indicated that the toxicity originates from the DOM present in RE and its oxidation products formed during the photocatalytic treatment and not from the TPs resulted from the oxidation of OFX.
Environment International | 2017
Emma Gracia-Lor; Sara Castiglioni; Richard Bade; Frederic Been; Erika Castrignanò; Adrian Covaci; Iria González-Mariño; Evroula Hapeshi; Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern; Juliet Kinyua; Foon Yin Lai; T. Letzel; Luigi Lopardo; Markus R. Meyer; Jake O'Brien; Pedram Ramin; Nikolaos I. Rousis; Axel Rydevik; Yeonsuk Ryu; Miguel M. Santos; Ivan Senta; Nikolaos S. Thomaidis; Sofia Veloutsou; Zhugen Yang; Ettore Zuccato; Lubertus Bijlsma
The information obtained from the chemical analysis of specific human excretion products (biomarkers) in urban wastewater can be used to estimate the exposure or consumption of the population under investigation to a defined substance. A proper biomarker can provide relevant information about lifestyle habits, health and wellbeing, but its selection is not an easy task as it should fulfil several specific requirements in order to be successfully employed. This paper aims to summarize the current knowledge related to the most relevant biomarkers used so far. In addition, some potential wastewater biomarkers that could be used for future applications were evaluated. For this purpose, representative chemical classes have been chosen and grouped in four main categories: (i) those that provide estimates of lifestyle factors and substance use, (ii) those used to estimate the exposure to toxicants present in the environment and food, (iii) those that have the potential to provide information about public health and illness and (iv) those used to estimate the population size. To facilitate the evaluation of the eligibility of a compound as a biomarker, information, when available, on stability in urine and wastewater and pharmacokinetic data (i.e. metabolism and urinary excretion profile) has been reviewed. Finally, several needs and recommendations for future research are proposed.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research | 2013
Marlen I. Vasquez; Evroula Hapeshi; Despo Fatta-Kassinos; Klaus Kümmerer
The release of pharmaceuticals in the environment, as parent compounds, metabolites and transformation products, and the consequent risks posed to living organisms due to the unintended exposure of the latter to these chemicals are nowadays of increasing scientific concern. The development of advanced oxidation processes able to degrade these substances is in the core of the current research objectives, the main target being the removal of these compounds from wastewaters. Often the focus is on the removal of the parent compound only. However, these processes can form transformation products. Knowledge on the risk related to such transformation products is scarce. Among others, knowledge on their toxic effects and their biodegradability is of importance not only when they are present in the environment but also for the assessment of the advanced oxidation processes’ efficiency applied for their degradation. Photolytic (UV irradiation) and photocatalytic treatment (UV irradiation in the presence of TiO2) of the fluoroquinolone ofloxacin were applied, and the biodegradability of the formed products was investigated using the Closed Bottle test (OECD 301 D). Various transformation products, formed both during the photo(cata)lytic treatment and the Closed Bottle test, were identified using chromatographic analysis with an ultra high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS/MS) system. The transformation products formed during the phototreatments were found to be non-readily biodegradable as the biodegradation percentages were close to zero. The persistence of the various photo(cata)lytic transformation products during the Closed Bottle test may be attributed to the fluorine present in all the transformation products formed. The transformation products identified suggest that two transformation routes were present: decarboxylation and opening of the piperazinyl ring. Interestingly, it was observed that in the presence of a readily biodegradable carbon source (sodium acetate), the biodegradation percentage increased drastically for some of the photolytically treated samples. This was not the case for the photocatalytically treated samples, in which also mineralization of the parent compound was achieved faster. Further research is needed, however, in order to increase the understanding of the conditions that may lead to less potent and persistent substances during the application of such engineered or natural processes.