Fatih M. Kiziloglu
Atatürk University
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Featured researches published by Fatih M. Kiziloglu.
Irrigation Science | 2009
Fatih M. Kiziloglu; Ustun Sahin; Yasemin Kuslu; Talip Tunc
A field study was conducted to determine effects of seasonal deficit irrigation on plant cob, leaf, stem and total fresh yield, plant height and water use efficiency (WUE) of silage maize for a 2-year period in the semiarid region. In addition, the crop and pan coefficients kc and kp of silage maize were determined in full irrigation conditions. Irrigations were applied when approximately 50% of the usable soil moisture was consumed in the effective rooting depth at the full irrigation treatment. In deficit irrigation treatments, irrigations were applied at the rates of 80, 60, 40, 20 and 0% of full irrigation treatment on the same day. Irrigation water was applied by hose-drawn traveler with a line of sprinklers. Increasing water deficits resulted in a relatively lower cob, leaf, stem and total fresh yields. The linear relationship between evapotranspiration and total fresh yield were obtained. Similarly, WUE was the highest in full irrigation conditions and the lowest in continuous stress conditions. According to the averaged values of 2xa0years, yield response factor (ky) was 1.51 for silage maize. When combined values of 2xa0years, seasonal pan coefficient (kp) and seasonal crop coefficient (kc) were determined as 0.84 and as 1.01 for silage maize, respectively.
Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research | 2014
Ustun Sahin; Selda Ors; Fatih M. Kiziloglu; Yasemin Kuslu
Effective water use should be investigated in terms of sustainable production strategy in arid and semi-arid regions. A 2 yr field study was conducted in order to investigate the effects of full root-zone wetting (FI) and partial root-zone drying (PRD) irrigation techniques with 4 and 8-d (I2) irrigation intervals and three different irrigation levels (W1, W2, W3) adjusted according to Class A pan evaporation on root, leaf, and sugar yields and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Three different plant-pan coefficients (0.70, 0.60, and 0.50) were used for adjusting the three different irrigation levels. The irrigation techniques and levels affected yields significantly. Seasonal meanly irrigation quantities were 280.4 mm in FI treatments and 162.4 mm in PRD treatments. While mean root yield of 33.80 t ha-1 is obtained in FI treatments, it was 26.43 t ha-1 in PRD treatments. Similarly, mean white sugar yield (WSY) for FI treatments (5 t ha-1) was higher than PRD treatments (3.81 t ha-1). There were significant polynomial relationships between irrigation quantities and root yield or WSY in both FI and PRD treatment. PRD technique increased by 34.9% IWUE compared to FI. Although the highest root yield was determined in FI-I1W1 sub treatment as 37.57 t ha-1, the highest IWUE was determined in PRD-I1W3 sub treatment as 173.9 kg ha-1 mm-1 since it has the lowest irrigation water amount as 140.6 mm. However, among PRD treatments for more root yield and for more white sugar yield, I1W1 and I1W2 sub treatments were the best.
Journal of Integrative Agriculture | 2014
Yasemin Kuslu; Ustun Sahin; Fatih M. Kiziloglu; Selcuk Memis
Fruit yield, yield components, fruit mineral content, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of summer squash responses to different irrigation quantities were evaluated with a field study. Irrigations were done when the total evaporated water from a Class A pan was about 30 mm. Different irrigation quantities were adjusted using three different plant-pan coefficients (Kcp, 100% (Kcp1), 85% (Kcp2) and 70% (Kcp3)). Results indicated that lower irrigation quantities provided statistically lower yield and yield components. The highest seasonal fruit yield (80.0 t ha−1) was determined in the Kcp1 treatment, which applied the highest volume of irrigation water (452.9 mm). The highest early fruit yield, average fruit weight and fruit diameter, length and number per plant were also determined in the Kcp1 treatment, with values of 7.25 t ha−1, 264.1 g, 5.49 cm, 19.95 cm and 10.92, respectively. Although the IWUE value was the highest in the Kcp1 treatment (176.6 kg ha−1 mm−1), it was statistically similar to the value for Kcp3 treatment (157.1 kg ha−1 mm−1). Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of fruits was higher in the Kcp1 (44.27 μg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) mg−1 fresh sample) and in the Kcp2 (84.75%) treatments, respectively. Major (Na, N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) and trace (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and B) mineral contents of squash fruits were the highest in the Kcp2 treatment, with the exception of P, Ca and Cu. Mineral contents and total phenolic content were significantly affected by irrigation quantities, but antioxidant activity was not affected. It can be concluded that the Kcp1 treatment was the most suitable for achieving higher yield and IWUE. However, the Kcp2 treatment will be the most suitable due to the high fruit quality and relatively high yield in water shortage conditions.
Agricultural Sciences in China | 2009
Ustun Sahin; Yasemin Kuslu; Talip Tunc; Fatih M. Kiziloglu
Abstract The aim of this study was to estimate the evapotranspiration of cauliflower and red cabbage crops grown under cool season semiarid climatic conditions from Class A pan evaporation. Actual evapotranspiration ( ET c ) of cauliflower and red cabbage crops was calculated according to the water balance approach. Reference evapotranspiration ( ET o ) was calculated with FAO Penman-Monteith equation. Pan evaporation ( E pan ) was measured by using Class A pan. Seasonal ET c was determined as 475 mm for cauliflower and 556 mm for red cabbage. Seasonal pan coefficient ( k p = ET o / E pan ) was determined as 0.82, and the seasonal crop coefficient ( k c = ET c / ET o ) was determined as 0.84 for cauliflower and 0.83 for red cabbage. So the evapotranspiration of cauliflower and red cabbage crops was estimated as 70% Class A pan evaporation.
Turkish Journal of Agriculture: Food Science and Technology | 2018
Fatih M. Kiziloglu; Üstün Şahin; Serap Diler; Semih Öztaşkın
Bu calisma, Devlet Su Isleri Mudurlugu tarafindan insasi tamamlanarak sulamaya acilan ve Daphan Sulama Dernegine devredilen Daphan Ovasi birinci ve ikinci etap sulama projeleri alanlarinin 2012-2016 yillari arasinda sulama sistemi performansinin degerlendirilmesi amaciyla yurutulmustur. Arastirma sonucunda yillik net su temin oraninin sulu kosullarda bitkisel uretim yapilan alan icin 7,10 ile 9,90 arasinda oldugu, sulamaya acilmis toplam alanda da yillik olarak 2,19 ile 2,60 arasinda degistigi belirlenmistir. Sulamaya acilmis toplam alan icin su temin oranlari 0,93 ile 1,10 arasinda olup sulu kosullarda uretim yapilan alanda 3,20 ile 4,20 araliginda degismistir. Surdurulebilir sulama alani orani %24,53 ile %33,15 arasinda gerceklesmis, uretim degeri orani da %19,34 ile %26,13 arasinda belirlenmistir. Karlilik orani 4,30 ile 9,28 arasinda iken mali etkinlik orani %17,69 ile %46,82 arasinda, mali yeterlilik orani %106 ile %145 arasinda gerceklesirken tahsilât orani %20,66 ile %34,37 arasinda kalmistir.
Journal of Central European Agriculture | 2016
Yasemin Kuslu; Ustun Sahin; Fatih M. Kiziloglu; Memnune Sengul
The effect of different irrigation quantities on the growth, marketable yield, crop quality (antioxidant activity, mineral and total phenolic content) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of spinach grown in a semi-arid region of high altitude (1795 m a.s.l.) was determined. Plants were irrigated with three different irrigation quantities which determined considering 100 (I1), 85 (I2) and 70% (I3) of the evaporation obtained from a Class A pan. Irrigation quantities in the I1, I2 and I3 treatments as two years average were 290, 264.3 and 238.6 mm, respectively. The I1 treatment provided the highest growth, marketable yield (28.06 t*ha-1) and IWUE (9.7 kg*m-3). However, mineral and total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in the leaves of spinach were significantly higher under lower water application conditions. The I2 treatment resulted with the highest antioxidant activity and content of N, K, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu and total phenolics. As a result of the study, I1 treatment in spinach production could be suitable for water sufficient regions due to higher yield and IWUE. However, I2 treatment may be more appropriate for water scarce semi-arid regions of high altitude for obtaining higher minerals and antioxidant activity.
International Sugar Journal | 2006
Fatih M. Kiziloglu; Ustun Sahin; Ilker Angin; Omer Anapali
Hortscience | 2015
Ustun Sahin; Melek Ekinci; Fatih M. Kiziloglu; Ertan Yildirim; Metin Turan; Recep Kotan; Selda Ors
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research | 2008
Yasemin Kuslu; Atilla Dursun; Ustun Sahin; Fatih M. Kiziloglu; Metin Turan
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi | 2010
Fatih M. Kiziloglu; Yasemin Kuslu; Üstün Şahin; Serap Diler