F. G. Herter
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
Featured researches published by F. G. Herter.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2008
Paulo Henrique Caramori; João Henrique Caviglione; Marcos Silveira Wrege; F. G. Herter; Roberto Hauagge; Sergio Luiz Gonçalves; Idemir Citadin; Wilian da Silva Ricce
ABSTRACT - Peach and nectarine crops, despite their high climatic and market potential, are not yet well exploited in the state ofParana. The objective of this research was to indicate zones with lower climatic risk for production of these crops in the state ofParana, Brazil, using climatic risk analysis and agronomic data. Historical data of 32 weather stations of IAPAR were analyzed toestimate and map the risks of late frost and the average totals of chilling hours above 7.2 o C accumulated from May to September. Theregions in which the last frost occurs before flowering and with the total chilling hours suitable to the cultivars needs were consideredapt. Most of the north, west and the coast of Parana do not have enough chilling hours. The areas located in the south with alt itudesabove 800 m are the most suitable. Within the apt areas eight zones were classified according to the chilling requirements of p eachesand nectarine varieties and climatic conditions of each region: zone 1 (75 to 150 hf); zone 2 (150 to 200 hf); zone 3 (200 to 250 hf); zone4 (250 to 300 hf); zone 5 (300 to 350 hf); zone 6 (350 to 400 hf), zone 7 (400 to 450 hf) and zone 8 (> 450 hf). The zones with lower altitudeand higher temperatures accumulate less chilling hours from May to September and are indicated for cultivars with lower chillingrequirement. The zones with higher altitudes and high chilling accumulation are suitable for varieties with high chilling requi rements(> 400 chilling hours). The last frost is likely to occur in the last ten days of August in the colder regions and do not caus e damagesto suitable varieties of peaches and nectarine. The results obtained in this work support the adoption of policies to foment thesecrops in the state of Parana with low risk.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2005
Renato Trevisan; Geraldo Chavarria; F. G. Herter; Emerson Dias Gonçalves; Alexandre Couto Rodrigues; Valtair Veríssimo; Ivan dos Santos Pereira
The commercial exploration of the pear culture in Brazil has little expression, due to the low productivity of the plants, being the internal consumption supplied by imports. The lack of adaptation and flower bud abortion, are the main problems for the development of this crop. This work had the objective to evaluate the effect of flower buds thinning on the reduction of the abortion, in Asian cultivars Nijisseiki and Shinseiki. Flower abortion was evaluated at three different times: beginning of the winter (June), spring (September) and end of spring (November) during the year of 2003. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with three replicates. The parameter evaluated was the percentage of flower bud abortion. Although the bud thinning has not reduced the abortion indexes in the cultivars, new studies will must be done, being able to, constitute in a cultural practice, trying to reduce the bud floral abortion which intensifies in the winter and in the beginning of the spring, in areas where the chilling hours is insufficient.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2008
Takeshi Iuchi; Vera Lúcia Iuchi; F. G. Herter; Emílio Brighenti
Two trials was conducted to study the effect of the ring and paclobutrazol in the production and mineral nutrition in pear tree Packham´s Triumph cv, in Sao Joaquim city, SC, south of Brazil, located in 1,400 m of altitude, in a commercial orchard, using adult plants .The experimental delineation used in the trials was of randomized blocks. In the first trial it was studied 7 treatments : 1) Control, 2) 1,5 g.tree-1 of paclobutrazol applied in soil application, 3) 3,0 g.tree-1 of paclobutrazol applied in soil application, 4) 4,5 g.tree-1 of paclobutrazol applied in soil application , 5) ring (one ring), 6) double ring and 7) full ring (one ring followed by another ring in the same place after cicatrization ).In the second trial, it was studied: 1) control, 2) 2,0 g.tree-1 of paclobutrazol applied in soil application 3) 3,0 g.tree-1 of paclobutrazol applied in soil application, 4) 1000 mg.l -1 paclobutrazol by foliar application, 5) 2000 mg.l -1 of paclobutrazol by foliar application, 6) one ring and 7) double ring .The highest production was observed in the full and double ring. The ring had greater effect in the production and the paclobutrazol soil application had greater effect than the foliar application. The treatments did not influence the nutrients levels in the fruit with exception of the potassium. The highest potassium level was found in the control which showed the biggest fruits.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2006
Renato Trevisan; F. G. Herter; Enilton Fick Coutinho; Emerson Dias Gonçalves; Carlos Augusto Posser Silveira; Cláudio José da Silva Freire
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar tecnicas que viabilizem a producao de pessegos de melhor qualidade, ao potencializar caracteristicas externas como a coloracao vermelha na epiderme e o tamanho, bem como caracteristicas quimicas relativas ao sabor. Num pomar comercial de pessegueiros da cultivar Maciel, no Municipio de Pelotas, RS, foram avaliados os efeitos da poda verde, o uso de dois tipos de plastico refletivo sob a copa das plantas, diferentes concentracoes de cloreto de potassio (KCl) incorporado ao solo, com ou sem KCl via foliar e antitranspirante. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso. O uso de 1.200 g de KCl via solo, combinado com 10 g de KCl via foliar e poda verde, produziu coloracao vermelha mais intensa na epiderme dos pessegos. O uso de 1.600 g de KCl no solo, combinado com poda verde, produziu pessegos com maior peso medio, maior diâmetro e baixa acidez titulavel. A cobertura do solo, sob a copa das plantas, com plastico de rafia, combinado com poda verde, resultou num maior teor de solidos soluveis totais nos frutos. O uso dessas praticas culturais, realizadas na pre-colheita, influencia positivamente a qualidade final das frutas de pessegueiro da cultivar Maciel.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2001
F. G. Herter; Lilia Bender Machado; Marisa de F. Oliveira; João Batista da Silva
Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, identificar a profundidade de dormencia e a velocidade de brotacao em gemas de pereira, submetidas a diferentes periodos de frio a temperatura de 4oC ±1. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa-Clima Temperado, em Pelotas, em 1999. Em 1o de junho, foram coletados 50 ramos, na cultivar Carrick, com aproximadamente 30 cm de comprimento. Apos, foram divididos em 5 lotes de 10 ramos, sendo 4 mantidos a 4oC± 1, e um em condicoes ambiente, constituindo, assim, 5 tratamentos: 0 (Testemunha); 272; 544; 816 e 1088 horas de frio (HF). No final de cada tratamento, os ramos foram divididos em pequenas estacas, contendo apenas uma unica gema, sendo, apos, armazenados em câmara climatica a 25oC ± 1. Avaliou-se a brotacao, considerando-se o estadio de ponta verde. A partir destes dados, calculou-se o tempo medio de brotacao (TMB), bem como a percentagem de gemas brotadas, em cada um dos tratamentos. Utilizou-se o indice de velocidade de brotacao (IVB), para determinar a eficiencia da temperatura na brotacao das gemas. A profundidade de dormencia, das gemas terminais, diminuiu a medida que se aumentou o periodo de frio. As gemas axilares nao foram influenciadas pelo tempo de exposicao ao frio. Com base nos dados do IVB e dos coeficientes angulares, as gemas terminais da cv. Carrick necessitam de 800 horas de frio para completar a brotacao, nas condicoes que foram conduzidos os experimentos.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2006
Valtair Veríssimo; F. G. Herter; Alexandre Couto Rodrigues; Renato Trevisan; Anderson Carlos Marafon
The objective of this study was to evaluate calcium (Ca) and boron (B) levels, in pear flower buds, on different locations, cultivars, period of the year and portion of bud. The experiments were carried out in two locations with different climatic conditions in Southern Brazil (Embrapa Clima Temperado Research Centre, in Pelotas-RS, and Experimental Station of Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuaria e Extensao Rural de Santa Catarina, in Sao Joaquim-SC), during the winter of 2000 and 2001. Three experiments were conducted, involving three cultivars, Nijisseiki (XXth Century), Kousui and Kieffer. The calcium and boron level were determined by the method adapted by Freire (1998). The levels of calcium and boron stayed practically unaltered during the winter in the flower buds of cvs. Kieffer and Nijisseiki, in Pelotas-RS. The cv. Nijisseiki had higher levels of boron than that of cv. Kieffer, more adapted to the region. Since the beginning autumn until early winter there was an increase in levels of boron, in both places and cultivars. The highest boron level was found in the basal and in the medium part of flower buds, whereas the highest levels of calcium was in the basal part.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2002
Idemir Citadin; Maria do Carmo Bassols Raseira; F. G. Herter; João Baptista da Silva; Alberto Centellas Quezada; Carlos Augusto Posser Silveira
O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a validade da tecnica da meiose polinica como marcador do final da endodormencia em pessegueiro, em condicoes de inverno subtropical. Determinou-se o numero de unidades de calor (GDHoC - Growing Degree Hour Celsius) acumulado desde 1o de maio ate o final da meiose e desta ate 10 e 50 % de florescimento. Foram efetuadas correlacoes entre tetrades + polen versus GDHoC e tetrades + polen versus numero de horas de frio (temperaturas do ar £ 7,2 oC), nas diferentes datas de observacao compreendidas entre 1o de maio e final da meiose. Pelos resultados dos dois anos de observacao, verificou-se que ha necessidade de calor para que as celulas-mae de polen atinjam o estadio de tetrades. O metodo da meiose polinica mostrou-se inadequado como marcador do final da endodormencia em pessegueiro.
Ciencia Rural | 2008
Adriana Pires Soares Bresolin; Caroline Marques Castro; F. G. Herter; Antonio Costa de Oliveira; Fernando Irajá Félix de Carvalho; Felipe Bermudez Pereira; Charles Lopes Vieira; Rudnei Ferreira Bertoli
The yield of tropical perennial forages in temperate climate areas depends on its cold tolerance. The exposure of genotypes to temperatures below 2oC, under controlled conditions is an efficient methodology to predict cold tolerance, since it maintains homogeneous levels of cold. Due to absence of information related to cold tolerance of tropical forages, this experiment was developed aiming to evaluate the behavior of forage peanut exposed to temperatures below 2oC. The design adopted was completely randomized with 15 replications and two treatments: exposed and not exposed to cold. The traits measured were: number of leaves per stolon; thickness of stolon and number of new shoots. The results showed that the exposition of the forage peanut to a range of temperature from -1.0 to 1.3 °C, for 3 hours, causes cold stress in the plants, resulting in a reduction of the number of leaves per solon and stimulating the emergency of new shoots, but did not kill the plants.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2005
Alexandre Couto Rodrigues; F. G. Herter; Valtair Veríssimo; Geraldo Chavarria; João Peterson Pereira Gardin; Ângela Diniz Campos
The temperate-zone deciduous fruit trees present the phenomenon of dormancy. In that period, there is the conversion of the starch in soluble sugars, as substratum for the resumption of growth in the spring. Seeking to better understanding the physiology of the plants in answers to events as the climatic variations, stresses and adaptation problems, this study was done in the Laboratory of Crop Physiology of Embrapa Temperate Climate, with the objective of describing a methodology for determination of concentrations of the soluble sugars (fructose, sorbitol, a-glucose, b-glucose and sucrose), in tissues of fruit tree, through gaseous chromatography. The chromatograph used for the analyses of the sugars was the GAS CHROMATOGRAPH with the column of the type Packed Column J. K. of 3,2mm of diameter for 2m of length packed with Silicon IF-52 Uniport HP 80/100 mesh. Through the gaseous chromatography it is obtained efficiency and chromatographic resolution to soluble sugars determination, being this way, advantageous to use this methodology.
Bragantia | 2008
Renato Trevisan; Emerson Dias Gonçalves; Rafael da Silva Gonçalves; Luis Eduardo Corrêa Antunes; F. G. Herter
Fruit quality is influenced by climate, soil, cultivar, orchard management, time of harvesting and fruit handling at harvest and post harvest. One way of improving the fruit quality is through cultural practices. Thus, this work had the objective of evaluating the effect of the white plastic, vegetative pruning and aminoquelant®-K, alone or the combination of the last with plastic or summer pruning, on the quality of peaches cv. Santa Aurea. The quality attributes evaluated quality were: visual percentage of red on the fruit surface, intensity of red in the epidermis, determined by the CIEL*a*b * system, fruit mean weight, diameter and firmness, total soluble solids (TSS) content on the flesh, total titratable acidity (TTA) and the relation TSS/TTA. All the tested treatments increased the percentage of red on the fruit epidermis; the use of aminoquelant®-K, alone, resulted in greater acidity of the fruits; the best relation TSS/TTA was obtained by the use of the white plastic under the canopy and by the combination of that plastic with aminoquelant®-K.