Fabrizio Lirer
National Research Council
Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia | 2008
A. Di Stefano; Luca Maria Foresi; Fabrizio Lirer; Silvia Maria Iaccarino; Elena Turco; F.O. Amore; Roberto Mazzei; S. Morabito; Gianfranco Salvatorini; Hayfaa Abdul Aziz
High-resolution quantitative and qualitative analyses of the planktonic foraminifer and calcareous nannofossil content have been carried out on three Middle Miocene sections, from the Mediterranean area. Such sections (Cretaccio section, Tremiti Islands, Southern Italy; Moria section, Marche Region, Central Italy; DSDP Site, 372 succession, Balearic Basin), all well known in the literature, have been chosen because of their high-quality biostratigraphic potential. Remarkable magnetostratigraphic data were provided by the Site 372 succession where all chrons and subchrons of the interval C5Br-C5AAn have been recognised. The investigated interval falls between the First Occurrence (FO) of Praeorbulina glomerosa sicana and the Last Occurrences (LO) of Sphenolithus heteromorphus and Globorotalia peripheroronda. The LO of S. heteromorphus was detected in the uppermost part of the investigated sequence of Site 372 at the same stratigraphic level as the G. peripheroronda LO. A drastic decrease in abundance of S. heteromorphus (Last Common Occurrence -LCO) was detected slightly below its last occurrence; this event is well correlatable with the same event astronomically calibrated at Ras-il Pellegrin section (Malta Island), which has been recently ratified as the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Serravallian by the International Union of Geological Sciences. The stratigraphic correlation of the studied sections is based on first and last occurrences, abundance fluctuations of selected taxa and additional biohorizons. In particular the peculiar distribution pattern of some taxa, e.g. Paragloborotalia siakensis and Helicosphaera waltrans, offered the opportunity to increase the biostratigraphic resolution of the Langhian interval. The resulting integrated calcareous plankton bio-magnetostratigraphic scheme represents the downward extension of that one previously established for the Serravallian - Tortonian interval. The biostratigraphic correlation of the studied sections with the Langhian historical Stratotype pointed out its low degree of reliability. On the other hand, none of the sections here studied is suitable to be proposed as candidate for defining the Langhian GSSP. Thus the problem of finding, in the Mediterranean area, a valid section which could yield a new GSSP for the Langhian Stage is still open.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2008
Rodolfo Coccioni; Andrea Marsili; Alessandro Montanari; Adriana Bellanca; Rodolfo Neri; David M. Bice; Henk Brinkhuis; Nathan Church; Alison Macalady; Aaron McDaniel; Alain Deino; Fabrizio Lirer; Mario Sprovieri; Patrizia Maiorano; Simonetta Monechi; Claudio Nini; Marisa Nocchi; Jörg Pross; Pierre Rochette; Leonardo Sagnotti; Fabio Tateo; Yannick Touchard; Stefaan Van Simaeys; Graham L. Williams
The Oligocene represents an important time period from a wide range of perspectives and includes significant climatic and eustatic variations. The pelagic succession of the Umbria-Marche Apennines (central Italy) includes a complete and continuous sequence of marly limestones and marls, with volcaniclastic layers that enable us to construct an integrated stratigraphic framework for this time period. We present here a synthesis of detailed biostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic, and chemostratigraphic studies, along with geochronologic results from several biotite-rich volcaniclastic layers, which provide the means for an accurate and precise radiometric calibration of the Oligocene time scale. From this study, the interpolated ages for the Rupelian/Chattian stage boundary, located in the upper half of Chron 10n at meter level 188 in the Monte Cagnero section, and corresponding to the O4/O5 planktonic foraminiferal zonal boundary, are 28.36 Ma (paleomagnetic interpolation), 28.27 ± 0.1 Ma (direct radioisotopic dating), and 27.99 Ma (astrochronological interpolation). These ages appear to be slightly younger than those reported in recent chronostratigraphic time scale compilations. The Monte Cagnero section is a potential candidate for defining the Chattian Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) and some reliable criteria are here proposed for marking the Rupelian/Chattian boundary according to International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) recommendations.
Rivista Italiana Di Paleontologia E Stratigrafia | 2002
Fabrizio Lirer; Antonio Caruso; Luca Maria Foresi; Mario Sprovieri; Sergio Bonomo; Agata Di Stefano; Enrico Di Stefano; Silvia Maria Iaccarino; Gianfranco Salvatorini; Rodolfo Sprovieri; Salvatore Mazzola
A high resolution cyclostratigraphic study was carried out on a cyclicaly bedded succession of late Middle Miocene deep marine deposits from the Tremiti Islands, Adriatic sea (Italy). Astronomical calibration of the sedimentary cycles provides absolute ages for different calcareous plankton bioevents, widely used for intra Mediterranean correlation, in the interval between 11.12 and 12.60 Ma. The sedimentary record of the S. nicola composite section consists of an alternation of indurated, withish coloured, CaCo3 rich and grey less indurated, CaCo3 poor marly beds, at times replaced by red coloured CaCo3 poor marls. Results of direct correlation between the La 90 (1,1) solution of the insolation curve and the cyclic lithologic patterns occurring in the studied sections, combined with results of spectral methodologies applied on the climate sensitive data (CaCo3 and Globigerinoides ) showed that the classic Milankovitch periodicity can be represented through the modulation forcing of the studied sedimentary records.
Paleoceanography | 2014
Maria Marino; Patrizia Maiorano; Francesca Tarantino; Antje H L Voelker; Lucilla Capotondi; Angela Girone; Fabrizio Lirer; José-Abel Flores; B. David A. Naafs
Quantitative coccolithophore analyses were performed in core MD01-2446, located in the midlatitude North Atlantic, to reconstruct climatically induced sea surface water conditions throughout Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 14–9. The data are compared to new and available paleoenvironmental proxies from the same site as well as other nearby North Atlantic records that support the coccolithophore signature at glacial-interglacial to millennial climate scale. Total coccolithophore absolute abundance increases during interglacials but abruptly drops during the colder glacial phases and deglaciations. Coccolithophore warm water taxa (wwt) indicate that MIS11c and MIS9e experienced warmer and more stable conditions throughout the whole photic zone compared to MIS13. MIS11 was a long-lasting warmer and stable interglacial characterized by a climate optimum during MIS11c when a more prominent influence of the subtropical front at the site is inferred. The wwt pattern also suggests distinct interstadial and stadial events lasting about 4–10 kyr. The glacial increases of Gephyrocapsa margereli-G. muellerae 3–4 µm along with higher values of Corg, additionally supported by the total alkenone abundance at Site U1313, indicate more productive surface waters, likely reflecting the migration of the polar front into the midlatitude North Atlantic. Distinctive peaks of G. margereli-muellerae (>4 µm), C. pelagicus pelagicus, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma left coiling, and reworked nannofossils, combined with minima in total nannofossil accumulation rate, are tracers of Heinrich-type events during MIS12 and MIS10. Additional Heinrich-type events are suggested during MIS12 and MIS14 based on biotic proxies, and we discuss possible iceberg sources at these times. Our results improve the understanding of mid-Brunhes paleoclimate and the impact on phytoplankton diversity in the midlatitude North Atlantic region.
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (Research In Paleontology and Stratigraphy) | 2002
Luca Maria Foresi; Sergio Bonomo; Antonio Caruso; Agata Di Stefano; Enrico Di Stefano; Silvia Maria Iaccarino; Fabrizio Lirer; Roberto Mazzei; Gianfranco Salvatorini; Rodolfo Sprovieri
The planktonic foraminifer and calcareous nannofossil content of two Middle Miocene sections of the Tremiti Islands (Southern Adriatic Sea) have been studied. The two sections are composed of marly limestones rich in calcareous plankton which show cyclic alternations of indurated (higher carbonate content) whitish and less indurated grey or reddish beds. The two sections represent a succession with a total thickness of 38 m. Samples have been collected at a mean spacing of 10-15 cm; qualitative analyses were performed on one sample per meter but quantitative analyses were made for each sample. The abundance fluctuations of several marker species proved to be a very useful tool to correlate the two sections. The astronomical calibration of the sedimentary cycles provided absolute ages for all the recognised calcareous plankton bioevents.
Integrative Zoology | 2014
Fabrizio Lirer; Mario Sprovieri; Mattia Vallefuoco; Luciana Ferraro; Nicola Pelosi; Laura Giordano; Lucilla Capotondi
A high-resolution integrated study has been performed in a super-expanded marine record (sedimentation rate spanning from 11 cm/100 years to 20 cm/100 years) from the continental shelf area of the southeastern Tyrrhenian Sea. Planktonic foraminiferal distribution illustrates 6 major environmental changes during the past 2000 years: (i) the Roman Period-Dark Age transition (from herbivorous-opportunistic to carnivorous species); (ii) the Dark Age-MCA transition (from carnivorous to herbivorous-opportunistic species); (iii) the Medieval Classic Anomaly-Little Ice Age transition (a further and definitive change from carnivorous to herbivorous-opportunistic species); (iv) the period during the Maunder event between approximately 1720 AD and 1740 AD (turnover from the carnivorous planktonic foraminifer Globigerinodes ruber to the herbivorous-opportunistic planktonic foraminifer Turborotalita quinqueloba); (v) the Industrial Period (dominance of herbivorous-opportunistic planktonic foraminifera); and (vi) the Modern Warm Period at approximately 1940 AD (the last turnover in favor of herbivorous-opportunistic planktonic foraminifers, associated with an increase in benthic foraminifera). Our studies lead us to link this latter feature to an anthropogenic impact associated with the damming of Sele River (Salerno Gulf) at 1934 AD, which induced a change in the sediment input with a strong decrease in coarse-grained fraction and a probable alteration in nutrient supply. The δ(18) OG. ruber record of the past 2000 years shows the alternation of warm/wet and cold/dry events related to the Roman Period, the Dark Age, the Medieval Classic Anomaly, the Little Ice Age, the Industrial Period and the Modern Warm Period. The 5 evident δ(18) OG. ruber oscillations (between approximately 1325 AD and 1940 AD) coincide with the 5 minima in the solar activity record (Wolf, Spörer, Maunder, Dalton and Damon events).
Journal of Sensors | 2016
Michele Punzo; Chiara Lanciano; Daniela Tarallo; Francesco Bianco; Giuseppe Cavuoto; Rosanna De Rosa; Vincenzo Di Fiore; Giuseppe Cianflone; Rocco Dominici; Michele Iavarone; Fabrizio Lirer; Nicola Pelosi; Laura Giordano; Giovanni Ludeno; Antonio Natale; Ennio Marsella
Sea state knowledge has a key role in evaluation of coastal erosion, the assessment of vulnerability and potential in coastal zone utilization, and development of numerical models to predict its evolution. X-band radar measurements were conducted to observe the spatial and temporal variation of the sea-state parameters along a 3 km long sandy-gravelly pocket beaches forming a littoral cell on Bagnara Calabra. We produced a sequence of 1000 images of the sea state extending offshore up to 1 mile. The survey has allowed monitoring the coastline, the directional wave spectra, the sea surface current fields, and the significant wave heights and detecting strong rip currents which cause scours around the open inlets and affect the stability of the submerged reef-type breakwaters. The possibility to validate the data acquired with other datasets (e.g., LaMMA Consortium) demonstrates the potential of the X-band radar technology as a monitoring tool to advance the understanding of the linkages between sea conditions, nearshore sediment dynamics, and coastal change. This work proves the possibility to obtain relevant information (e.g., wave number, period, and direction) for evaluation of local erosion phenomena and of morphological changes in the nearshore and surf zone.
Rend. Fis. Acc. Lincei | 2013
Laura Giordano; Ines Alberico; Luciana Ferraro; Ennio Marsella; Fabrizio Lirer; Vincenzo Di Fiore
To support the implementation of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) plans, a quantitative methodology was assessed, fitting for both the National and Regional scale. According to the indicators proposed by the Deduce Consortium (Indicators guideline: to adopt and indicator-based approach to evaluate coastal sustainable development. Department of the Environment and Housing, Government of Catalonia, Barcelona, 2007), we propose a procedure to define monothematic and synthetic indexes useful in explaining the territory status. To achieve this goal, we used a methodology implemented in a geographic information systems (GIS) framework which had allowed us to draw these indexes into maps, making them valuable tools to inform the stakeholders about the weaknesses and strengths of the coastal areas, to involve them in the ICZM implementation process according to a bottom-up approach. We present here an application of this methodology to the inland sectors of the Sele coastal plain (Tyrrhenian coast, Southern Italy), which is affected by natural hazards and territorial fragmentation. Moreover, this plain is characterized also by large untouched areas to be preserved. We illustrate for the above area, the importance of GIS to manage and integrate large amounts of numerical data, produced by several projects, realized in the past decade in the framework of the environmental management. For this purpose, monothematic and synthetic index maps have been drawn to transfer the appropriate knowledge of the territory status to stakeholders.
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (Research In Paleontology and Stratigraphy) | 2012
Antonio Cascella; Fabrizio Lirer; Massimo Cesarano; Emilio Casciello; Gerardo Pappone
The present paper deals with the stratigraphic and biostratigraphic study of the middle-late Miocene thrust-top basin deposits of the San Bartolomeo Flysch, exposed north of Matese mountains and analysed during the geological survey of the sheet N° 405 Campobasso of the new Geological Map of Italy, 1:50.000 scale. The integrated study of calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifera, based on the semi-quantitative distribution range of index species, revealed the presence of age-diagnostic assemblages which are comparable with those of different middle-late Miocene deep-marine sedimentary settings of the Mediterranean Basin. The biostratigraphic dataset suggests an early Serravallian – early middle Tortonian age. In terms of calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, the studied succession falls between the Last Occurrences of Sphenolithus heteromorphus and the First Occurrence of Discoaster bellus gr., corresponding to the MNN6 – MNN8 zone interval. In terms of planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy the studied sediments fall between the Last Occurrence of Globorotalia peripheroronda and the First Regular Occurrence of Neogloboquadrina acostaensis , corresponding to the MM6 p.p. - MMi10 p.p. zone interval. This study documents the applicability of the recent Mediterranean middle –late Miocene biozonations for the biostratigraphic study of siliciclastic synorogenic sediments, and challenges the most recent studies that dated the San Bartolomeo Flysch to the late Tortonian- early Messinian.
Scientific Reports | 2018
Federico Di Rita; William J. Fletcher; Josu Aranbarri; Giulia Margaritelli; Fabrizio Lirer; Donatella Magri
It is well-known that the Holocene exhibits a millennial-scale climate variability. However, its periodicity, spatio-temporal patterns and underlying processes are not fully deciphered yet. Here we focus on the central and western Mediterranean. We show that recurrent forest declines from the Gulf of Gaeta (central Tyrrhenian Sea) reveal a 1860-yr periodicity, consistent with a ca. 1800-yr climate fluctuation induced by large-scale changes in climate modes, linked to solar activity and/or AMOC intensity. We show that recurrent forest declines and dry events are also recorded in several pollen and palaeohydrological proxy-records in the south-central Mediterranean. We found coeval events also in several palaeohydrological records from the south-western Mediterranean, which however show generally wet climate conditions, indicating a spatio-temporal hydrological pattern opposite to the south-central Mediterranean and suggesting that different expressions of climate modes occurred in the two regions at the same time. We propose that these opposite hydroclimate regimes point to a complex interplay of the prevailing or predominant phases of NAO-like circulation, East Atlantic pattern, and extension and location of the North African anticyclone. At a larger geographical scale, displacements of the ITCZ, modulated by solar activity and/or AMOC intensity, may have also indirectly influenced the observed pattern.