Fabio Bresolin
University of Hawaii
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Featured researches published by Fabio Bresolin.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2003
Robert C. Kennicutt; Fabio Bresolin; Donald R. Garnett
We use high signal-to-noise ratio spectra of 20 H II regions in the giant spiral galaxy M101 to derive electron temperatures for the H II regions and robust metal abundances over radii R = 0.19-1.25R0 (6-41 kpc). We compare the consistency of electron temperatures measured from the [O III] ?4363, [N II] ?5755, [S III] ?6312, and [O II] ?7325 auroral lines. Temperatures from [O III], [S III], and [N II] are correlated with relative offsets that are consistent with expectations from nebular photoionization models. However, the temperatures derived from the [O II] ?7325 line show a large scatter and are nearly uncorrelated with temperatures derived from other ions. We tentatively attribute this result to observational and physical effects, which may introduce large random and systematic errors into abundances derived solely from [O II] temperatures. Our derived oxygen abundances are well fitted by an exponential distribution over six disk scale lengths, from approximately 1.3 (O/H)? in the center to 1/15 (O/H)? in the outermost region studied [for solar 12 + log(O/H) = 8.7]. We measure significant radial gradients in N/O and He/H abundance ratios, but relatively constant S/O and Ar/O. Our results are in approximate agreement with previously published abundances studies of M101 based on temperature measurements of a few H II regions. However, our abundances are systematically lower by 0.2-0.5 dex than those derived from the most widely used strong-line empirical abundance indicators, again consistent with previous studies based on smaller H II region samples. Independent measurements of the Galactic interstellar oxygen abundance from ultraviolet absorption lines are in good agreement with the Te-based nebular abundances. We suspect that most of the disagreement with the strong-line abundances arises from uncertainties in the nebular models that are used to calibrate the empirical scale, and that strong-line abundances derived for H II regions and emission-line galaxies are as much as a factor of 2 higher than the actual oxygen abundances. However, other explanations, such as the effects of temperature fluctuations on the auroral line based abundances, cannot be completely ruled out. These results point to the need for direct abundance determinations of a larger sample of extragalactic H II regions, especially for objects more metal-rich than solar.
Nature | 2013
Grzegorz Pietrzyński; Dariusz Graczyk; W. Gieren; Ian B. Thompson; B. Pilecki; A. Udalski; I. Soszyński; S. Kozłowski; Piotr Konorski; Ksenia Suchomska; G. Bono; P. G. Prada Moroni; Sandro Villanova; N. Nardetto; Fabio Bresolin; Rolf-Peter Kudritzki; Jesper Storm; A. Gallenne; R. Smolec; D. Minniti; M. Kubiak; M. K. Szymański; R. Poleski; Ł. Wyrzykowski; K. Ulaczyk; P. Pietrukowicz; Marek Górski; Paulina Karczmarek
In the era of precision cosmology, it is essential to determine the Hubble constant to an accuracy of three per cent or better. At present, its uncertainty is dominated by the uncertainty in the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), which, being our second-closest galaxy, serves as the best anchor point for the cosmic distance scale. Observations of eclipsing binaries offer a unique opportunity to measure stellar parameters and distances precisely and accurately. The eclipsing-binary method was previously applied to the LMC, but the accuracy of the distance results was lessened by the need to model the bright, early-type systems used in those studies. Here we report determinations of the distances to eight long-period, late-type eclipsing systems in the LMC, composed of cool, giant stars. For these systems, we can accurately measure both the linear and the angular sizes of their components and avoid the most important problems related to the hot, early-type systems. The LMC distance that we derive from these systems (49.97 ± 0.19 (statistical) ± 1.11 (systematic) kiloparsecs) is accurate to 2.2 per cent and provides a firm base for a 3-per-cent determination of the Hubble constant, with prospects for improvement to 2 per cent in the future.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1998
Robert C. Kennicutt; Peter B. Stetson; Abhijit Saha; Dd Kelson; Daya M. Rawson; Shoko Sakai; Barry F. Madore; Jeremy R. Mould; Wendy L. Freedman; Fabio Bresolin; Laura Ferrarese; Holland C. Ford; Brad K. Gibson; John A. Graham; Mingsheng Han; Paul Harding; John G. Hoessel; John P. Huchra; Shaun M. G. Hughes; Garth D. Illingworth; Lucas M. Macri; Randy L. Phelps; Nancy Ann Silbermann; Anne Marie Turner; Peter R. Wood
Uncertainty in the metal-abundance dependence of the Cepheid variable period-luminosity (PL) relation remains one of the outstanding sources of systematic error in the extragalactic distance scale and in the Hubble constant. To test for such a metallicity dependence, we have used the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to observe Cepheids that span a range in oxygen abundance of 0.7 ± 0.15 dex in two fields in the nearby spiral galaxy M101. A differential analysis of the PL relations in V and I in the two fields yields a marginally significant change in the inferred distance modulus on metal abundance, with δ(m-M)0/δ[O/H] = -0.24 ± 0.16 mag dex-1. The trend is in the theoretically predicted sense that metal-rich Cepheids appear brighter and closer than metal-poor stars. External comparisons of Cepheid distances with those derived from three other distance indicators, in particular from the tip of the red giant branch method, further constrain the magnitude of any Z-dependence of the PL relation at V and I. The overall effects of any metallicity dependence on the distance scale derived with HST will be of the order of a few percent or less for most applications, though distances to individual galaxies at the extremes of the metal abundance range may be affected at the 10% level.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
C. Inserra; S. J. Smartt; A. Jerkstrand; S. Valenti; M. Fraser; D. Wright; K. W. Smith; Ting-Wan Chen; R. Kotak; Andrea Pastorello; M. Nicholl; Fabio Bresolin; R. P. Kudritzki; Stefano Benetti; M. T. Botticella; W. S. Burgett; K. C. Chambers; Mattias Ergon; H. Flewelling; J. P. U. Fynbo; S. Geier; Klaus-Werner Hodapp; D. A. Howell; M. E. Huber; Nick Kaiser; G. Leloudas; L. Magill; E. A. Magnier; M. McCrum; N. Metcalfe
We report extensive observational data for five of the lowest redshift Super-Luminous Type Ic Supernovae (SL-SNe Ic) discovered to date, namely PTF10hgi, SN2011ke, PTF11rks, SN2011kf and SN2012il. Photometric imaging of the transients at +50 to +230 days after peak combined with host galaxy subtraction reveals a luminous tail phase for four of these SL-SNe. A high resolution, optical and near infrared spectrum from xshooter provides detection of a broad He I �10830 emission line in the spectrum (+50d) of SN2012il, revealing that at least some SL-SNe Ic are not completely helium free. At first sight, the tail luminosity decline rates that we measure are consistent with the radioactive decay of 56 Co, and would require 1-4 M⊙ of 56 Ni to produce the luminosity. These 56 Ni masses cannot be made consistent with the short diffusion times at peak, and indeed are insufficient to power the peak luminosity. We instead favour energy deposition by newborn magnetars as the power source for these objects. A semi-analytical diffusion model with energy input from the spindown of a magnetar reproduces the extensive lightcurve data well. The model predictions of ejecta velocities and temperatures which are required are in reasonable agreement with those determined from our observations. We derive magnetar energies of 0.4 . E(10 51 erg) . 6.9 and ejecta masses of 2.3 . Mej(M⊙) . 8.6. The sample of five SL-SNe Ic presented here, combined with SN 2010gx - the best sampled SL-SNe Ic so far - point toward an explosion driven by a magnetar as a viable explanation for all SL-SNe Ic. Subject headings: supernovae: general - supernovae: individual (PTF10hgi, SN 2011ke, PTF11rks, SN 2011kf, SN 2012il) - stars: magnetars
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Fabio Bresolin; Donald R. Garnett; Robert C. Kennicutt
We have obtained multiobject spectroscopy of H II regions in the spiral galaxy M51 with the Keck I telescope and the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer. For 10 objects we have detected the auroral line [N II] λ5755, while [S III] λ6312 has been measured in seven of these. This has allowed us to measure the electron temperature of the gas and to derive oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen abundances for the 10 H II regions. Contrary to expectations from previous photoionization models of a few H II regions in M51 and from strong-line abundance indicators, the O/H abundance is below the solar value for most objects, with the most metal-rich H II regions, P203 and CCM 72, having log(O/H) = -3.16 [~1.4(O/H)☉] and log(O/H) = -3.29 [~1.0 (O/H)☉], respectively. The reduction of O/H by factors of up to 2 or 3 with respect to previous indirect determinations has important consequences for the calibration of empirical abundance indicators, such as R23, in the abundance and excitation range found in the central regions of spiral galaxies. The abundance gradients in these galaxies can therefore be considerably flatter than those determined by using such empirical calibrations. The H II regions with a measured electron temperature span the range (0.19-1.04) R0 in galactocentric radius and indicate a shallow abundance gradient for M51: -0.02 ± 0.01 dex kpc-1. The S/O abundance ratio is found to be similar to previous determinations of its value in other spiral galaxies, log(S/O) ≈ -1.6. Therefore, we find no evidence for a variation in massive-star initial mass function or nucleosynthesis at high oxygen abundance. An overabundance of nitrogen is measured, with log(N/O) -0.6. On the basis of our new abundances, we revise the effective yield for M51, now found to be almost 4 times lower than previous estimates, and we discuss this result in the context of chemical evolution in galactic disks. Features from Wolf-Rayet stars (the blue bump at 4660 A and the C III line at 5696 A) are detected in a large number of H II regions in M51, with the C III λ5696 line found preferentially in the central, most metal-rich objects.
The Astrophysical Journal | 1996
Laura Ferrarese; Wendy L. Freedman; Robert J. Hill; Abhijit Saha; Barry F. Madore; Robert C. Kennicutt; Peter B. Stetson; Holland C. Ford; John A. Graham; John G. Hoessel; Mingsheng Han; John P. Huchra; Shaun M. G. Hughes; Garth D. Illingworth; Daniel D. Kelson; Jeremy R. Mould; Randy L. Phelps; Nancy Ann Silbermann; Shoko Sakai; Anne Marie Turner; Paul Harding; Fabio Bresolin
This paper presents initial observations, including the discovery of 30 Cepheids in the nearby galaxy M81, made using the Wide Field Camera (WFC).
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2010
Claus Leitherer; Paula A. Ortiz Otálvaro; Fabio Bresolin; Rolf-Peter Kudritzki; Barbara Lo Faro; Adalbert W. A. Pauldrach; Max Pettini; Samantha A. Rix
We computed a comprehensive set of theoretical ultraviolet spectra of hot, massive stars with the radiation-hydrodynamics code WM-Basic. This model atmosphere and spectral synthesis code is optimized for computing the strong P Cygni type lines originating in the winds of hot stars, which are the strongest features in the ultraviolet spectral region. The computed set is suitable as a spectral library for inclusion in evolutionary synthesis models of star clusters and star-forming galaxies. The chosen stellar parameters cover the upper left Hertzsprung-Russell diagram at L 102.75 L ? and T eff 20,000 K. The adopted elemental abundances are 0.05 Z ?, 0.2 Z ?, 0.4 Z ?, Z ?, and 2 Z ?. The spectra cover the wavelength range from 900 to 3000 ? and have a resolution of 0.4 ?. We compared the theoretical spectra to data of individual hot stars in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds obtained with the International Ultraviolet Explorer and Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer satellites and found very good agreement. We built a library with the set of spectra and implemented it into the evolutionary synthesis code Starburst99 where it complements and extends the existing empirical library toward lower chemical abundances. Comparison of population synthesis models at solar and near-solar composition demonstrates consistency between synthetic spectra generated with either library. We discuss the potential of the new library for the interpretation of the rest-frame ultraviolet spectra of star-forming galaxies. Properties that can be addressed with the models include ages, initial mass function, and heavy-element abundance. The library can be obtained both individually or as part of the Starburst99 package.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
Andrea Pastorello; S. J. Smartt; M. T. Botticella; K. Maguire; M. Fraser; K. W. Smith; R. Kotak; L. Magill; S. Valenti; D. R. Young; S. Gezari; Fabio Bresolin; R.-P. Kudritzki; Dale Andrew Howell; Armin Rest; N. Metcalfe; Seppo Mattila; E. Kankare; Kuiyun Huang; Yuji Urata; W. S. Burgett; K. C. Chambers; T. Dombeck; H. Flewelling; T. Grav; J. N. Heasley; K. W. Hodapp; N. Kaiser; Gerard A. Luppino; Robert H. Lupton
Recent searches by unbiased, wide-field surveys have uncovered a group of extremely luminous optical transients. The initial discoveries of SN 2005ap by the Texas Supernova Search and SCP-06F6 in a deep Hubble pencil beam survey were followed by the Palomar Transient Factory confirmation of host redshifts for other similar transients. The transients share the common properties of high optical luminosities (peak magnitudes ~-21 to -23), blue colors, and a lack of H or He spectral features. The physical mechanism that produces the luminosity is uncertain, with suggestions ranging from jet-driven explosion to pulsational pair instability. Here, we report the most detailed photometric and spectral coverage of an ultra-bright transient (SN 2010gx) detected in the Pan-STARRS 1 sky survey. In common with other transients in this family, early-time spectra show a blue continuum and prominent broad absorption lines of O II. However, about 25 days after discovery, the spectra developed type Ic supernova features, showing the characteristic broad Fe II and Si II absorption lines. Detailed, post-maximum follow-up may show that all SN 2005ap and SCP-06F6 type transients are linked to supernovae Ic. This poses problems in understanding the physics of the explosions: there is no indication from late-time photometry that the luminosity is powered by 56Ni, the broad light curves suggest very large ejected masses, and the slow spectral evolution is quite different from typical Ic timescales. The nature of the progenitor stars and the origin of the luminosity are intriguing and open questions.
Nature | 2013
M. Nicholl; S. J. Smartt; A. Jerkstrand; C. Inserra; M. McCrum; R. Kotak; M. Fraser; D. Wright; Ting-Wan Chen; K. W. Smith; D. R. Young; S. A. Sim; S. Valenti; D. A. Howell; Fabio Bresolin; R.-P. Kudritzki; John L. Tonry; M. Huber; Armin Rest; Andrea Pastorello; L. Tomasella; Enrico Cappellaro; Stefano Benetti; Seppo Mattila; E. Kankare; T. Kangas; G. Leloudas; Jesper Sollerman; F. Taddia; Edo Berger
Super-luminous supernovae that radiate more than 1044 ergs per second at their peak luminosity have recently been discovered in faint galaxies at redshifts of 0.1–4. Some evolve slowly, resembling models of ‘pair-instability’ supernovae. Such models involve stars with original masses 140–260 times that of the Sun that now have carbon–oxygen cores of 65–130 solar masses. In these stars, the photons that prevent gravitational collapse are converted to electron–positron pairs, causing rapid contraction and thermonuclear explosions. Many solar masses of 56Ni are synthesized; this isotope decays to 56Fe via 56Co, powering bright light curves. Such massive progenitors are expected to have formed from metal-poor gas in the early Universe. Recently, supernova 2007bi in a galaxy at redshift 0.127 (about 12 billion years after the Big Bang) with a metallicity one-third that of the Sun was observed to look like a fading pair-instability supernova. Here we report observations of two slow-to-fade super-luminous supernovae that show relatively fast rise times and blue colours, which are incompatible with pair-instability models. Their late-time light-curve and spectral similarities to supernova 2007bi call the nature of that event into question. Our early spectra closely resemble typical fast-declining super-luminous supernovae, which are not powered by radioactivity. Modelling our observations with 10–16 solar masses of magnetar-energized ejecta demonstrates the possibility of a common explosion mechanism. The lack of unambiguous nearby pair-instability events suggests that their local rate of occurrence is less than 6 × 10−6 times that of the core-collapse rate.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
Philip Massey; J. Puls; Adalbert W. A. Pauldrach; Fabio Bresolin; R.-P. Kudritzki; Theodore Simon
In order to determine the physical properties of the hottest and most luminous stars and understand how these properties change as a function of metallicity, we have analyzed HST/UV and high-S/N optical spectra of an additional 20 Magellanic Cloud stars, doubling the sample presented in the first paper in this series. Our analysis uses non-LTE line-blanketed models that include spherical extension and the hydrodynamics of the stellar wind. In addition, our data set includes FUSE observations of O VI and HST near-UV He I and He II lines to test for consistency of our derived stellar properties for a few stars. The results from the complete sample are as follows: (1) We present an effective temperature scale for O stars as a function of metallicity. We find that the SMC O3-7 dwarfs are 4000 K hotter than Galactic stars of the same spectral type. The difference is in the sense expected due to the decreased significance of line blanketing and wind blanketing at the lower metallicities that characterize the SMC. The temperature difference between the SMC and Milky Way O dwarfs decreases with decreasing temperature, becoming negligible by spectral type B0, in accord with the decreased effects of stellar winds at lower temperatures and luminosities. The temperatures of the LMC stars appear to be intermediate between that of the Milky Way and SMC, as expected based on their metallicities. Supergiants show a similar effect but are roughly 3000-4000 K cooler than dwarfs for early O stars, also with a negligible difference by B0. The giants appear to have the same effective temperature scale as dwarfs, consistent with there being little difference in the surface gravities. When we compare our scale to other recent modeling efforts, we find good agreement with some CMFGEN results, while other CMFGEN studies are discordant, although there are few individual stars in common. WM-BASIC modeling by others has resulted in significantly cooler effective temperatures than what we find, as does the recent TLUSTY/CMFGEN study of stars in the NGC 346 cluster, but our results lead to a far more coeval placement of stars in the H-R diagram for this cluster. (2) We find that the wind momentum of these stars scales with luminosity and metallicity in the ways predicted by radiatively driven wind theory, supporting the use of photospheric analyses of hot luminous stars as a distance indicator for galaxies with resolved massive star populations. (3) A comparison of the spectroscopic masses with those derived from stellar evolutionary theory shows relatively good agreement for stars with effective temperatures below 45,000 K; however, stars with higher temperatures all show a significant mass discrepancy, with the spectroscopic masses a factor of 2 or more smaller than the evolutionary masses. This problem may in part be due to unrecognized binaries in our sample, but the result suggests a possible systematic problem with the surface gravities or stellar radii derived from our models. (4) Our sample contains a large number of stars of the earliest O types, including those of the newly proposed O2 subtype. We provide the first quantitative descriptions of their defining spectral characteristics and investigate whether the new types are a legitimate extension of the effective temperature sequence. We find that the N III/N IV emission line ratio used to define the new classes does not, by itself, serve as an effective temperature indicator within a given luminosity class: there are O3.5 V stars that are as hot or hotter than O2 V stars. However, the He I/He II ratio does not fair much better for stars this hot, as we find that He I λ4471/He II λ4542, usually taken primarily as a temperature indicator, becomes sensitive to both the mass-loss rate and surface gravities for the hottest stars. This emphasizes the need to rely on all of the spectroscopic diagnostic lines, and not simply N III/N IV or even He I/He II, for these extreme objects. (5) The two stars with the most discordant radial velocities in our sample happen to be O3 field stars, i.e., found far from the nearest OB associations. This provides the first compelling observational evidence as to the origin of the field O stars in the Magellanic Clouds, i.e., that these are classic runaway OB stars, ejected from their birthplaces.