
Practical radiation oncology | 2012

Radiation recall reaction with anastrozole treatment in breast cancer

Ayfer Haydaroglu; Fatma Sert; Ali Can Kazandi; İdil Ünal

Our case is a 68-year-old postmenopausal female patient with suspicion of cancer in the right breast. Cancer was detected by mammography. Partial mastectomy and axillary dissection (in physical examination she had palpable lymph nodes in right axillary) were performed in February 2010. Pathologic staging of the patient was pT2N0M0. Diagnosis was invasive ductal carcinoma, with the tumor 4.5 cm in size, located in the lower inner quadrant; cellular grade, 3; nuclear grade, 2; modified Bloom and Richardson grade, 2. None of the 24 axillary nodes displayed metastatic involvement. Surgical margin was 1 cm. In immunohistochemical analysis, it was reported that estrogen receptor was 20% (+2), progesterone receptor 40% (+3), p53 10%, c-erb B2 (-), and Ki 67 30%. Chemotherapy was not considered due to the patients comorbidities (heart failure, diabetes mellitus) but radiotherapy, and afterward hormonal therapy regimens, were

Tumori | 2017

Evaluation of unusual and highly aggressive variant of endometrium cancer: nonendometrioid endometrium carcinoma of the uterus.

Fatma Sert; Ugur Yılmaz; Senem Demirci Alanyalı; Arif Aras; Zeynep Özsaran

Aims To evaluate the survival and treatment outcomes of patients with nonendometrioid endometrium carcinoma after postoperative radiotherapy. Methods The records of 94 patients treated with postoperative radiotherapy (RT) between January 2005 and December 2011 were retrospectively reviewed. Postoperative RT was delivered with a dose of 45-50.4 Gy with 1.8 Gy daily fractions and brachytherapy was added to external RT for 62 patients with a dose of 3 × 6 Gy. Median follow-up time was 35 months (range 6-95 months). Results Median age was 63 years (range 43-83 years) and lymph node metastasis (LNM) was positive in 15 (16.0%) patients. The stage distribution of the patients was as follows: stage I, 58 (61.7%); stage II, 16 (17.0%); stage III, 18 (19.1%); stage IV, 2 (2.2%). Five-year locoregional control (LRC), disease-free survival (DFS), and overall survival (OS) rates were 92.3%, 68.2%, and 78.6%, respectively. In univariable analysis, it was determined that the factors affecting OS rates were stage (p = 0.003), presence of LNM (p = 0.003), and presence of lymphovascular space invasion (LVSI) (p = 0.007); factors affecting DFS rates were stage (p = 0.019), presence of LVSI (p = 0.002), and having LNM (p = 0.049); and the factor affecting LRC rates was tumor size (>5 cm) (p = 0.011). In subgroup analyses, among all stage I patients, the DFS rates were lower for those with histologic grade 3 tumors and more than ½ myometrial invasion. Conclusions Due to its rarity, the prognostic factors and outcomes of nonendometioid endometrium carcinoma are not fully understood. In our analysis, stage, LNM, and presence of LVSI were found to be the most important prognostic factors. In order to tailor the optimal treatment strategy, prospective studies are needed.

International Blood Research & Reviews | 2015

Palliative Radiotherapy for Spinal Extramedullary Hematopoiesis in Thalassemia Major

Feryal Karaca; Cigdem Usul Afsar; Fatma Sert; SebnemIzmir Guner; Vehbi Erçolak; Erkut Erku; Candas Tunal

Introduction: Non - hepatosplenic Extramedullary Hematopoiesis (NHEMH) is seen as a compensation mechanism in the patients with hematologic dysfunction. Thalassemia is an autosomal recessive hematologic disorder. The tissue involvement is seen very rarely in thalasemia major. Case: A 45 - years old patien t diagnosed with thalassemia major was presented in this case report. The patient had splenectomy after 12 years from diagnosis and he was followed with continuous blood transfusions. Due to the newly emerged chest pain and dyspnea, he was evaluated with c omputed tomography. The operation was done for paraspinal masses caused by NHEMH. But same complaints were seen after 5 years from the operation. Paraspinal and sacral recurrences Mini - r eview Article

Wspolczesna Onkologia-Contemporary Oncology | 2014

Adverse effects of endocrine therapy in breast cancer: single institute experience

Fatma Sert; Zeynep Özsaran; Erhan Esen; Senem Demirci Alanyalı; Ismail Sert; Ayfer Haydaoglu; Arif Aras

Aim of the study The main purpose of this study is to assess the known adverse effects of adjuvant endocrine therapy for non-metastatic breast cancer patients and to present our single center experience with light of literature. Material and methods The breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant radiotherapy in Medical School of Ege University between January 2007 and December 2009 were evaluated for this trial after obtaining their acceptance. Vital findings, bone mineral densitometry, endometrium thickness measured with trans-vaginal ultrasonography, biochemical results including liver function tests and blood lipid profile (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL, triglyceride) were recorded for each controls. Socio-demographic data, financial statuses, medical history, co-morbid diseases were obtained from first controls. Patients were followed without any local recurrence and distant metastases until June 2011. Results Endometrium thickness was not seen in AI using patients. As compared with tamoxifen group, lack of thickness in AI group was statistically significant (p = 0.000). When compared the values before AI, the number of patients who had osteoporosis was gradually increasing. The decrease was seen in the number of patients with osteopenia. The number of patients with normal lipid profile was gradually increasing up to the second evaluation for tamoxifen group (p = 0.000). On the other hand, the number of patients with hyperlipidemia was increasing for AIs group in follow-up period statistically (p = 0.006). Conclusions With the aid of careful patient follow and effective disease management strategies, the negative effect over the QoL can be minimized and also the greatest benefit from endocrine therapy can be obtained.

Asian Journal of Surgery | 2017

Oncoplastic reduction mammoplasty for breast cancer in women with macromastia: Oncological long-term outcomes

Mustafa Emiroglu; Semra Salimoglu; Cem Karaali; Ismail Sert; Osman Gungor; Fatma Sert; Cengiz Aydin

Journal of Breast Cancer | 2013

Quality of life assessment in women with breast cancer: a prospective study including hormonal therapy.

Fatma Sert; Zeynep Özsaran; Erhan Eser; Senem Demirci Alanyalı; Ayfer Haydaroglu; Arif Aras

The Journal of Breast Health | 2013


Fatma Sert; Zeynep Özsaran; Erhan Eser; Senem Demirci Alanyalı; Ayfer Haydaroglu; Arif Aras

Türk Jinekolojik Onkoloji Dergisi | 2018


Fatma Sert; Senem Demirci Alanyalı; Arif Aras; Zeynep Özsaran

Ege Tıp Dergisi | 2018

Lokal ileri evre serviks kanserlerinde yoğunluk ayarlı radyoterapi ve volumetrik ayarlı ark tedavinin dozimetrik karşılaştırılması

Berna Nalbant; Fatma Sert; Emin Tavlayan; Nezahat Olacak; Zeynep Özsaran

Journal of Thoracic Oncology | 2017

P2.05-011 The Current Status of Radiotherapy in the Definitive Treatment of Lung Cancer in a Developing Country: Turkey: Topic: Clinical Outcome

Deniz Yalman; Murat Koylu; Fatma Sert; Hale B. Caglar

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