Fabio Iglesias
University of Brasília
Featured researches published by Fabio Iglesias.
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2007
Fabio Iglesias; Hartmut Günther
Norms, justice, attribution and power: a revision and research agenda about waiting lines. Considering waiting lines as social systems, a short analysis of the nature and types of queues is presented. Four themes of social psychology are used to analyze behavior in waiting lines: (a) social norms and social influence, (b) distributive, procedural and interactional justice, (c) causal attribution, and (d) relations of power and status. Possible topics of research are pointed out in each of these themes, considering the theoretical and applied relevance of problems involving real waiting line situations.
Time & Society | 2016
Renan Benigno Saraiva; Fabio Iglesias
Social dilemmas typically require individuals to choose between a personal need and that of a group, often sacrificing one for the other. Many factors play a role in whether people choose to cooperate or to compete, but time constraint and other time-related variables might be decisive in this decision-making process. This study investigated the role of these time variables in individuals’ choice to cooperate or compete, specifically by evaluating time pressure and the individuals’ worldview of time (i.e. how they perceive and think about their present and future). Participants (n = 220) took part in 10 rounds of a social dilemma task (the chicken game), either in a condition with time pressure or a control condition. Participants also completed the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, and the Cooperative-Competitive Orientation Scale. As expected, rates of competition were higher in the experimental condition, where a 40-second timer was set after the fifth round of the dilemma. In fact, more competitive behavior was observed with each successive round in the time-pressure condition, with the last round consistently being the most competitive. Present and future components of the time perspective variable were positively correlated with competitive behavior, but only when under time pressure. No effect was found using the cooperation and competition attitudes measure. These results suggest that time pressure increases competitive behaviors, and that time perspective is related to competition only when there is an explicit time constraint in the decision process.
Psico | 2014
Fabio Iglesias; Lucas Soares Caldas; Luisa Alcântara Teixeira Rabelo
Although the search for solutions to environmental problems is typically associated with technology and largescale interventions, behavioral changes at the individual level directly contribute to sustainable consumption. This study investigated psychological barriers that people report for not behaving pro-environmentally in situations where they could easily do it. A measure based on 12 of 29 of the “dragons of inaction” in Gifford’s (2011) theoretical framework was translated, adapted and answered by 272 participants. Factor analyses suggested that the psychological barriers have a two-dimensional structure, involving: (1) denial of the problem; (2) conflicting priorities. The measure presented evidences of validity and reliability. Potential applications of these results in the promotion of sustainability are discussed, which can involve everyday actions such as household energy saving, the use of public transportation and proper waste disposal.
Psicologia & Sociedade | 2013
Fabio Iglesias; Lucas Soares Caldas; Stela Maria Santos de Lemos
Despite a strong debate on the ethics and effects of television advertising, little is known about how these phenomena operate among children as consumers. This research investigated the use of persuasive strategies in advertising to children, based on the psychosocial literature of social influence. An analysis of 182 television advertisements during commercial breaks aired two weeks before Childrens Day revealed defining the decision criterion, simmulating social consensus, storytelling, and social modelling as the most frequent tactics used by advertisers. Implications for creating inputs to education in childrens consumption in Brazil and the promotion of responsible consumption are discussed.
Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa | 2010
Ronaldo Pilati; Fabio Iglesias; Bárbara Requião de Lima; Carolina Vieira de Simone
Civility is a prosocial behavior regulated by tacit social norms. However, few studies have investigated the factors determining civility in urban contexts. The purpose of this paper was to test the influence of gender, pedestrian density, and social categorization on civility. Three field experiments simulated everyday social situations. Results showed an overall help frequency above 65%. Study 1 revealed that civility is influenced by the gender of the researcher and density of pedestrians. Studies 2 and 3 found no support for an endogroup favoritism hypothesis, as predicted by social identity theories. The theoretical and practical implications of theses findings for civility are discussed.
Psico | 2017
Ligia Abreu Gomes Cruz; Fabio Iglesias
***Pro-environmental communication: informational, behavioral and framing strategies in posters*** Posters designed to promote pro-environmental behavior are a popular, low-cost resource, though often based on common sense. The objective of this research was to develop a categorization system to identify persuasive characteristics in pro-environmental posters, with a mixed methods approach. Based on a public sample and data saturation, 75 pieces of Brazilian advertising were selected, by mainly identifying: persuasive strategies; type of emphasis regarding the impacts of environmental problems; type of recommended behavior. Results revealed that the majority of posters emphasized consequences towards nature, operationalized behaviors, showed information or used positive framing. Qui-square tests showed that positive framing was associated with indication of behavior and emphasis on nature. The opposite occurred with negative framing. Efficacy limitations in pro-environmental posters are discussed, along with the advantages of using categorization systems (such as the one developed) to guide research and intervention, are advocated.
Psicologia-reflexao E Critica | 2015
Renan Benigno Saraiva; Camila Gastal; Gabriela Campelo; Fabio Iglesias
Each individual has a repertoire of strategies for dealing with time, differentiating themselves in terms of levels of urgency when performing tasks and the number of appointments they are committed to. A few instruments have been developed to access these individual differences concerning time, notably the Time Urgency and Perpetual Activation Scale (TUPA), which measures levels of time urgency and perceptual activation. This paper describes a translated and adapted TUPA for the Brazilian context, and proposes its short-version. The translated scale was submitted as part of an online survey to 395 participants (71.4% female), ranging in age from 17 to 64 years (M = 25.36, SD = 8.65). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses suggested a new bifactorial solution with good psychometric properties, involving a time urgency dimension and another related to occupations, named Time Urgency and Constant Ocupation Scale (UTOC). The UTOC showed good evidence of construct validity, as well as appropriate levels of convergent validity with robust measures of anxiety and stress.
Psico-USF | 2015
Renan Benigno Saraiva; Fabio Iglesias; Gabriel Fontenelle Micas; Clara Pires Nunes Araújo; Clara Correa Lima; Marcela de Vasconcelos Costa
Este estudo investigou como informacoes falsas fornecidas a testemunhas oculares podem afetar a fidedignidade de seus relatos. Os participantes foram divididos em duas condicoes experimentais. Todos assistiram ao video de um crime e responderam a um questionario sobre informacoes nele descritas. Em uma condicao, os participantes preencheram o questionario individualmente e, em seguida, discutiram suas respostas com um confederado, que fornecia informacoes falsas ao participante. Apos discutirem tais informacoes, os participantes eram requisitados a fazer um novo relato. Em outra condicao, os participantes realizaram todo o procedimento individualmente, sem receberem informacoes falsas. O numero de erros na presenca do confederado foi maior quando comparado com a condicao sem o confederado. Sao discutidos possiveis fatores que envolvem a distorcao da memoria por meio de conformidade, assim como implicacoes praticas dos resultados encontrados.
Psico-USF | 2015
Renan Benigno Saraiva; Fabio Iglesias; Gabriel Fontenelle Micas; Clara Pires Nunes Araújo; Clara Correa Lima; Marcela de Vasconcelos Costa
Este estudo investigou como informacoes falsas fornecidas a testemunhas oculares podem afetar a fidedignidade de seus relatos. Os participantes foram divididos em duas condicoes experimentais. Todos assistiram ao video de um crime e responderam a um questionario sobre informacoes nele descritas. Em uma condicao, os participantes preencheram o questionario individualmente e, em seguida, discutiram suas respostas com um confederado, que fornecia informacoes falsas ao participante. Apos discutirem tais informacoes, os participantes eram requisitados a fazer um novo relato. Em outra condicao, os participantes realizaram todo o procedimento individualmente, sem receberem informacoes falsas. O numero de erros na presenca do confederado foi maior quando comparado com a condicao sem o confederado. Sao discutidos possiveis fatores que envolvem a distorcao da memoria por meio de conformidade, assim como implicacoes praticas dos resultados encontrados.
Psico-USF | 2015
Renan Benigno Saraiva; Fabio Iglesias; Gabriel Fontenelle Micas; Clara Pires Nunes Araújo; Clara Correa Lima; Marcela de Vasconcelos Costa
Este estudo investigou como informacoes falsas fornecidas a testemunhas oculares podem afetar a fidedignidade de seus relatos. Os participantes foram divididos em duas condicoes experimentais. Todos assistiram ao video de um crime e responderam a um questionario sobre informacoes nele descritas. Em uma condicao, os participantes preencheram o questionario individualmente e, em seguida, discutiram suas respostas com um confederado, que fornecia informacoes falsas ao participante. Apos discutirem tais informacoes, os participantes eram requisitados a fazer um novo relato. Em outra condicao, os participantes realizaram todo o procedimento individualmente, sem receberem informacoes falsas. O numero de erros na presenca do confederado foi maior quando comparado com a condicao sem o confederado. Sao discutidos possiveis fatores que envolvem a distorcao da memoria por meio de conformidade, assim como implicacoes praticas dos resultados encontrados.