
Featured researches published by Fabian Mörchen.

knowledge discovery and data mining | 2005

Optimizing time series discretization for knowledge discovery

Fabian Mörchen; Alfred Ultsch

Knowledge Discovery in time series usually requires symbolic time series. Many discretization methods that convert numeric time series to symbolic time series ignore the temporal order of values. This often leads to symbols that do not correspond to states of the process generating the time series and cannot be interpreted meaningfully. We propose a new method for meaningful unsupervised discretization of numeric time series called Persist. The algorithm is based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the marginal and the self-transition probability distributions of the discretization symbols. Its performance is evaluated on both artificial and real life data in comparison to the most common discretization methods. Persist achieves significantly higher accuracy than existing static methods and is robust against noise. It also outperforms Hidden Markov Models for all but very simple cases.

Sigkdd Explorations | 2007

Unsupervised pattern mining from symbolic temporal data

Fabian Mörchen

We present a unifying view of temporal concepts and data models in order to categorize existing approaches for unsupervised pattern mining from symbolic temporal data. In particular we distinguish time point-based methods and interval-based methods as well as univariate and multivariate methods. The mining paradigms and the robustness of many proposed approaches are compared to aid the selection of the appropriate method for a given problem. For time points, sequential pattern mining algorithms can be used to express equality and order of time points with gaps in multivariate data. For univariate data and limited gaps suffix tree methods are more efficient. Recently, efficient algorithms have been proposed to mine the more general concept of partial order from time points. For time interval data with precise start and end points the relations of Allen can be used to formulate patterns. The recently proposed Time Series Knowledge Representation is more robust on noisy data and offers an alternative semantic that avoids ambiguity and is more expressive. For both pattern languages efficient mining algorithms have been proposed.

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 2007

Efficient mining of understandable patterns from multivariate interval time series

Fabian Mörchen; Alfred Ultsch

We present a new method for the understandable description of local temporal relationships in multivariate data, called Time Series Knowledge Mining (TSKM). We define the Time Series Knowledge Representation (TSKR) as a new language for expressing temporal knowledge in time interval data. The patterns have a hierarchical structure, with levels corresponding to the temporal concepts duration, coincidence, and partial order. The patterns are very compact, but offer details for each element on demand. In comparison with related approaches, the TSKR is shown to have advantages in robustness, expressivity, and comprehensibility. The search for coincidence and partial order in interval data can be formulated as instances of the well known frequent itemset problem. Efficient algorithms for the discovery of the patterns are adapted accordingly. A novel form of search space pruning effectively reduces the size of the mining result to ease interpretation and speed up the algorithms. Human interaction is used during the mining to analyze and validate partial results as early as possible and guide further processing steps. The efficacy of the methods is demonstrated using two real life data sets. In an application to sports medicine the results were recognized as valid and useful by an expert of the field.

IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing | 2006

Modeling timbre distance with temporal statistics from polyphonic music

Fabian Mörchen; Alfred Ultsch; Michael Thies; Ingo Löhken

Timbre distance and similarity are expressions of the phenomenon that some music appears similar while other songs sound very different to us. The notion of genre is often used to categorize music, but songs from a single genre do not necessarily sound similar and vice versa. In this work, we analyze and compare a large amount of different audio features and psychoacoustic variants thereof for the purpose of modeling timbre distance. The sound of polyphonic music is commonly described by extracting audio features on short time windows during which the sound is assumed to be stationary. The resulting down sampled time series are aggregated to form a high-level feature vector describing the music. We generated high-level features by systematically applying static and temporal statistics for aggregation. The temporal structure of features in particular has previously been largely neglected. A novel supervised feature selection method is applied to the huge set of possible features. The distances of the selected feature correspond to timbre differences in music. The features show few redundancies and have high potential for explaining possible clusters. They outperform seven other previously proposed feature sets on several datasets with respect to the separation of the known groups of timbrally different music.

knowledge discovery and data mining | 2008

Anticipating annotations and emerging trends in biomedical literature

Fabian Mörchen; Mathäus Dejori; Dmitriy Fradkin; Julien Etienne; Bernd Wachmann; Markus Bundschus

The BioJournalMonitor is a decision support system for the analysis of trends and topics in the biomedical literature. Its main goal is to identify potential diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers for specific diseases. Several data sources are continuously integrated to provide the user with up-to-date information on current research in this field. State-of-the-art text mining technologies are deployed to provide added value on top of the original content, including named entity detection, relation extraction, classification, clustering, ranking, summarization, and visualization. We present two novel technologies that are related to the analysis of temporal dynamics of text archives and associated ontologies. Currently, the MeSH ontology is used to annotate the scientific articles entering the PubMed database with medical terms. Both the maintenance of the ontology as well as the annotation of new articles is performed largely manually. We describe how probabilistic topic models can be used to annotate recent articles with the most likely MeSH terms. This provides our users with a competitive advantage because, when searching for MeSH terms, articles are found long before they are manually annotated. We further present a study on how to predict the inclusion of new terms in the MeSH ontology. The results suggest that early prediction of emerging trends is possible. The trend ranking functions are deployed in our system to enable interactive searches for the hottest new trends relating to a disease.

International Journal of Knowledge-based and Intelligent Engineering Systems | 2005

Extracting interpretable muscle activation patterns with time series knowledge mining

Fabian Mörchen; Alfred Ultsch; Olaf Hoos

The understanding of complex muscle coordination is an important goal in human movement science. There are numerous applications in medicine, sports, and robotics. The coordination process can be studied by observing complex, often cyclic movements, which are dynamically repeated in an almost identical manner. The muscle activation is measured using kinesiological EMG. Mining the EMG data to identify patterns, which explain the interplay and coordination of muscles is a very difficult Knowledge Discovery task. We present the Time Series Knowledge Mining framework to discover knowledge in multivariate time series and show how it can be used to extract such temporal patterns.

GfKl | 2005

Discovering Temporal Knowledge in Multivariate Time Series

Fabian Mörchen; Alfred Ultsch

An overview of the Time Series Knowledge Mining framework to discover knowledge in multivariate time series is given. A hierarchy of temporal patterns, which are not a priori given, is discovered. The patterns are based on the rule language Unification-based Temporal Grammar. A semiotic hierarchy of temporal concepts is build in a bottom up manner from multivariate time instants. We describe the mining problem for each rule discovery step. Several of the steps can be performed with well known data mining algorithms. We present novel algorithms that perform two steps not covered by existing methods. First results on a dataset describing muscle activity during sports are presented.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 2004

Mining Hierarchical Temporal Patterns in Multivariate Time Series

Fabian Mörchen; Alfred Ultsch

The Unification-Based Temporal Grammar is a temporal extension of static unification-based grammars. It defines a hierarchical temporal rule language to express complex patterns present in multivariate time series. The Temporal Data Mining Method is the accompanying framework to discover temporal knowledge based on this rule language. A semiotic hierarchy of temporal patterns, which are not a priori given, is built in a bottom up manner from static logical descriptions of multivariate time instants. We demonstrate the methods using music data, extracting typical parts of songs.

GfKl | 2006

Visual Mining in Music Collections

Fabian Mörchen; Alfred Ultsch; Mario Nöcker; Christian Stamm

We describe the MusicMiner system for organizing large collections of music with databionic mining techniques. Visualization based on perceptually motivated audio features and Emergent Self-Organizing Maps enables the unsupervised discovery of timbrally consistent clusters that may or may not correspond to musical genres and artists. We demonstrate the visualization capabilities of the U-Map. An intuitive browsing of large music collections is offered based on the paradigm of topographic maps. The user can navigate the sound space and interact with the maps to play music or show the context of a song.

european conference on principles of data mining and knowledge discovery | 2004

Discovering interpretable muscle activation patterns with the temporal data mining method

Fabian Mörchen; Alfred Ultsch; Olaf Hoos

The understanding of complex muscle coordination is an important goal in human movement science. There are numerous applications in medicine, sports, and robotics. The coordination process can be studied by observing complex, often cyclic movements, which are dynamically repeated in an almost identical manner. In this paper we demonstrate how interpretable temporal patterns can be discovered within raw EMG measurements collected from tests in professional In-Line Speed Skating. We show how the Temporal Data Mining Method, a general framework to discover knowledge in multivariate time series, can be used to extract such temporal patterns. This representation of complex muscle coordination opens up new possibilities to optimize, manipulate, or imitate the movements.

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