Fábia Barbosa de Andrade
Federal University of Paraíba
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2009
Ianine Alves da Rocha; Lucineide Alves Vieira Braga; Lucídia de Medeiros Tavares; Fábia Barbosa de Andrade; Maria de Oliveira Ferreira Filha; Maria Djair Dias; Antonia Oliveira Silva
A Terapia Comunitaria vem surgindo como uma nova tecnologia de cuidado nos programas de insercao e apoio a saude mental da populacao. Esta pesquisa exploratoria tem como objetivo identificar o numero de grupos de terapia comunitaria com idosos no municipio de Joao Pessoa - PB, conhecer os principais temas apresentados pelos idosos e as estrategias utilizadas para o enfrentamento das dificuldades e revelar depoimentos relacionados a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos idosos. Os dados foram coletados nas fichas de registro das terapias, analisado numa abordagem quantitativa. Os resultados demonstraram que o problema mais frequente nos idoso e o estresse, a estrategia de enfrentamento mais utilizada e a espiritualidade. A Terapia Comunitaria vem contribuindo para saude mental do idoso.
Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy | 2009
Patrícia Trindade C. Paulo; Margareth de Fátima Formiga Melo Diniz; Isac Almeida de Medeiros; Liana Clébia Soares Lima de Morais; Fábia Barbosa de Andrade; Hosana Bandeira Santos
In this study, phase I clinical toxicological assays of the herbal medicine composed of the medicinal plants Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi, Plectranthus amboinicus Lour and Eucaliptus globulus Labill were performed. The study was carried out at Hospital Universitario Lauro Wanderley/UFPB/PB/Brazil and for this purpose, 28 healthy volunteers were chosen, 14 men and 14 women who ingested 15 mL of the medicine per oral, with no interruption, three times a day; and on the 3rd and 7th days, on the 3rd and 6th weeks and 24h after the 8th week, clinical and laboratory evaluations were performed to analyze the acute and chronic toxicity. As results, the patients did not show significant clinical and laboratory alterations and adverse reactions, only little alterations were detected in blood through aspartate transaminase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase in the female group to a p < 0.05; however, these values are according to the normality standard for adult individuals. It can be concluded that these data, complementary to those obtained with the preclinical studies, confirm the low toxicity of the herbal medicine.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2010
Fábia Barbosa de Andrade; Maria de Oliveira Ferreira Filha; Maria Djair Dias; Antonia Oliveira Silva; Iris do Céu Clara Costa; Édija Anália Rodrigues de Lima; Cristina Katya Torres Teixeira Mendes
Para a Politica Nacional de Saude da Pessoa Idosa ha dois megagrupos populacionais. Representando o primeiro grupo, estao idosos considerados independentes e o segundo envolve idosos frageis. Nessa realidade se encontra inserida a Terapia Comunitaria como espaco de partilha e promocao da saude mental do idoso. Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as contribuicoes da Terapia Comunitaria na vida dos idosos. Trata-se de um estudo exploratorio com uma abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 19 idosos, em um municipio do Rio Grande do Norte. Utilizou-se um roteiro de entrevista e um caderno de campo. Emergiram as categorias tematicas: sentimento de empoderamento, partilha de experiencias, contribuicoes da terapia comunitaria e mudanca de comportamentos revelandoque a Terapia Comunitaria representa uma estrategia de enfrentamento de desafios vivenciados no cotidiano dos idosos que frequentam os encontros, possibilitando uma significativa melhoria da autoestima e construcao da teia de solidariedade na comunidade.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2009
Fábia Barbosa de Andrade; Alessandra Isis Cirne Bezerra; Ana Lúcia Félix de Pontes; Maria Oliveira Ferreira Filha; Rodrigo Pinheiro de Toledo Vianna; Maria Djair Dias; Antonia Oliveira Silva
The transformations of stamp social, political and economical happened in the last decades they rebound significantly in all the sections of the society. And if it cannot leave of considering the influences of those transformations for the mental health of the population. It is a epidemic cohort study that aimed at accomplishing the risk for mental disease in the population assisted by the Unit of Health of the Family of the habitational group, neighborhood of Mangabeira, city of João Pessoa-PB, where Self Report Questionnaire-20 was used (SRQ-20). Association of the Risk was observed for Depression and Anxiety with the feminine sex (59,40%), among the age group from 40 to 65 years (66%), in the occupation of domestic services (65,5%). We are mischievous to recognize that the mental suffering has been growing relatively in the studied sample and starting from that verification it is done necessary an immediate attention to the problems of mental health in the communitys people.As transformacoes de cunho social-politico e economico ocorrido nas ultimas decadas repercutem em todos os setores da sociedade. Fato que traz transformacoes para a saude mental da populacao. Teve como objetivo realizar a populacao com risco para adoecimento mental. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiologico de corte transversal realizado em uma comunidade de Joao Pessoa-PB, utilizando-se Self Report Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20). Observou-se associacao do Risco para Depressao e Ansiedade com o sexo feminino (59,40%), faixa etaria de 40 a 65 anos (66%), ocupacao de servicos domesticos (65,5%). Somos levados a reconhecer que o sofrimento mental tem crescido relativamente na amostra estudada e a partir dessa constatacao faz-se necessario uma atencao imediata aos problemas de saude mental nas pessoas da comunidade.
Psychiatric Quarterly | 2012
Fábia Barbosa de Andrade; Maria de Oliveira Ferreira Filha; Rodrigo Pinheiro de Toledo Vianna; Antonia Oliveira Silva; Iris do Céu Clara Costa
Actions aimed at health promotion and disease prevention must prioritize the entry point to the health system. In this sense, it is proposed that Community Therapy (CT) be inserted as a mental health care tool in Primary Care. The purpose of this study is to assess user satisfaction with CT in Primary Care. It is assessment, cross-sectional study with a representative sample of users of CT services in Primary Care in the municipality of João Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil. Of the 198 interviewees, 165 (83.3%) of the sample reported that they were always respected, evidenced by aspects of respect and dignity; 109 (55.1%) individuals stated they were listened to, revealing internal consistency of 0.7187, and in turn, exhibiting the true validity of the user satisfaction construct with respect to CT. Thus, users displayed positive satisfaction, reflected by respect, dignity, receptiveness, resolution, listening and comprehension received at CT, where empathy is exhibited and mental suffering is relieved. Moreover, CT is an important mental health tool in primary care.
Texto & Contexto Enfermagem | 2010
Fábia Barbosa de Andrade; Maria de Oliveira Ferreira Filha; Maria Djair Dias; Antonia Oliveira Silva; Iris do Céu Clara Costa; Édija Anália Rodrigues de Lima; Cristina Katya Torres Teixeira Mendes
Para a Politica Nacional de Saude da Pessoa Idosa ha dois megagrupos populacionais. Representando o primeiro grupo, estao idosos considerados independentes e o segundo envolve idosos frageis. Nessa realidade se encontra inserida a Terapia Comunitaria como espaco de partilha e promocao da saude mental do idoso. Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as contribuicoes da Terapia Comunitaria na vida dos idosos. Trata-se de um estudo exploratorio com uma abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 19 idosos, em um municipio do Rio Grande do Norte. Utilizou-se um roteiro de entrevista e um caderno de campo. Emergiram as categorias tematicas: sentimento de empoderamento, partilha de experiencias, contribuicoes da terapia comunitaria e mudanca de comportamentos revelandoque a Terapia Comunitaria representa uma estrategia de enfrentamento de desafios vivenciados no cotidiano dos idosos que frequentam os encontros, possibilitando uma significativa melhoria da autoestima e construcao da teia de solidariedade na comunidade.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2009
Fábia Barbosa de Andrade; Alessandra Isis Cirne Bezerra; Ana Lúcia Félix de Pontes; Maria Oliveira Ferreira Filha; Rodrigo Pinheiro de Toledo Vianna; Maria Djair Dias; Antonia Oliveira Silva
The transformations of stamp social, political and economical happened in the last decades they rebound significantly in all the sections of the society. And if it cannot leave of considering the influences of those transformations for the mental health of the population. It is a epidemic cohort study that aimed at accomplishing the risk for mental disease in the population assisted by the Unit of Health of the Family of the habitational group, neighborhood of Mangabeira, city of João Pessoa-PB, where Self Report Questionnaire-20 was used (SRQ-20). Association of the Risk was observed for Depression and Anxiety with the feminine sex (59,40%), among the age group from 40 to 65 years (66%), in the occupation of domestic services (65,5%). We are mischievous to recognize that the mental suffering has been growing relatively in the studied sample and starting from that verification it is done necessary an immediate attention to the problems of mental health in the communitys people.As transformacoes de cunho social-politico e economico ocorrido nas ultimas decadas repercutem em todos os setores da sociedade. Fato que traz transformacoes para a saude mental da populacao. Teve como objetivo realizar a populacao com risco para adoecimento mental. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiologico de corte transversal realizado em uma comunidade de Joao Pessoa-PB, utilizando-se Self Report Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20). Observou-se associacao do Risco para Depressao e Ansiedade com o sexo feminino (59,40%), faixa etaria de 40 a 65 anos (66%), ocupacao de servicos domesticos (65,5%). Somos levados a reconhecer que o sofrimento mental tem crescido relativamente na amostra estudada e a partir dessa constatacao faz-se necessario uma atencao imediata aos problemas de saude mental nas pessoas da comunidade.
PLOS ONE | 2018
Verônica Kristina Cândido Dantas; Joice da Silva Soares; Lázaro Batista de Azevedo Medeiros; Aquiles Sales Craveiro Sarmento; Thaiza Teixeira Xavier Nobre; Fábia Barbosa de Andrade; Josivan Gomes de Lima; Julliane Tamara Araújo de Melo Campos
Berardinelli-Seip Congenital Lipodystrophy (BSCL) is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by the almost complete absence of adipose tissue. Due to a strong founder effect that resulted in a higher prevalence of BSCL in Rio Grande do Norte (RN), a state in northeastern Brazil, it has been essential that health professionals develop knowledge about this disease. Nurses are often the first point of contact with patients during health care assistance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge of these professionals about BSCL in two main hospitals in RN state. A questionnaire was applied to 199 nurses working in the Hospital Regional Mariano Coelho—HRMC (Regional Hospital Mariano Coelho), in Currais Novos–RN, and in the Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes—HUOL (University Hospital Onofre Lopes), in Natal–RN. This study showed that most nursing professionals do not know about the disease, although they have already received patients with BSCL in those hospitals. The nurses from HRMC and HUOL lacked knowledge of BSCL and the healthcare of these patients requires immediate improvement. Significant efforts are required to close the gap between current and needed practice patterns.
Open Journal of Nursing | 2018
Thaiza G. C. da Silva Medeiros; Tainara Lôrena dos Santos Ferreira; Héllyda de Souza Bezerra; Julliane Tamara Araújo de Melo; Thaiza Teixeira Xavier Nobre; Fábia Barbosa de Andrade
The female population is passing through many transformations as on the familiar life as for the society. This inequality among the genders reflects on the health, mainly, on the women. The women morbidity and mortality surveillance is one of the priorities of the Health Ministry. This worksheet aims to evaluate the fertile women fertility and mortality, from 10 to 49 years old, in Trairi/RN. It is descriptive, ecological and temporary, whose analysis is based on the Mortality Information System data, in a period of 5 years (2010-2014), at the Vth Public Health Regional Center (URSAP), which embraces the Trairi region, composed by 21 cities, in Rio Grande do Norte. The data processing and analysis were used by the SPSS software. It was observed the mortality coefficient with a decline from 2011 (0.84) and back to increase in 2014 (0.94). This reveals the necessity of better health actions and monitoring from other factors that may interfere on women health.
Health | 2018
Tainara Lôrena dos Santos Ferreira; Héllyda de Souza Bezerra; Julliane Tamara Araújo de Melo; Thaiza Teixeira Xavier Nobre; Fábia Barbosa de Andrade
The continuous assessment of child health services generates knowledge about the real needs of health services and actions in order to achieve better results and indicators. Thus, this study proposes to analyze child health indicators, based on the information systems of health services. This is a descriptive, ecological epidemiological study carried out using secondary data from the following information systems: Information System on Live Births and Mortality Information System, in a historical series of ten years (2005-2014) of the state of Rio Grande do Norte and its health micro regions. It was observed a decrease in infant, neonatal, preterm, late neonatal and postnatal mortality coefficients when compared to the first and last year of the observed period, as well as the concentration of these in micro-regions of health. There was also a positive association between the early neonatal component and infant death. In this perspective, it is important to evaluate the quality of prenatal care, childbirth, puerperium, the first week of integral health and follow-up of the child’s growth and development, as well as to relate the socio-demographic conditions that may be associated with infant morbimortality. Therefore, the importance of situational health assessment studies for the effectiveness of care provided is highlighted, identifying weaknesses and monitoring the effectiveness of strategies.