F. Vala
University of Amsterdam
The American Naturalist | 2002
Anurag A. Agrawal; F. Vala; Maurice W. Sabelis
We examined induction of preference and performance on novel host plants for two laboratory populations of the polyphagous spider mite Tetranychus urticae, with one population adapted to bean and the other population adapted to tomato. We bred four isofemale lines of the bean population only and used them in all the assays. The bean population had a 30% lower fecundity on tomato than on bean, while the tomato population had equal fecundity on both host plants. Acclimation of adult females to the novel host plant for both populations increased acceptability of that novel host but did not increase rejection of the original host. The bean population experienced a 60% benefit and a 30% cost in terms of egg production for acclimating to tomato, thus exemplifying adaptive plasticity. The tomato population showed a 23% benefit for acclimating to bean but no cost. Mites from the bean population that were acclimated to tomato fed more on tomato than did mites that were not acclimated to tomato. When these mites were fed inhibitors of cytochrome P‐450 detoxification enzymes, their performance was severely depressed (84%) on tomato but not on bean. However, mites that were fed inhibitors of P‐450 enzymes did not reduce their acceptance of tomato as a host. Thus, performance on novel hosts (but not preference) in this species is likely correlated with the induction of detoxifying enzymes. Spider mites are known to form host races rapidly on novel hosts. Induction of preference and physiological acclimation via detoxification enzymes may enhance performance and, thus, strongly contribute to initial stages of host race formation.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology | 2004
F. Vala; Martijn Egas; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer; Maurice W. Sabelis
Wolbachia bacteria are transmitted from mother to offspring via the cytoplasm of the egg. When mated to males infected with Wolbachia bacteria, uninfected females produce unviable offspring, a phenomenon called cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Current theory predicts that ‘sterilization’ of uninfected females by infected males confers a fitness advantage to Wolbachia in infected females. When the infection is above a threshold frequency in a panmictic population, CI reduces the fitness of uninfected females below that of infected females and, consequently, the proportion of infected hosts increases. CI is a mechanism that benefits the bacteria but, apparently, not the host. The host could benefit from avoiding incompatible mates. Parasite load and disease resistance are known to be involved in mate choice. Can Wolbachia also be implicated in reproductive behaviour? We used the two‐spotted spider mite – Wolbachia symbiosis to address this question. Our results suggest that uninfected females preferably mate to uninfected males while infected females aggregate their offspring, thereby promoting sib mating. Our data agrees with other results that hosts of Wolbachia do not necessarily behave as innocent bystanders – host mechanisms that avoid CI can evolve.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences | 2000
F. Vala; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer; Maurice W. Sabelis
The most common post–zygotic isolation mechanism between populations of the phytophagous mite Tetranychus urticae is ‘hybrid breakdown’, i.e. when individuals from two different populations are crossed, F1 hybrid females are produced, but F2 recombinant male offspring suffer increased mortality. Two spotted spider mites collected from two populations, one on rose and the other on cucumber plants, were infected with Wolbachia bacteria. These bacteria may induce cytoplasmic incompatibility in their hosts: uninfected (U) females become reproductively incompatible with infected (W) males. We report on the effect of Wolbachia infections in intra–and interstrain crosses on (i) F1 mortality and sex ratios (a test for cytoplasmic incompatibility), and (ii) the number of haploid offspring and mortality in clutches of F1 virgins (a test for hybrid breakdown). U x W crosses within the rose strain exhibited partial cytoplasmic incompatibility. More interestingly, F2 males suffered increased mortality, a result identical to the hybrid breakdown phenomenon. The experiments were repeated using females from the cucumber strain. In interstrain U x W and U x U crosses, hybrid breakdown was much stronger in the former (80 versus 26%).This is the first report of a Wolbachia infection causing a hybrid breakdown phenotype. Our results show that Wolbachia infections can contribute to reproductive incompatibility between populations of T.urticae.
Evolution | 2002
Martijn Egas; F. Vala; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer
Abstract The most enigmatic sexual manipulation by Wolbachia endosymbionts is cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI): infected males are reproductively incompatible with uninfected females. In this paper, we extend the theory on population dynamics and evolution of CI, with emphasis on haplodiploid species. First, we focus on the problem of the threshold to invasion of the Wolbachia infection in a population. Simulations of the dynamics of infection in small populations show that it does not suffice to assume invasion by drift alone (or demographic “accident”). We propose several promising alternatives that may facilitate invasion of Wolbachia in uninfected populations: sex‐ratio effects, meta population structure, and other fitness‐compensating effects. Including sex‐ratio effects of Wolbachia allows invasion whenever infected females produce more infected daughters than uninfected females produce uninfected daughters. Several studies on haplodiploid species suggest the presence of such sex‐ratio effects. The simple meta‐population model we analyzed predicts that, given that infecteds are better “invaders”, uninfecteds must be better “colonizers” to maintain coexistence of infected and uninfected patches. This condition seems more feasible for species that suffer local extinction due to predation (or parasitization) than for species that suffer local extinction due to overexploiting their resource(s). Finally, we analyze the evolution of CI in haplodiploids once a population has been infected. Evolution does not depend on the type of CI (female mortality or male production), but hinges solely on decreasing the fitness cost and/or increasing the transmission efficiency. Our models offer new perspectives for increasing our understanding of the population and evolutionary dynamics of CI.
Evolution | 2002
F. Vala; Andrew R. Weeks; David Claessen; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer; Maurice W. Sabelis
Abstract Wolbachiapipientis is a bacterium that induces cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), the phenomenon in which infected males are reproductively incompatible with uninfected females. CI spreads in a population of hosts because it reduces the fitness of uninfected females relative to infected females. CI encompasses two steps: modification (mod) of sperm of infected males and rescuing (resc) of these chromosomes by Wolbachia in the egg. Infections associated with CI have mod+resc+ phenotypes. However, mod∼resc+ phenotypes also exist; these do not result in CI. Assuming mod/resc phenotypes are properties of the symbiont, theory predicts that mod∼resc+ infections can only spread in a host population where a mod+resc+ infection already occurs. A mod∼resc+ infection spreads if the cost it imposes on the infected females is lower than the cost inflicted by the resident (mod+resc+) infection. Furthermore, introduction of a mod‐Wolbachia eventually drives infection to extinction. The uninfected population that results can be recolonized by a CI‐causing Wolbachia. Here, we investigated whether variability for induction of CI was present in two Tetranychus urticae populations. In one population all isofemale lines tested were mod‐. In the other, mod+resc+ and mod∼resc+ isofemale lines coexisted. We found no evidence for a cost difference to females expressing either type (mod+/∼). Infections in the two populations could not be distinguished based on sequences of two Wolbachia genes. We consider the possibility that mod‐ is a host effect through a population dynamics model. A mod‐ host allele leads to infection extinction in the absence of fecundity differences. Furthermore, the uninfected population that results is immune to reestablishment of the (same) CI‐causing Wolbachia.
The American Naturalist | 2003
F. Vala; Tim van Opijnen; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer; Maurice W. Sabelis
Nucleocytoplasmic genetic conflicts arise as a result of asymmetric transmission of cytoplasmic and nuclear genes. Spread of a cytoplasmic element promoting female‐biased sex ratios creates selection on nuclear genes for mechanisms that decrease the bias. Here we investigate the conflict over sex ratio between the cytoplasmic bacterium Wolbachia and the two‐spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch. We show that, first, infected females produce significantly more female‐biased sex ratios than uninfected (cured) females. Second, this effect is not due to parthenogenesis, male killing, or feminization, phenotypes commonly associated with infection by Wolbachia. Third, sex ratio is a trait with a heritable component in this species; thus, it can evolve under selection. Fourth, the sex ratio produced by uninfected (cured) females changes over time, approaching the sex ratio produced by females from the infected culture. On the basis of these results, we suggest that after sex ratio manipulation by Wolbachia, a host compensatory mechanism evolved that allows infected females to produce the sex ratio favored by nuclear genes. We discuss the evolution of “mutualism” with respect to the evolution of host mechanisms that compensate for effects induced by vertically transmitted “parasites.”
Experimental and Applied Acarology | 2003
F. Vala; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer; Maurice W. Sabelis
Wolbachia bacteria manipulate host reproduction by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) and sex ratio distortion. Wolbachia are transmitted from mother to offspring through the cytoplasm of the egg. Therefore, reproduction of Wolbachia is tightly coupled to reproduction of its host. Mathematical analysis predicts that in the course of evolution, traits that reduce the physiological costs of the infection will be selectively favored. For a Wolbachia-host system to evolve, traits under selection must have some genetic component and variation must be present in the population. We have previously established that highly inbred isofemale lines of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae may differ regarding the effects of infection by Wolbachia, and that at least some of the traits affected had a genetic component. However, the effects measured could have been affected by the fact that the lines were severely inbred prior to the experiments. In this paper we attempt to distinguish between the effects of Wolbachia, isofemale line, and inbreeding. We show that Wolbachia did not affect longevity but infected females produced smaller clutch sizes, more daughter-biased sex ratios and had decreased F1 mortality; between-line variation was found for clutch size, F1 mortality and sex ratio; finally, inbreeding resulted in an overall reduction of clutch sizes, and a change in survival curves and mean longevity.
Experimental and Applied Acarology | 2003
F. Vala; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer; Maurice W. Sabelis
Wolbachia are cytoplasmically transmitted bacteria that infect several species of mites. In the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch this symbiont can induce reproductive incompatibility. Wolbachia-induced reproductive incompatibility is observed in crosses between Wolbachia-infected (W) males and uninfected (U) females. This incompatibility is expressed in F1 broods as male-biased sex ratios, an effect called cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). However, in the two-spotted spider mite, Wolbachia-induced reproductive incompatibility may extend to the F2: broods of virgin F1 females from U×W crosses sometimes suffer increased mortality rates. This F2 effect is called hybrid breakdown (HB). Several isofemale lines derived from mites collected from rose and cucumber plants had been previously tested for CI. Here we report on the results obtained for HB.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology | 2004
F. Vala; Martijn Egas; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer; Maurice W. Sabelis
Wolbachia bacteria are transmitted from mother to offspring via the cytoplasm of the egg. When mated to males infected with Wolbachia bacteria, uninfected females produce unviable offspring, a phenomenon called cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Current theory predicts that ‘sterilization’ of uninfected females by infected males confers a fitness advantage to Wolbachia in infected females. When the infection is above a threshold frequency in a panmictic population, CI reduces the fitness of uninfected females below that of infected females and, consequently, the proportion of infected hosts increases. CI is a mechanism that benefits the bacteria but, apparently, not the host. The host could benefit from avoiding incompatible mates. Parasite load and disease resistance are known to be involved in mate choice. Can Wolbachia also be implicated in reproductive behaviour? We used the two‐spotted spider mite – Wolbachia symbiosis to address this question. Our results suggest that uninfected females preferably mate to uninfected males while infected females aggregate their offspring, thereby promoting sib mating. Our data agrees with other results that hosts of Wolbachia do not necessarily behave as innocent bystanders – host mechanisms that avoid CI can evolve.
Journal of Evolutionary Biology | 2004
F. Vala; Martijn Egas; Johannes A. J. Breeuwer; Maurice W. Sabelis
Wolbachia bacteria are transmitted from mother to offspring via the cytoplasm of the egg. When mated to males infected with Wolbachia bacteria, uninfected females produce unviable offspring, a phenomenon called cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Current theory predicts that ‘sterilization’ of uninfected females by infected males confers a fitness advantage to Wolbachia in infected females. When the infection is above a threshold frequency in a panmictic population, CI reduces the fitness of uninfected females below that of infected females and, consequently, the proportion of infected hosts increases. CI is a mechanism that benefits the bacteria but, apparently, not the host. The host could benefit from avoiding incompatible mates. Parasite load and disease resistance are known to be involved in mate choice. Can Wolbachia also be implicated in reproductive behaviour? We used the two‐spotted spider mite – Wolbachia symbiosis to address this question. Our results suggest that uninfected females preferably mate to uninfected males while infected females aggregate their offspring, thereby promoting sib mating. Our data agrees with other results that hosts of Wolbachia do not necessarily behave as innocent bystanders – host mechanisms that avoid CI can evolve.