F. J. Xu
Peking University
Journal of Applied Physics | 2008
L. Lu; Z. Y. Gao; B. Shen; F. J. Xu; Shaoyun Huang; Z. L. Miao; Yang Hao; Z. J. Yang; G. Y. Zhang; Xiufang Zhang; J. Xu; Dapeng Yu
Morphology and microstructure of dislocation etch pits in GaN epilayers etched by molten KOH have been investigated by atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Three types of etch pits (α, β, and γ) are observed. The α type etch pit shows an inversed trapezoidal shape, the β one has a triangular shape, and the γ type one has a combination of triangular and trapezoidal shapes. TEM observation shows that α, β, and γ types etch pits originate from screw, edge, and mixed-type threading dislocations (TDs), respectively. For the screw-type TD, it is easily etched along the steps that the dislocation terminates, and consequently, a small Ga-polar plane is formed to prevent further vertical etching. For the edge-type TD, it is easily etched along the dislocation line. Since the mixed-type TDs have both screw and edge components, the γ type etch pit has a combination of α and β type shapes. It is also found that the chemical stabilization of Ga-polar surfac...
Applied Physics Letters | 2010
J. Song; F. J. Xu; X. D. Yan; Fang Lin; C. C. Huang; Liping You; Tongjun Yu; X. Q. Wang; B. Shen; Ke Wei; Xiaomin Liu
A correlation between microstructures and high gate leakage current density of Schottky contacts on lattice-matched InxAl1−xN/GaN heterostructures has been investigated by means of current-voltage measurements, conductive atom force microscopy (C-AFM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigations. It is shown that the reverse-bias gate leakage current density of Ni/Au Schottky contacts on InxAl1−xN/GaN heterostructures is more than two orders of magnitude larger than that on AlxGa1−xN/GaN ones. C-AFM and TEM observations indicate that screw- and mixed-type threading dislocations (S/M-TDs) are efficient leakage current channels in InxAl1−xN barrier and In segregation is formed around S/M-TDs. It is believed that In segregation around S/M-TDs reduces local Schottky barrier height to form conductive channels and leads to high leakage current density of Schottky contacts on InxAl1−xN/GaN heterostructures.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2010
F. J. Xu; B. Shen; L. Lu; Z. L. Miao; J. Song; Z. J. Yang; G. Y. Zhang; X. P. Hao; Bosen Wang; X. Q. Shen; Hajime Okumura
The yellow luminescence (YL) in as-grown high-resistance (HR) and unintentional-doped (UID) GaN films grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition has been investigated by means of photoluminescence and monoenergetic positron annihilation spectroscopy. It is found there is stronger YL in UID-GaN with higher concentration of gallium vacancy (VGa), suggesting that VGa-involved defects are the origin responsible for the YL in UID-GaN. Contrastly, there is much stronger YL in HR-GaN that is nearly free from VGa, suggesting that there is another origin for the YL in HR-GaN, which is thought as the carbon-involved defects. Furthermore, it is found that the HR-GaN film with shorter positron diffusion length Ld exhibits stronger YL. It is suggested that the increased wave function overlap of electrons and holes induced by the extremely strong space localization effect of holes deduced from the short Ld is the vital factor to enhance the YL efficiency in HR-GaN.
Applied Physics Letters | 2007
X. W. He; B. Shen; Y. Q. Tang; Ning Tang; Chunming Yin; F. J. Xu; Z. J. Yang; G. Y. Zhang; Yu Chen; C. G. Tang; Z.G. Wang
The circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE) of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in Al0.25Ga0.75N/GaN heterostructures induced by infrared radiation has been investigated under uniaxial strain. The observed photocurrent consists of the superposition of the CPGE and the linear photogalvanic effect currents, both of which are up to 10(-2) nA. The amplitude of the CPGE current increases linearly with additional strain and is enhanced by 18.6% with a strain of 2.2x10(-3). Based on the experimental results, the contribution of bulk-inversion asymmetry (BIA) and structure-inversion asymmetry (SIA) spin splitting of the 2DEG to the CPGE current in the heterostructures is separated, and the ratio of SIA and BIA terms is estimated to be about 13.2, indicating that the SIA is the dominant mechanism to induce the k-linear spin splitting of the subbands in the triangular quantum well at AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterointerfaces
Applied Physics Letters | 2007
Sen Huang; B. Shen; Maojun Wang; F. J. Xu; Yilun Wang; Hong Yang; Fang Lin; L. Lu; Zhijiang Chen; Z. X. Qin; Z. J. Yang; G. Y. Zhang
Current transport mechanism in Au∕Ni∕GaN Schottky diodes has been investigated using current-voltage characterization technique between 27 and 350°C. It is found that the ideality factor n of the diode decreases with increasing temperature when the temperature is lower than 230°C, and then increases with increasing temperature when the temperature is higher than 230°C. The corresponding Schottky barrier height (SBH) increases all through the temperature range. Thermionic-emission model with a Gaussian distribution of SBHs is thought to be responsible for the electrical behavior at temperatures lower than 230°C, while the generation-recombination (GR) process takes place in at temperatures above 230°C. The effective Richardson constant is determined to be 24.08Acm−2K−2, in excellent agreement with the theoretical value. The extrapolated activation energy of the GR process is determined to be 1.157eV. Based on the cathodoluminescence measurements, it is suggested that the deep level defects inducing yellow ...
Applied Physics Letters | 2009
Z. L. Miao; Tongjun Yu; F. J. Xu; J. Song; C. C. Huang; Xinqiang Wang; Z. J. Yang; G. Y. Zhang; Xiufang Zhang; Dapeng Yu; B. Shen
Near-lattice-matched and highly compressive-strained InxAl1−xN epilayers were grown on GaN templates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. The V-defects associated with screw-component threading dislocations (TDs) were found in all the InxAl1−xN layers. Their origin and evolution were investigated through near-lattice-matched In0.173Al0.827N layers with different thicknesses. Furthermore, small V-defects not associated with TDs were also found in InxAl1−xN layers with high In composition (x=0.231). Stacking mismatch boundaries induced by lattice relaxation in InxAl1−xN epilayers under large strain is believed to be another mechanism forming V-defects.
Applied Physics Letters | 2010
N. Ma; Xiaodong Wang; F. J. Xu; Ning Tang; B. Shen; Yoshihiro Ishitani; Akihiko Yoshikawa
The p-type conduction in Mg-doped InN film is identified by an anomalous Hall mobility kink observed at ∼600 K in temperature-dependent Hall-effect measurements. The good agreement between experimental results and ensemble Monte Carlo simulation confirms the p-type bulk conduction under the surface electron accumulation layer. Furthermore, it is found that there is an exponential relationship between the hole concentration in the p-type bulk layer and the reciprocal kink temperature, which provides an effective way to evaluate the hole concentration in Mg-doped InN bulk layer through Hall-effect measurements.
Nano Letters | 2013
Chunming Yin; Hongtao Yuan; Xinqiang Wang; Shitao Liu; Shan Zhang; Ning Tang; F. J. Xu; Zhuoyu Chen; Hidekazu Shimotani; Yoshihiro Iwasa; Yonghai Chen; Weikun Ge; B. Shen
Electrically manipulating electron spins based on Rashba spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is a key pathway for applications of spintronics and spin-based quantum computation. Two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) offer a particularly important SOC platform, where spin polarization can be tuned with an electric field perpendicular to the 2DES. Here, by measuring the tunable circular photogalvanic effect (CPGE), we present a room-temperature electric-field-modulated spin splitting of surface electrons on InN epitaxial thin films that is a good candidate to realize spin injection. The surface band bending and resulting CPGE current are successfully modulated by ionic liquid gating within an electric double-layer transistor configuration. The clear gate voltage dependence of CPGE current indicates that the spin splitting of the surface electron accumulation layer is effectively tuned, providing a way to modulate the injected spin polarization in potential spintronic devices.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2011
Shunquan Liu; X. Q. Wang; Guang Chen; Y. W. Zhang; L. Feng; C. C. Huang; F. J. Xu; Ning Tang; L. W. Sang; Masatomo Sumiya; Bao-gen Shen
InxGa1-xN alloys (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) have been grown on GaN/sapphire templates by molecular beam epitaxy. Growth temperature controlled epitaxy was proposed to modulate the In composition so that each InxGa1-xN layer was grown at a temperature as high as possible and thus their crystalline quality was improved. The bandgap energies of the InxGa1-xN alloys have been precisely evaluated by optical transmission spectroscopy, where the effect of residual strain and electron concentration (the Burstein-Moss effect) on the bandgap energy shift has been considered. Finally, a bowing parameter of ∼1.9 ± 0.1 eV has been obtained by the well fitting In-composition dependent bandgap energy.
Applied Physics Letters | 2011
N. Ma; X. Q. Wang; Shunquan Liu; Guang Chen; J. H. Pan; Li Feng; F. J. Xu; Ning Tang; B. Shen
Hole mobility in wurtzite InN at low electric fields is studied by an ensemble Monte Carlo calculation. Scatterings of holes by polar optical phonons, nonpolar optical phonons, acoustic phonons, ionized and neutral impurities, and threading dislocations are taken into account. Mobility of holes is ∼220 cm2/V s at 300 K in the InN, where holes are only scattered by the lattice. It decreases to 20–70 cm2/V s when the present quality of InN with threading dislocation density of ∼1010 cm−2 and residual donor concentration of over 1017 cm−3 is considered. The calculated mobility coincides well with the recent experimental observation.