
Archive | 2009

Progress in Doubled Haploid Technology in Higher Plants

Maria Wędzony; Brian P. Forster; Iwona Żur; Elżbieta Golemiec; Magdalena Szechyńska-Hebda; Ewa Dubas; G. Gotębiowska

In the early 1990s, many basic protocols were developed for haploidy and doubled haploidy, but most were inefficient. During the last decade, progress in technology has been achieved mainly by empirical, time and cost consuming testing of protocols; as a consequence success was proportional to the number of laboratories involved. In the most frequently studied crops (barley, wheat, triticale, maize, rice and rapeseed) improved protocols are now used routinely in breeding and although several problems remain the benefits make doubled haploidy well worthwhile. Significant advances have also been achieved in vegetable, fruit, ornamental, woody and medicinal species, though responses in many remain low with legumes being particularly recalcitrant. There has been resurgence in doubled haploids over the last few years with protocols published for almost 200 plant species. The present review aims to show the recent progress in haploid and doubled haploid technology of higher plants.

Journal of Experimental Botany | 2008

Regeneration of zygotic-like microspore-derived embryos suggests an important role for the suspensor in early embryo patterning

Ence Darmo Jaya Supena; Budi Winarto; Tjitske Riksen; Ewa Dubas; André A. M. van Lammeren; Remko Offringa; Kim Boutilier; Jan Custers

The inaccessibility of the zygote and proembryos of angiosperms within the surrounding maternal and filial tissues has hampered studies on early plant embryogenesis. Somatic and gametophytic embryo cultures are often used as alternative systems for molecular and biochemical studies on early embryogenesis, but are not widely used in developmental studies due to differences in the early cell division patterns with seed embryos. A new Brassica napus microspore embryo culture system, wherein embryogenesis highly mimics zygotic embryo development, is reported here. In this new system, the donor microspore first divides transversely to form a filamentous structure, from which the distal cell forms the embryo proper, while the lower part resembles the suspensor. In conventional microspore embryogenesis, the microspore divides randomly to form an embryonic mass that after a while establishes a protoderm and subsequently shows delayed histodifferentiation. In contrast, the embryo proper of filament-bearing microspore-derived embryos undergoes the same ordered pattern of cell division and early histodifferentiation as in the zygotic embryo. This observation suggests an important role for the suspensor in early zygotic embryo patterning and histodifferentiation. This is the first in vitro system wherein single differentiated cells in culture can efficiently regenerate embryos that are morphologically comparable to zygotic embryos. The system provides a powerful in vitro tool for studying the diverse developmental processes that take place during the early stages of plant embryogenesis.

Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | 2015

Drought-induced changes in the actin cytoskeleton of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves

Katarzyna Śniegowska-Świerk; Ewa Dubas; Marcin Rapacz

Plants have developed different strategies to adapt to various stress conditions including drought. In the present study the drought-induced changes in the actin filament (AFs) network was studied, for the first time, in two barley cultivars of contrasting drought tolerance level. Detached leaves of drought-tolerant (cv. ‘CAM/B1/CI’) and drought-susceptible (cv. ‘Maresi’) cultivars were dried under controlled conditions. The water relations as well as the transcript accumulation of actin (ACT11), actin depolymerization factor (ADF1) and dehydrine (HVA1) encoding genes were studied using qRT-PCR. Quantitative (the relative fluorescence index; RFI) and qualitative drought-induced changes in AF cytoskeleton were observed following staining with phalloidin. It was noticed that tolerant cultivar was characterized with relative water content decreased during drought treatment which was accompanied by increase in HVA1 expression together with decrease in ACT11 and ADF1 transcripts accumulation induced by drought. In drought-susceptible cultivar the expressions of both ACT11 and ADF1 were slightly lower than those in the control. Drought triggered an extensive AF cytoskeleton reorganization within different types of leaf-blade cells. Remarkable changes in AF configuration and its increased amount (fluorescence intensity) were observed mainly in drought-tolerant cultivar. In addition, drought-induced changes in AFs were closely associated with chloroplasts. Those AFs probably controlled drought-induced intracellular chloroplast positioning in mesophyll. Based on the results obtained in the present study, the possible role of AF rearrangements in drought response is discussed.

Plant Cell Reports | 2009

Stress-related variation in antioxidative enzymes activity and cell metabolism efficiency associated with embryogenesis induction in isolated microspore culture of triticale (x Triticosecale Wittm.)

Iwona Żur; Ewa Dubas; Elżbieta Golemiec; Magdalena Szechyńska-Hebda; Gabriela Gołębiowska; Maria Wędzony

Isolated microspore cultures of two spring triticale (x Triticosecale Wittm.) cultivars were used to examine the effect of various stress treatments (either high—32°C or low—5°C temperature with or without nitrogen/carbohydrate starvation) applied to excised anthers on the effectiveness of microspore embryogenesis induction. To quantify the effects of pretreatment conditions, the activity of antioxidative enzymes (catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase) together with respiration rate and heat emission were measured. It was observed that heat shock treatment applied as the only one stress factor increased the activity of antioxidative enzymes which suggests intensive generation of reactive oxygen species. Such pretreatment effectively triggered microspore reprogramming but drastically decreased microspore viability. After low temperature treatment, the activity of antioxidative enzymes was similar to the control subjected only with the stress originated from the transfer to in vitro culture conditions. This pretreatment decreased the number of microspores entering embryogenesis but sustained cell viability and this effect prevailed in the final estimation of microspore embryogenesis effectiveness. For both, low- and high-temperature treatments, interaction with starvation stress was beneficial increasing microspore viability (at 5°C) or efficiency of embryogenesis induction (at 32°C). The latter treatment significantly reduced cell metabolic activity. Physiological background of these effects seems to be different and some hypothetical explanations have been discussed. Received data indicate that in triticale, anther preculture conditions could generate oxidative stress and change the cell metabolic activity which could next be reflected in the cell viability and the efficiency of microspore embryogenesis.

Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture | 2008

Stress-induced changes important for effective androgenic induction in isolated microspore culture of triticale (× Triticosecale Wittm.)

Iwona Żur; Ewa Dubas; Elżbieta Golemiec; Magdalena Szechyńska-Hebda; Franciszek Janowiak; Maria Wędzony

The accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) and the activities of antioxidative enzymes along with cell metabolic activity were monitored during androgenesis induction in triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.). Tested cultivars ‘Mieszko’ and ‘Wanad’ were selected due to their significantly different responses to androgenic induction. Significant variation was observed in respect of superoxide dismutase activity and endogenous ABA content in anthers isolated from freshly cut tillers. For both cultivars, tillers pretreatment with low temperature decreased peroxidase activity by 36%, highly accelerated respiration rate and reduced heat production. At the same time, the level of ABA in ‘Mieszko’ was increased to the level measured in ‘Wanad’. This effect was associated with higher microspore culture viability and increased stress tolerance in ‘Mieszko’. Low temperature and metabolic starvation during 4-day anther preculture did not influence activities of antioxidative enzymes, while it resulted in slight decrease in respiration rate and heat emission. The importance of these changes for effective androgenesis induction is discussed.

Plant Cell Reports | 2011

Microtubule configurations and nuclear DNA synthesis during initiation of suspensor-bearing embryos from Brassica napus cv. Topas microspores

Ewa Dubas; Jan Custers; H. Kieft; Maria Wędzony; André A. M. van Lammeren

In the new Brassica napus microspore culture system, wherein embryos with suspensors are formed, ab initio mimics zygotic embryogenesis. The system provides a powerful in vitro tool for studying the diverse developmental processes that take place during early stages of plant embryogenesis. Here, we studied in this new culture system both the temporal and spatial distribution of nuclear DNA synthesis places and the organization of the microtubular (MT) cytoskeleton, which were visualized with a refined whole mount immunolocalization technology and 3D confocal laser scanning microscopy. A ‘mild’ heat stress induced microspores to elongate, to rearrange their MT cytoskeleton and to re-enter the cell cycle and perform a predictable sequence of divisions. These events led to the formation of a filamentous suspensor-like structure, of which the distal tip cell gave rise to the embryo proper. Cells of the developing pro-embryo characterized endoplasmic (EMTs) and cortical microtubules (CMTs) in various configurations in the successive stages of the cell cycle. However, the most prominent changes in MT configurations and nuclear DNA replication concerned the first sporophytic division occurring within microspores and the apical cell of the pro-embryo. Microspore embryogenesis was preceded by pre-prophase band formation and DNA synthesis. The apical cell of the pro-embryo exhibited a random organization of CMTs and, in relation to this, isotropic expansion occurred, mimicking the development of the apical cell of the zygotic situation. Moreover, the apical cell entered the S phase shortly before it divided transversally at the stage that the suspensor was 3–8 celled.

Plant Cell Reports | 2006

Visualisation of microtubules and actin filaments in fixed BY-2 suspension cells using an optimised whole mount immunolabelling protocol

Magdalena Szechyńska-Hebda; Maria Wędzony; Ewa Dubas; H. Kieft; André A. M. van Lammeren

Excellent visualisation of microtubules and actin filaments was obtained in fixed tobacco BY-2 suspension cells after optimising a protocol for whole mount immunolabelling. The procedure is based on modification of fixation, cell wall digestion, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) treatment, post fixation, and blocking. The most critical aspects of successful preservation and visualization of cytoskeletal elements appeared to be: a two-step fixation with paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde before enzymatic cell wall digestion and a post fixation with aldehydes thereafter. The method allows the improved visualization of the organisation of the microtubular and actin filament arrays during the successive stages of cell division and at interphase. Although we present the application of our protocols for cytoskeleton labelling, the excellent results show the potential of using this method for the analysis of various proteins and molecules in plant cells.

Frontiers in Plant Science | 2015

Current insights into hormonal regulation of microspore embryogenesis

Iwona Żur; Ewa Dubas; Monika Krzewska; Franciszek Janowiak

Plant growth regulator (PGR) crosstalk and interaction with the plant’s genotype and environmental factors play a crucial role in microspore embryogenesis (ME), controlling microspore-derived embryo differentiation and development as well as haploid/doubled haploid plant regeneration. The complexity of the PGR network which could exist at the level of biosynthesis, distribution, gene expression or signaling pathways, renders the creation of an integrated model of ME-control crosstalk impossible at present. However, the analysis of the published data together with the results received recently with the use of modern analytical techniques brings new insights into hormonal regulation of this process. This review presents a short historical overview of the most important milestones in the recognition of hormonal requirements for effective ME in the most important crop plant species and complements it with new concepts that evolved over the last decade of ME studies.

Biologia | 2013

β-1,3-glucanase and chitinase activities in winter triticales during cold hardening and subsequent infection by Microdochium nivale

Iwona Żur; Gabriela Gołębiowska; Ewa Dubas; Elżbieta Golemiec; Ildikó Matušíková; Jana Libantová; Jana Moravčíková

The accumulation of pathogenesis-related proteins such as β-1,3-glucanases and chitinases was studied in cold induced snow mould resistance in two Polish cultivars of winter triticale, cv. Hewo and cv. Magnat that substantially differ in resistance to Microdochium nivale. The plants were pre-hardened at 12°C for 10 days and hardened at 4°C for 28 days. Subsequently, cold hardened plants were inoculated with fungal mycelium (M. nivale) and incubated at 4°C for 7 days in dark. Cold acclimatisation resulted in suppression of the total glucanase and chitinases activities in the resistant Hewo as well as sensitive Magnat cultivars that possibly coincides with altered metabolism. However, upon infection with M. nivale the chitinases were markedly induced in the cv. Hewo. At the same time, total β-1,3 glucanases activities did not seem to be affected by fungus in any of the tested triticale cultivars. The pattern and/or the activity of chitinases in plants might be indicative for the resistance/susceptibility against M. nivale.

Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture | 2014

Changes in gene expression patterns associated with microspore embryogenesis in hexaploid triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.)

Iwona Żur; Ewa Dubas; Monika Krzewska; R. A. Sánchez-Díaz; Ana María Castillo; María Pilar Vallés

Abstract To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms controlling microspore embryogenesis (ME) in triticale (×Triticosecale Wittm.), the expression patterns of 13 genes, previously identified in bread wheat to be associated with microspore-derived embryo development, were analysed. Four triticale doubled haploid (DH) lines, significantly different with respect to embryogenic potential, were studied. The gene expression profile was dissected at different points of the ME induction procedure up to the 8th day of in vitro culture (dc). RT-PCR revealed that these 13 genes were expressed during triticale ME. Variations in gene expression profiles were observed between the studied DH lines. DH28 (highly embryogenic) was the only one in which all analysed genes (Ta.TPD1-like, TAA1b, GSTF2, GSTA2, CHI3, Tad1, XIP-R1, TaAGL14, TaNF-YA7, SERK2, SERK1, TaEXPB4, TaME1) were up-regulated during the first 8dc. In the less embryogenic DH31, TAA1b, GSTA2 and TaEXPB4 were already induced on 4dc. In DH25, ME was initiated quite efficiently but soon inhibited, which coincided with the lack of gene expression (TaEXPB4, TaME1) or down-regulation (Tad1, XIP-R1, TaAGL14, TaNF-YA, SERK2, SERK1) on 8dc. In the recalcitrant DH50 line, the majority of genes were expressed at a lower level or not at all, indicating disturbances in ME initiation. In this study, the molecular mechanisms involved in triticale ME induction were analysed for the first time, laying the foundation for further characterisation of specific genes controlling microspore-derived embryo development.

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