F. Morier-Genoud
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Journal of The Optical Society of America B-optical Physics | 1999
C. Hönninger; Rüdiger Paschotta; F. Morier-Genoud; M. Moser; Ursula Keller
The use of a saturable absorber as a passive mode locker in a solid-state laser can introduce a tendency for Q-switched mode-locked operation. We have investigated the transition between the regimes of cw mode locking and Q-switched mode locking. Experimental data from Nd:YLF lasers in the picosecond domain and soliton mode-locked Nd:glass lasers in the femtosecond domain, both passively mode locked with semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors, were compared with predictions from an analytical model. The observed stability limits for the picosecond lasers agree well with a previously described model, while for soliton mode-locked femtosecond lasers we have developed an extended theory that takes into account nonlinear soliton-shaping effects and gain filtering.
Optics Letters | 1999
Dirk Sutter; Günter Steinmeyer; Lukas Gallmann; N. Matuschek; F. Morier-Genoud; Ursula Keller; V. Scheuer; G. Angelow; T. Tschudi
Pulses of sub-6-fs duration have been obtained from a Kerr-lens mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser at a repetition rate of 100 MHz and an average power of 300 mW. Fitting an ideal sech(2) to the autocorrelation data yields a 4.8-fs pulse duration, whereas reconstruction of the pulse amplitude profile gives 5.8 fs. The pulse spectrum covers wavelengths from above 950 nm to below 630 nm, extending into the yellow beyond the gain bandwidth of Ti:sapphire. This improvement in bandwidth has been made possible by three key ingredients: carefully designed spectral shaping of the output coupling, better suppression of the dispersion oscillation of the double-chirped mirrors, and a novel broadband semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | 2002
R. Haring; Rüdiger Paschotta; A. Aschwanden; E. Gini; F. Morier-Genoud; Ursula Keller
We have developed optically pumped passively mode-locked vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers. We achieved as much as 950 mW of mode-locked average power in chirped 15-ps pulses, or 530 mW in 3.9-ps pulses with moderate chirp. Both lasers operate at a repetition rate of 6 GHz and have a diffraction-limited output beam near 950 nm. In continuous-wave operation, we demonstrate an average output power as high as 2.2 W. Device designs with a low thermal impedance and a smooth gain spectrum are the key to such performance. We discuss design and fabrication of the gain structures and, particularly, their thermal properties
Optics Letters | 2002
F. Brunner; Thomas Südmeyer; E. Innerhofer; F. Morier-Genoud; Rüdiger Paschotta; V. E. Kisel; V. G. Shcherbitsky; N. V. Kuleshov; J. Gao; K. Contag; A. Giesen; Ursula Keller
We demonstrate what is to our knowledge the first passively mode-locked thin-disk Yb:KY(WO(4))(2) laser. The laser produces pulses of 240-fs duration with an average power of 22 W at a center wavelength of 1028 nm. At a pulse repetition rate of 25 MHz, the pulse energy is 0.9microJ , and the peak power is as high as 3.3 MW. The beam quality is very close to the diffraction limit, with M(2)=1.1 .
Optics Letters | 2000
F. Brunner; G.J. Spuhler; J. Aus der Au; L. Krainer; F. Morier-Genoud; Rüdiger Paschotta; N. Lichtenstein; S. Weiss; C. Harder; A. A. Lagatsky; A. Abdolvand; N. V. Kuleshov; Ursula Keller
We demonstrate what is to our knowledge the first mode-locked Yb:KGd(WO(4))(2) laser. Using a semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror for passive mode locking, we obtain pulses of 176-fs duration with an average power of 1.1 W and a peak power of 64 kW at a center wavelength of 1037 nm. We achieve pulses as short as 112 fs at a lower output power. The laser is based on a standard delta cavity and pumped by two high-brightness laser diodes, making the whole system very simple and compact. Tuning the laser by means of a knife-edge results in mode-locked pulses within a wavelength range from 1032 to 1054 nm. In cw operation, we achieve output powers as high as 1.3 W.
Optics Letters | 1997
I.D. Jung; F. X. Kärtner; N. Matuschek; Dirk Sutter; F. Morier-Genoud; G. Zhang; Ursula Keller; V. Scheuer; M. Tilsch; T. Tschudi
We demonstrate self-starting 6.5-fs pulses from a Kerr-lens mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser with 200-mW average output power at a pulse repetition rate of ~86 M Hz. This is to our knowledge the shortest pulse ever generated directly from a laser. For dispersion compensation we used a prism pair in combination with double-chirped mirrors, which balances the higher-order dispersion of the prism pair and therefore flattens the average total group-delay dispersion in the laser cavity. For self-starting mode locking we used a broadband semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror.
Optics Letters | 1997
J. Aus der Au; Daniel Kopf; F. Morier-Genoud; M. Moser; Ursula Keller
We demonstrate 60-fs pulses with an average output power of 84 mW from a diode-pumped Nd:glass laser mode locked by a low-finesse antiresonant Fabry-Perot saturable absorber (A-FPSA). The mode-locked spectrum spreads over most of the available Nd:glass fluorescence bandwidth. At increased pulse energy fluence or decreased negative group-velocity dispersion, multiple pulsing was observed. We experimentally characterize this behavior, which can be explained by the saturation behavior of the A-FPSA and the limited available gain bandwidth. These considerations are significant for the design of saturable absorbers to achieve stable passive mode locking.
Nature Materials | 2010
Taofiq K. Paraïso; M. Wouters; Yoan Léger; F. Morier-Genoud; Benoı̂t Deveaud-Plédran
Coherent manipulation of spin ensembles is a key issue in the development of spintronics. In particular, multivalued spin switching may lead to new schemes of logic gating and memories. This phenomenon has been studied with atom vapours 30 years ago, but is still awaited in the solid state. Here, we demonstrate spin multistability with microcavity polaritons in a trap. Owing to the spinor nature of these light-matter quasiparticles and to the anisotropy of their interactions, we can optically control the spin state of a single confined level by tuning the excitation power, frequency and polarization. First, we realize high-efficiency power-dependent polarization switching. Then, at constant excitation power, we evidence polarization hysteresis and determine the conditions for realizing multivalued spin switching. Finally, we demonstrate an unexpected regime, where our system behaves as a high-contrast spin trigger. These results open new pathways to the development of advanced spintronics devices and to the realization of multivalued logic circuits.
Applied Physics Letters | 2006
O. El Daïf; A. Baas; Thierry Guillet; Jean-Philippe Brantut; R. Idrissi Kaitouni; J. L. Staehli; F. Morier-Genoud; B. Deveaud
We report on the realization of polariton quantum boxes in a semiconductor microcavity under strong coupling regime. The quantum boxes consist of mesas, etched on the top of the spacer of a microcavity, that confine the cavity photon. For mesas with sizes of the order of a few microns in width and nanometers in depth, we observe quantization of the polariton modes in several states, caused by the lateral confinement. We evidence the strong exciton-photon coupling regime through a typical anticrossing curve for each quantized level. Moreover, the growth technique permits one to obtain high-quality samples, and opens the way for the conception of new optoelectronic devices.
Optics Letters | 2005
V. E. Kisel; A. E. Troshin; V. G. Shcherbitsky; N. V. Kuleshov; V. N. Matrosov; T. A. Matrosova; M. I. Kupchenko; F. Brunner; Rüdiger Paschotta; F. Morier-Genoud; Ursula Keller
A diode-pumped Yb:YVO4 laser has been passively mode locked for the first time, to our knowledge. 120 fs pulses with an average output power of 300 mW and a peak power as high as 14.5 kW are obtained by use of a semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror for passive mode locking. The optical spectrum has a 10 nm bandwidth (full width at half-maximum) and is centered at 1021 nm.