
Featured researches published by F. Valentini.

Journal of Computational Physics | 2007

A hybrid-Vlasov model based on the current advance method for the simulation of collisionless magnetized plasma

F. Valentini; Pavel M. Travnicek; Francesco Califano; Petr Hellinger; Andre Mangeney

We present a numerical scheme for the integration of the Vlasov-Maxwell system of equations for a non-relativistic plasma, in the hybrid approximation, where the Vlasov equation is solved for the ion distribution function and the electrons are treated as a fluid. In the Ohm equation for the electric field, effects of electron inertia have been retained, in order to include the small scale dynamics up to characteristic lengths of the order of the electron skin depth. The low frequency approximation is used by neglecting the time derivative of the electric field, i.e. the displacement current in the Ampere equation. The numerical algorithm consists in coupling the splitting method proposed by Cheng and Knorr in 1976 [C.Z. Cheng, G. Knorr, J. Comput. Phys. 22 (1976) 330-351.] and the current advance method (CAM) introduced by Matthews in 1994 [A.P. Matthews, J. Comput. Phys. 112 (1994) 102-116.] In its present version, the code solves the Vlasov-Maxwell equations in a five-dimensional phase space (2-D in the physical space and 3-D in the velocity space) and it is implemented in a parallel version to exploit the computational power of the modern massively parallel supercomputers. The structure of the algorithm and the coupling between the splitting method and the CAM method (extended to the hybrid case) is discussed in detail. Furthermore, in order to test the hybrid-Vlasov code, the numerical results on propagation and damping of linear ion-acoustic modes and time evolution of linear elliptically polarized Alfven waves (including the so-called whistler regime) are compared to the analytical solutions. Finally, the numerical results of the hybrid-Vlasov code on the parametric instability of Alfven waves are compared with those obtained using a two-fluid approach.

Journal of Plasma Physics | 2015

A kinetic model of plasma turbulence

Sergio Servidio; F. Valentini; D. Perrone; A. Greco; Francesco Califano; William H. Matthaeus; P. Veltri

A Hybrid Vlasov–Maxwell (HVM) model is presented and recent results about the link between kinetic effects and turbulence are reviewed. Using five-dimensional (2D in space and 3D in the velocity space) simulations of plasma turbulence, it is found that kinetic effects (or non-fluid effects) manifest through the deformation of the proton velocity distribution function (DF), with patterns of non-Maxwellian features being concentrated near regions of strong magnetic gradients. The direction of the proper temperature anisotropy , calculated in the main reference frame of the distribution itself, has a finite probability of being along or across the ambient magnetic field, in general agreement with the classical definition of anisotropy T ⊥ / T ∥ (where subscripts refer to the magnetic field direction). Adopting the latter conventional definition, by varying the global plasma beta (β) and fluctuation level, simulations explore distinct regions of the space given by T ⊥ / T ∥ and β ∥ , recovering solar wind observations. Moreover, as in the solar wind, HVM simulations suggest that proton anisotropy is not only associated with magnetic intermittent events, but also with gradient-type structures in the flow and in the density. The role of alpha particles is reviewed using multi-ion kinetic simulations, revealing a similarity between proton and helium non-Maxwellian effects. The techniques presented here are applied to 1D spacecraft-like analysis, establishing a link between non-fluid phenomena and solar wind magnetic discontinuities. Finally, the dimensionality of turbulence is investigated, for the first time, via 6D HVM simulations (3D in both spaces). These preliminary results provide support for several previously reported studies based on 2.5D simulations, confirming several basic conclusions. This connection between kinetic features and turbulence open a new path on the study of processes such as heating, particle acceleration, and temperature-anisotropy, commonly observed in space plasmas.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2013

Vlasov Simulations of Multi-ion Plasma Turbulence in the Solar Wind

Denise Perrone; F. Valentini; Sergio Servidio; Serena Dalena; P. Veltri

Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations are employed to investigate the role of kinetic effects in a two-dimensional turbulent multi-ion plasma, composed of protons, alpha particles, and fluid electrons. In the typical conditions of the solar-wind environment, and in situations of decaying turbulence, the numerical results show that the velocity distribution functions of both ion species depart from the typical configuration of thermal equilibrium. These non-Maxwellian features are quantified through the statistical analysis of the temperature anisotropy, for both protons and alpha particles, in the reference frame given by the local magnetic field. Anisotropy is found to be higher in regions of high magnetic stress. Both ion species manifest a preferentially perpendicular heating, although the anisotropy is more pronounced for the alpha particles, according to solar wind observations. The anisotropy of the alpha particle, moreover, is correlated to the proton anisotropy and also depends on the local differential flow between the two species. Evident distortions of the particle distribution functions are present, with the production of bumps along the direction of the local magnetic field. The physical phenomenology recovered in these numerical simulations reproduces very common measurements in the turbulent solar wind, suggesting that the multi-ion Vlasov model constitutes a valid approach to understanding the nature of complex kinetic effects in astrophysical plasmas.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2014


Sergio Servidio; K. T. Osman; F. Valentini; D. Perrone; Francesco Califano; Sandra C. Chapman; William H. Matthaeus; P. Veltri

Kinetic plasma processes are investigated in the framework of solar wind turbulence, employing hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell (HVM) simulations. Statistical analysis of spacecraft observation data relates proton temperature anisotropy T ⊥/T ∥ and parallel plasma beta β∥, where subscripts refer to the ambient magnetic field direction. Here, this relationship is recovered using an ensemble of HVM simulations. By varying plasma parameters, such as plasma beta and fluctuation level, the simulations explore distinct regions of the parameter space given by T ⊥/T ∥ and β∥, similar to solar wind sub-datasets. Moreover, both simulation and solar wind data suggest that temperature anisotropy is not only associated with magnetic intermittent events, but also with gradient-type structures in the flow and in the density. This connection between non-Maxwellian kinetic effects and various types of intermittency may be a key point for understanding the complex nature of plasma turbulence.

Physics of Plasmas | 2005

Nonlinear Landau damping in nonextensive statistics

F. Valentini

The evolution of electrostatic waves, in unmagnetized collisionless plasmas, is numerically investigated by using a semi-Lagrangian Vlasov-Poisson code, in the fully nonlinear regime and in the context of the nonextensive statistics proposed by Tsallis [C. Tsallis, J. Stat. Phys. 52, 479 (1988)]. The effect of the Landau damping saturation, due to the nonlinear wave-particle interaction, is analyzed as a function of different values of the nonextensive parameter q, which quantifies the degree of nonextensivity of the system. A preliminary linear study is performed in order to compare the analytical results for the frequency and the damping rate of the electric oscillations, with the quantities obtained from the numerical simulations. In the nonlinear regime, the time evolution of the electric field amplitude shows how the non-Maxwellian shape of the equilibrium distribution function drastically modifies the energy exchange between wave and resonant particles and determines the saturation level of the elec...

Physics of Plasmas | 2014

Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations of two-dimensional turbulence in plasmas

F. Valentini; Sergio Servidio; Denise Perrone; Francesco Califano; William H. Matthaeus; P. Veltri

Turbulence in plasmas is a very challenging problem since it involves wave-particle interactions, which are responsible for phenomena such as plasma dissipation, acceleration mechanisms, heating, temperature anisotropy, and so on. In this work, a hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell numerical code is employed to study local kinetic processes in a two-dimensional turbulent regime. In the present model, ions are treated as a kinetic species, while electrons are considered as a fluid. As recently reported in [S. Servidio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 045001 (2012)], nearby regions of strong magnetic activity, kinetic effects manifest through a deformation of the ion velocity distribution function that consequently departs from the equilibrium Maxwellian configuration. Here, the structure of turbulence is investigated in detail in phase space, by evaluating the high-order moments of the particle velocity distribution, i.e., temperature, skewness, and kurtosis. This analysis provides quantitative information about the non-Maxwellian character of the system dynamics. This departure from local thermodynamic equilibrium triggers several processes commonly observed in many astrophysical and laboratory plasmas.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2011

Short-wavelength Electrostatic Fluctuations in the Solar Wind

F. Valentini; Denise Perrone; P. Veltri

Hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations have been used recently to investigate the dynamics of the solar-wind plasma in the tail at short wavelengths of the energy cascade. These simulations have shown that a significant level of electrostatic activity is detected at wavelengths smaller than the proton inertial scale in the longitudinal direction with respect to the ambient magnetic field. In this paper, we describe the results of a new series of hybrid Vlasov-Maxwell simulations that allow us to investigate in more detail the generation process of these electrostatic fluctuations in terms of the electron-to-proton temperature ratio Te /Tp . This analysis gives evidence for the first time that even in the case of cold electrons, Te Tp (the appropriate condition for solar-wind plasmas), the resonant interaction of protons with large-scale left-hand polarized ion-cyclotron waves is responsible for the excitation of short-scale electrostatic fluctuations with an acoustic dispersion relation. Moreover, through our numerical results we propose a physical mechanism to explain the generation of longitudinal proton-beam distributions in typical conditions of the solar-wind environment.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2014


William H. Matthaeus; Sean Oughton; K. T. Osman; Sergio Servidio; Minping Wan; S. P. Gary; M. A. Shay; F. Valentini; V. Roytershteyn; Homa Karimabadi; Sandra C. Chapman

The application of linear kinetic treatments to plasma waves, damping, and instability requires favorable inequalities between the associated linear timescales and timescales for nonlinear (e.g., turbulence) evolution. In the solar wind these two types of timescales may be directly compared using standard Kolmogorov-style analysis and observational data. The estimated local (in scale) nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic cascade times, evaluated as relevant kinetic scales are approached, remain slower than the cyclotron period, but comparable to or faster than the typical timescales of instabilities, anisotropic waves, and wave damping. The variation with length scale of the turbulence timescales is supported by observations and simulations. On this basis the use of linear theory—which assumes constant parameters to calculate the associated kinetic rates—may be questioned. It is suggested that the product of proton gyrofrequency and nonlinear time at the ion gyroscales provides a simple measure of turbulence influence on proton kinetic behavior.

Physics of Plasmas | 2007

Electrostatic Landau pole for κ-velocity distributions

F. Valentini; Roberto D’Agosta

In this paper, the analytical solution of the linear electrostatic Vlasov dispersion relation is obtained for non-Maxwellian equilibrium distributions of particle velocities (κ distributions). The unphysical singularities for certain values of the parameter κ, recovered by several authors in solving the Landau integral, are discussed in detail, and a way to cancel these singularities and get the correct solution for Langmuir waves is proposed. The solution of the electrostatic dispersion relation presented in this paper provides a theoretical prediction for the oscillation frequency and the damping rate of Langmuir waves, for real values of κ>1∕2 and in particular in the range 1∕2<κ⩽3∕2, where previous analytical solutions fail. Velocity distributions with small values of κ have been frequently observed in solar wind plasmas; therefore, the results presented in this paper are relevant in the interpretation of the solar wind experimental data. Eulerian Vlasov numerical simulations have been performed to su...

New Journal of Physics | 2016

Differential kinetic dynamics and heating of ions in the turbulent solar wind

F. Valentini; D. Perrone; S. Stabile; O. Pezzi; Sergio Servidio; R. De Marco; F. Marcucci; R. Bruno; B. Lavraud; J. De Keyser; Giuseppe Consolini; D. Brienza; Luca Sorriso-Valvo; A. Retinò; Andris Vaivads; M. Salatti; P. Veltri

The solar wind plasma is a fully ionized and turbulent gas ejected by the outer layers of the solar corona at very high speed, mainly composed by protons and electrons, with a small percentage of h ...

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