
Journal of Hepatology | 2009

Reduced serum hepcidin levels in patients with chronic hepatitis C

Domenico Girelli; Michela Pasino; Julia B. Goodnough; Elizabeta Nemeth; Maria Guido; Annalisa Castagna; Fabiana Busti; Natascia Campostrini; Nicola Martinelli; Italo Vantini; Roberto Corrocher; Tomas Ganz; Giovanna Fattovich

BACKGROUND/AIMS Patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) often have increased liver iron, a condition associated with reduced sustained response to antiviral therapy, more rapid progression to cirrhosis, and development of hepatocellular carcinoma. The hepatic hormone hepcidin is the major regulator of iron metabolism and inhibits iron absorption and recycling from erythrophagocytosis. Hepcidin decrease is a possible pathophysiological mechanism of iron overload in CHC, but studies in humans have been hampered so far by the lack of reliable quantitative assays for the 25-amino acid bioactive peptide in serum (s-hepcidin). METHODS Using a recently validated immunoassay, we measured s-hepcidin levels in 81 untreated CHC patients and 57 controls with rigorous definition of normal iron status. All CHC patients underwent liver biopsy with histological iron score. RESULTS s-hepcidin was significantly lower in CHC patients than in controls (geometric means with 95% confidence intervals: 33.7, 21.5-52.9 versus 90.9, 76.1-108.4 ng/mL, respectively; p<0.001). In CHC patients, s-hepcidin significantly correlated with serum ferritin and histological total iron score, but not with s-interleukin-6. After stratification for ferritin quartiles, s-hepcidin increased significantly across quartiles in both controls and CHC patients (chi for trend, p<0.001). However, in CHC patients, s-hepcidin was significantly lower than in controls for each corresponding quartile (analysis of variance, p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS These results, together with very recent studies in animal and cellular models, indicate that although hepcidin regulation by iron stores is maintained in CHC, the suppression of this hormone by hepatitis C virus is likely an important factor in liver iron accumulation in this condition.

PLOS ONE | 2012

Increased Serum Hepcidin Levels in Subjects with the Metabolic Syndrome: A Population Study

Nicola Martinelli; Michela Traglia; Natascia Campostrini; Ginevra Biino; Michela Corbella; Cinzia Sala; Fabiana Busti; Corrado Masciullo; Daniele Manna; Sara Previtali; Annalisa Castagna; Giorgio Pistis; Daniela Toniolo; Clara Camaschella; Domenico Girelli

The recent discovery of hepcidin, the key iron regulatory hormone, has changed our view of iron metabolism, which in turn is long known to be linked with insulin resistant states, including type 2 diabetes mellitus and the Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). Serum ferritin levels are often elevated in MetS (Dysmetabolic hyperferritinemia - DHF), and are sometimes associated with a true mild-to-moderate hepatic iron overload (dysmetabolic iron overload syndrome - DIOS). However, the pathophysiological link between iron and MetS remains unclear. This study was aimed to investigate, for the first time, the relationship between MetS and hepcidin at population level. We measured serum hepcidin levels by Mass Spectrometry in 1,391 subjects from the Val Borbera population, and evaluated their relationship with classical MetS features. Hepcidin levels increased significantly and linearly with increasing number of MetS features, paralleling the trend of serum ferritin. In multivariate models adjusted for relevant variables including age, C-Reactive Protein, and the HFE C282Y mutation, ferritin was the only significant independent predictor of hepcidin in males, while in females MetS was also independently associated with hepcidin. Overall, these data indicate that the fundamental iron regulatory feedback is preserved in MetS, i.e. that hepcidin tends to progressively increase in response to the increase of iron stores. Due to recently discovered pleiotropic effects of hepcidin, this may worsen insulin resistance and contribute to the cardiovascular complications of MetS.

Haematologica | 2011

A time course of hepcidin response to iron challenge in patients with HFE and TFR2 hemochromatosis

Domenico Girelli; Paola Trombini; Fabiana Busti; Natascia Campostrini; Marco Sandri; Sara Pelucchi; Mark Westerman; Tomas Ganz; Elizabeta Nemeth; Alberto Piperno; Clara Camaschella

Background Inadequate hepcidin production leads to iron overload in nearly all types of hemochromatosis. We explored the acute response of hepcidin to iron challenge in 25 patients with HFE-hemochromatosis, in two with TFR2-hemochromatosis and in 13 controls. Sixteen patients (10 C282Y/C282Y homozygotes, 6 C282Y/H63D compound heterozygotes) had increased iron stores, while nine (6 C282Y/C282Y homozygotes, 3 C282Y/H63D compound heterozygotes) were studied after phlebotomy-induced normalization of iron stores. Design and Methods We analyzed serum iron, transferrin saturation, and serum hepcidin by both enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and mass-spectrometry at baseline, and 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours after a single 65-mg dose of oral iron. Results Serum iron and transferrin saturation significantly increased at 4 hours and returned to baseline values at 8–12 hours in all groups, except in the iron-normalized patients who showed the highest and longest increase of both parameters. The level of hepcidin increased significantly at 4 hours and returned to baseline at 24 hours in controls and in the C282Y/H63D compound heterozygotes at diagnosis. The hepcidin response was smaller in C282Y-homozygotes than in controls, barely detectable in the patients with iron-depleted HFE-hemochromatosis and absent in those with TFR2-hemochromatosis. Conclusions Our results are consistent with a scenario in which TFR2 plays a prominent and HFE a contributory role in the hepcidin response to a dose of oral iron. In iron-normalized patients with HFE hemochromatosis, both the low baseline hepcidin level and the weak response to iron contribute to hyperabsorption of iron.

European Journal of Human Genetics | 2007

ALOX5AP gene variants and risk of coronary artery disease: an angiography-based study.

Domenico Girelli; Nicola Martinelli; Elisabetta Trabetti; Ugo Cavallari; Giovanni Malerba; Fabiana Busti; Simonetta Friso; Francesca Pizzolo; Pier Franco Pignatti; Roberto Corrocher

The aim of this study was to explore the role of variants of the gene encoding arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (ALOX5AP) as possible susceptibility factors for coronary artery disease (CAD) and myocardial infarction (MI) in patients with or without angiographically proven CAD. A total of 1431 patients with or without angiographically documented CAD were examined simultaneously for seven ALOX5AP single-nucleotide polymorphisms, allowing reconstruction of the at-risk haplotypes (HapA and HapB) previously identified in the Icelandic and British populations. Using a haplotype-based approach, HapA was not associated with either CAD or MI. On the other hand, HapB and another haplotype within the same region (that we named HapC) were significantly more represented in CAD versus CAD-free patients, and these associations remained significant after adjustment for traditional cardiovascular risk factors by logistic regression (HapB: odds ratio (OR) 1.67, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04–2.67; P=0.032; HapC: OR 2.41, 95% CI 1.09–5.32; P=0.030). No difference in haplotype distributions was observed between CAD subjects with or without a previously documented MI. Our angiography-based study suggests a possible modest role of ALOX5AP in the development of the atheroma rather than in its late thrombotic complications such as MI.

Frontiers in Pharmacology | 2014

Iron deficiency in the elderly population, revisited in the hepcidin era

Fabiana Busti; Natascia Campostrini; Nicola Martinelli; Domenico Girelli

Iron deficiency (ID) is relatively common among the elderly population, contributing substantially to the high prevalence of anemia observed in the last decades of life, which in turn has important implications both on quality of life and on survival. In elderly subjects, ID is often multifactorial, i.e., due to multiple concurring causes, including inadequate dietary intake or absorption, occult bleeding, medications. Moreover, because of the typical multimorbidity of aged people, other conditions leading to anemia frequently coexist and make diagnosis of ID particularly challenging. Treatment of ID is also problematic in elderly, since response to oral iron is often slow, with a substantial fraction of patients showing refractoriness and requiring cumbersome intravenous administration. In the last decade, the discovery of the iron regulatory hormone hepcidin has revolutionized our understanding of iron pathophysiology. In this review, we revisit ID among elderly people in the light of the impressive recent advances on knowledge of iron regulation, and discuss how hepcidin may help in diagnosis and treatment of this common clinical condition.

BMC Medical Genetics | 2009

Additive effect of LRP8/APOER2 R952Q variant to APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 genotype in modulating apolipoprotein E concentration and the risk of myocardial infarction: a case-control study

Nicola Martinelli; Gong Qing Shen; Elisabetta Trabetti; Francesca Pizzolo; Fabiana Busti; Simonetta Friso; Antonella Bassi; Lin Li; Ying Hu; Pier Franco Pignatti; Roberto Corrocher; Wang Q; Domenico Girelli

BackgroundThe R952Q variant in the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8 (LRP8)/apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2) gene has been recently associated with familial and premature myocardial infarction (MI) by means of genome-wide linkage scan/association studies. We were interested in the possible interaction of the R952Q variant with another established cardiovascular genetic risk factor belonging to the same pathway, namely apolipoprotein E (APOE) ε2/ε3/ε4 genotype, in modulating apolipoprotein E (ApoE) plasma levels and risk of MI.MethodsIn the Italian cohort used to confirm the association of the R952Q variant with MI, we assessed lipid profile, apolipoprotein concentrations, and APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 genotype. Complete data were available for a total of 681 subjects in a case-control setting (287 controls and 394 patients with MI).ResultsPlasma ApoE levels decreased progressively across R952Q genotypes (mean levels ± SD = RR: 0.045 ± 0.020, RQ: 0.044 ± 0.014, QQ: 0.040 ± 0.008 g/l; P for trend = 0.047). Combination with APOE genotypes revealed an additive effect on ApoE levels, with the highest level observed in RR/non-carriers of the E4 allele (0.046 ± 0.021 g/l), and the lowest level in QQ/E4 carriers (0.035 ± 0.009 g/l; P for trend = 0.010). QQ/E4 was also the combined genotype with the most significant association with MI (OR 3.88 with 95%CI 1.08–13.9 as compared with RR/non-carriers E4).ConclusionOur data suggest that LRP8 R952Q variant may have an additive effect to APOE ε2/ε3/ε4 genotype in determining ApoE concentrations and risk of MI in an Italian population.

Journal of Lipid Research | 2013

Paraoxonase-1 status in patients with hereditary hemochromatosis

Nicola Martinelli; Anabel García-Heredia; Helena Roca; Núria Aranda; Victoria Arija; Bharti Mackness; Michael I. Mackness; Fabiana Busti; Gerard Aragonès; Juan Pedro-Botet; Federica Pedica; Ivana Cataldo; Judit Marsillach; Jorge Joven; Domenico Girelli; Jordi Camps

Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is characterized by accumulation of iron, oxidative stress, inflammation, and fibrogenesis in liver tissue. In this setting, research on the protection afforded by intracellular antioxidants is of clinical relevance. Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) is an enzyme that degrades lipid peroxides. This study investigates the alterations in serum PON1 status, PON1 gene polymorphisms, and PON1 hepatic expression in patients with HH. We performed a case-control study in 77 patients with HH (80.5% men, 22–70 years of age) and 408 healthy individuals (43.1% men, 26–74 years of age). Serum PON1 activities against different substrates and PON1192 and PON155 polymorphisms were analyzed. PON1 protein expression was investigated in 20 liver biopsies. HH patients had significantly lower serum PON1 activity, which was inversely correlated with ferritin (marker of iron stores) and serum 8-isoprostane concentrations (index of oxidative stress). PON1 protein expression in liver tissue was higher in patients and showed stronger staining in hepatocytes surrounding the areas of inflammation. Our study provides preliminary evidence that PON1 may play a role in protecting against iron-induced oxidative stress in hereditary hemochromatosis.

International Journal of Hematology | 2018

Modern iron replacement therapy: clinical and pathophysiological insights

Domenico Girelli; Sara Ugolini; Fabiana Busti; Giacomo Marchi; Annalisa Castagna

Iron deficiency, with or without anemia, is extremely frequent worldwide, representing a major public health problem. Iron replacement therapy dates back to the seventeenth century, and has progressed relatively slowly until recently. Both oral and intravenous traditional iron formulations are known to be far from ideal, mainly because of tolerability and safety issues, respectively. At the beginning of this century, the discovery of hepcidin/ferroportin axis has represented a turning point in the knowledge of the pathophysiology of iron metabolism disorders, ushering a new era. In the meantime, advances in the pharmaceutical technologies are producing newer iron formulations aimed at minimizing the problems inherent with traditional approaches. The pharmacokinetic of oral and parenteral iron is substantially different, and diversities have become even clearer in light of the hepcidin master role in regulating systemic iron homeostasis. Here we review how iron therapy is changing because of such important advances in both pathophysiology and pharmacology.

American Journal of Hematology | 2016

Identification of novel mutations in hemochromatosis genes by targeted next generation sequencing in Italian patients with unexplained iron overload

Sadaf Badar; Fabiana Busti; Alberto Ferrarini; Luciano Xumerle; Paolo Bozzini; Paola Capelli; Roberto Pozzi-Mucelli; Natascia Campostrini; Giovanna De Matteis; Sergio Marin Vargas; Alejandro Giorgetti; Massimo Delledonne; Domenico Girelli

Hereditary hemochromatosis, one of the commonest genetic disorder in Caucasians, is mainly associated to homozygosity for the C282Y mutation in the HFE gene, which is highly prevalent (allele frequency up to near 10% in Northern Europe) and easily detectable through a widely available “first level” molecular test. However, in certain geographical regions like the Mediterranean area, up to 30% of patients with a HH phenotype has a negative or non‐diagnostic (i.e. simple heterozygosity) test, because of a known heterogeneity involving at least four other genes (HAMP, HJV, TFR2, and SLC40A1). Mutations in such genes are generally rare/private, making the diagnosis of atypical HH essentially a matter of exclusion in clinical practice (from here the term of “non‐HFE” HH), unless cumbersome traditional sequencing is applied. We developed a Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)‐based test targeting the five HH genes, and applied it to patients with clinically relevant iron overload (IO) and a non‐diagnostic first level genetic test. We identified several mutations, some of which were novel (i.e. HFE W163X, HAMP R59X, and TFR2 D555N) and allowed molecular reclassification of “non‐HFE” HH clinical diagnosis, particularly in some highly selected IO patients without concurring acquired risk factors. This NGS‐based “second level” genetic test may represent a useful tool for molecular diagnosis of HH in patients in whom HH phenotype remains unexplained after the search of common HFE mutations. Am. J. Hematol. 91:420–425, 2016.

Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology | 2016

Proprotein convertase 7 rs236918 associated with liver fibrosis in Italian patients with HFE‐related hemochromatosis

Sara Pelucchi; Stefania Galimberti; Federico Greni; Raffaela Rametta; Raffaella Mariani; Irene Pelloni; Domenico Girelli; Fabiana Busti; Giulia Ravasi; Maria Grazia Valsecchi; Luca Valenti; Alberto Piperno

p.Cys282Tyr homozygosity is the prevalent genotype in (HFE)‐related Hereditary Hemochromatosis with low penetrance and variable expression. However, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma remain the main causes of mortality in these patients. Detection of genetic modifiers identifying patients at risk for liver damage would be relevant for their clinical management. We evaluated proprotein convertase 7 (PCSK7) rs236918 as genetic marker of risk of liver fibrosis in an Italian cohort of p.Cys282Tyr homozygotes.

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